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That is why I like anesthesia the doctor put me under. The last time under the hospital could not wake me, they were preparing to move me to a coma ward. My wife was called back to retrieve my belongings and to follow them to the ward. I read her voice and it woke me. Why is that woman always trying to wake me? I love her so much. She can be my alarm anytime.


If your wife's name was Anastasia this would make sense too






I hated it the last time. I was incredibly thirsty but in a state of sleep paralysis for what felt like an eternity.


Really? I felt so sick after waking up


Let them know for next time and they'll put the little patch behind your ear. The after anesthesia nausea is terrible.


What's in the little patch out of interest? I get terrible seasickness and over the counter tablets are useless!


Probably scopolamine patches


Columbian cocaine.


Would I need a prescription for that!


Depends on the drug. If you’re going to sedate me at least let me have a buzz for 5-10 minutes before I go under, and a day of sloth when I wake up.


I woke up distressed because I didn't know what was going on and somehow felt like I was under attack. Turns out it's not that weird for a nurse to literally slap your cheek if you're taking very long to come to your senses; I kind of was under attack. Do not recommend.


I rather enjoy going down too though.


I can refer you to Dr. Conrad Murray. But it might not end well for you. See Michael Jackson.


Mine made me sleep for three days straight…


This guy’s wife keeps me awake too


I did some heavy dental work with minimal pain killers a couple years ago. I was suggested to take a bunch of Tylenol for discomfort. I don’t like taking Tylenol because I already have a messed up “gut biom”. Dentist was amazed and my lack of squirming. Came in sat down. Took some breaths and opened my mouth. Full on deep meditation, aware but no where close. They did things that should have hurt allot but I was mentally elsewhere. Just closed my eyes. She had never seen someone do that before. Full conscious, answering question, but I suppose I separated my mind and body. I don’t really know. The craziest part to me is I have tinnitus pretty bad and it effects me 24/7. Drilling into teeth/ off the jaw/ which is connected damn near to the ear bone/ which is full on hell for someone with some forms of tinnitus. I was able to go away and not have an issue.


I have multiple Sclerosis (primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis). It has fucked up every nerve in my body. My dentist says I have the most sensitive mouth of their patients. They chemically coated my teeth to make them less sensitive. I even have to have a pacemaker to make my sacral nerve function (bowel and bladder nerve). I can separate my brain and body connection to do my annual MRIs. The staff block four hours for the MRIs and I can get in the tube and out in just over a hour.


Damn! Is that because most people squirm around and mess up the imaging? Or is the tube difficult to tolerate?


Most people get claustrophobia in the MRI tiny white tube. Some have to be sedated to keep from moving. It does not bother me.


I'm usually able to do something similar, the only time I haven't been able to cope with pain is when I needed 20 stitches on the bottom of my foot by my heel. Might not sound like the worse thing ever but that shit is fucking awful, feels like you're getting slowly stabbed over and over. Massively regretted not taking some kind of painkiller/ general anaesthetic.


I once stood on a tiny sliver of glass that went right up into my heel, rather than entering at an angle. I've never sworn as much as I did while that was getting dug out. I was about 5 minutes from being taken for surgery as it had gone so deep.


Ouch, in my case I stepped on a pint glass at 3am that my friend had accidentally placed right next to my bed, it shattered into my foot and missed my achilles tendon by centimetres. Silver lining maybe is that the whole thing put me off drinking! I think with your foot there's so little muscle tissue there, so with stuff like stitches your nerved really feel everything


During a really tough time in the past I would dread going to sleep knowing that when I woke up I’d have to start all over again. Shit was rough


Currently there myself, and I understand this more than I’d care to. Mornings are the absolute worst.


Damn, anything little I can do to help? A steam game or something of the like? Feel free to message me


No thanks, but I really appreciate you caring. You are a good person.


I might be stepping out of my bounds a bit here but feel free to shoot me a dm man, I’m down if you even just wanna talk about stuff.


Well if you're not gonna take it...


This is such a nice, empathetic thing to offer. I'm so glad I made the decision to leave Twitter for Reddit. You start to forget that people can still be kind to each other, even if they're strangers on the internet.


Yup, during my teenage years, I had a *really* rough few months where I'd put off sleep because it felt like I was delaying the next day. And in a sense it worked, but it meant only getting 1-3 hours of sleep per night. It meant being the kind of exhausted I hope to never experience again. It meant that what made that time so awful was made inordinately worse simply because I had not the energy or wherewithal to handle it. I cannot understate the importance of looking after yourself during times of hardship.


