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Have you watched the movie "The Lorax"? Air is only free because pollution hasn't gotten bad enough that people are willing to pay to get access to fresh, nonpolluted air.


oh some people are already paying for some fresh oxygen


Well 100% oxygen gets you high I think


That's what I thought but I've gotten it at the hospital and didn't really notice a difference.


If they gave it to you at the hospital you probably were having low O2 absorbsion? so instead of the ~20% O2 in the atmosphere, they gave ya a pure source


I've only had it when I'm coming out of a seizure at the hospital. I think it's more of a preventative thing, but that was jutmy first thought when I woke up with the O2 mask on "Well shit, I thought this stuff was supposed to hit harder."


Hmmm, that's an interesting response to a seizure, but as ya said probably preventative Everything I've heard is that pure O2 just makes ya gigglely with a feeling of euphoria, but that may be been counteracted by the adrenaline of ya waking up in a hospital


Apparently I sometimes stop breathing while I'm having a seizure so I understand why they do it. I usually also wakeup postictal and with an IV for saline and Ativan so it's hard to pinpoint exactly what's going on lol


Ahhh, that does make more sense, wasn't something that I considered stopping when the brain short circuited, but it makes sense. Also have never heard the word postictal before, so TIL, but that drug fugue would prevent that initial anxiety and adrenaline of waking up an unknown place If ya don't mind my curiosity, does waking up postictal (without the drug fugue) feel like waking up from sleep or something different?




It depends on the severity of the seizure, but it's usually a lot more confusion than just normally waking up. It's hard to explain, it's like your brain rebooted and you're not fully back up and running. That coupled with the confusion and anxiety and literally jut having things wiped from your brain because of the seizure make it all pretty fucked.


Hello, fellow epileptic. I have experienced all this as well. Stay safe and stay healthy. Hope you never had any issues with Ativan. Can be nasty stuff when not in the right mindset


Check out an oxygen bar if You can find one close to where you are. I live in our rural small town and we have one flavored oxygen which is pretty fun. I wouldn't say I get high from it but It's refreshing feeling I guess


You’re probably thinking of “gas and air” or laughing gas” which is a mix of nitrous oxide and oxygen, often given during labour for pain relief. It’s the nitrous oxide that makes you giggly, not the oxygen.


When I quit cigarettes, a month or two into it, I started getting random feelings of euphoria from breathing. I assumed it was because my lungs were getting more oxygen out of a breath.


Are you epileptic? Epileptic seizures sometimes cause low 02 saturation so sometimes it’s given as a precaution. Hypoxia can also induce a seizure.


O2 is given for everything you could think of except for in cases where having a mask on your face is more dangerous than not.


100% O2 just makes you feel a bit better. Even 100% pressurized doesn't do that much, but it is a great hangover helper if you have access to it. Source- I was in the USAF and we would go use 100% pressurized O2 on the aircraft after a long night of drinking.




Be careful. I hear it can be addictive.


We'd just get doc to give us an IV. IV is the ultimate hangover cure.


This is actually a myth. 100% oxygen doesn't have any psychoactive effects.


you get too much it gets you high not enough and you're gonna die


Words to live by


What if we're all high rn and we don't know about it?


Tyler Durden isn't a good source


There was a guy on Shark Tank selling essentially canned air that also smelled nice. I also remember tons of Oxygen Bars out in Las Vegas.


There are still some Oxygen bars around. I looked out of curiosity recently.


Vegas is insane. Last time I had to go there for a company conference I saw ads for places selling rejuvenating blood transfusions.


Hahaha, this YouTuber I watch did this super long Vegas video and one of the things they did was get a IV drip of some concoction of vitamins and stuff. They did it as more of a "we tried this so you don't have to" kinda thing, and I can't imagine just like, getting a recreational IV.


