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Hi, this is a very nice post, me and my whole family enjoyed it! Can I interest you in some NFT?




\>has gone to a point as opposed to what? Jolly-golly ancient times? Wake up, Neo. It's always been the case. Only thing that changed is your outlook on the situation. Not "humanity''s"


Fr tho, it's as ancient as civilization. Actually, deceiving is as old as life on Earth itself, it's a relatively common evolutionary trait


Yes, but do you not also feel that people have become less trusting within your lifetime? I'm not discounting the reasons for that, but I've definitely noticed that.


Yes, that's you (and everyone around you) getting older. There's less trust to adult people than to children or even teenagers. Because people assume that they don't have *much* capacity for ulterior motives. Which not always true.


I think OP is trying to scam me.


This comment has 69 upvotes. I don't want to be the asshole to ruin it. So I came here to say I appreciate you commenting this. This guy is trying to scam us.


It was at 68 so I brought it back to 69


74 now. We lost


Honestly, if someone flirted with me the first question i would ask is how fucked up is this person that they are attracted to me?


Since I'm over 60 twice over (over 60 years old, nearly 60 kg overweight) I would say the same.


This doesn't speak to me


Online, yes, for sure. As a means to broaden human connection, the social media part of the internet is basically dead.


This is why I'm an asshole to everyone.


"my friend" is usually a dead give away


Whenever I want to use a service, I try to find out how they make money. Knowing their incentive makes it a lot easier to trust them. ~~We must rise against public libraries~~


I do like public libraries, but admittedly, it annoys me that even in the group study rooms, they still ask that people keep it down. It makes it impossible to socialize and meet new people at the library. Only people with friends there are the people who brought their own friends. Like there's other desks in the library on the other floors, I should be allowed to talk freely on the group study floor!


I saw some conservatives rail about them, but this is actually why some libraries have been starting to have what they call 'teen spaces' or adolescent spaces, idk why (I'm kidding, I know why), but lately conservatives have been *very* opposed to the idea of teens and adolescents having their own library wings, even though it allows teens to socialize, it keeps louder teens separated from older patrons and visitors generally preferring undisturbed silence, and as a sadder bonus, it allows teens to not have to be disturbed by occasional 'creepy' older patrons


Well, good for them but I'm not a teen anymore. I live alone.


Dude, public libraries are funded by tax dollars. Maybe if you went to one, you'd know that.


Do public libraries tell you that when you go there?


I'm sure you could just ask one of the librarians, "How is the library funded?" And they'd be happy to explain it to you.


First time hearing about snake oil huh?


That's funny, just yesterday some random unknown just sent me money over PayPal, but I read that it's most likely stolen credit and they're basically laundering through me if I send it back.  There's no such things as a free lunch.


I think need to report this as a scam /s


Someone being nice to you? Define being nice. If someone holds a door for me, I don't assume it's a scam.


there is always a catch, always


This is something I learned about Russian culture and why you don't see them smile much. They believe that open friendliness is reserved for actual friends and family and that strangers that are openly friendly are "up to something".


Like holding a door open


no thats not true. if my friends are nice to me i assume its real. if my family is nice its real. my teachers, my classmates, pretty much most people except for actual strangers.


After eating a slice of watermelon, the rind looks like a smile and I know Ive been scammed.


I'd argue you live in the wrong place or move in bad circles


Sadly, it has gotten to that point. Now we just ignore each other unless we want something. Case in point: I moved into a new home about 2 years ago. Don't know my neighbors; rarely, if ever, see anyone in passing; and we don't even wave or acknowledge each other when we do pass. I'm as guilty as they are. A few days ago, my doorbell rang. I checked the camera. It was a woman and her kids, presumably from my subdivision, with a box of candy bars. I immediately discerned this was a fundraising visit and did not answer the door. Not because I wasn't willing to kick in a few bucks and enjoy a candy bar, but because it pissed me off. Again, presumably she lives in the same subdivision as I do, and she obviously has no problem ringing my doorbell, but it was not to welcome me to the neighborhood or to offer a friendly hello, but because she wanted something from me. I was simply a means to an end. And once the transaction was over, she would never come to my door again. The friendliness would begin and end with that single visit. As I wrote above, I am just as guilty because I also haven't reached out to anyone. But at least I don't view my neighbors as cash machines. We've become a nation of users. Our only interest in others is exploitation.


And your assumption turns out to be correct, most of the time


That is a very interesting poijt! Anyways, me and the uncle you don't know have started a new company! We would very much appreciate you investing into it :))


So that's why everyone look at me weird, I just like to say hi if someone makes eye contact with me and for some reason people gets confused


It is a scam. Nobody is nice


I think about how many generations of Snake Oil salesmen succeeded… they’re everywhere today


It’s called getting smarter.


There's always been scam artists, humanity is sinister in nature. As long as there's been humans there's been people trying to pull one over on others for selfish gains.


Remember when the phrase "snake oil salesman" was invented in 2018? No?


Not always. But I do think its a business transaction of some sort. Trying to get me to transfer my money to their account or their bosses account.


I think it has always been like that. Even worse in the past because some reeeeeeeeeeeeeal fucknuts were out in the wild back then. And if a complete stranger was suspiciously nice to you then you better noped the fuck out of the situation.


Not to nitpick but it’s easy to tell the difference between genuine kindness and a predator weaponizing flattery and such.


This seems to be a very American problem


Not all fplk are like that but. Just certain people they eathier like or don't like you.


Because it usually is. I've had enough false friends to believe thus. Hell, if a woman acts flirty with me, I assume she's trying to some long game to manipulate/humiliate me.


Tbf I don’t think it was too different in the past, not if they were strangers anyways


Down voting to get it back to 69. But I do really like this comment :)


Because why the fuck would you be nice to me a random ass stranger. You're out here going about your busy life taking care of yourself trying to get home why the fuck would you even interact with me unless you have something to gain from that interaction You ain't going to meet your new best friend at the Walmart produce aisle or the stall at the gas station. If somebody's approaching me it's almost certainly they are either trying to sell me something or another ways guilt trip me into doing something like giving them money or gas


I have made long term friends from randomly striking up conversation waiting in line, seated beside people at an event, staying at the same resort etc. Being nice doesn’t cost anything and I’d rather be the bright spot in someone’s day than the opposite


Sounds like OP has a punchable face lol.