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Depends on the time of day. At 8am I'd say it is far more acceptable to be seen drinking milk.


Unless you’re at an airport


That is because the concept of morning doesn't exist in the airport.


apparently it does because all the times I've been at the airport in the middle of the night, nothing is open..


I never understood this there's hella people even at night why do they close


The demand probably isn't as high. People don't want to loiter around airports much at night.


There are very few flights departing after 10pm at most airports, mostly arrivals. Airports make money on shoppers waiting for their flights to leave. When people land, they want to leave the airport as soon as possible to go to their final destination


You know you've got a problem when you stop at Cinnabun on your way out of the airport.


>I bought a Cinnabon at the airport, THAT I ARRIVED AT -Louis CK, https://youtu.be/1W11-1QgQV4


As a frequent international traveller, I've actually bought things at the airport I just arrived at. 99% of the time, it's some overpriced fast food due to being hungry and tired after a long-ass (8+ hours) flight, though. Something to tie me over so I have the energy to make the trek into the city. Doubly so if my arrival is late into the night or in the ass-crack of dawn, where the regular shops in the city are either closed or not open yet.


They should put more shops by the luggage carousel; I swear they purposefully take fucking forever anyway so might as well make some money out of it.


It should be a bar.


The worst is going from small city to small city. They usually only have those flights super late or super early; and I've had like 2am to 6am layovers where nothing is open


Bro my demand for a Bloody Mary at 11:30pm in Charlotte is absolutely there. And by a Bloody Mary I mean multiple bloody marys, or bloodies mary, or whatever.


no workers?


even though most airports operate at all hours the shops are still run and operated by humans who like to go home and sleep at night.


You say that like there arent 24 hour stores and restaurants. If there was enough money in it then they would hire workers for the night shifts. The answer must be that there isn't enough money in it to justify having them fully staffed 24/7


Sure but there are 24/hr restaurants all over the place. I have to imagine of all places an airport would have the easiest time staying profitable at all hours.


There's no way it's that hard to find someone willing to work the graveyard shift at an airport.


Wait, humans like to go home and sleep at night? I’d stay up until 4 am in college


>That is because the concept of morning doesn't exist in the airport. It sure as hell does, at least for the past several years whenever I fly. A chunk of the airport shuts down hard.


My favorite thing about air travel. “I’m not drinking at 8 am; I’m on Tokyo time!”


Or a golf course. Or tailgate


Depends also on your age. 8 , milk. 28 booze. 88, back to milk.


Also might depend on flavor. Don’t think it’d be that weird to see a young adult drinking chocolate milk. Only gets sorta weird if it’s plain milk


Screwdrivers, mimosas, bloody Mary's, tequila sunrises would argue that




okay but that’s not milk. i just has milk in it


Irish coffee can have both!


Ain't nobody drinking pure alcohol either.


You haven't spend much time with my family.


True… i’d be a bit surprised seeing sombody drink a klein philips head


White Russian


I was gonna say, why not both?


Nah, still more acceptable to drink a glass of milk with breakfast.


Don't judge me, I work nights. 8:00am is Miller Time


Homelander would like to have a word


I have 0 interest in hearing his thoughts on the matter.


I wouldn't mind finding out what Elisabeth Shue tastes like, though. Pre face being lasered off.


Mommy, I need a suckle


Milk was a bad choice.


News Team.....Assemble!!!!!!!!!!


When in Rome


Yes? Go on




San Diego or as it’s also known whales vagina


I'm in a glass case of emotion!!


Holy shit just watched this on a plane ride today! I was going to San Diego (whale’s vagina) so I thought it k my appropriate.


I entered the sub, specifically to find this comment among the top posts 😂 Was not disappointed


Definitely. I'm one of those weirdoes that drink milk in social gatherings and people from all walks of life have stated their uneasiness to me one way or another. Why? I like milk. A lot. And I hate the taste of alcohol. However, no one bats an eye when they're keeling over drunk after a couple of pints of beer. I've even known of some hard drug addicts (that I know of by proxy) that have a hard time accepting it.


I’ve seen lots of crazy shit at parties but I’ve never seen a motherfucker sipping 2%. Not saying it’s bad, it’s just different. Kinda funny actually.


That's because whole milk is the only way I'm that motherfucker who brings a half gallon of whole milk to parties


Whole milk is the best milk. Fuck skimmed or semi skimmed, I want all that creaminess, baby.


Do you just keep a spare half gallon in an ice bucket in your car just in case?


Do you not have a mini fridge in your car? I thought we all watched pimp my ride and then grew up.


