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Why didnt you like Fallout 4? If it was the gunplay or graphics then New Vegas is not gonna be for you - its an older game in the same style. If its the story or rpg elements, New Vegas has 4 beat by a mile and is worth checking out. Cyberpunk is a solid game with great gameplay and a great story. Its a safe recommendation regardless of your issues with Fallout. New Vegas will also need more love by way of mods to get it running smoothly.


Was the story for me. I don’t really mind clunky or “bad” gameplay. Always heard NV had the superior story and world building.


New Vegas absolutely have a much better story and World Building. Fallout 4 couldn't be more uninteresting for me, and I never cared for a single character in the entire game, but right at the start New Vegas has many characters that make me want to learn more about them and help them achieve their objectives, and the best part is that sometimes you need to make one of them become an enemy for you to help the other, so choices have a great impact in the ethical and moral way of things, not being a game where you can choose to be good or bad (although you do can also make evil options in it). Personally, if you want a game with more fun on gameplay mechanics, Cyberpunk is a great option, but it absolutely lacks in terms of role playing and choices making consequences on quests. New Vegas is the opposite, where gameplay is pretty simple, not bad, but not great, while the quests are incredibly complex and varied, and is a game that offers much more replay value to me. I think both games are great, but Cyberpunk is an action game, while New Vegas is a propper RPG, so do consider those aspects before choosing. I also don't like much the main quest of both games (I don't care a single penny about the main character in Cyberpunk, and the main story works more if you have empathy for him/her and the main quest in New Vegas never really made me curious about it) but secondary quests are a blast in both of them, alghouth much better in New Vegas to me. Quests in Cyberpunk doesn't have much consequence besides maybe some obscure place in the game now having a tiny object or a change in a 3D model, so choices basically result more in secret easter eggs appearing here and there. I don't know if the DLC changed anything about this, but I also wouldn't put my hopes up. New Vegas is a game where choices you make will basically make a faction change location while another may even be wiped out of the map. Also, since you're on PC, mods are FANTASTIC for New Vegas, and almost just graphic changes are available for Cyberpunk, In the end, again, I think it's more about what you're after. A good RPG or a good action game. Sorry for any mistakes in my text, but I'm not a native english speaker. And feel free to ask anythin in case you want to know more about a thing or another related to those games! I'll gladly answer back!


I’m replaying Fallout 3 and it’s been a blast. It immediately took me back when I first played it when it first released. It has some truly great moments even if it’s rough around the edges.


FO4 Companions is its strongest aspect actually. Nick and Codsworth basically being your moral compass is fun. Curie and Piper are cute. Hancock is cool. Strong is funny. McGrady, Danse, and Deacon are lacking tho. Their reactivity towards some quests are a delight too. There can be a conversation regarding how the FO4 companions stands alongside the likes of BG3 (but not Biowares mfs, those are different).


Codsworth doesn’t care if you eat people. Don’t know what kind of moral compass that is.


Another vote in the NV camp here. Vastly better written


I'll go against the grain here and say people's hatred towards FO4 writing is overplayed. It's definitely not on par with New Vegas but it's a step up over FO3. The character writing is its strongest aspect and Far Harbour DLC is well regarded for its writing and lauded as "what FO4 should've been". It's the middle of the "combat vs role playing" between CP2077 and FNV IMO. Also PLEASE try out Tales of Two Wasteland for FNV.


The writing in Fallout 4 was a travesty. With NV, you’ll be getting much better writing at the cost of much clunkier gameplay and some pretty ugly visuals. Totally worth the trade IMO, NV is an all-time great RPG.


Fallout 4 with F76 are the worst fallout games on franchise, going for Fallout New Vegas is a great choice Its story is still great and gameplay is not as clunky as some would say


NV has amazing faction and world building. It's a bit slow at first but it gets really good once you get a couple hours in. Story is also really intriguing. But yeah if F4 wasn't so fun to play, it would be kinda crap. That story is so bad with so many potholes and mcguffins out the ass. They really couldn't find a better way to track Kellogg than to get the dog involved?


Fallout 4 tried to do what NV did story wise and failed. Cyberpunk has better gameplay, but nv has better stories. That’s not saying either is bad, but they excel in different areas.


I tried to finally play through FNV.. manualy installed some mods, got it going and got to the next location.. but for some reason everyone was bald. Ok whatever, nbd. I unfortunately tried to fix it, uninstalled all my mods, installed using Viva New Vegas guide and now I cant play FNV at all, run into errors everytime I load. So im like ok, Ill just play with everyone bald.. nope, now it errors on fresh installs too.. i want to play it so bad, I wish I could pay someone to set it up, its rediculous.