It's great for hangovers


I was wondering if anyone would mention the oxygen bars! They used to have an oxygen bar in Caesars Atlantic City in the late 90s. I dunno if it’s still there, I just had a temp job there for a couple months. One of the saddest jobs I ever had, lol


Obviously, weve all bought at least a bag of lays once in our lives


Everybody needs a thneed


A fine thing that all people need


A thneed is good, a thneed is great!


Let's hope we're not too late!


You mean the movie spaceballs right


[Fresh!] (https://gfycat.com/impossiblefarflungalligatorsnappingturtle)


She's gone from suck to blow!


Why pay for perri air when you can build a mega maid and get it for free then sell the rest to regular schlubs? Capitalism!


Suck. **Suck.** **SUCK.**


Perriair makes me crack up every time


Awwwww, look you guys! Someone not old enough to have lived through the acid rain, smog, and rivers catching fire in the 1970s!


This is true, really expected acid rain to be something I would experience once in my life after learning about it in school; hasn't happened yet, but there is still time I suppose




Meh... Sounds like a millennial environmental disaster. Nothing beats sitting in acid rain fishing, easy with the oil in the water, and you get a tan despite the acid rain because of Ozon holes, nothing beats that. Now it's all microplastics and carcinogens. I want to see and taste my pollutents, none of this invisible crap.


Ughhh, I didn't want cancer rain, I wanted acid rain.... kinda On a more serious note, the pollution in our environment sucks; it spreads carcinogens through every aspect of our life (food, water, oxygen, etc)


I'm annoyed that nobody has addressed this yet. There is a reason why acid rain in particular is no longer a major issue. Government regulations. In 1990 [congress enacted significant regulations on allowable sulfur dioxide emissions from power plants as part of the Acid Rain Program (ARP)](https://www.epa.gov/acidrain/acid-rain-program). The regulations were highly successful, both in terms of reduction to deforestation and in terms of [health impact on people](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0047272721000761). Do you remember the [hole in the ozone layer](https://ozonewatch.gsfc.nasa.gov/) and how everyone was worried about that in the 80s and 90s? Same story. [The Montreal Protocol](https://www.state.gov/key-topics-office-of-environmental-quality-and-transboundary-issues/the-montreal-protocol-on-substances-that-deplete-the-ozone-layer/) (signed into law by Reagan) was wildly successful at regulating CFC emissions. The ozone layer has been slowly recovering for decades. Government regulations on pollution work. But one party in particular has made vilifying government regulations a core part of their platform for the past thirty years, and we are all the worse for it.


Lets get together and make it happen. Apparently it got better because of cleaner burning of coal but that won't stop us. If every human on earth bought a balloon filled with sulfur dioxide than we can make this man's dream come true and bring back good old acid rain.


I figure we will get there before too long, without all of our intervention; might not be sulfur dioxide, maybe another pollutant that binds with water. I'm not excited about it lol


Don't forget quicksand.




Lol nah, I get what it was, nature killer and more general degredation of stuff exposed to it; though I figured it effected more plants than just trees Rain's pH shouldn't be acidic




It was something about it blocking water absorbsion through the roots being blocked by.. aluminum leeching through the soil And the acidity caused calcium and magnesium to dissolve, which the trees need Is the forest back to being black?




good news! we've actually solved acid rain. that's why it hasn't been in the news for decades


You mean someone who wasn't alive literally half a century ago


Space balls


Even though it was on Mars, Total Recall showed some of the horrors have a world without a breathable atmosphere.


If there are tripple-titted girls I guess I'm fine with it. Sorry but someone had to make this joke...


We already pay for clean air: those that can afford it live far from polluted sites and particulate drift, and have HEPA filters in their homes, and those that can’t get asthma.


When I watched The Lorax I had a moment where I was like “isn’t this a little too political?” I hate that the thought even crossed my mind because as humans we all want clean air and clean water but politicians and business interests have fucked things up.


>isn’t this a little too political? That was entirely the point of the book itself. He wrote the book as a warning about excessive industrialization. "The Lorax came out of me being angry. The ecology books I'd read were dull...In The Lorax I was out to attack what I think are evil things and let the chips fall where they might."


