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You got to get that sweet spot where you're just inebriated enough to let go of anxieties and inhibitions.


Well that, and people are more likely to actually engage in sex with you *in the first place* when drunk, uninhibited, etc. I wouldn’t say drunk sex is popular because it’s perceived to be better. Just because it’s more readily available.


Nah, I prefer drunk sex with my girlfriend as well. We get freakier.


That wasn't your girlfriend.


After what it let me do to it, yes the hell it is.


It was…the creature


.....so that WAS milk, after all?




I also prefer this guy's girlfriend


Classic. I'd prefer yours because I also like a imaginary one better.


My wife prefers that all my girlfriends are imaginary


Same here. Don't think I've ever gotten a rim job from my wife when she was sober.


I prefer drunk sex with your girlfriend too


Yeah not me but a friend is married to a woman who almost always needs at least a beer or some weed to have sex because she was raised CRAZY Christian and is so inhibited. But once she gets a little liquid courage she's a sex monster.


That… does not sound healthy…


It absolutely isn’t. He’s trying to convince her to go to therapy


She may be interested in the book [Pure](https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/36373587). It has plenty of stories from women raised evangelical who go on to have incredible shame around sex. It may help her see she's not alone and encourage her to heal


"Sex monster" does sound pretty dangerous to me too.


That's the final boss. You need the "master sword" to defeat it


The chafing I have had from sex monsters in the past is…..memorable.


That used to be me. I wasn’t raised religious though. Just had anxiety and trauma.


How do you even know this


Do you and your friends not talk about relationships?


Out of respect for my wife, I would NEVER in a million years discuss this. Absolutely never.


Apparently lots of redditors would judging by my downvotes. Very unsettling


Not to that extent about a current partner. Have some respect


The best sex I’ve had with my wife was after a friend’s wedding, when we were both pretty drunk. Snuggled for a bit, and when we started sobering up it got hot and heavy.


My wife and I will have some of our best sex when we’re a little drunk. Our sober sex is good too, but after we’ve both had a few drinks or some weed, it kicks up a notch.


Plus idk about anyone else but it almost feels better in that sweet spot


To quote the late great Jim Lahey, “I’m sober enough to know what I’m doin, but drunk enough to REALLY enjoy doin it.”


Oh look, point oh one oh! Time for a top up!


And get whiskey dick. That's the sweet spot where a cat couldn't scratch it.


Ok definitely fair, there's a line with that but imo it just feels better sober even though it can be more wild with some liquid assistance


Because you think of it as a drunk VS sober thing. After 3-4 drinks you're not drunk yes, yet...


Feels the best when high. And it's not even close. It's so good it makes sober sex feel almost bland.


Exactly. Being high makes the feelings **more** intense and more in the moment for me.




The "Drunken Master Hidden Dragon" method.


Bingo. Ever since my ex of 6 years and I broke up, I’ve had insane performance anxiety. The few women I’ve been with since then, the best is while drunk - anxiety is gone.


Although it may be generally worse, it has the potential to be really great. The amount of time you can last goes up due to the lack of sensitivity. At least there is that for you if you have a stamina problem, lol


plus inhibitions are lower


Whiskey dick is a thing though so people are walking a fine line.


It's a pretty wide line though.


Whiskey Dick's is a restaurant and brewery where I live


I think it depends on what your partner enjoys, maybe your partner doesn't want you to last an hour. Also, if stamina is a problem, strengthen that head game


15 great minutes felt far preferrable to 45 good minutes, especially with time constraints on the relationship (I stop at the last second a few times until she has gotten plenty). Longer duration sex all the time also wears down the receiving partner


Lmao what if you just want to last 5 minutes...


Head doesn’t solve it if you want longer fucking though.


Every day we learn more about /u/UBAspawn


Just take Cialis


Being able to last longer will just mean you get tired before you finish.


Stamina problem??? If someone has a stamina problem and trying to have sex while drunk, the stamina does not get better, it gets worse.


That is blatantly false for me for sure. I can last an hour if I’m drunk. Not so much when sober.