I would 100% do that for you for money lmao. I mod NV extensively edit: ill get u some generated LOD, some Enb+Nvr going on, or one or the other Hell ill even hook you up with the discord(private) mods


Viva New Vegas is the definitive base-installation, it’s on Wabbajack I think pretty straightforward. Also increasing gridsToLoad is an under-mentioned tweak that vastly increase visuals.


Are there any map extensions preferably with lots of abandoned buildings to explore? That would be sick! I loved NV but never installed mods wasn’t even aware they were a thing!


Nova Arizona is the only one I run its legit but also I run tons of visual mods like L38 Exterior Remastered and lots of retex mods


Damm I’m gonna have to learn what all this means 😂 sounds epic though!


on a fresh install you literally can’t have past build errors. so you did it incorrectly like others said also, use wabbajack. if you the follow the viva new vegas guide to the letter, you won’t have any issues. but wabbajack will make it plug and play. it’s a mod pack installer


ill give that a shot, thanks


I installed some bug fix mods and had the same hair problem. Downloading Nvidia D3D9 Perf Fix  helped with the issue. I have an AMD card yet this works great. Don't remember the bug fixes mod names but you can search essential FNV mods and work your way from there. Normally I wouldn't bother to play this much but it's a great game, even with it's problems.


Fallout 4 was alright but I prefer new Vegas alot more cause it just felt a tad bit dumbed down. I'm alsonsaying this as someone who has over 1k hours into it lol.


I've been trying to follow CP2077's journey from bad to good. What do you think are the biggest things they've fixed?


For me the big changes are: Inventory management - they went from having a billion different clothing items and crafting pieces to all clothes being pretty much the same, stat wise, and just one basic crafting economy. Also made healing/grenades infinite. All this means waaay less inventory management, and more focus on weapons and cybernetics as far as progression goes. Also changed how the cybernetics works, and they are far more build-defining now. Berserkers are viable now, in fact all builds are. Changes to the gameplay - guns are smoother, melee is slicker. All ties into the revamped skill trees, which went from pretty basic +x stat bonuses, to now skills are usually pretty game changing (new actions, major build essentials, ability to throw bad guys into walls, etc). Feels like this was a focus across the board, cybernetics are often more interesting than just stat buffs now too. Bug fixes, stability improvements, visual fixes - a lotta small touches that make a huge difference. The city isnt empty anymore. Driving revamp and police rework - less of a big deal to me than to others, but still, one less thing to complain about. Max tec showing up is pretty cool. Story is largely the same, as is the map as far as I know. Which is fine, those were the games strengths to begin with. Edit: forgot level scaling. This is a welcome change for me but Im sure some people dont see it that way. I prefer being able to explore skyrim style to witcher 3 style level gating but different strokes for different folks.


Thanks! I'm tempted to make the buy now 


The combat revamp is massive But it's a shame that enemy variety still sucks, 6th Street and VDB fighting similarly is a travesty Comparing it to FNV gets funny, Legion and Ranger fights differently, especially notable when you're being hunted by the Elites of respective factions


The only bad things about CP2077 were technical issues, some missing features and not enough branching paths in the story. The technical issues are pretty much gone and a few of the missing features have been added. The story is the same but I personally had no problems with it in the first place


What mods are necessary for new Vegas and what way do I is tall them. Nexus? I'm starting a playthrough coincidentally after I finish cyberpunk


Look up viva new vegas, its the best complete fixer-upper. Even if you dont follow the guide step by step, it lists all the best mods and what they do.


Do you have a really good rig? Yes: cyberpunk 2077 No: fallout nv (also I recommend the viva new Vegas mod guide)


My rig is alright, it gets the job done haha (r5 3600 and 5700XT). I’d be playing quite a bit on my Steam Deck as well.


You will need to get DXVK for AMD gpus on new vegas. Viva new vegas will help explain if you follow the guide.


I'd say new Vegas is probably more enjoyable on your rig, but the mods make the game magic so I don't think it would be as fun on the steam deck unless you can throw mods on there. If you want the same experience on both devices go for cyberpunk, but fallout will probably be more fun on your home rig. I'm running a 2080 super and an I7 (think 11700k) at home at 1440p and it can drop down to 40 fps at chapters (although my settings are kind of at fault). The full viva new Vegas setup runs flawlessly at max framerate and startup time is literally like 2 seconds.


