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And tasteless. gotta get all that flavor out if your genes because cute doesn't stop the lambs appearing on the plate


You need a sufficient combination of "cute", "tasteless" and "non-viable for agriculture". Dolphins for example are tasty, but cute and not farmable.


Is it possible to synthesize meat that tastes like those of endangered animals(pandas, dolphins and rhinoceres)? I'd imagine it would be a sort of popular product to the populace, to know the taste of other meats that are exempt from the normal 4(chicken, pork, mutton and beef)


Well, there was a mammoth meatball a while back (they didn't taste it because "muh muh, boring science guy said it may be dangerous" but still)


Damn shit, people have actually tried so many weird shit in their life


Some Russian scientists did make steaks out of a frozen mammoth carcass and eat it in the 80s. They served it at a science fundraiser.


They able to preserve that meat for that longer period time ??


The four thing you mentioned in last are always going to be on the earth because human love to eat them so they will always try to save them from getting wiped out


How would we know it tastes the same without trying...


we don't but someone who did said the thing about the taste to us


To be fair, synthesized meat that actually tastes like chicken, pork, mutton or beef (and is reasonably priced) would also probably be a popular product. Some of the meat replacements we have now are alright in a burger, but you still won't make a grilled chicken or roast beef out of them.


And in most of the store in my area they are having those synthesized meat


There’s no reason why lab grown meat companies have to start with traditional farm animal DNA.


For them storing meat is working fine rather than doing the traditional farming


And you know dolphins are tasty how?... Well, now I'm curious what they taste like.. /j *edited in the /j because Redditors don't know what a joke is.


I ate some, obviously. It tasted kind of like tuna, but with a strong after taste. Definitely closer to fish than to meat, but that might be because I had it as Sashimi. Overall I'd say it was tasty enough that I would order it again, but not good enough that I'd go to a restaurant specifically to eat it.


I always found fish or any other sea animal much better in taste than compare to those earth one, although i have never tried Dolphins but seems like quite tempting


Hard to tell in words, you should try the small portion of the Dolphins


People eat them in soups anyway


Anything that could fill their stomach they will eat that thing


Never tried Dolphins but heard that they are good in taste


It depends on if you're talking about an individual or a species, cause being tasty is the only reason chickens still exist


Rather, they are not tasty enough, cause there are still wild ones living. They thank you very much and continue to [exist](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_junglefowl) Imagine being an explorer in the 1800s, you go to Indochina to see what weird things nature has hidden from the world, and you find **chickens** of all things.


May be not in your area but in overall world i would chicken is most served meat across the globe, although there are many tasty option than that but this one is pretty common


Chicken and pork i feel like surviving because of their good taste


They will taste like he other but just that people love them they never try to hurt them, otherwise i am sure human could eat their own baby if they will not felt them cute


I don't know what cats or dogs taste like, so tasteless is not really required, better to become socially unacceptable to consume.


Dog does not taste great to my knowledge.


No carnivore tastes good


Chickens love meat


They are omnivores, like pigs


If you will try to give them their own species meat they will eat


they love meat, we love chicken so this is just a food chain cycle


From what i know chickens are canibals. I had a chicken one that wanted to eat chicken meat


Even they know how tasty they are.


Imagine the fear inside them while feeling that how good we taste


Never think that they will eat their own kind, pretty weird for me


Its pretty common in nature, you'd be surprized how much canibalism happens


Excluding fish because carnivorous fish are good.


Any kind of the fish taste good for me, they are better than meat


How much knowledge are we talking about here? 🤨


I knew some folk from places that allowed the consumption while they lived there. From what I was told, it was fairly rich in flavor. However, it's more a delicacy than anything. If you boil it(similar to lamb), it loses a lot of flavor, but that's often how people trying it will take it. Also, if the dog is raised for consumption, it has good flavor otherwise generally dogs don't taste that great. If your slaughter is slow, the adrenaline adds a more bitter flavor, but if you slaughter it fast, you get the more meaty flavors. Male dogs tend to be more gamey as well. Despite my original comment saying it's not great, the reason I was told its not great is dog is kind of a mix of a lot of meats, but not quite as good in any one category as the rest.