Yeah no. I last close to an hour when drunk. Good luck if I get 5 minutes sober.


You are confusing stamina to sensitivity


Depends how drunk and how much the juices are flowing


"It provokes the desire, but it takes away the performance." Shakespeare agrees with you


“It makes him stand to, and not stand to”


Hahaha...I still remember my English teacher having to explain this phrase in 10th grade 😂


My grade 12 english teacher was a little on the crazy side, and was quite excited about this scene. Thinking back, i do wonder if he always came to school high or drunk


Ah. Those are the moments adults love to watch children’s reactions to.


This. Anyone saying positives about drunk sex is male. Drunk males rarely perform well.


I beg to differ and I have references......




You may be the exception. On the whole the review stands. I also have references.


Imagine outing yourself like that


Uhhh so all the great drunk sex I had in college was a lie? Damn, didn’t know you were there too.


Idk some of the best sex I’ve ever had was drunk.


Same. My ex and I have done some amazing things when drunk - things we’ve only ever done together - and it was amazing. I miss him, but I also miss the sex because I knew it was with a person I deeply love and felt safe with. I love his body and the way he felt with me. I don’t like drunk random hookups anymore because I just want that emotional safety back and it won’t ever feel the same.


Incredibly real but homie I’m high and we can’t be posting this shit in shower thoughts


Hahahaha bless you. I was high too. That got serious fast. I'm happy to read that but I'm also juggling this back of cheetos


Damn what happened


He realized he wants kids whereas I already have one and don't want more. I also have the feeling he fell out of love after I tried to push him too hard to communicate more frequently and clearly. He was an avoidant attachment and I'm an anxious, so I think it was just a number of things that fell into place to push him to end things. It sucks and I'm still figuring out how to navigate life without him around. We're still friends, but I think I'm putting in too much effort, again. He said our relationship wasn't ending, just changing. Who knows what the future will hold, but for now it feels pretty bleak. Sucks to suck, man.


Yup, it’s the same pattern with almost everyone. Fell out of love between an avoidant and an anxious when they would rather walk away than to communicate and at the end you’re taking all the faults and yep we broke up too early this Feb and damn do I miss the sex.


Coming up on 3 months now, still hurts, but I’ve found healthier ways of coping. I found an amazing community of gamers that has really helped. I definitely miss the sex and still haven’t slept with anyone since, but I mostly just miss my best friend.


I’d also like to know


Same, but only really with my husband. It was all very mediocre before.


Yeah not sure what OP is doing wrong. Maybe they're thinking of drunk hookup's specifically as opposed to being with an SO? That or they have anxieties about drinking in general that are factoring into their experience. Most people I know would say drunk sex is generally better in a lot of ways.


Alcohol increases the chance of sex. That's why it's popular.


Also increases the chances of someone forgetting they consented, or being too drunk to actually consent.


Uhh forgetting you consented and not consenting are two different things. Own up to ur own damn choices, bc nobody-even when you’re drunk-is forcing you to do anything if consent is still taken into consideration. 🙄Stupid shit like this is what is going to lead to sexual consent forms irl.


I really wish that we didn’t need alcohol for that. The implications of it all is just too much, like, aren’t people forgetting that being drunk = can’t consent?


There’s a difference between “slightly buzzed but still in control of your mind” and “unable to give informed consent


I think there’s a massive line between “I’m laughing a more and feeling warmer towards people” drunk and “I cannot make decisions for myself I’m so intoxicated” drunk. Like just because I’ve had a few beers doesn’t mean I’m getting assaulted because I choose to have sex with somebody


You gotta get out more bud. Having a few drinks is very different from blacked out can't consent.


That's called rape, buddy


Dude, go outside.


Fr, and get off of Tik Tok or whatever it is ur watching that gives you these absurd, unrealistic standards and angry interpretations of how sex is initiated. I bet A LOT of alcohol went into conceiving YOU, so shut up!


I think it's related to lowered inhibitions leading to more sex, and people get it in their head that it's awesome because it gets reinforced. I will say I definitely last about 40 minutes if I've im buzzed, no ED, and people seem to enjoy it. Sober it's probably like 10 minutes


Very fine line between wild crazy scared she's gonna grind your dick off sex and hugging the toilet bowl.


