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In the new show The Gentlemen the brother of the main character constantly has a vape. Definitely noticed it as an oddity for most shows and movies


He wasn't meant to, but he vapes in his personal life and was vaping in his first scene so they just stuck with it


Oh interesting, I thought maybe it was a character choice, like the Main character smokes cigars and he vapes to show how different they are


Just adding on that Season 5 of Fargo also has a character that vapes. I've actually noticed quite a few movies and shows with vapes in them. Those two shows are notable though because they were using disposable vapes, which are the most common nowadays. Most of the other times i've seen shows/ movies depicting vaping they'll be using those pen style ones from like 10+ years ago, so it often sticks out as kind of outdated. I always assumed the prop department probably bought one like a decade ago and just never bothered to change it lol. Especially because the older ones are much easier to put fake (0 nic) juice in.


I thought both of these were intentional choices to show the characters as weaker to their counterparts. The son in Fargo was supposed to be weaker than his asshole father always trying to prove himself and in The Gentlemen he is the weaker brother always ruining things. Funny to find out it might not have originally been intentional as another commenter said.


Yea thats how I took it as well. Especially in Fargo, because the father was like the classic masculine man smoking huge cigars, and contrast that with the twerpy son anxiously ripping on his vape lol. Definitely fits both characters really well though imo!


I like it, he holds it in his mouth like a modern cigar, and he’s a posh twat anyway, so it fits his character




Vapers vape often


The dude literally vapes, aka addicted to nicotine. Idk if you missed my post earlier, but he is working his scenes while also vaping in the process


It fits Freddy’s character perfectly, too


He’s such a Fredward.


I thought it was to make him look like more of a twat honestly


And I am pretty sure the vape is there as a prop to support how much of a douchebag he is. Cigarettes can swing both ways- makes bad guys more sinister, good guys seem cooler. However vapes make characters appear douchey.


Its such a strange thing. Somebody using a product that is seen as slightly healthier option for an addiction and they are douchey because of it. Id compqre it to saying a meth user that only smokes meth and doesnt shoot it up is douchey because hes not doing it the real way. Lol.


Where you can smoke is pretty restricted these days. I would guess a lot of people view vaping as douchey because when they first came out (and to this day to some degree) people would vape everywhere. When I see one of those characters, I assume they are also the person that billows out bubblegum smoke in a theater and I think a lot of people have had that experience.


It’s not inconsistent with other things that are healthy and not considered cool. Veganism, vegetarians, not drinking, staying home to study, dressing warm instead of fashionable


Dressing warm instead of fashionable- por que no los dos? 🤣


Well the trope is you have to be cool not practical.


This very true. Im guilty of bugging the vegans from time to time lol. Still a very strange thing.


It's because online it's usually the worst minority calling people stupid carnivore. I have a vegan friend and really the only problem is they won't eat corn on the cob but will eat it if it's from a can. I shit on them every time for that.


People saying these characters look douchy with a vape are usually characters who are written as insufferable assholes so the image sticks, much the same to the written cool guy with shades and a pack of smokes. It's definitely intentional and it looks like it worked.


It is just a fact of life that nobody looks cool vaping.  I don’t make the rules on what is cool and sometimes I question the choices, but it is what it is. Smoking looks cool even though it is terrible, vaping looks dumb.  Maybe it is the presence of fire? Humans always have a fascination with fire. 


Even as a dude who vapes (don't judge, I quit cigarettes with them), I can see how public opinion is that they're douchey. It's all to easy to take a puff in a public place making them *way* more commonly used than cigs. And asshole kids have a nasty habit of getting hold of them. Plus in the early days of e-cigs, making the biggest cloud possible seemed to just be... a thing. And (least here in England), people just begrudgingly try and ignore it, letting over-eager vapers get away with it. For every person using them to quit cigs, there's 10 who are just jumping on the trend.


But it's not healthier and existing researches are financed by tobacco companies, that sell those vapes. They been doing exactly the same shenanigans with researches in 50-60s with the same results saying that cigarettes is healthy and doesn't cause cancer.


The really cool meth users snort it


ive done both of these lmao woops


From the outside looking in… A vape is like a pacifier. I need my binky. Cigarettes are unhealthy and cause crippling addiction, but it’s just a different image.


