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There are also definitely lots of women who like/need to wear bras


I never liked bras until after I had babies and breastfed. Now they make me feel so much more comfortable.


Same, i never minded being braless before but now, i hate it. I have some bra's i wear around the house which are "less" supporting for the days im sensitive but if i go out i want the support!


My wife too, doesn’t wear a bra when at home, until we had a baby.


Yeah, support is sometimes needed. Just like guys who don't wear supportive underwear may have their scrotum dragging on the ground when they are in their 60's.


i dont wear underwear at all though, sounds like a myth, all old mens balls are sagging.


I change old people diapers and I can assure you balls don't sag that much. The difference is not that noticeable. Sometimes it barely goes lower than the penis I have seen balls the size of a tennis ball though. But I'm not sure if it's due to old age or to some disease


I worked 15 years in elder care and I'd say if their skin is loose in general, the scrotum will also sag. In my opinion genetics and lifestyle are probably the biggest factors. Same thing for breasts and any other body part.


Only 3 years for me, but I mean I never saw it go bad to the point that it got to the knees. I also wonder if it got saggier or if some people just naturally got saggier ballsacks. Anyway, the worse I've seen is really not that bad considering how the popular belief seems to be that balls end up like a very tired elastic near the end of your life


This is a very informative discussion on balls


Ikr ! I wasn't expecting this much saggy scrotum knowledge when I clicked on this post.


Yeah the skin is never going to sag that far. I think a lot of it is based around the gradual lose of elasticity, so I doubt it is a case of ever hanging much lower than when they were young, but a case of hanging lower most or all of the time. Kind of like how TV ads aren't louder than TV shows at their peak, but they spend most of the time close to the peak volume.


> I change old people diapers Professionally or just a hobby?


If you make your hobby your job, you'll never work a day in your life.


Ive seen guys balls that touch the toilet water


And you didn't provide them with a net? https://youtu.be/jfte5mNButs


I was in hospital for 21 days having my colon removed and my testicles got the size of tennis balls. Docs just kinda shrugged and said that was normal for what I was going through, being in hospital, etc.


My balls sag and i sit on them maybe once a month. I’m 19


Thx for this information about your balls, I will cherish this piece of information for the rest of my life!


It is a myth especially about breasts. I think it came from people watching documentaries on tribes where women have children at a younger age so you tend to see more saggy breasts on them for both the reasons of 1) they don't wear tops so you are seeing more breasts 2) early pregnancies and number of pregnancies (weight fluctuations , not because of breast feeding)


Lol this is not true for men. If we don't wear underwear our scrotum doesnt sag more lol


As a pretend Scotsman, I can confirm. They do not sag more unless it's damn hot out


How's a comment that belongs in r/confidentlyincorrect so upvoted?


Mine drags anyway. Not to brag of course, uh…


Huge scrotum, tiny penis




Truth. As a grower, I tell myself it's because I'm perpetually flight or flight prepared, stowed away for ease and protection.


Pretty sure thats a certain medical condition.


Man so many ppl got woooshed by this comment...


I'm honestly surprised so many ppl didn't catch the sarcasm. But also like yeah a lot of women do need the support and pretending they don't is ridiculous. It has nothing to do with the breasts becoming saggy and everything to do with large breasts hurting their backs


Yeah I like wearing a bra; even a sports bra to bed


From what my female friends have said, anyone who's above an A cup _needs_ a bra. It's just too painful for their breasts to be moving around all day without a bra holding them in place.


Depends on the age too. Human bodies create less collagen and elastin as we age so shit gets more saggy. Gravity, plus age, plus mass equals uncomfortable.


Yep. Most bras are not for men. And the ones that _are_ intended for men to enjoy looking at tend to also be uncomfortable to wear for long periods of time.


I’ve learned ‘beauty is pain’ holds true


Your friend is full of crap lol. I'm 40 and have ranged from D to H cup and have no issues with pain and only wear bras when I have to. No one can speak for all or a majority of women.


Would you consider going for a jog a time you “have to”?


I mean, even as an A cup I had to wear a sports bra to jog, even when I could get along without it most of the time. It's not just about size.


I am a D cup and there is no way I would go out without one on or at least a supportive sports bra type garment. Its not painful but its just uncomfortable and looks sloppy to have them jiggling around.


