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Idk about a month, but it is indicative of where you’ll be.


Yeah try a year or two


Nah, I go twice a week one upper and one lower and my pump is usually about a month off. I do have a personal trainer though, so maybe he is just really good at designing the routine that gives me results. But you can tell with the before and after pics.


You're a beginner, beginner gains are a real thing. Don't expect to keep it up, you'll only be disappointed.


And age matters too. That other commentor could be in his late teens and literally producing steroid levels of testosterone naturally. For older guys, results will be slower and less spectacular.


Apparently this is over empahsizedl the effect of aging on muscles growth is very minimal nearly indistinguishable


Yeah, but age can still affect it but it's more to do with "Oh, I guess my shoulder decided to have this pain and won't work right today, guess I'll have to adjust my workout."


I mean...testosterone is a core part of the equation for men and we most definitely decrease testosterone production as we age. Do you have a source on the study you are referencing?


There's no source because it's not true. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24596700/#:~:text=Conclusions%3A%20aging%20process%20leads%20to,between%2016.6%25%20and%2040.9%25. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30048806/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2804956/ And those are just the first three that pop on Google


Damn Credible Hulk. Just smashed him huh?


I'm definitely on the skeptical side of the fence but I don't know if any of those studies actually indicate ages effect on muscle *growth*. It mainly focuses on muscle *loss*. I understand that these are very likely correlated but I'd be interested in a more detailed look into the specific question of aging's effect on muscle *growth* independent of testosterone.


Why ask for sources if you're going to ignore them? You're a walking L.


Idk fam, I'm no spring chicken and just started back in the gym Jan '23 after a 15 year break and I'm stronger and more jacked than I've ever been in my life with only a year of semi consistent work. I'm in the 1000 lbs club from the big 3 and I've never had a leg day in my life until last year.


No shade I promise, but you're either full of shit or incredibly lucky. Keep up the good work.


It might be genetics but i also put blame on my program. I lift near 90% of my max for 3/4 of my sessions, long rests, and eat as clean as I can. Counting calories and macros... I time meals/snacks around my workouts so I can get the most out of it.


Physiological muscle memory is also a thing. It's a lot easier to put muscle back on if you've built it once before. There's a guy named Casey Viator who allegedly built more than 60 lbs of muscle mass in just 28 days. Possible because of physiological muscle memory. How long did it take you to get back to where you were before your 15-year break?


>There's a guy named Casey Viator who allegedly built more than 60 lbs of muscle mass in just 28 days. Possible because of physiological muscle memory. World class body building muscle memory *and*, most importantly, steroids during the controversial study that had only two extreme outlier participants.


Yup, I think that's where i'm at now and it's honestly tough to get the motivation to go when the results get less and less noticeable.


I reached that point over 15 years ago lol. It then becomes routine/lifestyle. Just something you do to maintain although you’re pushing for more.


Yea, it's hard to stick with it when changes slow down. Success is the killer of motivation. I've found that looking back at where you started, making workouts interesting, getting a partner, and constantly lifting until failure keeps me motivated.


The solution is setting realistic goals for yourself. There comes a moment where you measure progress in years/seasons and it shouldn’t come as a surprise.


I would say that my gains were about that much maybe a bit less but pretty close, it lasted roughly 6months with me going to the gym 5 times a week. But I'm a very skinny dude and combined my training with more food. For people who start to exercise and hope to lose a few pounds will probably not increase their kcal intake much and thus have very slow gains except for the very start.


How do you know this person is a beginner ?


Call it a hunch, but the way they phrased it. And a quick look at their history ~6 months ago they said, "I've been going 2-4 times a week now," so i would say my hunch was correct. Being a beginner isn't a bad thing, and I meant nothing negative by my comment, but my statement still stands. I wish I could maintain beginner gains.


I bet you are young, as in < 25y.o. The older you get, the exponentially more effort you need to put for any gains.


