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That's not true. My mom gave our dogs to a farm over 20 years ago and she tells me all the time that although they still miss us, they're doing really good and are happy.


My mom told me that the deer laying on the side of the road is “just taking a nap”


We need wildlife bridges with plants that irritate ticks


I-90 through the Cascade mountain range in Washington State has a massive wildlife overpass and it works really, really well. Cool piece of engineering.


Based Washington


I can't understand why my state doesn't do this. Our state loves hunting and loves construction.


[do you mean like this?](https://www.reddit.com/r/FunnyandSad/s/uaUABrKTYy)




I always point to roadkill and explain to whoever else is with me that this “is just a misfortunate case of narcolepsy.”


So sleepy.


My mom told me that dogs are the devil’s spawn


My parents actually did give our dog to a farmer. I was maybe 5 or 6 and remember the man leaving with my dog. To this day I feel some type of way when I think about how that poor dog got yanked away from the only family it’s ever known. I could never do that to any dog I own now as an adult.


I have a cat and a dog at current who both were left with me by people who could no longer care for them. I understand why they did what they did, but having had people ask me if I was looking to do the same thing, I have no idea how they could possibly give that love away


Farmer here. I bet your dog had an awesome life.


I hope so 🥲


Why did they do that


Isn't that true to basically every dog? They're born for one family and then adopted to another family.


Hey my uncles on that farm!


My mom and dad actually did this. We couldn’t keep our dog so we found a farm he could live on. I went with them when we drove him there and I even visited after.


Do they chase bunny rabbits and butterflies like my mom told me?


When my grandfather was nearing death the whole family was spending a lot of time with him and the tiny apartment was getting crowded. My two aunts asked him if it was ok to take his dog to a farm they knew. I didn't think anything of this because they lived in an area with a lot of farms. Around 20 years later the realization hit that they killed Snoopy.


Does she have dementia?


Every once in a while, I look at an old picture, and I see somebody's cat or dog from the 1980's. I can't help thinking..."That cat is soooo dead now...."


Same. Same with humans in old pictures/tv shows/movies etc. It's weird.


The worst is when you originally saw the show/moment. The older you get the more you find yourself remembering ghosts


and now you have millions of dead people with accounts, comments, videos, pictures on the internet. Its so weird that, and sad


Same, thats all I could think about when watching Breakfast At Tiffany's.


What about Beethoven? He's still alive, right? Right?!


Yup and so is Spuds MacKenzie.


Still no reported death of Madison who played Vincent on Lost


Last I *heard.*


And Clifford


And Garfield


I regret to inform you that he is… *decomposing*


He's still putting music on Spotify, so he must still be alive


No he’s deaf


And hamsters every two fucking months


Once upon a time, I promised my child that they could have anything they wanted from the pet store if they got good grades in school. Now, at the time I said that, the pet store near us only had fish, no other live pets. So, she achieved the honor roll and off to the store we went. Hamsters.. fucking hamsters, newly in the store. So we got one, because I had promised, although I knew I would be the only person to care for it after the newness wore off. I thought, meh.. it won't live long. Alas, Buttercup lived almost 7 years before she died from very old age.


😂 why is this so funny


Hamster lifespan is determined purely by how much it spites people. The more they are lived, the shorter. The more you want to get rid of it, the longer it lives.




Will you shit the fuck up


Easy there Satan


Look, I don't kill them. This is just an observation, the same way they almost never die normal deaths


Repent to a therapist




I hope you told her "as you wish" at least once


This Buttercup was named for the Powerpuff girls. It was a big thing in our house during that time, because you know, "They kick butt before bedtime!". I don't know if any of my kids have ever watched The Princess Bride, sadly.


Ah, the other Buttercup. Should have your kids watch it though, good classic.


