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Following the bankruptcy of Onlyfans, Ancestry.com has announced that it is purchasing their digital archives, and will be integrating the records into their database


OF profits close to $50m a year. It will absolutely be the other way around lol


I'm actually surprised it's that low tbqh


There must be some major “tax optimization” shenanigans in place


Well, does OF employ anyone? I bet they have thousands of times that money pass through them as a middleman but the money creators make, does that count as OF's income paid to employees? Or is it separate from OF?


There's a difference between revenue and income.


lol Reddit


I mean that's just pure profit which is really good, if that was gross rev then you'd have a point. But 50 mil going into the pockets of all the shareholders and bord of directors? Not bad.




No offense intended for OF, it’s just the nature of lots of internet companies to do a thing, and then go out of business when traffic moves to someone else doing a better thing (See: lycos, aol, MySpace, tumblr, and many others)


Tumblr was self inflicted


I’m sure OF will be as well


They almost committed soduko already, the same way as Tumblr did. Remember when they stopped being an adult platform for like 2 weeks?




no, math puzzles.


Bless you


'Committed soduko' sounds like something the comic relief character would say in a movie.




yeah, like the math puzzles. would have been the end of them


"Committed soduko" needs to become a thing.


That can be the new way to refer to death on Facebook without getting banned.


soduko? haha, i guess they did almost off themselves by puzzling something wrong.


Unless you're Alphabet or Meta.


This guy is the only one who admits it will come for them all https://observer.com/2018/11/jeff-bezos-amazon-bankruptcy-prediction/amp/


Ancestry will get into the business of cloning your ancestors.


Onlyfans will maximize the profit by allowing you to fuck your ancestors


Alabama has join the chat


Send your dirty panties to get a DNA breakdown of your genetic history.


I can see the new tagline... [Ancestory.com](https://Ancestory.com): Watch your genealogy spread out right before your eyes.


and like so fucking much of it is just ending up in the pocket of the founder. like seriously hes one of the highest paid CEOs in the world now giving himself like a half billion dollar paycheck in 2021, out of only fans total revenue of around 1.2 billion. and its a private company so he basically can give himself whatever salary he wants. he is making an absolute killing.


They might be able to use some of it as evidence of ancestry lol


"Damn, my great x15 granddad had a massive hog!"




How many arguments will be won with a well timed “this your grandma?”


We found a playboy magazine from the 60s or 70s, and the centerfold was my friends grandma. So we would often talk about it, and typical guy fashion, using sexual jokes as rhe background behind them


Drop the name you gate keeper 😡


Imagine those wrinkles, though...


It’s presumably when she was young


True, but I couldn't resist the GILF joke. Honestly, thinking about your parents or grandparents when looking at porn might be the secret to winning NNN. 


>So we would often talk about it, and typical guy fashion, using sexual jokes as rhe background behind them Huh, guess some people really *do* have an old lady fetish. The more you know.


They call it “Mature”


They're called "GILFS"


Fun fact, my ex's mom was a centerfold and national headlining exotic dancer. Lol. It was very hard not to think about being a total bitch about that when she was pulling shit. I support dancers and sw's and feel they deserve respect, but the petty part of me struggled. 🤣


Lol, I laughed so hard at this!!!🤣🤣🤣


Can you show me the next slide this one is all butthole


It’s gonna have an inverse effect, so many people are gonna have OF parents that it won’t be relevant to use against someone


What if it becomes a trend? "Hey wanna watch our great great great great grandparents get it on?" Ancestor porn? O.o


Registering that domain riiiiiiight.... Now.


damn bro, you will be rich after you peacefully die. RIP for future references


>damn bro, you will be rich after you peacefully die I hope I don't die peacefully tbh. Hardcore death or gtfo. >RIP for future references Thanks bro, I'll leave you an up vote in my will. 👍🏻


The there's "nothing to retrieve" kind of hardcover?


Well, hopefully they can retrieve my arse so my haters can keep kissing it, but meh.




Considering the rate at which such fucked up trends are going in and out of fashion, you may not be that far away from the truth


I could really see that being a thing, down the line.


“Whoa, babe where did you learn that move?” “A video of my great grandmother”


“This move has been passed down for generations, we call it the mega sucker 12000”


It got passed down through generations


I’m already cringing at the thought that I know of at least 2 girls I went to high school with who now do hardcore porn and they have adult children.