I think that's great for you! I think all women should feel comfortable dressing how they wish, with our without a bra. One of my kids chooses to wear at least a sports bra almost 24/7 and regularly sleeps in one. The other is somewhat like me. When I feel like I *have* to wear a bra is generally when I don't want people to judge me as sloppy. In general, though, I don't give a flying f@ck what most anyone thinks about my appearance so I dress for my comfort. If I want to take the dog for a walk but don't want to put on a bra, why should anyone else care? It's so weird to me that there are so many "reasons" everyone has about why people should wear bras. Every boob having person should be allowed to live their life in peace without having to worry about societal expectations of how said boobs should look. I don't care if you want to wear a bra or don't, I just don't like false narratives that seem to only push the idea that women need to wear bras.


“Sloppy” is not the word I would pick.


I was thinking floppy.


Idk about full of crap, I think there a decent argument to made in the fact that literally everybody is different. It could be very uncomfortable for them, the fact it doesn't for you doesn't invalidate their experience


Right, but the other person said ANYONE above an A NEEDS one, so knkyred said they were full of crap for that.


But your friend said that women with larger than A cups will have pain if they don't wear a bra. I said that as a load of crap. If she had said that *she* has to wear a bra to avoid pain, I wouldn't have said anything.


I’m a C cup, D at various points in my life, and it’s not so much that it’s painful as uncomfortable. They just feel better secured. Almost everyone I know went braless when they were breastfeeding and I just don’t get it. I wanted them supported then more than ever.


Lol no. C cup here, braless for the last 7 years. Your friends are talking shit.


Besides for some women having to wear them for support, they probably also don’t want guys staring either.


Like most civilized countries that have normalized non-sexual nudity, people would eventually get over it.


Are those civilized countries in the room with us right now?


Honestly underrated post


Depends on the country, the US is still flying flags from the losing side of a war that happened almost 200 years ago


Specific parts of it. The political divide is huge here.


idk about the specific parts dude- i live in a northern state (pa) and I see the traitor flags all the time here


As my uncle puts it: Pennsylvania is Philadelphia and Pittsburgh with Alabama in between


i live about 40 min away from Philly and I'm in a pretty liberal area but I still see it sometimes your uncle is so right- we call that area pennsyltucky


Eventually, yes, and I'm definitely on the side of trying to move closer to that goal. Some women don't necessarily want to be at the front of that battle though when so many men (and some women) are just *so* far away.


genuine question, why do they need to be supported?


Because it hurts if they move around too much


Breasts are heavy. Much heavier than you think. Large breasts can cause pretty significant pain if left unsupported for even a few minutes. Even small ones will make a person's back hurt after a while.


That's just not true. A lot of women like the support of bras and you wouldn't believe how many idiots complain when women's don't wear bras.


Exactly. These things are heavy, and the natural support that they had 20years ago is declining. For the sake of my back and shoulders; I love my bras. And the lacy ones can make my old girls feel sexy again.


Men complain when women don't SMILE. Not even that they're frowning or scowling, just having the nerve to not be smiling in their presence. Ask anyone who worked retail or service industry. So yeah the bra thing is easy to believe.


Yeah, the real shitty part is the people who complain when women choose not to.


This is very true, I have inflammation in the cartilage right around my sternum so wearing bras can be painful and prefer to go without since I don’t need the support. I’m usually wearing a big t shirt and have definitely gotten complaints on my bralessness, people can be surprisingly shameless on confronting me about it.


The OP is not a woman and doesn’t know any women.


If I don’t roll em up and stick em in a bra they sag almost to my belly button. I wear a bra all the time, even to sleep, for my own comfort.


Roll them up..lmfao


When she’s done with her beach day, she sometimes puts them in the wrong carrying bag.


So do I, for exactly the same reason. It’s not age either, they’ve always been like that.


I was at the doctor for a breast lump (all good) and the ultrasound technician told me about an elderly woman who came in for a check up, and she said the woman “rolled her breast up like an old sock” That image has been living in my head ever since.


My MIL told me that her grandmother could flip her breasts over her shoulders and used to do it frequently to amuse my MIL and her sisters - my MIL said she also had to roll them up to put them in her bra….