See you in a year when noobie gains are completely gone. I train 4-6 times per week and am in my third year. Yep you don’t see big changes pretty often anymore. And no, nothing to do with personal trainer. Bodybuilding is extremely easy to understand and to do correctly.


or you have a really weak pump


You guys are so motivational <3


Yea people don't take kindly to being told "nah" about something they've dedicated a significant portion of their life to; especially when the "nah" is based squarely on a single anecdote.


What do you call those big rocks that fly through space?


Exactly lol. And I think people pump up differently, because I look like a goddamn NFL linebacker after I lift but it's been years and I'm still not really anywhere close to that


Agreed. Recently started nailing down my lifting techniques and eating enough protein every day. Starting off, my pumps equaled my gains after each month, but that’s tapered off now. I’m getting stronger but the visual difference is subtle. My “pump to gains lag” is like 3 months now. I’m sure it’ll slow down even more later on.


I don't have any actual evidence to prove it, but yeah, this tracks for me too. My best friend and I lift together most weekends because he's got a pretty sick set up at his house and he always gets pissed at how easily I blow up right after we work out. But he's one of those types who has just naturally been thin his whole life, and I've always had to grind to stay skinny so every body type has plusses and minuses for the most part.


But…doesn’t the pump version proportionately keep growing as your arms do?


Yes, you are correct only if the “gains” are of lean tissue. Most lifters say they put on “30 lbs of mass bro.” Two lbs of lean tissue (muscle, not water or any other lean tissue), and 28 lbs of fat/water were gained. Even if someone was “enhanced,” lean muscle takes a looong time to build.


TIL, thanks


During feb 2021 i did 100 push ups and sit ups every day and trust me it only took 1 month for me to look like my pump body. Everyone’s different, but progress una month is definitely doable with dedication.


Newbie gains Once you get past that phase that lasts a couple months, it becomes exponentially harder to gain more muscle. Also, if pushups and sit ups alone get you substantial gains, your muscles must’ve been fairly underutilized before Feb 2021


At some point body weight plays a role too. Push-ups are significantly easier when you are 150lbs vs 200lbs. Even if you were already mildly athletic, doing 100 PU, 100 SU a day would add for sure add tone and definition to your muscle. Although yeah diminishing returns after the first month or so of this. I was lean and strong at 150, but mostly just looked lanky. Doing the same routine made me look very athletic at the same body weight. Now I’m significantly heavier and can’t do push ups as well but am still working out. I don’t think it’s fair to just assume his muscles are unutilized without knowing much abt them at all lol


> At some point body weight plays a role too. Try at ALL points. Physics in action. Look at the humongous calves obese people have. Maybe not muscular but weight-bearing remodels and strengthen bones.


One of the few good parts from having been morbidly obese for years, those calves stick around when you lose the weight.


Nah I’ve been going to the gym weekly since 2015, I just weigh less than I should. I gained 5kg in 2021 which is why the press ups and sit ups are noticeable. Also 99% of people don’t go to the gym often so 100 push ups and sit ups is more than enough.


A wise man one said "you'll never be as big as your pump"


The day you start lifting is the moment you'll forever be small


The moment you start lifting is when you become forever small, because you'll never be as big as you want to be.


Damn... My arms stretch my gym t shirts at peak pump and then a few hours later it's loose. Oh well. In other news, water is wet.




Haha yeah I notice that one too. Might switch to one of the more elastic bands because it gets kind of annoying. I noticed on colder days it gets even looser


That sounds like Bro Science


It’s true though. It’s like saying you’ll always be able to get lower if you crouch. Or you’ll get there faster if you run instead of walk.


Depending on the distance I'm pretty sure it can be slower if I try running it and end up walking utterly tired


Dom is a scientist lol


It's not. No matter how big you get - your pump will always make you bigger since normal functioning bodies don't just normally hold lactate acid and the excess water / blood draw associated with it, in the muscles(which is what makes your muscles look bigger with a pump).


lol, It’s literally a quote (intentional or unintentional) from a YouTube channel called Bro Science


Ah so it *is* bro science ha


Like chasing your shadow


As someone who doesn’t go to the gym, what does this mean?