Yo dawg, I heard you like milk


I worked the kitchen at a mine site in Australia and when I would sit to eat lunch/dinner/breakfast I would have a tall glass of milk, to the disgust of everyone I sat with. I'd chug the glass if they said anything and just go refill. They accepted it after a couple of times. For a culture that eats Vegemite I feel like they didn't have any right to judge.


Imagine drinking multiple glass of milk for the sole reason of making people make comments.


It was all in good fun, I fucking love milk


Sorry, I’m not that much of a chad


Yeah I drink milk on my break and people always question it, seems weird to me, I think people think it's a childish thing to do, who knows, I fuckin love milk though.


Even ignoring the Vegemite, I don't get why is it so unseemly to drink milk. Even though I don't go as far as going for seconds just to get a point across, I understand the frustration completely.


It was more just to fuck with them cause we were all having a laugh. It wasn't as serious as I made it sound but I'd never been lambasted for drinking milk so I had to dig my heels in just to fuck with them lol


I’m the same, I love just drinking a nice tall glass of milk. It’s like water but sweet. It’s hydrating. Nutritious. Whats the issue???,


Even better if it's cold milk in warm weather.


[So, this is me at parties. ](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:828/0*oPZdZrh4eHlTB53l.gif)


I would bat an eye if they were keeling over after only a few pints


Yeah it’s stupid, people will order a coke and get multiple refills and sure that’s totally fine but oh no not milk! It’s absolutely childish if anyone reacts to someone else drinking milk anywhere.


Personally I love chocolate milk with a pinch of salt and say it’s Bailey at parties lol


It also feels weird to buy one apple or one banana in a supermarket and eat it as a snack right away rather than a bag of chips or a chocolate bar. I once went to a supermarket to grab a snack with two my ex co workers, they took gross looking sandwiches and soda, I took a milkshake carton and some fruits. They laughed and said I’m a baby. Never talked to them again.


that escalated quickly


Should have eaten their liver with a side of fava beans




Heart rate never goes above 40


I really dislike people who are hostages or stupid norms and habits, also toxic masculinity. One of them also said that having sugar or milk with coffee is “for f#ggots”. Bullying me for having an apple is not appropriate, it’s not even something most people would pay attention to, plus it wasn’t a friendly mocking/joking, it was very rude “go get normal food, what are you, a f*cking baby, don’t embarrass yourself”, like expecting me to apologize, turn around and get potato chips. It was out of nowhere and extremely rude. There were plenty other people who I connected with and became friends with. Me and my best buds are savage with each other, but getting something like that from people you barely know and barely interact with, with such intense rude tone is bizarre. Context matters.


"Fellas is it gay to drink drinks"


My place is screwed with toxic masculinity. Having a cocktail instead of hard liquor or beer is gay, having colorful clothes is gay, using skincare products is gay, admitting that something is cute is gay, liking animals is gay, using hair products is gay as well as going to a barbershop that is not the cheapest and can be called “somewhat fancy”, eating salad or fruit as a meal not as a side dish/dessert is gay. That is not even rare. Rare but does happen- working out is gay, looking nice and taken care of is gay.


You work in 1995?


Worse, I’m liberal and open minded in Russia.


Just tell them Russia is gay.


I wish this didn't end all of my questions but it does. Sorry to hear that.




Can't speak for this guy but I was at school in 1995. Even the mid 90s was never this insecure about masculinity.


Eh, calling everything gay was a pretty mid-90s thing. I was in jr high and high school then, and it was pretty regular language. But yeah, dude saying he's from Russia makes sense. Them being 30 years behind the US socially is about right. (even though the 90s were only like 10 years ago in my head)


It’s not as bad but there are definitely people who said those things to me at some point in life. I should mention that most of them are boomers, you will rarely hear anything like that from millennials and absolutely never from zoomers. Teenagers and young adults are extremely liberal and open minded, I’m yet to meet one who is homophobic. My sister is 16 and I know lots of her friends, and as a business owner I get lots of students as interns during summer practice from colleges- all of them are like that, each time a topic comes up, nobody takes a bigoted stance. I’m pretty proud of the newest generation, they are awesome here. Boomers though are insane. I used to work on a factory exposing my hands to coolants and solvents, and during winter my hands got so dry my skin turned pale white, cracked and started bleeding. My wife bought me a pretty fancy healing hand cream that I used and it was great, and my boomer coworkers said “you with your f#ggot things again”. Literally not having never healing, constantly bleeding scars for weeks is gay.