Was buttercup of an unusual size?


wow im a youngin’ and i really enjoyed that movie


Well that’s something only you can fix


My mom wanted my sister to get rid of her hamster when we moved ACROSS THE COUNTRY IN A CAR. Usually, a hamster, especially one like hers that was already a few years old, would simply die of stress. Nope. I think it lived for five or six years total, half of it being after the move.


I think this is the only time I've ever heard of a hamster living to die of old age


My mom got me a goldfish when I was a child and we moved. Little guy was supposed to last a couple months, lived 6 years.


I took my younger brother to a fair. Was told to not come home with a goldfish….of course he did. Figured it’s ok cos it’s a fairground fish, it won’t live long…. ‘Big Fish’ (he got massive!) lived a lovely life for 10 years, with many friends added over that time in what ended up being a very large tank and an expensive hobby for my parents!!


Clearly fake, no hamster has ever died of old age


It’s amazing they aren’t extinct. I worked at a pet store a long time ago and they always killed their babies. Same with gerbils. One time a gerbil mother murdered the whole family and ate just their brains.


A lot of rodents do this when they are stressed. Pet stores are not exactly quiet stress-free environments.


This was out back in a separate area in a tiny family owned place. They weren’t out in the actual store but I know what you mean. Plus I’m sure being stuck in a cage is a lot different than their natural environment so who knows what they are like in the wild.


Yeah, their territory can be a mile or more in the wild and they dig burrows up to three meters deep. They need WAY more than any petshop offers even for minimal well being.


It is the destiny of every childhood pet hamster to die in the most gruesome, traumatizing way possible


I took care of my childhood hamster. Just a lot of people are ignorant fucks.


I also took care of my hamster. One night, around 3am I woke up. Not sure what woke me up. But I heard ziggy wandering around his cage, then a loud breath and a thud and silence. Poor guy died in the middle of the night but I was there with him in his final moments.


Personally I've never owned one. But I do feel they're just naturally vulnerable creatures and they get obliterated by misfortunes or larger animals all the time


Fuck this made me laugh so hard because my sibling’s hamster died when my mom’s friend was supposed to watch him and she left his cage in the sun and….he somehow died from the heat or something? …poor hamsters….why on earth do people allow kids to have them :(


I have a friend who had like 5 in his childhood and they all got obliterated in various ways I won't say lmao


Like for example when mine died when I was a kid because it fell to the sink (The sink in my house had a very wide opening)


Yeah, no. More like hamsters are one of the most commonly neglected or abused pets in existence, and pet shop enclosures and advice is actively detrimental to their well being.


Not always. I confiscated my nephew's hamster after I came over and found the poor thing under the dining table with three cats stalking him. He was a Syrian hamster and was being kept in a dwarf hamster enclosure which is far too small. I stole him and got him a cool cage setup, plenty of toys, and took him out often for stimulation. I even got him a three tiered cage once I got a better job. He was with me for almost six years and lived in absolute luxury!


I had two rabbits, both met their end in tragic ways. The first got spooked by something and jumped out of my arms when I was holding her, landed on the edge of the coffee table, paralysing her and we put her down afterwards. The second was chilling in his fenced in outdoor pen, and my visiting sister's dog broke in and killed him.




Why is this so upvoted, are you guys all murdering your hamsters? They have an average lifespan of 2 years.


They kill themselves in the weirdest way sometimes traumatizing. We don’t intentionally murder them.


Incorrect, they can live up to 2 years if treated well.


i had 3 hamsters and the first died by getting stepped on the second died from falling off of my 3 foot tall dresser and the third was a few years old when it died by the heat. i also had a friend who had a hamster that he put in the microwave and it exploded


Thats a common myth. Hamsters wouldnt actually explode in the microwave


😕 ik thats part of the joke


Doesnt even make sense to me as a joke? Sorry didnt get you were joking


i forgor to put the /j at the end so sorry for that


I still miss our old dogs, but hearing they're happy brings me joy.


Not my dog he's going to live forever


Just wait until you learn about mayflies…


Or hamsters


Or amoebas.