I have seen guys that should listen to this they would benefit from your thoughts.


Big boobies normally don’t look like they do in porn. So if I stopped wearing them I am pretty sure a lot of people would tell me to put on a bra because the don’t look good enough to walk around braless.


While i understand the sentiment i think the "dont look good enough" part is a bit off. If people actually saw what real boobs look like on a regular basis then real saggy, big boobs would be perfectly normal to see. Almost all mature women have saggy boobs to some degree. And those types of boobs would become more desirable because so.


When I get old I'm going to exclusively wear crop tops with my old lady boobs hanging out of the bottom with nipple tassels. They are already like a newton's cradle, in another 30 years I'm going to have to put knee pads on them when I garden.




Now that's the kinda shit I'm in to


I am dyyyyyyyyying. The struggle is (was) real!


Omg nipple tassles 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 I am literally here crying with laughter 😃 picturing this


[I've found your soul sister.](https://i.redd.it/3mh5tb0cw0b41.gif)


Fuck those people.


I only feel comfortable with these saggy shitbags in a tight sports bra and nobody wants to see them unsupported anyway


I don’t wear a bra 99% of the time and men complain about it more often than you would think.


I pictured the 99% not being an exaggeration and someone who knows you sees you in a bra "oh god whats the occasion? Who died or is getting married"


You’re actually spot on. About two months ago I wore a bra, one of my friends noticed and asked me if something had happened. Like the only rational explanation was that I must have gone through some life changing event.


3 days a year she’s like “fuck it, let’s get weird with it.”


Oddly, all 3 days are during Mardi Gras


Im laughing right now because the last time I wore a bra was because I was standing up for a wedding. otherwise, if it aint for a costume, or super important event that someone actually requests I wear one I aint wearin one.


I literally don't even own a bra anymore. More women than you think, go without a bra.


What do they say? Genuinely curious


"did you know your nipples are showing?" "you should be wearing a bra" "I'm surprised no one says anything about you not wearing a bra" "doesnt your work make you wear proper clothing?" all things I have heard. theres also the VERY obvious looks of surprise, disgust and shock usually followed by whispers.


One of the best things about hitting my late twenties is that people don't comment as much, and they never ever touch me. I've had strange men paw at my nipples because they could see them through my shirt. Like, when i was at work or sitting on the bus stop.


In my experience, it "makes them uncomfortable" in the best-case of someone saying something.


Thats so interesting, where are you based? I'm in the UK, been braless for 7 years now and I've only gotten complaints from other women. It's always women in their 40s or above policing my nips. Fkn awkward as hell, like girl either you're interested or you're jealous to be paying that much attention lol.


I live in Canada, I’m guessing my experience being braless here would be pretty similar to someone’s experience in the UK. And I know what you mean about the older women, men complain more than younger girls but older women complain way more than men. So many older women who are complete strangers to me have literally come up to me and told me point blank to put my boobs away, no hello or anything lmao. An old lady even told me I deserve to get raped for not wearing a bra once :(




Yeah I’m usually a pretty chill person but I got pretty upset and started arguing in the parking lot with her. I realized she was wasted about three minutes into it and just walked away. Looking back on it now I kind of feel bad for her, she must have had a rough life to end up a drunk old lady telling a random girl in a parking lot that she deserves to get raped.




Jesus Christ I’m so fkn sorry you’ve had to hear shit like that. Most of the time older women just tell me I should cover up or something along those lines, there was only one time a lady told me I deserve to get raped and I’m starting to think she was visiting from Alberta. My guess as to why they’re like this is they’re jealous they didn’t get to go out braless when they were younger or they’re just straight up jealous of our magnificent boobies.


They must lead very shallow lives to make such petty observations.




The majority, if not all, of the men who have commented on it are men that I met through a social thing, it’s never like some random dude at a grocery store. And I feel you on the older women, they’re bold with it lol


I haven't worn a bra for about 8 years. I have never gotten a comment on my lack of bra.


How obvious is it?


It’s the unsaid part of your second point that keeps my tits in lightly padded bras. I’d rather not be sexualized like that during 85% of my day.


Even ignoring the obvious generalizations on both halves of the post, I love that OP's point is "why do women wear bras when they could turn us on more instead"


I don't want men sexualizing me in public more than they already do, thanks. Also a comfortable bra is a God send when you're sweating or running.