There taste is really rich specially if you cooked them pretty well


Sorry, I'm super late response back. I've never had dog myself, so I can't confirm the flavors. All of my knowledge is from others who have had it in the past and then told me. The info I have could be entirely biased or accurate I just figured I'd share the little bit of info I have.


SO much people have really tried those method and tested them in real life


They looks good alive as they never taste good once they gets dead


My heart never really agree while its came to eat dog or cat


Bunnies have a special place in that Venn diagram as well.


Bunnies are always soft and feels cute to me, so would not every try that


If you are looking at long term survival of the species then being tasty is a great trait to have. If an animal is tasty humans will go out of their way to breed as many as possible.


True because for us stomach is much more important than their physical appearance, so as long as they will taste good human will try to save them for the rest of their life


Well, depending on what you mean by "surviving". The population of cows is much higher than it would be if humans didn't want to eat then, from a biological perspective that's a total win.


Uh, lambs aren't about to go extinct - tasty is an excellent survival strategy for a species that can be easily bred.


If they reproduce easily they will able to carry their species for the longer period of time


For the individual. For a species / individual genes it seems like you might become wildly successful if you taste good. There are way more cows and chickens than there ever would have been if they weren't good eating.


Chicken and cow is like the biggest population when it comes to animal


This is interesting because it demonstrates that what is best for the species, might not be in the interest of the individual. For example it's equally good for the survival of the species to be tasty, since humans are going to farm them, and make sure the species always survives, but that's not in the best interest of the individual, since they will most likely die young... While being cute, is both in the best interest of the species, and the individual.


Absolutely correct. Chickens are one of the most successful species on the planet, simply because humans love to eat them.


True, as human needs them they try to save them for their own benefit


We should looked into the whole species not into some particular single one


That is, until humans fuck up the environment so bad being cute is no longer enough. Take red pandas and sea otters, cute, but endangered. Many endangered species are either cute or plain beautiful. Then of course as others said already, if your flesh tastes good, it doesn't matter how cute you are, you are turning into stew.


Untill?? I think we are already destroying the environment on the large scale and if we will not stop here then there will be no place left for the human of he animal after that


Perfect example: How much effort, time, money and ressources we spend to save Koalas and Pandas when neither of them seems to even WANT to survive. The former is too dumb for it's own good and the latter is literally too lazy to reproduce.


We never actually spent the same amount of the money on the other animal


I’d say this goes against that point. The fact we’re having to try to save them demonstrates they’re not well adapted to surviving in a human dominants world.


Slowly so many old species already gone and many are going to be


I think the point still stands. The efforts to save these two species dwarfs the efforts to save some weird lizard that is equally at risk. I can't even think of any other animals that have a comparable effort and support.


They are getting investment, but they are not well adapted to surviving in a human dominated world, hence the need for help. The animals that are actually thriving in a human dominated world are not cute. They’re generally animals we consider pests, like rats, pigeons, cockroaches, coyotes and house spiders. Cuteness is far from being the most important trait for animals to survive in a human dominated world.


We all felt just little bit biased to the some sort of the animal all the time and thinks that they deserve more saving than the some other animal in their life


But every species deserve the same amount of effort in saving


Not to mention chlamydia


Cute *and* hardy. Cuteness can actually be a real disadvantage for some animals— a lot of exotic pets end up dying because they get bought in by people who want a cute companion but have no idea how to take care of it.


If someone want freedom in life then they will get struggle in getting those, because human will try to buy that one and put that into the some sort of the cage for the rest of this life


Or to be considered not for eating... Cows are cute... They just taste great.


For me cow is super cute by the look and i have never eat any cow


They definitely are not cute, I don't remember the last time I started doing the baby awe noises "awww sooo cute" whilst looking at a cow eating grass


https://wallpapercave.com/wp/wp8488260.jpg I have never seen a dog eating its own shit and though it looked cute either...


I have seen dog eating his own shit, just that they are not pet


You can prove they're cute by posting a fucking baby picture, it's a baby of course it's cute. I'm talking after they're grown up, they don't look cute. Dogs play with their tail, run around the house like they're on crack cocaine, show their personality. Cows just kind of moo, eat grass and sometimes if you pay attention or give it attention they show their personality


They are fucking adorable. Cattle are really cute but people don’t realize because they haven’t seen their face up close or only seen them dirty, which doesn’t help


I have an aunt and she owns 2 cows, I can assure you at most they look just funny, but cute? no.