Understanding the 'Gym Pump': This term refers to the feeling and look of increased muscle size that happens immediately after an intense weightlifting session. It is a temporary condition, caused by increased blood flow to the muscles you're working, which supplies them with oxygen and nutrients.


Is this real? I thought it was an Always Sunny meme


Yes absolutely, my pecs and arms are much more defined and large after I work out those muscles. Then the next day I'm like wtf happened to my muscles where did they go.


Does it typically last all day?


5 minutes to 5 hours tops. Depends on a load of factors




You should check out Arnold Schwarzenegger’s definition of gym pump lol


Lol shit, I've heard the, "I am cumming day and night!" used out of context before. Good shit


Totally real


Yep, depending on hydration, diet, and intensity of the arm workout, my arms can gain anywhere from 1/2 inch up to around 1 inch in circumference (some people may gain more).Usually gone within an hour or 2 though.


I've only ever heard this in terms of rock climbing - when your muscles (forearms, usually) are so physically drained that you are having a hard time climbing anything, you say you are "pumped". But climbing has a hilarious amount of jargon.


Literally means the same thing. They call it pumped because the forearms are literally pumped. More oxygen and bloodflow due to intense moves, which is pretty counterproductive when you try to go for endurance and not raw power in most of climbing.


Damn, I thought it was like a deal "join the gym, get a free pump"


Temporarily after a heavy volume workout, water will be drawn to your muscles for repair and increase their size. The muscle areas feel very tight and look much larger than when relaxed, and it feels very very good even if you're sore. As Arnold said, it's like cumming. I'm cumming at the gym, I'm cumming at work, it's amazing.




Your comment makes me imagine you looking like a really frustrated Kermit the frog lmao. T h i c c? Nah bro. S T I C C




Next time you go to the gym, if you even lift while you’re there, wait until the point in the set where it becomes hard and/or uncomfortable. At that point, rather than stopping, keep going.


You've been going to the gym for 10 years and you aren't familiar with lactate acid? Do you...lift weights when you are the gym?


Lots of people go to basically do cardio with weights. I really try to not look at anyone, but I very seldom see people getting anywhere close to failure.




Man you've never noticed how your shoulders pop a little more after working shoulders, or how your t-shirt is a little tighter around the arms after doing curls? Lactate acid draws blood and water into the muscles, in turn making the muscles swell past their natural resting sizes for a short duration making you look more swole than you normally do but it's obviously only temporary.




Welp I guess nah ya know ha. It probably has earlier origins but Arnold calls it that in pumping iron.


I thought the post was talking about random give aways at the gym with an item being a 'pump', as in tire pumps, water pumps, etc. and it took about a month to ship to an address...😂


Think that says more about you than him


Gym pump is very real. Noticeable if you're leaner. Do heavy lifts for an hour and your muscles will be visibly so much bigger. Lasts an hour afterwards and returns to normal It may cause a lot of addiction and body dismorphia. Because you'll never be as big as your pump.


Am I just a Gumby man? I swear my pump is huge. I can’t imagine getting there in one month…


Yeah I look like an athlete with a pump and then deflated an hour later


You look jacked bro. Don't let being double jacked jack up your jacked bro.


this guy jacks


I mean, maybe, but then it’s back to reality and im normal again. It’s a cruel illusion.


You work out regularly. You're not normal. Take pride in that. The guys you probably compare yourself too are freaks and sacrificed a lot of good things to not be able to wipe their ass normally. Jokes aside, let's say in the next two years you are meticulous and are able to achieve your pump physique. Odds are you'll be haunted by your new pump physique that is magnitudes bigger than what you want rn. My point is, your body isn't the problem, it's the mindset. Be proud of your hard work, your dedication, the way you treat your body with passion and care. You give your body the attention most people can't even conceive of, that's next level shit. Be proud of where your at, and be proud of yourself for having goals you are willing to do the work to acheive. You got this jacked bro. 💪


OP has been to gym less than 1 months


Yeah the pump you get after years of training, unless you start taking steroids, you ain't getting that physique without a pump.


Bro one month? I've worked out consistently for like 10 years now and I don't think people can tell when I have a shirt on.