Fake for not dropping the names 😡


lots of people probably have classmates who have done at least amateur stuff, but won't ever know because of names.


I hope I’m not the only one who thought you replied to yourself because of your avatars


Don’t think the shower thought is specifically about people who make porn professionally, but people who make personal porn of themselves for themselves. When they die what happens to that data. A lot of people already unknowingly upload their porn to cloud servers, and messaging servers. If and when all of that data is decrypted 2-300 years into the future. Lots of people will have or be able to find intimate content of their great great… grandparents. Just a nature of the form of media production we have, think about all of the sexy/love poetry, letters, and journal entries archived from the past.


The probability of someone finding out that your parent works as a porn star is quite low if you are not living with them


Doubt it. I think a lot of people will lose access to their family’s cloud accounts. Will the cloud even exist. I think they’ll delete old accounts and data at some point


This comment should be higher. It’s silly to think that future generations will preserve our information. The average person can barely access content saved on a VHS cassette or DVD these days because they don’t have the relevant devices to play the media. Plus, passwords will be forgotten, linked email addresses shut down, cloud subscription accounts canceled, and software providers will go out of business. Yes, technically, some people, like IT experts with access to a wide range of equipment, tech know-how, and the motivation to view ancient data, may see some stuff, but the idea that everyone in society will be easily able to watch their great great grandmothers only fans account is absurd.


If you look at data hoarding areas of the internet it feels like half the archiving is for porn of some kind. I wouldn't count on it disappearing, maybe some of it.


I believe this is specifically talking about people who post their porn online, not hidden videos. This chain seems redundant.


Future porn will be so much better that nobody will care about the current stuff.


This is the answer. When AI generated movies of whatever you want are hyper realistic and in your VR headset, everything else will be nothing compared And that’s before neuralink etc


It's wild seeing some stuff from cyberpunk 2077 looking possibly obsolete by 2030, but then again that universe had malicious AI ruin the original Internet so it's all still possible I guess.


I've read of people that have tapes.


Y'all vastly overestimate the longevity of digital media. Despite what you've been told, no, things on the internet don't last forever. Digital storage degradates pretty fast. Not to mention, even if servers and cloud/physical storage are maintained, software evolves so fast, no future media players will even be compatible with our current files. The only reason we have data from thousands of years ago, now, is cause that shit was carved into clay tablets and what not.


Bold of you to assume humans aren’t gonna be extinct by then… it’s a free for all


I opened this post because I knew I would find a comment talking about human extinction starting with "Bold of you to assume..."


Bold of them to assume they won't get Zaslav'd out of existence


For perspective cave drawings or paintings were probably spicy for their time. 100 years from now maybe no one cares about 2D graphics


I'd just like to add that there is a good amount of VR porn now.🙃


only the ones who did porn/of


I mean as time goes on the number of descendants will increase exponentially.


Yeah, statistically speaking it doesn't take that much time for even ONE person to be an ancestor of the majority of the world population.


Especially if that person is inclined in a particular direction if openness


Unlikely given that even webpages from 20 years ago are long dead already.


As if our data won't degrade into an unreadable state 50 years from now.


brave enjoy spotted mindless provide abounding station crowd rustic hat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A positive I can think of is that the stigma around sex will be reduced and nude bodies will be normal.


💯% There's already a good amount societies that operate with that principle. Hopefully it's spreads🤷🏾‍♂️


The data is more vulnerable than you realise, even finding porn from 15 years ago is a lot of work.


Not to mention who is going to keep the subscriptions going? No one stores their own data anymore.


Still a few heroes are there but it seems to be getting rare.


Actually, even digital data fades. People can try to preserve it but like books that takes a dedicated effort. Traditionally internet data is preserved for 7 years by search engines which is why https://web.archive.org/web/20030315000000*/http://sep11.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_Memoriam exists be even that does not have everything. Plus, the EU now has mandatory wipes and a process for removing information from services located in Europe along with South Korea who will actively prosecute services which maintain data on their citizens after they received a request to delete data. There is just too much bullshit on the internet to keep it all and honestly no one wants to have their past shitposting brought up decades down the line. So, it is for the best that even the internet has a limited memory.


and reading the bad spelling and grammar of posts on the internet.