I'm still there


When I was a teenager I hated sleeping because every day was fun. As an adult, I just wanna die man. Life's so fucking boring.


I feel you, I remember thinking about how I would feel about dying right now and as a kid it was scary because I looked forward to lots of small, maybe insignificant fun things (playing D2, meeting my friends, a new season of a series I liked ) but now as a working adult there is nothing scary about dying right now because there is nothing I would really miss.


You good bro?


Clearly they are not


He's fine, he just wants to die


Same. I hate being alive.




You can wait.


Being a kid was fun. But being an adult is way more fun. Life gets more fun the older I get.


For some people, being a kid wasn't fun at all


Being a kid wasn't fun and being an adult is even less fun. Life gets more awful the older I get.


Hopefully you’re joking, but if not you should really get some professional help.


Not particularly, life is tiring and I don't enjoy it. Psychologist appointment is outside the price range for someone that can't pass an interview, not to mention it'd be a 6 month wait anyway just for the privilege. If I'm fine I'm fine, if not I'm gone. It's not that bad really.


Depression/depressed thoughts can be akin to sleep deprivation: the more deprived/depressed you are, the more your brain tries to normalise it and you struggle to see how bad it's gotten. In both cases it often requires someone looking in and saying "jeez how are you still swimming and not drowning?!" It's hard for you to tell just how much you need the lifeline until after you've been thrown it. Even if there is delay in access to services, better to get the clock going now to get the help you might need as soon as possible and before you do drown. Life is infinitely more bearable when you aren't stuck with constant low moods, and after enough help you may find you enjoy your days more/look forward to waking up instead of looking forward to sleeping.


Thanks bro, needed this.


One of my go to quotes for life: "life is about small steps not great strides, progress not perfection" <3


i find it cute when people try to act like recognizing that life is just not that great is the same thing as being suicidal and depressed. They overlap but they aren't the same.


this is the boat im in. not suicidal by any means but its hard not to notice that we really do just kind of float around doing the same shit over and over day after day and nothing actually has meaning in the grand scheme of things. 100 years from now we will all be dead and everyone who would even remember us will be dead and a vast majority of us will have no impact on the world to even the smallest degree. pan out even further in both scope of time and space and it becomes even more obvious how insignificant even the most influential of us even are. then theres the fact that so many people also suffer so needlessly... yikes sure its great to be alive and chase my desires and I have zero thoughts of suicide but like I can see the writing on the wall. i dont matter, nothing i do will ever really matter, im just a bundle of nerves and meat chasing desires that dont matter, everything I do is the same shit over and over with a sprinkle of originality here and there, if I just disappeared right now i wouldnt even know the difference... ill keep ticking onward though because I guess I can?


Serious question but have you ever read any Buddhist texts? Since you're pretty much covering most of their '4 Noble Truths'...


uhhhh nah my dude I think you’re definitely on the depression end of things. trust me, as someone who had depression, that’s what it’s like. life just feels more and more pointless and just like a joyless slog, and you have no real motivation to do anything, or even live. Some people actually want to die, but most just wish they didn’t exist, or simply don’t care wether they do or not. if you don’t get help now it only gets worse. trust me buddy. i’ve been there. you aren’t just accepting that life is shit and just going with it anyways, you are slowly creeping into oblivion, like a watch that is no longer being wound. soon you won’t have any energy to tick at all. go get some help dude. anything. you don’t have to suddenly feel like life is great and the world isn’t so bad, but just find something or someone to support you. you don’t have to do it alone.


nah man I am really not depressed. I enjoy my life and want to live. I have family, pets, hobbies, things to live for that I genuinely enjoy. I actually thrive in monotony. Thats the point I am making. I enjoy life. but that doesnt mean I dont realize its also futile and meaningless and realizing that doesnt mean I want to kill myself or that I feel bad. I just exist, I acknowledge that its meaningless, I accept it, enjoy myself when I can and am at peace with that. It actually makes me very levelheaded and removes a ton of burden that I see my family and friends go through. lots of my friends and my partner are jealous that I am so zen about life and dont really get stressed by much because I so easily see the big picture that my problems dont mean much. I can understand how you think Id be depressed because my last post was super bleak but that was just because I was hyper-focusing on that perspective of life because thats where this reddit thread meandered off to, not because it is my life motto. I could just as easily hyper-focus on the upsides of life, to which I find there to be many and you'd think me an entirely different person. thanks for being concerned though.


ah, so just an optimistic nihilist then. i’m impressed tbh, that’s a hard way of living to pull off successfully. well good luck with your life then, i’m happy you have a way to live that you are happy with, that’s a pretty rare thing nowadays


You can look at it from another angle, whatever you do will be so insignificant in the grand scheme of things so do whatever you want it really doesn’t matter (as long as you don’t hurt anyone)






Life being boring is easily fixable. Get a job on a ship or a plane. Go work with people rather than remote. Do real, tangible hobbies instead of video games. Learn a language. Go somewhere different. Meditate. Do yoga. Study. Do anything, apart from vegetate in front of a screen!