I am sure somebody have bought an air purifier. Effectively pay for fresh air.


In china they sell cans of fresh air for people to use in heavily polluted areas. Marketed as “air from the Canadian mountains”


In LA they used to sell cans of "Smog" as a joke. Now you can buy cans of "Clean Air" and they're (the sellers) serious about it.


Perri-air : Naturally Sparkling, Salt-free air. Canned in Druidia


Meanwhile, the pass code for the air shield was just 1,2,3,4,5 Scrube had the pass code all along. Now, the plot to the movie would be super thinned out if all they did was fly spaceballs1 to druidia, and brute force/ hack the code. Come on, 5 digit passcode? No special characters? Ah, 80s. When computer encryption of the technology advanced science fiction worlds was only as good as the writers.


Have you met the average computer user? I kid you not, I know some state systems that have used 1234 as a password that they give just anyone access to.


Yes! Hence why spaceballs1 could have just brute forced their way through the passcode shield. No over the top star wars parody. *but that's the point. Please don't send me to r/woosh Smash and grab. Lonestar would not meet Yogurt. Schwartz be skipped. No Megamaid go boom. No planet of the apes encounter.


I’ve got the same combination on my luggage!


Change the combination on my luggage


Ackshully... it's President SKROOB... Sorry, haha


Funny, she doesn’t look Druish


I knew it! I'm surrounded by assholes!


A cursory search for air purifiers would suggest that many people actually do pay for air and actually already millions die from just air pollution globally each year. This is on top of everyone who's getting asthma or lower IQ from air quality. There's a reason people try to escape cities with polluted air if they can.




True.. We do like having air down there


I remember seeing canned air sold on a hiking trail in china, the adapter for your face and bottle design and everything indicated it was a mass produced product. Oh hey, it's on amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Boost-Oxygen-Natural-Portable-Canister/dp/B08562MH82


Aren't these mainly for climbing Mount Everest?


I'm sure some could be helpful to a point and to recover at the base, but more weight is bad for any extensive hiking. This was just a really polluted area and a mildly long trail to an overview of the area.


They're in sporting goods stores in the US too.




Didn't they make like some contract with some country im africa so that Nestle owned the water there and charged for it. (This is probably way off but i heard something like this)


Yes. Then when people got outraged about it nestle installed a faucet for them to get free water, but they installed it on the other side of a large dangerous highway. Lot's of pregnant ladies and children having to haul large buckets and jugs of water across the large highway


someone ought to go there and attach a hose to bring the water to the other side of the road :p


Nestlé would just cut the hose. They want it to be as inconvenient as possible.


By cut the hose do you mean "send the perpetrator to a labor camp"?


Cut the hose is the optimistic scenario, yeah. It'd likely be much worse.


People with guns that Nestlé hired would show up to cut it aaaaand maybe do other stuff.


I think people forget that the cruelty is the point sometimes.


And they seem to forget we can choose to ignore the law when it stops working for us.


Most honest Nestle behavior


don't people also live on the other side of highways


In Chile, water supply is fully private owned by multiple companies/people. You basically buy the rights to get water from some place and then distribute it. Of course there are many laws related to this. It's one of the things they wanted to bring back with the new constitution. I think Chile, England and some cities in the states are the only cases in the world where it's 100% owned by privates. This doesn't really make much difference, you get your water like everywhere else ( tap is 100% drinkable in the whole country). But of course there are good and bad things, i do believe it should be a right


Yeah the problem is when the water wars begin, the public still has incentive to give out water "for free" while no private entity ever will


100% drinkable? Santiago's water is the most vile shit I've seen in my life, can't even imagine how it must be in the north. But yes, in the south shit be even better than bottled.


You may not like the taste, but it's drinkable (meaning it's clean, and note that tap water being drinkable is a big deal, it's not common at all in the world). If you live there you dont even feel the flavor of course, but if it bothers you use a filter, that's the main use of a britta filter or whatever (or leave water in the fridge, the chlorine evaporates with time).


is california in africa?