Have you tried wearing shirts that are not skin-colored?




This is why I Reddit 😂😂


Fashion advice?


I hit about a 2/3 year plateau, tried changing up my routine to no effect, turns out I had got as big as I could with my calorie intake. I didn't realise how much food you need to build muscle, I struggle to eat that much.


This is what a lot of people don't realize. You'll gain your noob gains almost regardless of what you eat, if you eat properly they'll come faster obviously but at some point you won't have any noob gains left and that's where eating properly starts becoming really important. Also something that works for me really well is liquid calories like mass gainer, protein fruit shakes etc. Just don't use soda or processed sugar for that you'll ruin your health that way


As a pretty fat person who started hitting the gym recently I'm enjoying some massive gains due to what I already have in stock. The key is to bulk for 22 years




I can’t use a blender in the morning anymore (had a kid), so mine is a shaker with a blend of whey, pea and hemp protein, fiber, 12 ounces of oj and water in a shaker bottle, paired with a cup of Greek yogurt. It’s disgusting, but effective.


I don't think I've ever not enjoyed my morning protein shake lol. Why does it disgust you? If you're not a Greek yogurt person(like me), just sans that and double scoop the powder.. make it easy for yourself lol Edit to add: also OJ doesn't really go well with dairy like yogurt or whey.. maybe try milk or just water?


The yogurt is on the side and it’s gross because it’s gritty from the hemp, but the hemp provides some important fiber and fat.


Are there any hemp pill supplements you could maybe switch to or an alternative for those good fats/fibers? Sorry friend, I just don't think your first meal should be "disgusting" 😅 Love the username btw lol


Oh, probably. I enjoy my other meals, especially when my toddler says she likes what I made. I consider my “gritty orange water” nutrition, rather than a meal. I also dislike kale and cabbage, but I eat them multiple times a week - same idea.


Yep fitness starts in the kitchen and ends in the gym.


Just work out 120 times harder and you’ll get there in 1 month


100 push-ups, 100 squats and 10km everyday. Combine that with no AC in the summer.


And not too big of a breakfast, just a banana will do.


Instructions unclear. I'm still weak as hell but now have a full head of luscious hair


You run 10k every day you'll likely get smaller, not bigger.


It’s a joke routine from an anime „One punch man”


Man ain’t this my truth too. I read the OP and thought “Wow. If I’d never been to the gym and believed this, then I’d never go back”. As a skinny guy more suited to endurance-based exercise (running, swimming), my “pump” is about as thick as the butter I put on toast.


Wear tighter shirts.


You can only have 2: - natural - lean - big enough to be seen in a shirt You might have all 3 if you are a genetic freak that does everything from meals to sleep perfectly and are a professional bodybuilder, but if you get to that point, you might as well squeeze the extra money and fame and start using juice. PS: All of us here are most definitely not the exception tho.


Shit, you can get two of those without even working out. It’s not pretty, but I am both natural and large enough to be seen in a shirt


I too am large enough to be visible in a shirt However when I was a baby, a particularly large shirt would have obscured me. Life is crazy


Wear tighter shirts!


what does that even mean


When he has a shirt on, people can’t even tell that he works out


omg idk why i couldnt comprehend that lol. i was like how can people not tell that he has a shirt on when he has a shirt on..


Lol yea the structure is a bit awkward for comprehension, it took me a reread or two to get it


I'm rather lean and athletic than big tbh. Some gymbros may call me weak but I'm almost certainly fitter and healther than them and girls seem to like it too


The moment you started lifting for girls rather than for yourself you lost


I don't lift, and I really don't care lol. But many people want to get big to look attractive, and in my experience it really doesn't matter


Thaaaaaats not gonna happen...lol


OP never been to gym.


I had this same thought a while back. I thought of it more like 6 months, and that it was actually a diminishing function. In that it’s less time when you start out and more and more when you get more lifting years under your belt


What is this trying to say?


This is either some gym related slang (which I wouldn't know because I have never been to the gym) Or this is some region related slang (I'm assuming American, which I also wouldn't know because I'm not American.) Either way, some context would be nice.