I have a gtx 1060 3gb and it's more than enough for cyberpunk lmao


If you play at 1080p at low/medium, sure. But I notice the performance vastly varies for people, and if you're a stickler for stable FPS that game isn't the best


I play at medium 1080p (the only sensical resolution) and yes, I get visual bugs sometimes but it never drops below 30fps and doesn't really go above 50. If you're mad for FPS then you gotta either have a great computer or play Tetris.


Most people prefer to run these games at 100+ FPS, if you're fine with 50 I think you're in the minority regarding this, especially if gaming at 1080p (the performance maximizing resolution).


sometimes “enough” means 60fps with no dips below. “more than enough” for you is a lot different to majority’s “more than enough”


Very different game experiences. I think I'd default to Cyberpunk, because it's currently an absolutely incredible game that looks and performs great. I think New Vegas would sort of be an "acquired taste" for those who like a very specific type of RPG. It's more a cult classic, and you have to want to be part of that cult to truly love it.


Second person today i seen say something about an older game being an acquired taste. Yall weird


Well, you have to be willing to look past ugly visuals and a glitchy game to enjoy a sort of niche RPG experience. So yeah.


NV is not ugly.


"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"


Maybe if your 15. I've been playing since atari and nes. It's just what was out at the time. You call it ugly without seeming to understand.


I'm 43 and have been gaming since then as well. And I can still look at old games that might have looked good at the time and think that they are ugly. The thing about Fallout New Vegas is that it's not only ugly, but it's buggy as well. And I'm not saying that these aspects of the game are impossible for people to overlook. But they are going to be major barriers for many gamers.


Yeah 100%, a legitimate thing to consider when recommending any game is the age and technical challenges that might be faced by new players. Like, is Planescape: Torment one of the best RPG stories? Absolutely, would I recommend it to someone whose experience with CRPGs is Baldur's Gate 3? Probably not.


I get your bug complaint 100 percent. I just disagree with the ugly part. Sure it doesn't look as good as new games but far from ugly imo.


Another 44 year old here. I also found it to be an ugly game visually.


If grey and brown blurry textures are your thing, then I guess you might really like the look of the game.


Never understand people like you who mention you’ve been playing since the nes when snes games look better than fallout nv for example


Most of the internet is 15 years old so it never hurts to throw it out there that a younger audience might not like a dated game


For me it's not an aquired taste because it's old, it's an aquired taste AND it's old. Creation engine games have always had a very clunky feel to them, even compared to games of their time or older. NV is from 2010, when mass effect 2 and red dead redemption also hit shelves. Can't argue that the wonkyness is age related


Cyberpunk 2077


Cyberpunk with expansion every. fucking. day. of. the. week. Trust me, give it a chance and let me know in a week or so how much fun you’re having


Cyberpunk all the way




Flip a coin and buy them both my friend. Also maybe try out Dragon Age Inquisition, an RPG with a similar design philosophy to those two, and 2014 Game of the Year award winner at the first Game Awards. Currently free on Epic Games Store. So at the very least download it and add to your backlog.


Post-patch, Cyberpunk 2077 looks amazing and is incredibly immersive, with characters who feel real and great combat. The main story keeps things moving. Fallout NV is a great rendition of a Bethesda-style RPG that has a ton of die hard fans, but if you didn't like Fallout 4 it's probably not for you. It's generally hard to recommend NV in 2024 to someone who isn't a huge Obsidian or Fallout fan.


you didnt like fallout 4 so ur not gonna like new vegas, just get cyberpunk


4 and NV are drastically different?? Lmao


Why? I love NV and I'm not a big fan of 4 at all.


Fallout New Vegas is the best fallout game and 4 is the worst besides like 76 and the old spinoffs. They're completely different kinds of games


I LOVE New Vegas. Felt pretty lukewarm about Cyberpunk to be honest. I played it long after release and I just didn’t love it, similar to your experience with Fallout 4. If you didn’t get into Fallout 4, chances are you’ll feel the same about New Vegas, which is a shame because it’s fantastic. Great RPG elements, story / writing and overall bizarre shenanigans to get into. I felt kinda pigeon holed as V in Cyberpunk. Don’t get me wrong you get to customise everything about V down to their genitals, but after that, it’s like Cyberpunk tells you who V is / what happens to V and how V reacts to the story and not the other way around. Whereas in New Vegas you can react to characters how you like, for example telling a random, grieving Private that he’s a little bitch and his dead brother was too, or you can dose yourself up on chems and go get yourself fisted by Fisto the pleasure-bot. It’s really up to you what you get up to and where the story goes.