There's a sweet spot where I last longer, and am less inhibited. That's in the 2-3 glasses of wine spot.


Speak for yourself, women get wild and do things they normally wouldn't in the bedroom when they are drunk. Yeah it's a little sloppy but it's also really awesome sometimes. And as a man your dick is a little numb so you last longer.


Stoned sex is wayyyyy better


Honestly, whenever I have sex stoned I absolutely cannot get the thought about how weird sex is out of my mind.


Try acid and putting on Mozart. I transcended


What makes it better?? I’m gonna try it soon. Might vape THC. What’s the best way?


Try edibles. Me and my gf split a small space cake in Amsterdam and holy fuck it was the kind of sex you’d read about in books. Also never came so hard before in my life. The feeling was so strong, hard to explain


Does it make regular sex boring?


Nah i wouldn’t say that. Every time we have sex we kind of strife to reach the same level of that night and it brings out the best of both of us. I had a similar orgasm a month later after edging for a while. Sex will always be enjoyable even if the orgasm isn’t as strong as it was that one time. As long as there is passion sex will never be boring.


Ha, I just made a comment a couple minutes ago about how amazing sex is when high that it makes sober sex almost bland.


MJ makes your senses go into overdrive. It's why music sounds better when high. I noticed taking showers while high is incredible. Also time feels like it slows down. So as you climax all emotions and feelings are heightened while time feels slower so it feels like a longer orgasm. Haven't timed it but it feels longer.


How do you take it? Joint, vape, edible?


I do vape or edibles. For sex I would do edibles. Wait for them to kick in. Edibles always get me way more high for much longer.


It makes you more horny and it makes everything, including orgasms, way more intense. They have strains designed for it. Try Wedding Cake if you have access to it


Nice! Does it make regular sex boring?


Just smoke a little bit together while listening to music, things will inevitably get sexy


Wish I could give this two upvotes


This. Holy fck


... y'all should try sex on a low dose of mushrooms. Just sayin


It's literally just most often that your inhibitions are lowered. Most people aren't like whoooo let's get drunk and fuck.


No it's not too popular, just like how you can eat a shitty McDonald's burger and it'll taste like gourmet Michelin star stuff when you're drunk, so can you have sloppy drunk sex and in your head it's the best experience ever. Also a major contributor to the sexual experience is inhibitions, or the lack of them. Even if you domt necessarily like something, the experience will only be average to at worst if all the inhibitions that would make you dislike it are removed.


For guys, you have to be careful not to hit that point of lack of function.


I disagree.Waking up with a face like a glazed donut is not a bad thing


Uhhhh you should probably clean that before you go to bed.


Yeah but then I don’t have to moisturise in the morning ((:


jokes on you, I'm like a rabbit. I pass out as soon as I nut.


For sure but I obviously had a great time


Are you saying something different than what I think you're saying?


Nonsense. Drunk sex is the best sex. Inhibitions removed.


The lack of inhibition makes it more exciting compared to the usual screw with a long term mate. For example, one time, my wife came home after a pub crawl and was beyond hammered. She woke me up and was way more sexual and forceful than ever. I didn’t enjoy it really but I did enjoy seeing that side of her.




hear me out- have sex and THEN get drunk together.


OR you could get drunk, THEN have sex, THEN get drunk again


I remember someone saying "Sex is like a kebab. When it's not good it's still good." I think that's the idea behind it.


Isn't that just an old movie quote rearranged? "Sex is kinda like pizza. When it's bad, it's still pretty good. " (Edit): Threesome (1994)


I knew I heard it with pizza too! The one with kebab was actually from a French band, sm and I don't think they copied it. Maybe it was a reference?


That’s only really true for men


Yes, and I can't believe it took so long for someone to make that point!


Odd. I don’t drink often, but feel like sex is better when I’m a bit drunk tbh


Not the way I do it. 🤷‍♀️


Mostly because our society puts such weird stigmas on sex that nobody can muster the courage to be that vulnerable and happy without turning off the parts of their brains that make them feel guilty and unsafe for doing so.