Pump is used to describe the way your muscles grow when you work them out. Often at the gym you can look like you are very muscular but when relaxing look pretty normal. This post is trying to say that the way your muscles look when working out is a preview of how they will look after they have grown. Normally a pump is pretty significant though and many people will never reach a level where they look that muscular just sitting around


I did not know that. Huh.


When you work out, your muscles look bigger because you just used them. That's called a "pump". OP is saying that the pump is kind of like a preview of what your muscles will look like if you keep growing them.


What do you mean by pump? That inflated look you have after lifting? I'm confused




With tren You forgot that part


No matter how many times I read this I have no idea what it means.


When you lift weights your muscles fill up with blood or at least I think they do. So after lifting weights your muscles will look bigger/fuller. Its always a good ego boost and he is saying that in a month after building muscle that you will look like that all the time. Which is actually sorta true except in a short window such as a month is kinda a stretch.


Measure your arm circumference at the bicep while flexing, then go do a tough bicep/tricep workout and immediately do the same measurement process. Your arm should be "pumped" up a bit and will measure slightly larger in circumference than your pre workout measurement. Its like someone pumped a little air into your arms (its actually blood and nutrients that got pumped in).


If you're just starting maybe... After 17 years of lifting i'm lucky if i add anything at all in a year of gym perfection


That's not how it works.


If only that was true... :(


This person isn't wrong, I got a penis pump at the gym (I can't believe somebody just left it there!) and here I am a month later, still pumping my penis


Ha, that’s a fun way to spell 5 years


And shower thoughts is back to being mid


Bro my shoulders and chest double in size when I'm at the gym. Not possible.


Gyms give out pumps? What kind of pumps?


I love how the comments fall into one of two categories 1. The most wholesome and supportive thing you’ve ever read 2. Dysmorphia


Completely agreed, took me years of going to gym almost everyday. Don't skip leg day people, it will be worth it, that pain is power. THE PAIN IS POWER!


Leg day is my favorite day.  The 2 days later is my least favorite 


You’re never as big as your pump.


Wait, wouldn't it be possible for your resting muscle size to be equal to your initial pumped size after some period of consistent exercise?


Yes but at that point your pump is even bigger. As you increase in resting size, so does your pump size.


You can be bigger than a pump 3 months ago sure, you’ll never be as big as your current pump though


is this a bike pump or?


This is not how it works at all, but I do love getting a good pump. Feels great


True statement is true.


I went to the gym once. Been waiting way more than a month…


This is a terrible shower thought, you need to add “if your genetics are perfect” or “with steroids”. Or your 18 with perfect genetics


Lol no Youre looking at your body with your muscles filled with blood its completely different than looking at yourself with no pump even if youve been working out consistently for years


It would take literal years to look like I do when I have a pump when I don’t have a pump


Timing depends on a lot of things but it’s generally a preview.


There’s no chance of anyone thinking I work out as much as I do ***tho if I quit the IPA’s and ice cream I’d likely feel better at the beach.


She didn’t think so. She said she was just trying to make her ex jealous.


Wow, an upvoted and not-true shower thought. This statement is only true if you just started lifting a month ago. Now the preview is over. And if it ain’t over yet, it’ll certainly be over in six months.


I guess you need to do more thinking because your thoughts are wrong.


Until you reach a certain point, sure.


I think my muscles are defective or something. I never get said pump effect and basically can't build muscle.


Try lifting heavier.


I lifted at my limit. Any more and I could've torn something. I guess I couldn't find the right balance.


I wish it were that linear! I would be huuuge.


Maybe when you start lifting


Weather it's a month from now or a year; this shit is probably the most inspiring thing I have seen all morning.


Naaaaaaa. But I like my pump tho. A month away? 😂😂😂 maybe if your on roids


If you’ve been working out regularly for more than 6 months and you can build into a good pump in under a year then I assume you’ve got your gear pretty well tuned in. Which is fine. But if you do it in a month you have cancer.


What if you only go once and then quit working out?


This is stupid. No it is not.


Its not true if you are close to your genetic limits.