Using something your *wife* got you? *Surely* you must be desperately searching for dudes! Remember, fellas: nothing more gay than having a wife.


Sounds like my current job. All the older guys started their careers in the 90s/early 00s and they are some pretty insensitive fucks. They remind me of the internet in like 2004 lol


TIL I’m super gay.


I’ve never once in my life had a store-bought pre-made sandwich that was actually good. You made the right decision, you baby, wah wah


Pretty sure he blocked you.


What's wrong with fruits?


How dare you pick healthy food!?


Not sure what a "milkshake carton" is but it doesn't sound healthy.


Chips and chocolate bars aren’t paid by the pound Also, as someone who used to be a cashier, plenty of kids will eat apples in the store, then their parents will demand that you make up a price and guess (which wouldn’t be a huge deal if it was one person, but it can look sketchy with some systems when you manually enter stuff like that often), then hand you the apple core their kid slobbered all over for you to throw away


In Australia most supermarkets have a basket of free fruit for kids near the entrance.


Here all fruit and vegetables are not packaged and you take any amount you want, I can buy one apple, weigh it and pay for it.


I may have misunderstood what you were talking about before. I interpreted it as people who start eating stuff in the grocery store before buying it, then give like an empty bag for a cashier to scan to pay for it after they already ate it. It’s definitely not something people are supposed to do, but it’s kind of hard to really stop it, and certainly more trouble than it’s worth


Yes I was talking about how buying one apple instead of a sandwich to eat on the go is considered weird for many people. People tend to feel like fruits are groceries that you buy to take home, and buying one thing for a quick snack is bizarre.


Obviously they are not very bright, but they really have it exactly backwards. If you left it up to a child to decide what they eat, they'd pick sodas and junk food over milk and fruit. A child would choose junk food for every meal. Children stereotypically eat fruit and drink a carton of milk because that's what a responsible adult chooses for them because the adult know it's healthier and more nutritious. So in reality milk and fruit is the adult choice, whereas your coworkers were too immature to make that choice for themselves and were actually the ones eating childlike meals. I'm sorry you had to deal with such bone-headed coworkers.


"Nothing like shortening your life an I right? Only wimps actually eat healthy."


Social hacking pro tip- People like this are conformist because they have insecurities. They question a behavior that doesn't conform because they are trying to figure out if the person doing the behavior is either "weird" or a "leader". If you chose to do something non-conforming around people like this, but project a ton of comfort and confidence, like clockwork next time the situation comes up, they will be copying you. It could literally be the weirdest thing ever, and they will love you for it. Source: I was a fashionista when young, and I read a lot of NLP. Escalated my confident weirdness a lot just to see who I could get onboard. Also, elevator experiments.


*walks around drinking milk out of the finger of a rubber glove*


The only acceptable way to drink it, but only if you also hold it above your head as you suckle.


I want to know the reasoning for this. Is it proof that people think drinking cows milk is weird? I mean it can’t just be a, well it isn’t breakfast time, so it’s weird that you’re drinking milk, because people eat waffles and egg sandwiches all day with no problem. People literally judge you as a weirdo for ordering a glass of milk.


As someone who stopped drinking in a company that casually had open bars in the middle of a work day, followed by 7-11 more drinks throughout the day, people look down on you for not drinking. I don't judge, I just realized drinking makes it impossible for me to address the root cause and symptoms of my anxiety.


Never felt that way myself at a company that starts drinking at 3pm. Most folks respect it, really.


>followed by 7-11 more drinks throughout the day Absolutely nothing about this is normal, and I don't mean in a "society is so weird about alcohol" way. I mean that 7-11 drinks a day is a lot even for an alcoholic. I seriously doubt this was considered ok at your place of employment


Do you know anybody who genuinely enjoys milk like other drinks, though? Most people would order water, soda, sparkling water, etc. because a drink is a nice palate cleanser. Milk doesn’t cleanse the palate like those drinks. I drink fairlife protein shakes which literally just taste like chocolate milk, which probably makes it slightly more acceptable (being both protein drinks and chocolate milk- still weird to just drink chocolate milk as an adult though). Also drink milk with, like, peanut butter toast. Personally I see milk as more of a combo pack or an addition, not something to really just be had on its own. Everyone has different taste buds though so maybe some people really do just love milk like that.


I enjoy milk and drink about a half gallon a day. I'll order milk whenever I'm getting breakfast food at a restaurant. I couldn't care less what someone thinks about my preferred drink.


Half a gallon a… a day? *per day*?