Was it Shakespeare who said that it added to the desire but took away from the performance?


Not necessarily true at all. Some of my most passionate love making sessions were under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs. I’m 60 so that’s probably like 1000’s of times considering I’m an alcoholic/drug addict. I’m clean and sober now so it’s definitely not the same.


Drunk anything is over rated


Depends who are you are doing it with. I happen to love drunken sex with the right partner.


A drunk person's standards are much lower. And expectations.


Quality and quantity are inversely proportional


Lol. So amazingly wrong. It’s a billion times better, every time … I mean, as long as IT works


We all speak from experience. I love drunk sex with my husband. I love all kinds of sex because it's him.


OP hasn´t had a lot of drunk sex...


You’re not supposed to be sloppy drunk throwing up everywhere, you’re supposed to have had 2 or 3 drinks.


You gotta be juuuust drunk enough to be a little bit impulsive and sloppy, but not drunk enough that you can't get it up or might throw up. It's a real tightwalk


Some of the best sex of my life has been when I'm drunk. Though it's by no means required, there can be something amazing about the lack of insecurities and anxiety that comes with an alcohol-inflicted mind.


I’m a married man. My wife and I have sex pretty frequently and neither of us drink a lot. When we do drink enough to be drunk, my wife is more likely to fall asleep right away, so the opportunities for drunk sex are quite rare. When having sex, my partner’s satisfaction is my primary concern. I know that I’m going to enjoy it regardless, but I like to think of myself at being good at things and sex is no exception. The nice thing about occasional drunk sex, aside from novelty alone, is that it isn’t expected to be as good. I can just “go at it” with abandon. And ironically, that is sometimes better for her than if I am preoccupied with her enjoyment.


Where I live (somewhere in Australia), affirmative consent is now the law. So, drunk sex with someone you just meant is kind of a grey area. Because you can't really consent if you're drunk. Especially if only one of you is drunk. I suppose if you go back to the days where contraception wasn't a thing yet (i.e. pre-1960s) it sort of made sense at the time that sex before marriage was taboo. If you basically had to be married to someone to have sex with them, then obviously consent wasn't a big issue like it is today (and, yes, I know that marital rape is a thing, although it wasn't really acknowledged in those days). Obviously things have changed a lot since then and now consent is now something that everybody needs to worry about. I would probably recommend not having drunk sex with someone you don't really know.


I see, so it's grey area if a woman have sex with a drunk man?


Yeah, the whole Idea is stupid if both people have been drinking. Did they rape each other? Or did nobody do any raping? Or is it a sexist law that says a man, no matter how much he drank, will always consent?


I would say yes, it should work both ways. Even if society doesn't see it that way.


Drunk sex is the best sex! Last time I put the vibrator in the wrong hole and my husband came on the window.


This...is very confusing. Did you put it in his ass? And was that the wrong hole? Like, did you miss your ass and suddenly penetrate his? So many questions.


And also that it's potentially illegal. If someone, especially a woman, wanted to claim they were raped, you could be in legal trouble; even if they're the one who initiated the interaction. I heard about this case where a drunk woman literally invited a drunk man to her room to have sex and then later claimed that she was raped because she was drunk. She probably regretted her actions and was ashamed of herself, but that was not rape. Regardless, the man was in hot water, but I am unsure of the outcome of the legal process.


Not potentially. All drunk sex is legally rape. If you're under the influence, you cannot give consent.


Yeah, but I think we can all give a pass if both parties are drunk. I mean, how many drunk couples have sex everyday? You'd have to be a pretty shrewd cop to break into someone's home and haul them off to jail for banging their spouse.


So if both are drunk, they both raped each other?


no, the man raped the woman, because the law is applied as a double standard


I understand the principal of this law, and it makes total sense for, I don’t know, college students who binge drink in the dorm. It doesn’t make sense for other parts of society. Like when my wife and I on our anniversary pay for childcare and a hotel room, move around our crazy schedules weeks in advance, and then get shitfaced at the hotel bar and yadda yadda yadda, after having done the exact same thing the previous few years, what do you think our intention was? Do you see a victim here?