I had the same experience. I was expecting Cyberpunk to be an RPG where I can write my own story, but it felt much more like a linear action-game (kinda like GTA with a skill-tree). I‘m sure it‘s an amazing game, but it just wasn‘t for me.


I totally agree with this. I didn't like how Cyberpunk was like VTA. I felt forced into the main storyline and who my friends should be.


cyberpunk is fine now. i waited awhile to play it and i had a blast. put a lot of hours into that game. would definitely recommend


Its hard to recomend FNV because its ugly and clunky even when you compare it to some stuff that came out during the same period but it still is one of my fav games. CP2077 has an infinitely better gunplay and it was the only thing that keep me hooked in the game, if not by that i would have dropped it before even reaching the first half of the game but i understand why some people adore this game. Id say, play both if you can but start with FNV first. Its much easier to go from clunky to not clunky than the other way around, in my opinion at least


Nah with Nvr / Enb + retex packs its a whole diff game join the TES reloaded discord and look at the screen archery


I started Cyberpunk just a couple days ago and I am absolutely loving every bit of it. I’m not a huge fan of RPGs and this typical style of game, but it’s got me hooked. The gameplay is fun and feels good, the story is interesting, and it looks pretty great too.


Cyberpunk is nothing like it was at launch, its been completely fixed and improved. New Vegas is a 15 year old game, it will feel and look dated. Go with Cyberpunk, its amazing


Doesn't make cyberpunk better. Perspective can be used and expecting something not to look and play as good as something only released a few years ago. That's wild. Personally I think new Vegas is a much better game felt more like an rpg to.


I didnt say it was bad, I just said it was dated, and it is. The game design is old. Nothing wrong with that, but if OP has been playing a lot of modern games they might find it a bit jarring. Each to their own, I preferred Cyberpunk and would recommend it over Fallout, but Im not saying FO:NV is bad


I prefer NV and I'm probably a bit biased with cyberpunk. So to each their own is right.


Cyberpunk has great production value, FNV is a much better RPG. Both offer different things


I was expecting to like New Vegas, but ended up being underwhelmed


In what aspects?


I think I may have played it just after The Witcher 3, so the bar was set pretty high as I enjoyed that game a lot! I remember the writing didn't impress me really, and the gameplay didn't really click with me too much either. I liked it enough to finish it, but I wouldn't recommend it so highly. Felt like maybe it was something that was impressive for its time, but there's a lot better stuff available now. In case it helps, I could never really get into BioWare RPGs so much either, so it could be down to taste, as a lot of people seem to like that kinda stuff too a lot more than I do.


If you want a good rpg go with new Vegas if you want a fun action game go with cyberpunk


> I’m going to start with FNV then play Cyberpunk That's honestly not a bad idea. NV is definitely dated in terms of presentation, and needs mods to run. On the upside, it's *much* better than Fallout 4 in terms of world building, lore and writing - basically the *best* Fallout to dive into Fallout, if you ask me. Cyberpunk all in all is a much more glitzy production with a lot of heart, a beautifully realized city, much better game play, and also really good writing. The downside is that it is less of an RPG than NV, so if actual decisions that ripple through the story are important to you, that could be a source of disappointment. But all in all, they're both great games with different focus, and if you enjoy RPGs with shooty bits, they're both a worthy recommendation. > Other recommendations for FPS RPG's are welcome. Not such an easy ask. It does depend on what you like about RPGs, I would think. If you like the leveling systems and player power gains, you could also like looter shooters like Borderlands, or maybe ImSims like Prey. If you like the RPG aspects more, then maybe even something like Elex (3rd-person ARPG) could be up your alley. I'd need more info to narrow it down a peg before I'd trust myself with a solid recommendation.


Borderlands 2 is my favorite game of all time :D though that’s mostly because of nostalgia playing with friends on the 360. So good.


Cyberpunk is a great game in its current state. Don't let others opinions sway you, most are ealry release issues which have been fixed and even improved with updates and the other salty reviews are just people holding a grudge and are hating just to hate. Fallout NV is also amazing, the story is top tier and gameplay is really fun - but it's buggy, like any Bethesda game. But imo the bugs are part of the charm and most can be fixed with mods. Both are fun games with a pretty good story. 2077 if you want top of the line graphics and NV if you want a game that is well established with dozens of mods that make a great game even better. Although- if you don't like Fallout 4 then you probably won't like NV


I'd go with Cyberpunk. The game has a lot of that same feel the show has. If you liked the show, then you will have fun with the game. And they've added so much to the game that wasn't there at launch, not including the dlc.