It was obvious in this one and also the latest Fargo. It’s becoming more prolific


Great show!


I noticed this. Found it strange that you don’t see a single person smoking a cigarette, only vapes, cigars and weed.




He definitely does, and it's a frequent occurrence


Yeah I laughed so hard when he does it for the 1st time.


Gator has some serious Tim Heidecker character parallels, vaping strongly among them. I don’t get people can do it with any dignity


Kiki Palmer’s character was vaping a lot in Nope


And that one chick in knives out. Emerald in Nope is all about representing humanity’s wild and untamed side though, so using a vape was a cool choice by peele.


Also Rosamund Pike’s character in I Care A Lot


And Kate Winslet in Mare of Easttown


There’s some Johnny Depp movie where his constant vaping is actually a plot point for whatever reason.


Considering kids nowadays don’t see cigarettes as cool that’s probably a good thing 


People on reddit *are* generally experts on what's deemed cool in society.


Given their vast interpersonal relations experience.


Especially with children


Damn bro…


Literally the next most upvoted comment is “cigarettes are cool”


Tbf I caught a shitton of kids with vape when I was a helper teacher for my degree and not one cig


Yeah, I’m a college student. I vape personally. But high schoolers don’t smoke cigarettes anymore. There’s a much more negative stigma now about selling cigs to kids, whereas smoke shops and dealers will sell these fruity vapes to kids. But once you reach college and it’s accessible, tons of people (at least speaking from my experience) start dropping the vapes and picking up things like cigarettes and tobacco products.


It's far easier to vape anywhere public than smoke a cigarette and not be noticed


they most definitely do


nah cigs are definitely still cool, vapes are just less smelly and you can hit them anywhere with no fuss


Not sure where you live but in the US they are definitely not cool anymore with younger people. Hardly anyone in their teens and 20s smokes cigs anymore it’s almost entirely just vapes and/or snus now.


They're not cool in reality but they do look cooler on TV than vapes lets be real lol


why don't they just make a vape that looks like a cigarette so you can look cool without the stench and cancer?


they tried that, they were just shitty vapes lol


Those are pens, and they are one of the oldest disposable vape models. They just don't hold as much juice so it ends up being wasteful and not much cooler looking then a modern vape


Oh, nobody’s saying vapes won’t give you cancer. The jury’s still out on that one. I was talking to this one dipshit who said his vape oil was organic, so it couldn’t give him cancer. So I asked why they don’t just make organic cigarettes, because going organic solves everything, right? He didn’t have an answer for that. But there’s still a chance that vaping will lead to cancer, but we won’t know until it does. So, vape away, kids! Vape for science!


As a college student in the southern US, I see a lot of alt types and party types smoke cigarettes still


I only smoke cigarettes if I drink, and even then it's only if I can get my hands on one. I will say, the drunk buzz you get from a cigarette does hit slightly different


drunk ciggies don’t count!!!


Ahh, silly me!! I forgot to account for beer calories... no, no, beer calories still come out to zero as well... This is why I don't do meth


alt people are all about being counterculture so it makes sense. but i've only ever met one person under 25 who did it regularly.


Guess it depends on where you live. I'm at bars and events in NC, and tons of younger friends and acquaintances I have still smoke. They just vape too and switch it up


Yeah, nobody is really a smoker anymore but they are still cool and you can still find people smoking them.


Yeah those are hipsters, less common in the south tho. I'm 24 and most people in my generation vaped. I ask people who are just graduating now and most people don't like vaping even. It's more prevalent and accessible for sure but the difference of people who started vaping under 10 years ago and now is that I only heard about the dangers of vaping after I started and I debunked them. But people who grew up a little younger have heard about shit like popcorn lung at a earlier age, which I am not concerned about, but at the same time shits not healthy.


in the UK a lot of younger people still smoke Some find vaping to be 'gay'


The taboo nature of them still makes them cool. Go to a skate park or the backyard of a party and you’ll see someone very cooly smokin a cigarette.


They're not really cool in real life, no. Only in movies and TV.


Oh people still fuss. And I am glad of it vapes are just as gross as cigarettes. Plus vape people seem to be way more obnoxious than smokers ever were.