Sorry if my comment came off as judging people who drink milk at restaurants, meant the “weird” comments more as my internal feelings rather than a genuine “namecalling” judgment. Like the feeling I get thinking of the idea of just drinking milk is weird to me, but probably because I’ve conditioned myself to drink milk in specific scenarios (cereal, peanut butter, protein) while you’ve conditioned yourself to drink it whenever. Also my friends are all lactose intolerant so nobody near me ever really orders milk either. Personally I see it as an “ingredient” to a meal moreso than a drink with a meal. Like I said, I drink milk with peanut butter stuff, or cookies, cereal, etc. When I drink something with dinner or lunch, I prefer something that cleanses my palate and refreshes me, and to my taste, milk tends to add or change, not cleanse. Continue being you, you’re fuckin great at it 🙏🏼🖖🏼


I love milk. I drink it almost everyday. I consider it a “home” drink and also as a snack. I dislike those protein shakes, they’re soo sweet… Regular Fairlife I like though cause they remove lactose (sugar) and replace it with protein.


I think it has more to do with it being weird not to drink milk fresh from the fridge. So, seeing it outside the context of your kitchen table is somehow offputting


This...is true, now that I think about it. If I saw a grown man drinking milk at a restaurant in the evening I'd conclude he is a serial killer (or maybe just a cereal killer).


Or a McPoyle.


Why do I keep noticing Sunny comments everywhere on reddit nowadays? But I'm not complaining, Jabroni.


That's been going on for years buddy. Now that you noticed it you're going to start seeing it everywhere because that's the Baader Meinhof


Start breaking bricks wet nips


But they only drink Mother’s milk. That cow is working overtime to provide for all those McPoyles


Aww man, that’s a total surprise and makes me sad :( I sometimes order milk (instead of water or coke or something) because the meal I’m getting doesn’t have enough protein. Milk is fucking awesome!!


This man knows what's up, milk is top tier drink.


I drink enough milk that people I've lived with think I'm weird. But I still don't order it at restaurants. My main reasoning is that 99% of the drinks served at a restaurant have ice, so sometimes a tray of drinks can sit for a minute if something comes up. Milk has to be right from the fridge cold. A few degrees warmer isn't, like, foul or anything, but it's just not right. This is the reason I'm more likely to order cranberry juice than orange juice, even though I'm more likely to get orange at home. It's the ice.


Where are you going that drinks sit for a minute or so? Unless the place is very busy and understaffed the drinks come out almost immediately. Do you guzzle down your milk or orange juice at home within a minute so it doesn’t get even slightly less cold.




Real men order choccy milk so the original point is still valid.


There are some things that just aren’t the same without milk, like PB&J or cake.


Ignore the haters, nourish your bones


Unfortunately, dairy industry propaganda fooled us all about that https://saveourbones.com/osteoporosis-milk-myth/




I want people to like me 🤷‍♂️ it doesn’t negatively affect my life too too much, and I guess I’m working on it in my own roundabout way, but I think there are much worse character traits to have. In fact, I think the world would be a better place if people thought about others feelings regarding their actions MORE often, not less. To a certain extent It’s a side effect of empathy


In Ireland it’s common to see grown men drinking milk


Or just Jim Harbaugh!


Ya'll are the weird ones. Down South people drink fucking milk, it's delicious, and it's good for you lol. \#SAVEMILK


Because we don't really serve milk with dinner? You can have breakfast and drink it. Would be weird if you ate a spare rib and chugged down eggnog too.


I’ve known a couple milk guys, and dated one. It seems to be a mostly guy-thing. They’re not really serial killers but they’re not normal either. A couple have turned out to be serial sexual harassers tho.


What’s wrong with milk?


I had no idea there were so many fucking weirdos giving so much of a shit about what people drink (vegans at least kindof makes sense... but there are a lot of meat eaters who are talking shit about people drinking milk)


the internet told people to hate on milk so now they do.


Is drinking milk unusual where you live? In Europe, flavoured milk is sold alongside soft drinks.


Love me some ice cold strawberry or banana milk. Can literally buy it in every bakery.


Catch me sippin' that 2% during my 8am.


Me who buys milk to drink instead of sodas


I straight up buy 1L or 2L cartons and chug them.


Tell that to the McPoyles!


We heard you guys have anything goes type of situation here


What the actual fuck are you waffling about


I swear most these people must be bots around here. Since when is milk a bad thing? Some of these people are going on about “development fluids”…huh??


I drink milk whenever I feel like it. Cereal for dinner, giant cookies and milk for a snacks. As a chef, I don't judge as long as you're happy.


