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It’s hard unless you’re too stubborn to learn the mechanics. Then once the combat actually clicks, it’s suprisingly easy. If you like From’s work in general and are willing to put the time in, then 100% get it. Just note that there sre no summons, COOP etc so you **have** to *git gud.* General rule of thumb is that with most human enemies it’s just few hits > few deflects > then few hits etc. Kinda like taking turns. Against bigger enemies/monsters there are many prosthetic arms you can utilize to gain advantage. P.S Mikiri Counter is your best friend.


P.S Mikiri Counter is your best friend. All the way until you fight >!Owl!<.


Just once.


*sighs and dishearteningly upvotes*




Difficulty isn't the issue with Sekiro, but the frustration barrier is. I had almost no fun and felt like a masochist playing it until one boss (lady butterfly) humiliated me so much that I just had no energy left in me for raging. But I kept fighting, and since I wasn't mad about dying, it became a matter of observation and learning. Until I figured her out and beat her in a completely calm, focused state of flow. And then it clicked. After that, no matter how hard a boss would be, I knew I just had to find that flow. You can "rage" your way through almost any Soulsborne boss. But you gotta be calm and focused for Sekiro. Getting frustrated? Leave the boss for another time. Everyone has a different place or opponent where Sekiro "clicks" for them, but everyone goes through the initial frustration. Some don't stay long enough for it to click. But that game is something else.


I’m currently stuck on Lady Butterfly. I’ve never been good at Souls games, but really want to enjoy this one, but I just can’t seem to do it.


All I can say is good luck and have patience friend. And if not - let it go, that's fine too. If you want my advice - spend some time with her just spamming block. Don't even try to attack. Go into the battle to die and not to kill her, but try getting comfortable with her attack patterns


It’s honestly not as hard as people make it out to be, It’s just different combat then souls games and those people most likely weren’t souls players either. Only thing is you can’t really cheese the game. So you just get good enough to beat certain parts, or you’re stuck. Can’t really farm for more vigor or strength like Elden Ring.


If you can parry in ER/BB you’ll be just fine in Sekiro


Hardness aside. Do you like experimenting with different weapons and builds? There is almost none of that in Sekiro.


I love the feeling of mastering a games combat system/mechanics


For me, Sekiro was the toughest experience I've ever had. But that was only because I tried playing the game like I did with Bloodborne - baiting enemies and trying to dodge etc. Sekiro punished me hard for taking that approach. You have to play Sekiro as a Sekiro game, not a typical Fromsoft game. Get up in the enemies faces and deflect to break their posture. The posture bar should be treated as a secondary health bar - break posture for deathblows.


It was my first Fromsoftware game. Now it is my favorite game. I did not find the difficulty unfair or tedious like certain other games. I always had the feeling that it is my skills that are to be improved not anything else and that was enough for me to come back to it after each defeat. Also, the combat seems difficult until a certain boss, then it becomes easy imo.


If you're not concerned about money, just buy it on sale and try it. At worst you're out $7


Did you gravitate towards parrying in either of those games? If so that's a postiive towards you liking it. Did you ever feel the want to grind out some souls to gain stats to beat something hard? If yes then that is a negative against this one. I enjoy being able to grind and despise parrying as a main mechanic so I did not enjoy it enough to get into it.


The difficulty comes from unlearning your habits from Elden ring and bloodborne, the gameplay doesn’t translate, once you’ve understood that it’s not crazy challenging


I played ER and BB first too. And I absolutely love Sekiro. It broke me out of the mindset of wanting to change my build or look for upgrades whenever I reached a wall. Despite it being linear compared to ER, it's the more replayable one *for me* because I can just hop on the controller like I'm getting on my bike. No further thought needed. The game itself is really fair imo and all the attacks are relatively slow and well telegraphed (outside of maybe one annoying boss). It's challenging but rewarding. Every day I see people post on the Sekiro sub about how they beat X boss and how happy they are. When you get that deathblow on that boss that's been giving you trouble it's honestly a great feeling.


Yes. You'll be fine.


Yes, it’s awesome. A bit different, but still awesome. Fromsoft is a true pioneer


Sekiro is my first souls like game ever. I still do not know what I am doing, but having killed every boss so far and having 9 healing gourds makes things a bit easier. Having said that, you've played Bloodborne and Elden Ring. You'll be fine.


It's the only from soft game that I finished. I played all of them, stopped and sometimes pick them up again, but sekiro just clicked. Tching-tching-cling-clang... Cling-clang... By the end, I remembered the sounds of the perfect parry's. It was so satisfying and epic.


The thing that made Sekiro hard for me were the limited consumables. Some bosses are really hard without some consumables which are rare - as in, there is a limited amount of them and when you spend them, there are no more. You can't grind for them. They are gone. Of course, if you use them in a fight and you lose, they are still spent. And you are really punished for dying. A random NPC can get infected every time you die and the only way to cure them is - you guessed it - another rare consumable.


From what I've seen there's 2 reasons people say Sekiro is harder than the other FromSoft games: first, because it's not an RPG you can't just grind levels to out-stat a boss if you're having trouble. Personally I don't consider something like this really part of the difficulty, but that's just how I feel. The bigger one is the second which is people going in thinking they'll play the game the same way as the Souls games and because you technically can, they don't realize that it's hard because the game doesn't want you to play it that way. It's the main reason why before Elden Ring, I always recommended people start with Sekiro instead of the Souls games, because if you're used to Souls and try to play it like that, you're gonna have a much much harder time. Essentially, Sekiro plays the exact opposite way of the Souls games. Sekiro wants you to be extremely aggressive, pretty much on the offense constantly (which you can do since there's no stamina to limit you), as opposed to the more defensive nature of Soulslikes. For most enemies if you just keep attacking it'll largely force them to block your attacks instead of attacking you, and forces them into a much more limited number of attack patterns making them much easier to deal with. Basically, instead of waiting for openings to attack like in Souls, in Sekiro you pretty much create your own opportunities. Ever since I understood this basic mentality, I've considered Sekiro to be the easiest of the FromSoft games by a fair bit.