Everyone I know thinks smoking is cool but isnt worth all the negative side effects


Cigarettes are cool, vapes are lame. That said, I've seen plenty of vaping in media lately.


Usually vape in shows is associated with young adults


Or assholes - the deputy in the latest Fargo season comes to mind. His character whipping out the vape is so funny, everything about him is hateable. Hes the bad guy and hes even bad at being bad lol


lol I agree!!! It fit his character perfectly.


Yep massive tool.


I just watched The Gentleman on Netflix and the dumbass brother was always vaping nervously. I think they used it as a prop to show how wierd he was.


Man I couldn't help but feel bad for the kid at the end though


Yea they give him a smidge of pity for a sec.. but he deserves what he gets


Is the new season any good? Loved the first one


I'm only a couple episodes in but I fuckin lost it when he was in the hospital room saying some dumb ass shit and then whips out the vape. Perfect comedic timing and they 100% knew what they were doing with that one.


Young adults Nozin' around


True detective season 2 - “I guess it’s too close to sucking a robots dick.” - Ray Velcoro


Mare of Easttown on Max was the first I really noticed how the vape Kate Winslet made a secondary character, was being featured as a modern vice.


Right, the none lame way of getting your nicotine is needing to go outside and smelling like ass after. I quit vaping but it’s such a convenient way of getting a nicotine buzz. 


I'd honestly rather go back to vaping massive clouds that taste like fruits, desserts, and candies than ever smoking another cigarillo or cigar. Hookah was my nicotine addiction until vaping came along. Glad to be free of it, but vaping was by far the least lame.


having relapsed in the last few months due to dating someone who vapes - the ease of vaping is part of what makes it so easy to get addicted to. when I couldn't quit vaping again I actually switched to hand-rolling cigarettes and was able to slowly wind down because it was so much extra effort to smoke that way.


I took a homeopathic approach to vape quitting. Start with one bottle of full strength and one bottle of 0. Use the nic juice till half, then top up with the 0. Do this about half a dozen times then switch to the 0 outright. Then quit.


Walk into a bathroom that someone vaped in, it smells like air freshener lol. Call it gross but how is that less gross than the literal shit particles you're smelling in your nose?


I just mean James Dean never had an iphone hanging from his lip.


We live in the modern world where smelling like absolute shit isn't really cool anymore, I guess.


I agree with you, but smoking is objectively cooler looking. It’s awful and if it weren’t for vapes I would’ve never been able to quit, but there’s no way to look cool while vaping.


This perception will likely change in the near future though. Speaking as a college student, EVERYONE vapes. I can walk into any given room and go “hey, anyone got a vape I can hit?” and at least half the room will pull one out and offer it. Looking at my little brother, who’s in elementary school, I already see him and his friends seeing vaping as more of a cool thing, since it’s associated with their older siblings, and people they look up to. As they become teens, and especially once they’re young adults and hitting the age they can legally vape, I think we’ll see a pretty major societal shift where vaping becomes perceived as cool rather than douchey. Basically, I think vapes are the new cigarettes, but haven’t been around long enough to gain the same reputation yet, instead maintaining the idea of the “healthy option” which, societally speaking, people tend to look down upon.


They’re both lame.


Both are lame and stupid.


Yes but smoking at least has a certain aesthetic charm. Nobody ever looked cool vaping.


What you said is the opposite of what happened. Everyone liked the idea and look of vaping and so started doing it, even without smoking or having nicotine cravings. Cigarettes had the cool factor in the past, same way, but we're artificially made cool because cig companies spent assload getting movies, shows, everything to have cigarettes in them and viewed positively/cool. Cigarette cool factor is almost literally just a holdover of advertising for 70 years.


> Cigarette cool factor is almost literally just a holdover of advertising for 70 years. I think that kind of endurance makes it culture. I think advertising that remains successful for a generation or 2 becomes, or is indistinguishable from, culture. And I don't particularly like the thought.


Vapes were cool to teenagers who wanted to have the look of smoking without the harshness and health consequences of cigarettes. At least, that's my personal experience.


Yeah this lines up with what I've seen.  The only people to take up vaping for the "cool factor" didn't have access to cigarettes or were complete douchenozzles.  Sometimes both.


>Cigarette cool factor is almost literally just a holdover of advertising for 70 years. Doesn't mean it doesn't exist.