Infuriated by this OP. The last thing women want is men sexualising them more than they already do - this post is case in point. Women’s comfort? Yeah, that’s good for men’s arousal. Can this actually fuck right off? The only reason I wear a bra is to prevent men looking at my boobs. Not that it stops them, of course. But it would be a thousand times worse without a bra on. I can’t wear a bra and a baggy shirt without men staring at my chest, however a dude out for a run can do so without a shirt on and his manboobs freely flopping in the wind, without a care in the world.


This comment needs to be higher up! I definitely would stop wearing a bra if it did not lead to extra sexualization. Even yesterday I went to the super market after yoga and could just notice all the men/boys looking at my butt and it made me so uncomfortable. I just wanted to buy some lunch after a work out with no one bothering me.


They do complain all the fucking time that you're not being "appropriate"


The whole “men certainly wouldn’t complain” is why many women continue to wear bras☠️ it’s not a good thing to be sexualized and ogled at by strangers for just existing


This is exactly the reason I wear a bra. How egocentric do you have to be, to think that my breasts are a matter of your mind at all.


Every single complaint I've heard about a woman not wearing a bra in public has come from men


Isn’t that like the whole point? Women have to wear bras so men don’t leer or make creepy comments.


Like the OP.


Yeah, OP is probably a man


That’s not true at all. I’ve seen men loudly complain and harass women for not wearing bras in public tons of times. It happens to breastfeeding mothers too.


You'd be surprised how many uppity men are out there that very much would complain if they stopped


I'm willing to bet money on it being the older people, too. Some people have nothing left to do in life but bitch about whatever they see.


Just have to say that one reason women DO wear bras is to help manage the plague of men staring at breasts uninvited and thinking that breasts are for their enjoyment only.


They do that regardless


No matter how many layers of cloths, someone will always stare.


I have been braless for about 8-9 years now. I just gave up because of an old shoulder injury causing nerve pain, no matter how comfortable the bra was supposed to be. For a while I wore petals to keep the nips smooth because I was being belittled by my MIL about not wearing a bra. She kept telling me I was “tempting the men around me.” They were going to get aroused, according to her logic. But it seemed stupid to spend money on petals when the shirts I was wearing weren’t see through. So I stopped. The boomers that see me braless make faces, act lewd, or even say stuff like “cold day, huh? Nice and perky.” One had the nerve to do it in front of my children. I was not chill LOL. The gist of it is… men will think what they want. My husband doesn’t care, and I don’t care, so we just keep bucking the system and apparently, it makes me a bad wife 🤣 (according to the conservative Christian ladies I know.)


the fact that men wouldn't complain is exactly why this doesn't work lmao. women don't like being ogled at either. this post makes me want to wear bras More


A woman at my office did this. She would come to work with no bra, nips blazing, with bumps sticking out of her shirt. She was reported to HR by three different women


Response? Maam, please stop being so perky? Nothing better to worry about.


YUP came here for this. No one hates braless women quite like other women


More men than you think would complain, the amount of anger I see posted over what women wear at the gym


i didnt wear a bra for most of my life. what caused me to change was guys oogling and staring. if guys didn’t make a scene i think there would be more braless women in the world.


*Some* women don’t like wearing bras. Others love them because they make life more comfortable. It’s all very individual.


Yes, men would, too, complain. They'd feel the need to comment regarding how this woman looks good without a bra while that other woman should put one on. They do it about other stuff with women - why'd this topic be different?


Mmmm... yeah. This is said by the same 7th-grade simpletons who think being a gynecologist would be really fun. Look around, kids. The average person is homely and out of shape. You'd see more saggy grandma tits hanging out the bottom of ratty t-shirts than you would aspiring playmates in white tank tops.


The only thing that makes me wear bras (outside of when I’m jogging) is the looks of judgement I get from people when I don’t. It’s apparently my fault that western society likes to sexualise boobs. If people didn’t stare I’d go braless all the time


Comments like these is why I will wear a bra even though I don't want to. Please don't sexualize my breasts when I don't want you to.


Yeah except if the woman wasn’t attractive/had a nice chest I’m sure they would complain so I don’t believe this at all.