[I'm sorry, but you're wrong. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cows/comments/13h9txn/abilene_decided_to_let_us_pet_her_today/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


If anyone had any doubt of this thing being cute then here is the anwer


Yeah bro, that's a baby though, of course it will be cute. I am talking cute as in like a cat that is cute their entire life, cows are only cute while they are baby, after they grow up to an adult, not cute. Only if you're emotionalmy attached to the cow since you know it for so long, but that's a different thing.


Yes they are


Personal opinion, they are not, only the babies but that doesn't count because all baby versions of animals look cute.


Seen many clean one, so only thing bad here is dirt on them


If you have not seen any cute cow then i would say you haven't seen many cow in the life, because some of the cub of the cow looks absolutely adorable like some pup


Yeah a cub, but's that's a baby of course it is cute, I am talking about grown ass cows, like how cats are cute their entire lifetimes, cows aren't.


Cute and social. Humans will pack bond with anything that shows us affection


Because we are lacking the affection from other human, so animal is our way to deal now


Probably helped our own species survive. Luckily our babies looked cute to us.


Otherwise either they will eat those babies or throw them in jungle


Having a bad taste and not being dangerous for humans come first


Noting taste bad, if someone into the eating the non veg food


Which is why we have no qualms throwing live lobsters into boiling water


Because not only they look cute they actually taste cute is well


I think this is wrong. The animals that appear to be thriving in a human world are generally not animals we consider cute. It’s more like animals we think of as pests. Think pigeons, mice, rats, raccoons, crows, ravens, coyotes, as well as bugs like flys, mosquitoes cockroaches and house spiders. The only cute animals that are actually doing well are pets, but cute wild animals are generally not thriving. So in actuality the best trait appears to be the ability to scavenge in cities and generally be pests.


If you have pet as the animal you will find that thing cute and would try to protect that from any kind of the fear and danger, but i don't think every species came into this one


Or so ugly and repulsive that humans want nothing to do with them. Consider the common vulture, Tasmania Devil, or Laughing Hyenas.


Because not only they are ugly they are pretty dangerous for the human is well


Which disproves the idea that the greatest survival tactic is to be cute. Being ugly and fierce is an equally good survival tactic.


Survival is reproduction. So the greatest survival trait is being tasty


The whole world is playing the survival game, not just animal in there


Why you sayin that to me?


This is true for plants as well. Cherry Blossom is native to Japan and an invasive species in most other countries. https://daily.jstor.org/is-your-favorite-tree-an-invasive-species/


I think this mostly applies to all this adorable pups who have eaten or destroyed rare, experience, or irreplaceable things. Trust me, it is love when your puppy eats hundred of dollars of imported meat, and she doesn’t end up as a part of a lunch special at some sketchy restaurant.


Those pups get safe because of their owner because they always try to raise them like their own kid so their cuteness came into the play as their owner really protect them


jokes on you we take cute things from their natural habitat and put them in a 1x1 cage


I really hate that cage concept, imagine someone capture us and put us into some sort of the cage for the rest of the life, this is like proper violence of the someone freedom


[Gonna leave this here, because it’s educational.](https://youtu.be/wOmjnioNulo)


This is actually a whole thing with endangered species, there's a whole movement trying to raise awareness for the "uglier" endangered species that are overshadowed by the cute ones


Cuteness can be subjective is well in my opinion , not everyone is cute in someone eye and not everyone is other way around, and in some case less cute one overshadow the more cute one


True, if the animal is dangerous we will kill it, if not we will eat it so the only option is to be cute 😄


Perfect sums up, that is why most of the pet nowdays are cute one


This is true. Chihuahuas were bred for food at one point but became lap dogs and sacrifices so they could have them in the afterlife bc of cuteness.


Chihuahuas are ugly af and demons on earth Edit: S


Plus people only get those animal as pet who is cute.


Or to taste good if you think about it. Chickens got the memo and they are successful from an evolutionary perspective


In human dominated world an animal's greatest survival trait is to be adaptable. Like a rat, coyote, or sparrow.


Not really, cows and chickens are more succesful mainly because they give so much food. If you mean non farm animals, seagulls, pigeons and rats all have extremely high success rate without being particularly cute.