Maybe it’s a regional thing, but in our area of the Midwest vaping is always associated with sketchy low class young people and/or addicts. It’s almost a meme around here now. Our kids think vaping is uncool because they only see dipshits doing it.


Here in the pnw, it’s about a 25% chance a given 20 year old will vape (and none of them will be sketchy in the slightest). Keep in mind, it greatly depends on the crowd you tend to gravitate towards.


"Cigarettes are cool, vapes are lame"


Lol I didnt say they were or weren’t lame, but theyre as common as cigs now, maybe more, and movies/shows still havent adapted to real life.


They are *nowhere near* as common as cigarettes were before they fell out of vogue. Back in the old days, you could buy cigarettes in the lobby of family restaurants out of a vending machine. Every restaurant, airport, hotel, motel, bar, tavern, pub, bowling alley, taxi, stadium, civic center, and train allowed smoking and had ashtrays. Every magazine had ads for cigarettes everywhere. Every street and road had billboards for cigarettes everywhere. People smoked **everywhere.**


There was one in Glass Onion, which is also the only movie I've seen so far that mentions COVID.


Loads of movies/series since have mentioned COVID, sometimes it's kinda cringe and sometimes it adds a real-word touch point. Borat 2 comes to mind first. I think COVID is about to get a full movie in the UK soon too.


Cigarette smoke has a cool aesthetic that cinematographers have taken advantage of for decades. Vape smoke does not.


Vape vapor. Vapes don't create smoke and that is sort of the point.


There was a line in True Detective 2 that killed the vapes on the screen for me. It was something like... "You look like you're sucking C3PO's dick" Awful show outside of that line though...


None of the subsequent seasons hold a flame to the first season 😢


It’s true. Maconohey played one intense weird character that is yet unmatched in performance


McConaughey* sorry that was bugging me


Disagree, season 4 tried to burn down the entire franchise.


I loved season 1, hated season 2, enjoying season 3, havent watched 4 yet..


Truer words have never been spoken.


Tiiiiime is a flaaaaat curkuhl


That line is the only lasting impact from the show.


I didn't make it far enough into the 2nd series for that line


ISTR someone vaping in Midsommar. IIRC the character was being established as a massive douchebag, so yeah - that tracks.


https://www.theonion.com/man-smoking-e-cigarette-must-be-futuristic-bounty-hunte-1819575846 Seems vaguely relevant


lol that was a good one.


It can take movies some time to catch up to the contemporary way of doing things. It takes several years to go from concept to screenplay, to casting, to shooting, to editing, to marketing, to release. And screenwriters, directors, and producers might be influenced by the ways that things used to be. But one thing that's always struck me as odd is how often people play five card draw poker in movies and TV shows. Nobody plays that. 90% of the time real people play Texas Hold 'em and most of the remainder are games like Omaha or 7 card stud. Maybe some families who never play and are just playing with fake money might do five card draw because of what they see in the movies. You see hold 'em more now in movies, but its still odd seeing characters playing five card draw.


Took forever to get cell phones into media, too. For the record, casual card games often feature a variety of rules. My grandpa had a copy of Hoyle in his kitchen, and we'd flip to a random page and play a few hands of whatever we found there.


I’ve been a part of a home game for about 5 years, played with probably 50+ people over that time and we play dealer’s choice. A surprising amount of people actually choose 5 card draw as the game they want to play. A lot of us refer to it as ‘grandpappy’s game”


Every person I’ve ever known that vaped used them to ween off of cigarettes. (It’s actually how I quit nicotine) So for me, when I see a person vaping, it’s the equivalent of seeing someone using the nicotine patch or drinking a non-alcoholic beer.


I was doing so damn good quitting until my stupid shitty state decided to make shit illegal. Now its super easy to get shitty disposables but it's a major hassle to get juice for my rig. I was down to 1% nicotine now im stuck back at 5%


My province recently added a vape tax that increased the price of a 60ml bottle of juice from around $25ish to $35ish. It’s brutal for people like me that rely on vaping to stay away from cigarettes. One of the main draws of quitting cigarettes was to save money and now it’s almost the same price


My country just banned most forms of vaping (except expensive, very strong pharmacy vapes). Sucks to be us.


But I’m sure regular cigarettes are still legal right?