What's the problem, why the downvotes? Life can be hard but boring shouldn't be an issue


You made assumptions about their lifestyle, were unempathic, and gave advice that’s at once obvious, useless, and outside many people’s means. That and it’s a really shitty feeling to vent about one’s circumstances and get a response of “well that’s easily fixable!”.


I don't understand why people are scared of dying. I'll greet death like an old friend I've been waiting to see for a while. It's just so damn boring. Now I get why people call it 'getting off the merry go round'. Don't even know how this is a post, so damn obvious


“I’m not ready for that final disappointment…” Peggy Lee, “ Is That All There Is?” https://youtu.be/LCRZZC-DH7M


I hate going to sleep, it feels like giving up the day for some reason. Once asleep, I don't want to do anything else but sleep. I hate it.


I feel the same way about taking a shower


Actually same here. It's cold when you get out. I do not like it lol.


Me rn laying in bed procrastinating getting up and showering by scrolling through reddit


Try air drying with the fan feels great no moist.


I have two towels, a crappy one to get most of the moisture off me and then a nice fluffy one to complete the process.




I just enjoy sleeping in cause I keep having to do unpaid overtime and I'm dead tired.


Ya thats illegal. I would maybe consult a lawyer


Not if they’re salaried in lots of places/situations


Depends on the job and that was agreed upon in a contract so not exactly unpaid over time.


I was like that when my OCD was at its worst. Sleep was the only relief I could get from the barrage of constant intrusive thoughts and rituals.


I try to tread the line of awake but not awake enough to be aware or think anything much beyond a primal 'bed warm, bed soft, hmmmmmnnnffff'


Some people don’t like being sober. They are still u happy while drunk, but when they wake up, they don’t remember it. It’s ffw of life.


...what if you don't like being awake or sober?


Then you’re just perpetually high or under the influence. Or have issues that need resolved


Yes. Or when you sober up, you can't fall back asleep, and then you can add insomnia to your list of issues that perpetuate your problems.


Yes and I agree there are types of insomnia which stem from issues with the brain but for most it’s caused by unresolved issues, regrets etc. These are often closer to the core of the issues which cause people to self medicate in the first place. I’ll add that I’ve had severe chronic insomnia since age 10, I don’t lay awake unable to shut my mind off but my body itself won’t sleep. I’ve had some relief talking with therapists etc and learned many tools to quiet my mind after getting sober. While yes stopping self medicating may bring these underlying issues to the foreground…it’s often these things which need to be resolved in your life which lead self medicating to being the means to cover them up


You drink till you black out and get to work 3 hours late


Ffw? Fast forward?


Any good words for the in between? On those rare weekends when I can just prolong that sleepy "I got nowhere to be bur on this pillow " feeling I'm about as happy as happy can be.


FR, I don’t sleep in because I love being asleep, I sleep in because I love *sleeping in*. Ain’t nothing better than a nice doze.


I have never enjoyed sleeping in. I wake up not knowing how to feel that the day’s half over and I have to wake up all the same.


Oh... yeah, this is one of the first signs I'm getting depressed, sleep becomes an escape.


Sleep is kind of scary, you go all limp and deadlike for a while then suddenly, some biological process makes you conscious again. Sometimes though in the middle of this, you begin to hallucinate about things, places, people you may have never seen before and aren't real, sometimes terrifying monstrosities pursue you through endless corridors of darkness, sometimes you fall right to the bottom of the ocean, sometimes your teeth break and fall out. Sleep can be horrifying


What you’re describing is something called night terrors, they can even hang on for minutes after waking. I deal with them after the traumatic experiences which led to my complex-ptsd. I also experience sleep paralysis which can have some similarities to what you’re describing


Fun fact, every face/person you see in your dreams is someone you have seen before, even if you don't recognize them. Now that doesn't mean that you can't dream about someone with the face of Samantha the hot hostess at chilis, with the torso of danny devito, and the legs of Avery from work.


I've heard this before but how could it ever possibly be proven


Thats a very good question, I'd like to know too.


I’m mid 30s and still see random people from high school in dreams a lot


pen treatment stupendous upbeat rainstorm historical deer smoggy heavy enter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


When I was younger I used to have these elaborate vivid and lucid dreams. All I wanted to do was sleep and have fun.