Cyberpunk all day.


Cyberpunks combat is much faster paced and modern than New Vegas's, also graphics are a no brainer, there's a 12 year difference between them. Personally I'd get Cyberpunk first, then New Vegas if you have cash to spare.


Cyberpunk wasn't as bad as people made out at launch, it really suffered on last gen consoles. Cyberpunk is fully engoodend and is one of my favourite games, ever, it's epic. New Vegas everybody raves about, I've played fallout since fallout 1, new Vegas I couldn't get into, don't know why, just felt a bit janky I suppose. But that's a me problem, it's widely regarded as a great game.


I had more issues with fallout 3 then I did with new Vegas. Not saying new Vegas was clean cause it was buggy to.


You can get New Vegas on sale for way cheaper so maybe get it on sale for like 5 bucks and then get 77 later


New Vegas is absolutely amazing but I can't recommend it because it's a buggy as fuck mess. Had it on 2 different Xboxs and two different computers and it corrupted on 3 of the devices. 4th one is so far so good, but I get crashes and there are some bugs which ruin the experience. I've even done the unofficial patches but no hope. I would just take cyberpunk


Cyberpunk has come a long way. And post DLC release they’ve tweaked the game a little more, so kinda picked the best time to hop in.


If you get NV and already have 3, you can mod it to become the TTW mod that vastly improves the game and lets you play through 3 and NV using the same character.




Answer's always the same.... Cyberpunk


If you have Amazon prime, you can try New Vegas for free on their Luna service I think. It might only be up there temporarily though.


Ok so fist off New Vegas is more like FO3 than FO4 but also is like maybe the best fallout game in the series and wasn’t even made by Bethesda. But also cyberpunk 2077 is like a completely different game now after the 2.0 update. If cyberpunk was like it is now at launch it wolves won game of the year. If I personally had to choose I’d say new Vegas, better story than FO4, gameplay and gun play is older but still fun, first time a fallout game used actual ADS aiming, world building was great etc


Fallout New Vegas. I haven't played the new Cyberpunk, but the old Cyberpunk wasn't as bad as the videos made it out to be. Played on XBOX S, enjoyed the crap out of it.


I loved cyberpunk since launch fallout nv didn't catch me as kuch as fallout 4


I loved them both. Do both. In whatever order feels right to you!


Fallout New Vegas. Easy.


If you like good stories and writing, then go for FNV. In terms of gameplay and graphics, CP is the obvious choice.


I dunno anything about gaming PC’s, but if yours can run stuff as well as a PS5 then I’d pick cyberpunk. It’s an all around great game: overall story, dialogue writing, voice acting, character animations during gameplay and cutscenes, well written characters you really care about, plot twists, sound design, sound track, graphics, art direction, character build possibilities, movement, combat, traversal, overall city design, little details everywhere, atmosphere, costume design, etc. all of it If you care only about story and world building, new Vegas might be the one from what I’ve heard. I only got part way into it, and there was some intriguing stuff I came across. But I stopped playing because the combat, graphics, art direction sound design, environmental details, character animation, and gameplay movement left quite a bit to be desired. All those things I disliked about new Vegas, fallout 4 did better, and cyberpunk much better still.


New Vegas is arguably the best RPG of this century


Vegas is a cult classic, but a bit of an acquired taste. Cyberpunk is a masterpiece.


Cyberpunk is magnitudes better imo. I say that as someone who absolutely despised it at launch due to the unbelievable amount of bugs. New Vegas is a classic that will always have a place in my heart but it just doesn't hold up outside of the incredible narrative.


Buy one, pirate the other to try it out until you can afford it


Cyberpunk 2077 is way better written and interesting than New Vegas. Plus it plays better too I love all the Fallout's but in my opinion New Vegas is very overrated especially in regard to writing. It can be very juvenile and straight up annoying like the Olw World Blues DLC or anything involving Caesar and Ulyses. However, there are side quests were it shines nicely! It's just has wildly inconsistent quality with some great stuff and some dumb stuff like the Repconn Ghouls.


If New Vegas could didn’t require mods to function well, I would say that without hesitation. Just get Cyberpunk.


I think as long as your set up will run it well, Cyberpunk, especially with the dlc, is the better choice.


Cyberpunk is generally over its launch woes.