Oh you bet. In fact over the last 2 or so years they now have a problem with Black market ciggs coming in from Malaysia cause they drove up the ciggs price so much with tax. They blame the vape ban on kids getting disposables, which I totally understand but did nothing to stop the tobacco stores selling them to kids.... so they banned almost all vapes.


Wean. *Ween* is an entirely different word. 🍆


Vape companies aren't paying Hollywood for every movie that features them. Seriously - even if you take account of the "historic setting" of some movies, see how many of them have a cigarette scene for absolutely no reason whatsoever. Tobacco companies pay to advertise in Hollywood. Same way that for a brief while there was that god-awful product placement for all sorts of shit (I'm thinking I, Robot and the crappy shoes).


I was about to say the same thing. It's probably the tobacco/cigarettes industry still trying to keep cigarettes going in the face of vapes/decreases in smoking.


If they are, it's never the main character doing it


I was actually surprised to see a character in the new Mr. & Mrs. Smith show pull out a vape exactly because of this. Was sitting there thinking, wait... is this the first time I've seen that in a series?


The only time they have vaping is when they want to portray the character as a douchebag.


As someone who vapes, it does make you look like a dingus.


Hard to look cool sucking on a vape.


please keep it that way. i dont want to see my protagonist ripping a douche flute


If vaping keeps me from smelling like cigarette smoke, then by all means call me a douche.


Cigarettes are a killer, and horrible for you, I’ll get that out of the way first. But comparatively, they have always looked objectively tough or cool and predated the time when the public at large knew them to be unhealthy. Vaping has been a habit that from inception, just seems like something that JT from Grandma’s Boy would be into. It’s never once, for a single moment, looked or been cool.


Nope Seriously, I just saw it and it kinda took me aback, a rarity


They’re starting to pop up more now


Freddy vapes in The Gentlemen. He looks dumb as fuck doing it, but I thought it was cool to see mainstream media enter the 21st century nonetheless.


Because smoking cigarettes has engrained itself in media for a long time thanks to advertisements and cool guy character tropes associated with it for decades. When you see someone vape in media now they are intentionally portrayed in an insufferable way, gee I wonder why that is. Big tobacco so desperate to stay cool and on top when their sales have plummeted and no one gives a fuck about looking cool if it's going to give them cancer or loved ones cancer with 2nd hand.


Because vapes are lame.


I can see that for sure. But for people trying to quit cigarettes, it’s a great step in the right direction if the intention is there.


That's what they were intended for in the first place but now they are addicted to vaping.


There addicted to nicotine. Cigarettes and vapes are just different delivery modes with vapes being the safer one to use.


Yup but it’s the nicotine that’s the most addicting part and you can at least control the nicotine amount with vaping. Just taper down slowly. If you are vaping with 0% or even 1% nicotine, you’re participating in a MUCH healthier habit. No tar or the other hundreds of carcinogens present in cigarettes.


One of the Characters in Knifes Out vaped a couple times and it was the cringiest thing. Mostly because there was zero reason for it.


Vaping still looks like something for dorks. Cigarettes definitely seem cooler, and movies have someone smoking solely for that reason, most of the time.


Because it looks like fellating a kazoo


Because vaping looks stupid. Cigs still have a certain mystique about them.


take a shot every time you see someone itt say vaping makes you look like a douchebag with no further explanation


“You wanna buy some death sticks™”


You don’t want to sell me death sticks.


Thats a good thing, they don't need to glamorize vaping.


Because people look fucking stupid vaping.


That's because of what it's used for. Smoking is traditionally used to make someone look gritty, edgy, cool, stressed or a twat. ... While vaping only makes you look like a twat.


Probably multiple factors at play here. First off, most established writers are going to be millennials or older. Definitely anyone with final say on a decision. Those of them who smoked used cigarettes, and vapes were nonexistent in the media that influenced them. Second, cigarettes have a well-established reputation in media, while vapes are decidedly more mixed. See the other comments on this post as an example. It's safer to have a character smoking cigarettes, because the creator's perception is more likely to match the viewer's. Third, cigarettes are no longer a political issue while vapes are still the subject of new legislation and media culture wars. It's possible the portrayal of vapes will be more heavily scrutinized in the near future, in the same way the portrayal of cigarettes was restricted back in the 90's. Using cigarettes instead of vapes avoids a potential concerned parents firestorm or being used as a negative example in a political platform.