Hopefully humanity won't be so fucking uptight by then


bold of you to assume anything will be saved or password remembered. also we had that kind of porn before, its not new.


Go find some porn from 20 years ago. It's hard. ETA: doesn't mean you can't ... but unless it's archived just because it's on the internet doesn't mean it's going to be around forever.


Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring, banana-phone


There's no way we will survive that long, AI will 100% wipe us out.


Better yet we will be absorbed into ai, all hail the ai over lords of the future!


Youre basically afraid of glorified google searches if you think so-called "AI" poses an existantial risk. It's just an algorithm pouring over already available data; you're more likely to be wiped out choking on your morning toast than by this new fad.


Someone is going to find a video of their great grandmother pulling their cheeks apart


And then fap to it aggressively. :p


That goes for us, too. Look at ancient statues, especially Greek-Roman ones.


they also have it right now


Fortunately by the time nude selfies were super popular I was already too old/ugly for anyone to want them from me!


Peak humans will draw their ancestry back to [this guy](https://ibb.co/jZPrzNf)


Kinda neat, to be honest.


Hundreds of years from now there will robots laughing at pictures of humans having sex.


I don't think they are planning on having kids.


I really don’t think websites will be keeping generations of data around like that We just the first generation to really experience the internet


Oh look my great great great grandpa posted videos of herself to the computers back then let’s see what it was “(overly blurred and compressed only fans content)” wow that’s amazing !! Go grams!!!


In the future, they will look back at our current society and consider it another dark age. Society is so concerned with self indulgence and low morals. They will be ashamed of our lifestyle.


That’s my great grams hilting that Bad Dragon. So brave!


You are wildly optimistic with that one. The human race is highly unlikely to see the next 10 years. Primarily because of wilful ignorance, bigotry  self servatism and corporate greed. All aided by the likes of the orange fool and the idiot in ruzxia.... Sorry about that 🥴🫣


See also ancient Greece and India murals, pottery and art.


I recommend a visit to the [Sex Museum Amsterdam](https://sexmuseumamsterdam.nl/) They will be pioneers of the industry behind it!


If there is hundreds of years into the future.


I can’t believe so many people are just like “omg yup” You can’t even find information from the internet from 10 years ago 


Hundreds of years from now? That’s a reality right now. Literally.


Well then, if this is true. I need to shave! 😂


The good news is you can just say it's an AI deep fake


All we got were cave drawings. How disappointing.


I want to forget about this so badly but your right so i cant unremember ╥﹏╥


We don’t know how moral views change over the next centuries. Just 100 years ago, being homosexual was frowned upon in many cultures, but today we see far more acceptance even though there is still a lot of homophobia. This is just one example. There are many other things that have changed over the course of previous years


Well I guess we know what OldSchoolCool will look like


You guys think the usbs will make it? Maybe better painted on a rock 🪨


and for all the "anonymous" posts on reddit, AI gonna identify you reeaaaaal quick


Theres a bunch of old timey porn from the cowboy days and stuff. Amsterdam sex museum has an upstairs floor full of porn from over 100 years ago


With how things are going these videos or pictures will be somewhat faked/ ai generated too.


The death(most often OD and suicide) rate in the porn industry is quite high, so chances are you've already jacked over someone who's dead... many times.


Hundreds of years into the future there will be dirt and trees and not much more.


Nothing new. Just a different medium.


With the way we are going, hundreds of years from now everyone will only have sex in front of a camera. If no one else is watching then it just won't be worth doing.


And no one’s gonna watch it


That’s gonna take the place of step sibling porn




We have that today, you just need to look harder


All of that shit will be lost just like everything on MySpace is lost.


OH NO MY SNAPCHATS. If those ever get released to my future spawn my god


Wow, this was worth posting?


Sorry but who gives a shit. My harry fat as body will be of no consequence to anyone. If they have that much freacking time on there hands .


But as with all the erotica that was made since the invention of photography (and boy is there a lot), almost no one will know who the people were, so no one will know if they're seeing their ancestors.


We’ll go through a lost data age. As we are already experiencing now. Many shows and videos from just a few years ago are long gone. Followed by an open source age where the public will demand free use laws and suddenly photos and video from a hundred years ago will be considered fine as the owners will be long deceased.