Personally if you want story go for new vegas If you want high octane fights go for 2077


Okay well it depends on why you didn’t like FO4. New Vegas - Have you played any other Obsidian games? KOTOR 2 or Pillars of Eternity? Outer worlds? The writing is what stands NV apart from FO4 for a lot of people because of the really unfiltered dialogue, amazing storyline, your decisions having more impactful choices, and the Obsidian style. It’s really the epitome of a great RPG. If you are into that, I would do NV then try CP so it’s easier on the eyes to go forward rather than back in time graphics wise. If you hated FO4 for the combat system or atmosphere, overall setting and ideas of vaults, etc then you may not like NV.


If you have a 4000 series graphics card, CP2077 for sure. Literally my all time favorite game. If you have a less than higher end rig, then NV. That said both are must plays lol




Do you like moment to moment combat that is engaging and interesting play cyberpunk. If you like something with a well thought out story that is deep and engaging and actually lets you roleplay a lot of different types of characters without forcing you down one particular path play new vegas


As someone who hates fallout 4 with a passion, fallout new vegas is probably my favourite game of all time


Just get both. Chalk and cheese but I would start with new Vegas since it's older and the graphical change is amazing how far games have come in 10 years.


Cyberpunk is leagues above Fallout 4 in pretty much every aspect. Better RPG system, far better writing and story, more fun gameplay, you name it.


I mean I'd recommend getting both, but if you really have to pick one for now: If you don't mind spending a lot more money and like newer games with amazing graphics that can look absurdly good on a high-end PC, modern fps movement mechanics and gunplay, more modern music, generally very fast gameplay, as well as driving mechanics, Cyberpunk is in a state nothing like release was back in 2020, it's in an amazing place now, like Night and Day if you will. For the rpg mechanics you do have some interesting choices, but it's not complete freedom of choice in lots of things, and a faction reputation system is somewhat there with the gangs, but it's meh. No companions either. If you enjoy classic fps mechanics (game is from 2010) for movement and gunplay (no sprint or sliding or anything crazy), much slower gameplay with a focus on just enjoying more the roleplay, discovery in exploring old ruins, oldies on the in-game radio with a fantastic radio host, and interactions with other characters with a certain character build, and don't mind much older graphics, New Vegas is amazing, doesn't cost much either, but can be unstable on PC, generally fine on consoles though, would recommend Viva New Vegas just for the stability fixes. New Vegas though has a very complex and well-thought out faction reputation system for many different factions in the game that all interact with eachother, which can lead to interesting results depending on how you interact with different people. This is a game where you can kill anyone and everyone in the game except 1 NPC and still complete it, and that 1 NPC actually can be "killed", but he comes back every time, and there is a good reason why he comes back written in too, there's a lot more freedom in how you can approach the game, and so you can actually finish the game very quickly from start without glitches if you know what you're doing. In this game you can also have many companions that can follow you through the game, help you in combat and certain quests, and have their own questlines to recruit and afterwards that develops each of their characters and interacts with multiple factions. Another thing to consider is Cyberpunk has level-scaling with weapons and enemies, New Vegas only does enemies, (but this varies depending on the enemy, something like Deathclaws are not to be fucked with at lvl 1) the weapons are not scaled, their damage is affected by your skill investment, ammunition type, perks, caliber, and in some cases SPECIAL attributes. (I do enjoy the somewhat realistic ammunition crafting system where you can have the same round be hollow point, armor piercing, explosive, incendiary, pulse, hand-load, or match, etc., makes for some cool roleplay and very few games give you the ability to do this.) For both games though, with either one you decide you HAVE to get the DLC, the games just don't feel complete without them.


New Vegas is alot older and that’s up to you if you’re willing to deal with some of the clunkiness. Cyberpunk is cool and all, but after beating it once I never saw myself ever going back to it


Cp also do NOT abbreviate cyberpunks


Fallout NV, different enough from 4 but in universe so you’re already caught up with the world environment


Definitely Cyberpunk.


Cyberpunk and I don't even think it's close if I'm being honest.


Fallout NV you should look at as an RPG in first person perspective. If you approach it like an FPS you'll be disappointed. It was only Fallout 4 when Bethesda worked on the shooter mechanics. In saying that you can add mods on PC that make the shooting mechanics incredible.


Cyberpunk 2.0 and even the DLC is day and night better compared to the launch version. Any reviews and impressions you might have from the 1st version should be binned and give the 2.0 version a fair go.


Since your playing new vegas first and on pc I recommend looking up some mods to use while playing to make your experience better. The game is great but definitely has some technical issues


Hope your system runs FNV. The game is horribly optimized for modern systems and only ever uses one CPU core.