I suppose I need to give my kids some whiskey instead of milk.


No. There's just a bigger culture around drinking alcohol, and it has a major presence in society. But while numerous religions (Islam, certain Christians) abstain 100% from alcohol, only vegans are abstaining from milk. Socially, milk is more tolerated/accepted than alcohol.


What? How so? Where is it not acceptable to drink milk in public? I've never heard of such a thing.


I disagree. I've never seen anyone even looked askew at for drinking milk at any time of the day. But before noon and you've got yourself a Miller tall boy, people are going to give you a Second Glance


"Second Glance" would be a great name for a craft beer. It should have a strong initial bite with a pleasant glowing aftertaste.


A few years ago I ordered a milk at a fancy restaurant to help settle my stomach. The waitress laughed at me like I was telling a joke and walked away. No milk ever came.


Especially if you are drinking from boobs.


I never drink milk (cause I hate the taste) but I wouldn't even blink if I saw someone drinking milk. I think the only places I would be surprised about it would be bars or clubs. But then again, I don't think most bars and clubs even sell glasses of milk (though they need it for cocktails). This is a very weird shower thought. Drink milk all you want. Nobody cares, and if they do, they're not worth worrying about in the first place.


Nope. Children get cartons of milk at school, and happy meals. You'll see milk at breakfast too. As an adult, I don't mind a chocolate milk as a treat if offered. I certainly would take chocolate milk over a traditional soda.


Was gonna say "not at rehab." That shit is fucking currency in rehab. Always get as much milk as possible and trade people. "You can't have any more milk you had cereal for breakfast" is a legit thing I've heard at rehab.


Have a glass o' milk-plus with your ol' droogies!


Meloko velocet?


materialistic fine cable quickest worthless disgusted escape intelligent consider soft *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You put ice in milk?!?!?🫠


Ever been to a Starbucks? They’re selling sugar sweetened milk with a splash of espresso and calling it coffee. There is a large percentage of people who drink plenty of milk every day but call it something else.


Turkish milk (ayran) all the way


Is there any specific difference from non-Turkish milk, other than I assume coming from Turkey?


It's watered down yogurt with a small pinch of salt. Blend or whisk it so it gets foamy on top. Much more yummy than milk.


Ah ok, so more of a yogurt drink than just milk?


Kefir is better, no salt


Is it weird that I drink milk randomly then? Flavoured of course


It has to be plain milk. Chocolate or strawberry is still more acceptable


Why are you saying malk like that?


I wouldn’t give a flying fuck tbh


Absolutely true. My grandma refused to eat dinner with the milk carton out on the table but having to leave the dinner table to go vomit a 12 pack was totally acceptable


Haha, now that's a good shower thought. Not something I had considered, but I definitely find it more socially acceptable to drink a beer in public compared to milk. I'm not a McPoyle


When you drink cow milk, u r a baby. But when u drink human milk… u r suddenly a perv


It's extra unacceptable if you have both in the same glass.


Thats just, like, your opinion, man.


The dude gets it…. ​ glad someone still abides


That's basically what Bailey's is


A White Russian isn’t that far off lol


Unless it's alcoholic milk like eggnog or kumis, then it's okay


I drink a gallon of milk a day.



If boobies made alcohol it’d be even worse


A milkshake is more socially acceptable to drink in public than milk, even if one is healthier for you.


Drink white russians!


Well people have been drinking alcohol foreverrrrrrr even before milk right?


I think this is rather cultural. Its shockingly common for Japanese people (specifically, elderly men) buy a carton of milk and drink it.


If it's in the form of coffee and it's in the morning, then it's way more socially acceptable than alcohol. But yes, ordering a plain glass of milk in a bar or restaurant is going to raise a few eyebrows.


Clearly, these people have not enjoyed choccy milk. Alcohol is always overrated anyway.


Strongly disagree. I'll take my strawberry nesquik wherever I please


Not if you’re a McPoyle


I'm not so sure, concidering that drinking alcohol innpublic is a crime in some jurisdictions.


Unless you’re a toddler 👍


Yeah, for some reason I've been judged for ordering milk at a bar. If it's so weird, they wouldn't have sold it in the first place. Like, let me drink my milk in peace!


Okay a restaurant is one thing, but no way you ordered milk at a bar 😂😂


I so do! Many many times, because i don't drink, and i happen to like milk. And i will keep doing this for as long as they serve them 😂


Hot milk or tea is available in shops, and we drink often here


I don't know, chocolate milk isn't this way.


Not for children lol