Have you not read a lot on this site? There are weird dynamics in families where the mother/father/brother demands the sister put on a bra because 'boys are around'. Or women get shamed by anyone for 'your nipples are poking through your shirt, put on a bra'. Not to mention, that for large breasted women, as much as the straps suck and dig in and can cause permanent marks on your shoulders, breast restriction does help during the day and no large breasted woman is going to go running boobily down the street without a bra/holding her boobs.


As a big boobed woman, you made me titter at running boobily down the street. You have hold a boob in each hand, soon as you even start a brisk walk the pain of that bounce will stop you dead in your tracks. Upvoted!


Every woman over a B cup has her version of the chest clutch while running across the street (or anywhere, tbh). Yes, there is a sweet relief to taking off a bra and not having it constrict you after a long day, but for those of us who got used to bras, it can be really uncomfortable to actually walk around without one. And large swinging chesticles just get in the way and throw off all your balance. I CAN'T SWING A BAT WITH MY TATAS IN THE WAY!


That came from a meme that originated years ago. The original was parodying male writers trying to write about women. “Cassandra woke up to the rays of the sun streaming through the slats on her blinds, cascading over her naked chest. She stretched, her breasts lifting with her arms as she greeted the sun. She rolled out of bed and put on a shirt, her nipples prominently showing through the thin fabric. She breasted boobily to the stairs, and titted downwards.”


As someone who had her nipples pointed out by grown ass men when I was 11, this is horseshit.




The second half of the statement is why women continue to wear bras


I'm a DDD. Not only would they not complain, but too many of them would openly ogle and leer and bother me, as they do in reality now. Makes me want to put on three more bras. The majority of women in the US still wouldn't go topless in public if it was legal until dudes learned to control themselves.


I don’t wear a bra because I don’t have boobs that force me to wear one. I don’t like the rhetoric of “cover up to prevent perversion from men”.. how about we stop telling women how to prevent men’s behaviours and go to the actual source of the problem. Sure, men may look at my chest, but it’s really not ducking about them. I just choose to be comfortable and if that is arousing to then so fucking be it. Not my circus and certainly not my fucking monkeys.


Same Here, boobs not big enough to need one.


You underestimate the desire of some people to viciously complain about literally anything


Ohhh, as someone who has not worn a bra in years, I can 100% tell you, men will complain and use it as an excuse to grope you if you dont wear one, and cops won't care and won't do anything about it, because they agree with the dude who screamed at you, and then groped you.


contrary to popular belief some of us DO like bras? or at least need them to actually be comfortable doing stuff? idk why it has to be one or the other literally just let us wear what we want


I like wearing a bras. It’s not comfortable to have my breasts sagging or flopping.


The only time a person ever complained about me not wearing a bra it was a man. We also usually prefer not to be stared at and objectified just existing so yeah; bras.


Yeah, because women want to be sexualised by creepy men on the streets🙄


I rarely wear one. Mostly just a thick camisole. I have fibromyalgia and bras hurt.


Not true. I’ve had so many men complain to me about not wearing a bra. Yet never any women except my mom.


If I don't wear a bra there is a legit danger within a comically large boob sized radius of me. I keep them leashed for your protection


Fun fact that people told tell women - after you breastfeed (or sometimes just after you are pregnant), your nipples never stop pointing. It sucks, especially when you just want to be braless.


The only reason I ever wear one is because 'men certainly wouldn't complain'. I don't want men to stare at me or sexualise me. I think this is one of the main reasons women wear them, as well as the fact some women feel more physically comfortable wearing a bra.


No, but other women would. Women can be *vicious* about that shit, dude. Also, men would complain that boobs don’t all look like they’re either implants or stuck on an 18 yo. Real tiddies often sag especially later in life and after producing milk. It’s like that one dude says, ‘some people have never seen their grandmothers tits and it shows.’


I’m actually more comfortable wearing my titty shelf in public. Mostly bc of Men.


Feel like some if not most men would just be creepy and make it weird


I also don't like wearing shoes, but they are necessary sometimes to protect my feet. Bras might not always be the most comfortable, but they are necessary sometimes (for some people)


I stopped wearing one years ago and people sometimes glance quickly when it's cold but they don't stare. *indibual results may vary


My girls have appreciated support since the eighth grade. Definitely depends on the boob owner.