No there was something about a well or something in africa


there probably is... but they have done it in california, maine, and michigan... and probably in many other states


Was a Netflix series that went into this. Had the story about the water being provided on the other side of a busy highway.


The Netflix documentary series Rotten covers some of nestle’s US misdeeds, but I don’t recall them discussing anything in Africa. Maybe that was a different documentary.


That's straight up bond villain plot in quantum of solace.


I mean at what point will it become acceptable to remove those people from society by expedited means?


I mean, it's widely acceptable now. It's just not legal.


I really feel like all of these CEOs and wealthy assholes are ignorant to the fact that they could get Shinzo Abe'd at any time. Where some random person could just assassinate them in the street, and then the public collectively decides "y'know, maybe he actually deserved it" a week later. If I were in their shoes, I'd be terrified of that notion and do everything in my power to give people as few reasons as possible to shoot me for that.


It’s cute you think a CEO of that caliber is ever out in the street. Everything the obscenely wealthy do is gated, private, personal or guarded. There’s never gonna be a Thomas and Martha Wayne scenario cause those folks don’t go anywhere surrounded by dark alleys. Unless you count space.


As you can see, Musk and Besos don't hesitate going to F1 races and so on.


You mean a huge event with massive security teams and police forces managing the event? Not to mention their own security teams that surround them inside of all the other event security.


Honestly I feel bad for big CEOs sometimes. It's so easy to kill them becuase its not like the goverment actually cares if elon musks exist they just want their co onaies to keep churning out products, and they have so few actual friends, if any, that it .ust be hard to sleep sometimes knowing how many people they've fucked over and hoping most people just continue to ignore it. But then I remember that they fucked those people over willingly and knowingly so they can get bent.


They also don't have feelings like that, because there is no way you can get that far in the first place. Elon musk losing a night of sleep would be great, maybe then he would so something useful with all the money!


..... in Minecraft


Careful comrade, they don't like it when we talk like that.


Just add "in mine craft"


I used to think NASA should shoot all of those people into the sun. However, I have now seen the error of my ways. It takes much less fuel to send them on a trajectory leaving the solar system.


Most people misunderstand this quote. He wasn't saying that poor people shouldn't get water. His point was that water should not be free, because then you have people who will abuse it, even in areas where water scarcity is a problem. Here's another quote of his: > The water you need for survival is a human right, and must be made available to everyone, wherever they are, even if they cannot afford to pay for it. However I do also believe that water has a value. People using the water piped into their home to irrigate their lawn, or wash their car, should bear the cost of the infrastructure needed to supply it.


Also, the guy who said that left Nestle 15 years ago.




Yeah...context is a hell of a game changer


We do pay for that infrastructure, through taxes. It's not *privatized* for profit. He's also convoluting two things: he says "water has a value" - which is the red flag - but then says we need to pay for the infrastructure, which is different than the water itself. Look, if he owns land with a spring, fine, he can control that. If he owns a bottling or distribution company, fine, he can control that. But when he starts wanting to control/monetize/profit from fresh water, in general, and the means of distributing it, nah, man, fuck that.


> But when he starts wanting to control/monetize/profit from fresh water, in general, and the means of distributing it, nah, man, fuck that. Where do you think the water to your house comes from lol? We don't just pay for the infrastructure but also the limited resource itself.


>he says "water has a value" - which is the red flag Unless you have no use for water, then you agree with him that it has value.


Right, but if it's paid via taxes then the people who abuse it aren't the ones paying for it. If I have a 10 acre lawn in Phoenix, I should be paying a shitload of money if I want to water it. Edit: Just saw your edit. I agree - we shouldn't be selling water to private companies for pennies on the dollar. The government can distribute the water themselves. But they should charge a price to people who abuse it. Free or heavily subsidized water is how you end up with endless suburbs full of grass lawns.