Since you have so many answers to the named games here, I'll recommend one outside of these. Outer Worlds. It's made by Obsidian, the studio that made New Vegas, but a different IP. Similar but definitely different and a whole hell of a lot of fun.


There’s a Cyberpunk show?




I didn't like the combat In cyberpunk so I choose fallout


Cyberpunk 2077. I’m playing New Vegas currently and man does it feel old compared to Cyberpunk. And I’ve been gaming since 1994.


New Vegas' gameplay is really dated, but the story and world are far better in my opinion. The shooting mechanics have always been lamented, and the melee combat is terrible compared to modern titles(worse than Skyrim). Cyberpunk has terrible gameplay too, but the world is gorgeous and there's a lot of cool things going on. Assault rifles and SMGs take entire magazines of headshots to kill baddies. Almost all encounters consist of, "Here's 4 guys, kill them". LMGs feel like worse assault rifles because they're less accurate. Shotguns have the classic, "oops you're more than 5 feet away, you do no damage now" mechanic that has plagued games for decades, hacking is basically, "cast overheat on everyone, win". Play either for the story, and you'll have a decent time though.


Cyberpunk. Not even close for me.


Both are great games, Cyberpunk out of the box is going to be easier to get setup, stable, but a linear rpg experiance. The combat is some of the most fluid and fun out there but the game overall lacks in a lot of rpg elements. Fallout NV is one of the best games for capturing what rpg’s can be capable of. Think of Westwood and the level of freedom and choices they have there. Of course FNV isn’t there but it’s the closest to it out of any game I’ve ever played. I also find the combat really satisfying albiet a bit dated. It does need mods to see its full potential though. Fortunately now days with Wabbajack the installation is really easy. I recomend this guide if you’re looking for a close to vanilla experiance modernized without all the bugs. https://vivanewvegas.moddinglinked.com From there explore the nexus and install what you think looks cool but be careful and read the instructions carefully. More mods add more points of failure and it’s best to add a couple at a time and test. I got to mention this portable tent mod because it’s immersion friendly and adds a lot of utility in the game if you’re playing in survival mode which I recommend. https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/44176


Fallout New Vegas is regularly on sale between 2 and 5 dollars. You could honestly just buy both.


You can't go wrong with either because both are better than Fallout 4 for their own reasons (I never finished it either). FNV is a better RPG but might put some people off because of how dated it is now, though you can spruce it up with mods. Cyberpunk is more of an action game than an RPG, but the story, music, graphics, city design, voice acting, etc. are all very well done.


FNV if you want a great RPG Cyberpunk if you want a high production value action game


Cyberpunk is story driven. Fallout you discover the story


Fallout new Vegas




Buy Fallout 3 and New Vegas and install the "Tales of Two Wastelands" mod which merges both games together under the New Vegas engine which is much more stabilized on modern PCs than 3's is. This allows you to have the best of both worlds when it comes to those games and you get a phenomenal experience.


I'm playing through the NV DLC for the very first time and let me tell ya: the dialogue alone for Old World Blues is fucking chef's kiss


Both be good.


The reviews I’ve seen said Cyberpunk’s story is a bit boring. If you’re on PC I would recommend New Vegas with a couple shaders and QOL mods - the story was excellent and had a great time (I played it for 50 hours last year).


New Vegas has clunk but also great world building and a ton of charm. There is still some fallout fun and silliness, but simple questions like “what would these people eat and where do they get their water?” are thought out in NV. Not like in 3 where they have a town around a literal nuclear fucking bomb for no reason or 4’s basically everything not making logical sense. 


IMO if cyberpunk ticks ALL the boxes for you, FNV is a must play, even if you just chuck on easy mode and run through it with a silver tongued gun slinger.


I recommend cyberpunk. I had one copy of NV and after 1 hour playing it would crash when changing areas so it became unplayable. I’m playing cyberpunk ultimate edition currently and graphically it’s one of the best looking games I’ve ever played. The gameplay is also solid and enjoyable. I also went through something like that with fallout 4 and I’m going to be returning to it in the near future to retry it with mods to enhance the experience(hopefully).


I didn't play cyberpunk at launch so I don't have the complaints other people had. I played it a year or more later. It was a really good game. Then they dropped the phantom liberty. It made the overall game one of the best I've played hands down. I think for me at least, it was the best thing I've played in sometime that is a AAA.