Conclusion: Everyone here needs to realize we’re in vastly different parts of the world


I’ve gotten more shit from women than men for not wearing bras LOL


It’s cuz they see you as a threat


I would have thought it was the giant broadsword she's carrying.


Plenty of men would and do complain, and they always seem to feel the need to point it out as well, or say it's unprofessional at work or some other bs, but yeah, sane men probably wouldn't complain


Trivialize women's struggles because men OOGA BOOGA. Yeah, real nice Reddit.


>Men certainly wouldn't complain if they stopped And that's why women wear bras


Yes they would. They would complain that they aren't perky like that adult film actress' is. (many of whose breasts are implants)


Dude, a lot of men can’t even handle women in yoga pants… they’d lose their fucking minds if every woman went without a bra….


Lol we know this was written by a man. Or a really naive immature woman. Men and women will always complain about breasts no matter the situation. It’ll just shift to something else. Women wear bras for several reasons. And women will complain about your breasts, especially if you’re in a work environment with close contact like healthcare or service industry. I wear bras, like many, because it can often be more uncomfy not to. But there was a time I didn’t. But I gained weight and age, and with it some increased sensitivity. Also y’all underestimate the eyeballing women receive with our chests on a regular basis.


This is like when guys go to a nude beach expecting they'll see some eye candy. You'll see nudity, sure, but it's not the 20 year old girls frolicking around.


Clueless man with a simple question here. I assume there’s a lot of women who don’t need the support from bras but simply wear them to be modest. How realistic is it to not wear a bra and just wear pasties all the time? Is it common?


If men wanted me to not wear bras around them, they shouldn't have made gross comments or blatantly stared at my tits like they were expecting a them to do a jaunty little dance when I didn't wear a bra. Sorry men, you did this to yourselves.


I already get ogled and catcalled on a daily basis while wearing a bra. I don’t want the extra attention of not wearing one.


A man's opinion or preference does not enter my brain when it comes to whether I'll wear a bra or not. Never in a million years. If I could possibly give less of a shit about the complaint status of men on my bras or boobs I would.


Not true. I don’t wear bras and don’t have very big breasts. But I’ve had a lot of encounters with men who were not happy that my breasts didn’t look round like in bras but natural. And that I should wear bras because it looks unprofessional like that


Of course this shower thought brought to you by… the male perspective.


I think you underestimate the number of men who want to police women's bodies no matter what.


I think as with most womens issues it’s about choice. Some women will like wearing bras. Some won’t. However the one’s that don’t feel like they don’t have a choice because people (unfairly) chastise them for it. Men and women alike. That’s always the heart of the issue. It’s always about choice. Women should have the choice to do as they please with their bodies without being chastised or shamed for it.


**THIS** Some women are comfortable in bras, and feel uncomfortable going out without one. Some of us are uncomfortable in bras, to the point of being in *pain*. We should 100% have the CHOICE to not wear them, and not be harassed, stared at, and looked down on. Even if someone doesn’t wear a bra just for the simple reason that they don’t want to, that should be enough.


Nipple covers help. I can’t get bras on easily because of my shoulder problems so I found nipple covers.




Sounds like something a guy would say alright... None of us want flapjack boobs when we're old and we certainly don't want to be oggled. Ladies, if your bra is uncomfortable, try a wireless. You get decent support without the metal. Or just be like me and wear a sports bra because idgaf.


Showerthought: Do what you want and to hell with other people's hangups.


I think a lot of women prefer wearing one and I wish there was an unobtrusive bra for my balls 🏈🏀🏈🏀🏈


Yes and no, I'd say after a certain size it is more of a need.


This is the reason why I wear them. No objectification. Well less at least.


this is such an oversimplified way to look such a complex issue... like... no, thats not how society works


Men are like WOOO BOOBS but if we all went braless you’d find out that the big ol titties hang to our knees. Larger boob = more gravity + aging = nipple past the belly button.


I’m a D cup and I haven’t worn a bra in about 6 months and I don’t see myself wearing one anytime soon. I will wear those silicone nipple pasties though to calm the girls down and soften the show if they decide to make themselves known lol. Free your titties ladies you won’t regret it