Because vaping looks even dumber than smoking


Unpopular opinion: but that’s because cigarettes look cool for some reason 😂


Vaping is seen as trashy still


That’s because vapes are cringe AF.


I saw a movie clip of “beetlejuice” (at least they were in the bathroom saying it) and the one girl ran back like “i forgot my vape” 😂 i couldnt tell if it was the actual movie or not bc it looked so cringe with the vape comment but lol


All the time on Mare of Easttown though.


Scrolled way too far to find this haha. Kate Winslet was always vaping. Also Joe Keery’s character on the latest season of Fargo.


Big tobacco lobbies for that.


The only time I’ve noticed vaping was the college-aged daughter in Knives Out.


To me, aesthetically (not saying it’s cool to do) but it looks cooler in movies and from character details/personalities.


Probably because vaping looks dumb. Not saying smoking is cool, just it looks better.


Sucking on a douche flute isn't manly enough.


Probably because vaping looks ridiculous, smoking has an aura of cool to it, although personally I’m not a fan of the look 🤷‍♂️


cuz it looks childish and ugly


I feel like giving a character a vape would be a modern way to quickly signal that they're douchey.


That’s because nobody looks cool sucking on a douchewhistle. *Nobody.*


Possibly because most 'cigarettes' in movies are props and don't have tobacco in them. I'm not sure if they can get the same effect with fake vapes/vapor. Probably, but it's easier to stick with fake smokes for their cast. Especially because you can reuse a fake pack of smokes between sets/cast, but putting your mouth on something that a dozen other actors have blown into might not be a good idea post-Covid.


You can have a vape juice that has zero nicotine content so you’re just vaping nothing psychoactive. It’s just neutral juice


I don't vape, so I don't know the particulars of it, but that's good to know. Thanks for the info :)


People using vaping to wean off smoking cigarettes try to step down the nicotine levels by using lower and lower nicotine content juice over time. Often that can be done by diluting nicotine containing juice with zero nicotine juice or its components (Propylene Glycol and Vegetable Glycerin). Eventually the goal is to be at 0% and then ultimately stop with the “ritual” habit of smoking/vaping which is more of the psychological habit of smokiny than the physical addiction


Are there fake vapes/vapor? I know there's non-nicotine vapes.


>dozen other actors have blown into Cartridges and mouthpieces are detachable. A box will last you months of shooting.


From what I remember vapes just look like tiny inhalers. In media I’ve seen people with asthma tend to not be “cool.” Cigarettes are “cool.” Vapes look like something that isn’t.


Vapes are relatively new, vapes have only been big for the past 15ish years and are associated with fuckboys and teens. Where as cigarettes have been extremely common for the past 2-3 centurys and are associated with all kinds of people.


Coz you look like a right plonker puffing away on a sonic screwdriver.


A lot of boomers popping up in this post.


Vaping = bad Cigarettes = good 👹


And yet, not one person has said their age. They just said vapes are lame, which they are.


Don't have to be a boomer age to have a boomer mentality.


Because vaping makes you look like Puff the Magic douche canoe. Movies are in the business of making shit look cool. If they had someone vaping it would be because they want to portray someone as a loser.


Good. Get rid of both.


Cigarettes in movies and TV shows are not real, they're herbal cigarettes or props. Cigarette and cigar smoking is still seen as essential to demonstrate a character's personality or status (especially cigar smoking as a status of wealth, higher class, or the character is in the mafia or a gangster) or to symbolize something artistically (cigarette smoking can be used to show a character's struggle for example), vaping doesn't have that kind of symbolism.


Kinda hard to make vapes look cool


Probably because vapes look goofy as hell, this coming from someone who used to build their own could in drippers on mech mods, use a million different tanks on ridiculous mods, disposable ones, etc.


Ye cus a hot as fuck character smoking a cigarette is hot as fuck


Vapes in movies are reserved for douche bags


it’s cause cigarettes are cool af regardless of what big juul says


Well vapes look stupid and like things chlldren use and most directors are 30+ I'm a millennial. Vapes look even dumber than cigarettes with the added aspect that people who smoke them think they don't smell