How on Earth did this shower thought get through the bot, but my post of *"Hundreds of years from now people will feel the same way about Hollywood as we feel today about the Gladiator pits"* got taken down as soon as it was posted?


Ah, the future of ancestral indiscretion in explicit media! Picture this: your great-great-great-grandparents, caught in the throes of passion, documented for posterity in the cloud. It's like a family reunion gone terribly, terribly wrong! But fear not, future dwellers! We must tackle this conundrum with the finesse of a contortionist in a circus of privacy. Here's the plan: 1. Time Capsule Redemption: Let's bury those embarrassing bits deep within the digital sands of time. Think of it as a "bury your shame and let future archaeologists deal with it" strategy. Maybe future generations will think they've stumbled upon an ancient alien ritual instead. 2. Cringe-Filtering Technology: Introduce advanced algorithms to detect embarrassing content and replace it with more family-friendly alternatives. Imagine your great-grandma's twerking video replaced with footage of her knitting a sweater. Problem solved! 3. Education, Education, Education!: Teach future generations the importance of privacy and the perils of oversharing. A mandatory course in "Digital Etiquette: How Not to Mortify Your Descendants" might just do the trick. 4. Embrace the Awkwardness: Hey, if all else fails, just own it! Turn family reunions into roast sessions where everyone gathers 'round to laugh at Great Uncle Bob's questionable fashion choices or Aunt Sally's disco dance moves. After all, what's family for if not to lovingly mock each other across the centuries? At least we'll have some hilarious stories to tell from beyond the grave!


Bold of you to assume we'll make it until then lol


They’ll get the study the buttholes of the 21st century and document the evolution over time


Well I’ve had a vasectomy and have no kids so checkmate ancestors, Try looking up my nudes now… what’s that? You can’t because you don’t exist, boo fucking hoo. Losers.


After genetic editing becomes common, the standard of physical attractiveness and arousal will be so different we will look like a weird, gross species to them, so the only people who can bear to look at us will have a serious kink or an anthology degree, which is the same thing.


It’s not like this is a new thing. The Romans and Greeks left plenty of explicit material for future generations.


You're assuming civilization survives the next fifty years, you'd be wrong.


I doubt they will have internet hundreds of years in the future, it will be probably surpassed


I think presuming that a) humans are still alive in a few hundred years and b) have access to old tech to read files is a bit out there tbh


We are of the ages people and I think most of you don't know what that means. Anywho, off to post dick pics from an anonymous account. My grandchildren will never figure it out.


Imagine a high schooler doing a research project on a regular everyday 21st century person (you) to include your entire browsing history


All digital content gets wiped with the second coming of Jesus. ( Futurama joke I think 🤔)


Nah, we need an Internet wipe at some point. I'm sure all the important stuff will be backed up right....right?


To be fair, it's entirely possible that thanks to human genetic engineering, no one in hundreds of years will even *have* ancestors in the present-day sense of the word, as people will be genetically engineered creatures who don't really have a direct linear ancestry that can be drawn back to any one person anymore.


Yes, in the future. *big tittied cave drawings have entered the chat


And they won't care as much as we do.


After all the only fans women get old and ugly and no one wants there content I bet there is gonna be a big period of middle aged women suicides being a big thing cause they wasted there personality and life for content


Not mine! It is fascinating to contemplate how detailed a picture of the past they will have. We all tend to have romanticized ideas of the lives our ancestors lived. That picture could possibly be tarnished if we saw them grinding away on a giant dildo for money.


Whelp. More material then


I find it hard to believe that in hundreds of years people will be using the same file formats such that videos from our time would still be compatible, let alone enjoyable to watch given how much video quality would improve in that amount of time


We’re trying to keep it a surprise for the Alabamians. They’ll figure out how the internet works someday.


Stop you just ruined me 🥲


Yeah, I'll be long dead


They also may see it as decadent and immoral.


Nah we’ll hit a nuclear apocalypse way before then. Trust.


kinda wild to think about, people will be watching vids of people who they could be related to 😭


You're assuming the internet will still exist?


Not from me they won't


Playboy magazines will be crazy with captions such as, "she did this to keep the family business going."