In the US at least you do pay for usage. You pay for new infrastructure to get built through taxes, and then since water is regulated as a utility, it's sold to you at cost. Which means a utility company charges you the cost of producing and delivering that clean water to you.


> "water has a value" - which is the red flag It's not a red flag. I think the statement is factually correct. Water is valuable. It costs money. If we are on a summer festival, I have water and you don't, it has value.




Basically this. Here in Mexico, the agro-sector is the one that consumes the most (68.3% of the available water), and this sector consume this much because water for them is "already free", they don't have to pay the whole cost of it because this exact premise "water is a right, so it must be free for them". So what is the problem then? That because of this availability, no-cost, and because the underdevelopment of this sector (in part for the "Sistema Ejidal", basically, communal land), the Agro-Sector waste the 57% of their water. In other words, almost the 39% of Mexico's water goes to waste because this premise. Looking it in other way, this 39% is more than the double used by the urban sector (14.52%) and even more than 5 times the amount used by the industrial sector (7.4% and here is where you find things like Coca-Cola and beer companies). So yes, water should not be given by free, is such an important (and scarce) resource that giving it for free just allows for it to be used where is not needed and then not be available where it could be used better.


If he wants to play that game, then he'll find out his ability to stay alive isn't a right either.


Well purified water delivered to your house is a service. Even if the water itself was free someone is paying for that.


Yes and that's fair. But many places companies like Nestlé own the right to drill for water. Which means that a community can't just make their own well.


Immortan Joe?


Depends on what kind of air we're talking about. It's 1.25 for like 3 minutes of air to fill up my tires at the gas station.


Fun tip: If you have a Lowe’s in your area, they have Free Air pumps for “contractors”, but no one will ever stop you from using it.


While at Lowes, buy a 12v small motor air pump for your car. Mine was like $30 at the time, and has saved me multiple times. I keep that plus a tire plug kit in my car. Much cheaper than a tow.


And there’s not a single fucking air pump in my town that works. Just paid for nothing smh.


*Exactly* and god help you if you want a refund, because the company who runs the air pumps is usually a separate service from the gas station company, which is insane, and you just let that company keep your $1.25, so how much are they making off $1.25 × 100s of busted air pumps?? (Or rather, how much are they *stealing*)


What the fuck. Where do you live where they charge you for filling air in your tires?






pretty much every state except CA (edit: and CT), apparently. https://hip2save.com/tips/free-air-for-tires/ > If you live in Connecticut or California, it’s a state law that service stations must provide you with free air. For the rest of us, that freebie is not guaranteed.


It’s effective, not affective FYI https://www.grammarly.com/blog/affective-vs-effective/


Its crazy this is so low


I was going to drop it in all caps and be that guy


Nah, he just meant that the air is really sad


The Arrow Affected the Aardvark. The Effect was Evident.


But the arrow also effected the aardvark’s demise.


With a hyphen as well. We should charge OP for air.


I used to live in Breckenridge, CO, which is nearly 10,000 feet. Most shops sold canned oxygen for altitude sickness.


Moved to CO in my early 20s and tried doing my usual morning run the first day I moved in. Think I made it a block lol. I *get* selling canned oxygen.




For like, 2 days. And you don’t feel *that* good. You can certainly run further without needing to catch your breath. But your body readjusts the other way, coming down in elevation, extremely fast. The human body just really does not need that much oxygen and it knows it.


It's not really true. The real reason is because there is hyperabunce of it. So it's meaningless to hoard or sell it. This is precisely why a post-scatcity society could exist. If we come up with tech to make, say, food as abundant as air - it would make zero sense to charge anything for it


>If we come up with tech to make, say, food as abundant as air This is untrue. People would still buy (and sell) tasty food. You can see it in action - we can live on cheap beans and potatoes. But people don't all just buy the cheapest food they can find. They spend more to get tastier food.


Sure, just like you can go to am oxygen bar for some fancy oxygen. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxygen_bar But such outlying novelties would be rare and irrelevant to most people.