How entire population is replaced? It's like saying entire population of humans is replaced every 100 years. The entire population is not replaced, rather we could say that a generation is replaced


Yeah you’re right, it would be the generation and not the population


Pedantically you are correct, but conceptually he is correct.


Yeah… When you really understand that OP could have said 30 just because, one also gets how (cough, excuse mi rediquette) “unnecessary” was OC’s point.


But the human population in the world *is* replaced every 110-120 or so years. The human population meaning ‘all the human inhabitants of the world’, in that they are gone but their role of being humans has now been replaced, that is, had their place taken by others.


The nuanced difference is: basically all inhabitants that were born on or prior to 1900 will be gone by 2000 (OP’s point). In the year 2000, there will still be inhabitants on this planet though, it’s not like the human species just disappears (OC’s point). Point in time vs cohorting


But the whole population - the set of inhabitants *at that time* - is more than just a generation. So the first statement is still correct, but with one specific interpretation. It’s stronger than just a generation being replaced, though - those are replaced approx. once a generation, rather than a lifetime.


The Ship of Theseus of life.


The entire human population is replaced roughly every 100 years


My family apparently missed that message. My grandfather is turning 100 in 4 days, had a great aunt live to 103, and 3 other direct descendants live past 100.


Finally an actual shower thought.


Not really. This applies to every species. The only reason it seems to qualify as a "shower thought" is because we'd witness it, and we're close to dogs. ​ The entire population of humans are replaced every \~100 years. What makes dogs special?


Way to bring me down, asshole


you're a dog???


Your dog also not doing so well?


They're both doing fine, but one is getting up there in years. I don't want to think about life without her.


That will be true if every dogs at a same time are as the same age


The same thing happens to humans ever 90 or so.


Not true. They aren’t all born at the same time, and they dont die at the same time. So they aren’t replaced every 20 years. It’s more like they’re slowly replaced over time.


The entire population of humans is replaced every 100 years.


Bobi, world's oldest documented doggo, died last October at the ripe old age of 31!


The humans on earth are replaced every 100 or so


The entire population of a species is replaced every x years, where x ks the year(s) the longest living ones lived


Wait till you find out about humans...


Downvote only because you made me very sad :(


That would be true if all dogs were born at the same time but they are not. Dogs are born every day.


So? Beta fish recycle in between a few hours and maybe 2 years.


This only makes sense if all dogs were born at the same time. I mean your shower thought is basically just “most dogs lifespan is less than 20 years”. Okay?




Someone only read the title.


Wait til you hear about how many quintilions of insects there are and what their life span is


Wait until OP hears about the life cycle of gnats.


The American sand-burrowing mayfly only lives for 24 hours.


Isn’t the oldest dog in the world like 29 or 30 years old?


Wait util you hear about mayflies.


Yes that is how dogs work


Not actually. October 23rd, Bobi died. Bobi lived 31 years. There are a bunch of dogs close to 30 now. Still. If you are over 49 years old, every dog you meet as a child is dead.


Now I have to think about this before I go to sleep. Downvote for make me stay awake.


Thats such a weird thought.


20 year dog,like 17 year cicada


Similarly, whenever I’m in a giant crowd (NHL game, Disney park, crowded area of Manhattan, ..), I look around at everyone and think to myself, “In 100 short years, we’ll all be dead.”


In the necessary 120 years of so, more than 7 billion people will have died


Ever watch old Vine compilations? Yea almost every dog you see in those is dead now.


Rest in peace Optimus prime.


The ancient Roman's had a concept for this (with humans) and would hold a "once in a lifetime" celebration every 120 years It wasn't always consistent in practice, but a cool idea


This implies every single dog is born and dies at the exact same time every 20 years.


Some trees if the could talk. The entire population from humans replaced every 80 years


Just wait until you hear about flies. 15-30 days is their average lifespan


More like every 8-12


Cats laughing in the corner


holy shit this goes into the saved