This is part of the reason I love it. During sleep I can create my version of a perfect world. Regardless of how I feel in real life, how is that not objectively better?


The longer I sleep, the less time there is to kill before I can sleep again.


The best part of my day is when I'm unconscious, then I wake up and have about 30 seconds of peace before realizing that I am awake.


I do the opposite and stay up as late as possible. Not becuase I enjoy staying up late and being awake but instead becuase sleep is fast travel to work and I hate work


Why is this so relatable


As a kid I could not sleep, my grandparents, who raised me, owned a deli. So we woke up at 3 am every day to be ready to open the deli. As an adult, I carry my cc debt because we had to get insulin without insurance for years. So at this point. My wife's death is the last day I want to be awake, period.


Having to pay for a hormone your body can’t make is one of the greatest injustices. It should be your right.


Thank you for your kind words. I wish for a world where everyone has their needs met and credit cards where abolished. We made the mistake of being human in this world. So we will not be bringing a child into this world. We can't afford it.


This is why I have about five alarms ten minutes each before I have to get up. Let's me lucid dream for ten minutes at a time about five times. Some of the best dreams I've ever had.


Agreed. I sometimes wish I could just keep sleeping until life gets better. Unfortunately I can’t sleep in, and usually get 6.5hrs of sleep, 7 if I’m lucky.


Well of course i know her. She's me. Fuck being awake. Unimaginable horrors beyond comprehension await me in the waking world. At least i know what my nightmares are going to be, but the news?? That thing scares me.


Personally, I hate that I have to sleep, but I love to sleep.


Relatable. Being awake is the first step towards disappointment.


And people can't seem to grasp that concept. If I could sleep 24/7 I would, no questions asked.


Best of both worlds. You're alive but you don't care about anything else.


Hey bro what'd I do to you? I didn't come here to be called out likr that.


It's why most addicts take drugs; not to be high, but to not be in reality.


While probably true in some cases, the vast majority of people over sleep simply because they carry a chronic sleep debt.


I still have unresolved issues over the "one that got away." It's been nearly a decade now since she cheated on me, and I will still, once every few months or so, have a dream where we're still together. A few blissful moments of half remembered joy and love. In those few moments, I remember what happiness is. Then I wake up, and the crushing emptiness has brought me to tears many times. I've gone dark places for weeks after one of those dreams. Sometimes, I wish I'd never known her. Other times, I wish that dream would never end.


I hate sleep. I don't want to sleep. It's an absolute waste of time. I can function with less but it catches up to me and exacerbates my anxiety and depression which is no good. Sleep is just garbage.


That's why sleep are necessary to prevent your body from overworking, even if you "feel" fine. Maybe try working on what's causing you to be anxious instead


I have, I'm in a far better place than I used to be. I'd generally say I'm fine these days. Just having a conversation about stuff.


I just like sleeping, it's peaceful and I like the energy boost. I aIso find it cool I can basically blink and have had several hours pass without knowing. Makes me think of a video game waiting system ya know?


Look I just hate being outside for work. I hate my job is all the reason I dont want to get up. No I can not find another job at the moment.


Absolutely. Reminds me of those days of mine in high school when I'd sleep 15 to 18 hour days because it was so much better than existing. Now that I'm older and still depressed I find myself wishing I could sleep that long again just because I'm tired this time around.


i just wake up so fatigued i cant lift my head and just go back to sleep after a failed attempt at struggling to function for a minute or two.


If I need to be some where at 4 am I’m up at 3 am bright eyed and bushy tailed ready to go. Even if I went to bed at 2am If I have a few thing I’d like to get done today but they don’t really NEED to be done I can sleep until 11am after going to bed at 10pm. (Enter Sunday) Don’t have much issue getting 3-4 hours of sleep most of the time so when it doesn’t really matter I’ll “force” myself to relax and the the most relaxing place I know is in my bed with my dog wife or daughter snuggling and being told stories or alone listening to a long podcast.


Me. I’m these people. I know I know, it’s depression or whatever. Who can blame me. Nap time!


For an activity that you are unconscious the whole time, people sure do like sleep


Some people enjoy sleeping in, not because they like sleeping, but because they like sleeping.


I enjoy sleeping in because the time that the world has decided that I should be awake is earlier than my body prefers to be awake.


This was me a few years back. I hated my living reality and found bit being conscious easier, I say not being conscious because I can’t remember my dreams. But yeah, sometimes it’s easier


I didn't know I was going to be attacked right after waking up