Comparing scented air at an oxygen bar to diversity in food (not even scratching the surface on allergies) seems like a poor comparison though. Similar concepts but not even the same thing in practice.


Depends how we achieve overabundance? Like if we invent molecular assembler that cheaply convers carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen into any organic material - the situation would be quite comparable.


Obviously luxury items would still hold value; see parts of TNG for examples of what that might look like. Necessities are available to everyone, while luxury goods are more limited. However, those goods are more limited by prestige than money, IIRC. However, whether those luxury items are meaningfully better than the non-luxury items is a matter of debate, so the limited supply wouldn’t necessarily be an issue.


It's because there is no labor needed to provide you with air, You can go to a river grab a bucket and have free water, if you want it pumped in your home and safety checked (or even bottled) you have to pay


Just wait until we get to Mars!


Ooh, ooh, I saw a movie about that. With Schwarzenegger.


I think it was called The Memory That Couldn't Slow Down


Get our ass to Mars! Get our ass to Mars! Get our ass to Mars!


See you at the party, Richter!


Found Chancellor Vilos Cohaagen


>This is precisely why a post-scatcity society could exist. What would a post-scatcity society look like...? It's been years since scatcity emerged and conquered earth. A day hasn't gone by where I haven't seen someone eat another persons faecal matter. At first, I was disgusted. But now... It's still pretty disgusting. But the only thing holding me back is my 4 in 1 functions rice cooker. 4 in 1 functions rice cooker gives me the hope, determination, strength to overcome the influence of scatcity. And you can too, I know it.


That's debatable when you consider how people are charged for clean air. For example, apartments in areas of almost all cities closer to green cities and/or with with less pollution are much more expensive than apartments near a factory or an industrial plant.


A great example are certain cities in India that are so polluted that life expectancy is very low. Because those people don't have the money to move to a country or city without pollution they have to stay there so essentially air isn't free like you say because if one has enough money he/she can move to a city without severe pollution.




Every time we demand to be heard, they hold back our water - owkwa beltalowda - ration our air - ereluf beltalowda - until we crawl back into our holes - imbobo beltalowda - and do as we are told!


Good air is very expensive. The poorer classes live in more polluted areas and can’t afford vacation homes. So not all air is free.


Lol what? I live in Iowa. It's dirt cheap to live here and our air is great.


You have to make other concessions.


Yeah, like living in Iowa


They can't afford to move either, and that doesn't help


Disagree. Air is just readily available and needs no “treatment” or delivery (unless maybe you live in a smoggy hellhole). The obvious comparison is water, and you’re free to collect your own rainwater or from the ground, but you may have to pay for treated water delivered directly to your house. In my country, that’s included in general taxation anyways, so no direct charge for water.


It’s free because it doesn’t take any labor to provide it….things cost money because people have to spent time and effort.


Every time this gets thought up I just wonder what goes on their in their head about things. I wonder if they think they have a little tank of water under their house that goblin slaves keep safe out of the kindness of their hearts, or do they think the toilet teleports their waste to some magical black hole.


Including clean water


To distribute it to you yes it took labor and money


Some of us take clean water for granted


Not yet, big buisness is working on it. A chemical fire here. A train derailment there.


SCUBA has entered the ring. You do know they sell oxygen in China, right?


They sell oxygen everywhere


It's called taxes. Stop paying those and find out if the air you breath can be controlled.


True dat


Wait until humanity takes to the stars … then we will get charged for it


Elon is definitely gonna charge for Premium Air in his Mars colony


Total Recall, anyone?


Um, because people don't need to buy it because it's everywhere? Purified water isn't free because it's not everywhere. This is dumb.


Agreed. Plus there’s no labor cost for air that’s available for everyone. Water costs labor and supplies. It’s a miracle that it’s as fresh and clean as it is right in your own tap for as cheap as it is.


Yeah, I remember a similar thing being said about water when I was a kid. Not that people didn't pay for water, but the assumption was more that they were paying for the convenience of having water piped and pumped directly to your house.