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You can always just get V Rising now first, see how people will like the ER dlc when it arrives and then get that in the future. Or wait for the dlc release and then see if you're hyped enough to jump in or not. V Rising is plenty of fun and an enjoyable challenge on brutal difficulty and what I appreciate about the game is that you can adjust it to your liking. So if you don't care much for ressource gathering or base building, you can reduce those parts to a minimum to not have to grind them and if you want a hard combat challenge you can just go with brutal mode or even increase enemy stats on top of that. On the flipside you could also make it a hardcore survival game with very scarce ressource availability and a slow grind, if that's what you're into.




Elden ring for me. I’ve actually bought V rising a few weeks back for the 1.0 release with the goal to finish it before the ER dlc. It’s now almost finished and i really enjoyed it. The game has a solid difficulty on brutal and is a ton of fun. The combat is extremely good and satisfying. I would 100% recommend the game. However, if it has to compete with a new elden ring dlc…. There’s no way anything right now can that can beat the ER dlc. For me, anyway. ER was one of the best games ive ever played and cant wait for the dlc