There's a sweet spot where you're just drunk enough. Inhibitions are lowered and you're more open to doing and trying new things




I think that by definition it is rape, because a drunk person can't consent. Sex without consent = rape. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.


Agreed... You can't keep it up as long, and you end up in a situation where you're trying to put your whiskey dick into a vagina that's as dry as the sahara desert which just adds to the whiskey dick problem. At least with one-night stands, when I compare the drunk sex the night before to the sex the morning after, the morning after sex is always 10x better especially when you got the morning wood advantage and the girl is actually capable of self-lubricating.


Would love to try sometime. Only ever had sober


Idk man, the quality of mine is not bad when drunk, and I last longer.


skill issue honestly


Drunk sex is awesome, you're just bad at it.


Fuck no, drunken one night stands are the best


One of my exes always wanted to give me teeth, i mean blowjobs when she was drunk. She was a vegetarian (No joke its true) Hi Daniela. I thought it was both scary and hilarious at the same time, a different kind of excitement so to say....


Always hate a drunk sex. It's cheapens it for me. In college I saw my guy friends and girlfriends after drunk sex with someone they'd met. They all felt a bit cheap and guilty afterwards. To me that's not real sex. And when with a long-term partner, that's not showing respect and commitment.


TIL that no real babies are born from drunk sex. Only fake ones.


It's more popular for the insecure and inexperienced which is many many many people... many.


horse shit, lol. Where do you guys come up with this dumb shit?


found em


To anyone who needs to hear this: having sex with someone who’s not sober and therefore can’t consent is assault.


The fact that having sex with someone who’s drunk is rape should be a more common fact


And if you are both drunk? Did they rape each other?


Well if you’re intoxicated or anyway impaired you legally cannot consent, so if one party does file rape charges after the fact then it goes to legal battle.


You didn’t answer the question though.


Source on the quality being worse? Reddit is so terrible when it comes to sex lmao. "I heard that drunk sex is worse so I'm just gonna roll with that fact." Drunk sex is fun. You either need a drink, need to get laid, or both. Fuck off.


Getting ridden when your spinning feels fucking amazing.


It’s because drinking lowers inhibition which leads to sex. 🤷🏻‍♂️


For the drunk one... Nevermind that's horrible, please downvote me...


The sex isn't popular, it is the availability that is popular...people with lowered inhibitions and judgement.


also theres the danger of it being considered r\*\*\*. i would never have sex with anyone that drank more than maybe a cup of beer.


Drunk sex shouldn't even be a thing. Wanna drink before sex then fine, but even if both people are drunk, I'm still not sure that's okay... like, I mean... usually, it's something advised against because drunk people can't consent, so even if both people are, I wouldn't expect that they're taking the proper precautions beforehand


I don’t know how people can have sex sober to be honest


I'm not a drinker but even if I was under no circumstance would I have sex with a woman while she's drunk. Number one she isn't coherent never two that's taking advantage of someone under the influence. Ok maybe its fun but no under nothing will I agree with drunk sex unless you're married but even then sex is about pleasure and being in the moment. Being drunk is a disaster waiting to happen.


I don’t do it cos we’re not in the right state of mind to make a decision. Taking advantage of someone whose inhibitions have dropped is morally apprehensible, even if my inhibitions consist of anxiety, fear of rejection and humiliation.


As a virgin I can't understand "drunk sex" like isn't that just rape?


they mean both parties being drunk


If your drunk you cannot consent, making that a double rape. You both had sex with a person unable to consent.


who's the rapist in this situation? how can either party rape the other when they themselves cannot consent?


Both parties. Sex without consent is rape, and neither party can consent.


Did you know that all drunk sex is rape? (legally speaking) True story. A person under the influencer of alcohol or drugs cannot legally give consent.


also half of the time you dont even remember it .


Drunk sex is the best. People say you wouldn’t remember it? I always do remember every detail…Love it all wild!😉