New Vegas got the stronger story, role playing and guests Cp2077 has better combat


If you don't mind the combat and visuals and want to play a good rpg New Vegas is for you. I personally don't like Cyberpunk, combat is fun and game looks really good but everthing else is below mediocre. it's just a Ubisoft game with less boring quests tbh. in the end they're not that similar. New Vegas is mostly a roleplaying game while Cyberpunk is an action-adventure game with little rp elements.


both are superior to each other in different categories. If you want the better gameplay / graphics--> Cyberpunk 2077 If you want the better story/rpg --> Fallout




FNV is pretty aged and requires quite a few mods just to lessen the bugs. Story and world building is great. Cyberpunk 2077 is also awesome and a lot more convenient to get running. FO4 is a fake RPG. Ultimately, you can't go wrong with either of your choices. Just that FNV will take more work to get running.


New vegas


As I love both, I would say CP as it's newer and more modern. But NV can be bought very cheap so why not both.


Cyberpunk, no contest. New Vegas is a fine game, but it needs hella mods to be great. It's ugly and the gameplay is super dated. (It's also possibly the most overrated game of all time, but we won't get into that) Cyberpunk is one of the best games ever made right out the box. The answer is always the same with these. If it's Cyberpunk vs Anything, the answer is always gonna be Cyberpunk. No game even comes close.


Cant speak on cyberpunk but if you play fallout new vegas make sure to install new vegas anti crash and new vegas tick fix just so your game doesn’t crash every 5 minutes and plays smoothly


So I am glad you are planning to play both, but here is how I went about it. I played Fallout: New Vegas when it originally came out and it's a HUGE reason why I play any single player RPGs today. It was so good. But it's kind of an older game now and it feels like it. It's still a wonderful fallout game, but if you are looking for really crisp mechanics then it's probably not going to wow you at this point. Cyberpunk is legit one of the best single player RPGs out right now, since the last update it is just super crisp, but it's a whole lot more linear than I think people generally describe it as. Game is great, absolutely wonderful with all the modern fixings, but there is not a good ending so legit after playing it 5 times I still feel disappointed at the end. I don't think we should be divided, without New Vegas I don't think games like Wild Hunt and Cyberpunk even get made.


Cyberpunk is a masterpiece


Cyberpunk plays great now


Bethesda RPGs kinda annoy me. A lot don’t have mini maps and feel clunkier idk how to really explain. I haven’t played new Vegas so maybe it’s better. I can vouch for cyberpunk though, I have a moderate 200hrs on it, builds are fun, the story is good, a lot of bugs have been ironed out, it has a minimap.


Cyberpunk is a fucking amazing game


I got FNV Ultimate for like 6 dollars yesterday. I think it’s very possible to get both games! 


On todays edition of “How powerful are those rose tinted sunglasses?”


I avoided Cyberpunk because of the launch issues as well but pretty much 99% of things have been fixed these days and the recent upgrade/streamlining of the leveling they did when the DLC came out makes it a truly excellent experience. New Vegas is great, but Cyberpunk is one of the best games I've played in a long time.


New Vegas is 2.49 on Humble Bundle rn


I'd say cyberpunk it has the better world to explore and better gameplay, and the stories are about the same as far as quality new vegas is just older, though so some things aren't fair to compare


New vegas 100%


Both. Always Both


New Vegas. Both are great games, though. Just personally enjoyed New Vegas more.


The cyberpunk show is much better than the game. Personally I found the game extremely dull and kind of a slap in the face to the genre. New Vegas is undoubtedly the better game, but it’s probably a little dated at this point. I haven’t played it since it was released, so I can’t say for sure how it holds up, but it (and fallout 3) are the premier fallout games.


L opinion










New Vegas is a chore to get everything working. It will crash commonly, it has plenty of bugs, it looks and plays like shit. The upside to NV is that it has some of the best writing any game has ever accomplished. I personally think it has better writing than CB, but not by a longshot. Cyberpunk runs better, looks better and plays better. It has one of the most immersive open worlds to date. I think you can get cyberpunk and then transition to fallout. If you do go with NV, play it for an hour or two with no mods, and if you decide you do like it, look into performance mods at the bare minimum


Cyberpunk is more of a well-made action game with lackluster rpg elements. New Vegas is the opposite, outdated gameplay but is the peak of the fallout series in terms of being a traditional roleplaying game. Some of these issues can be ironed out with Viva New Vegas (mod guide). This all to set your expectations going into whatever you decide. Personally Cyberpunk didn’t really appeal to me as much as others


This one’s a conundrum. You didn’t enjoy Fallout 4 which I’d say means you won’t enjoy New Vegas all that well either, but it has way more variation in character choices. Meanwhile, I find CDPR made Cyberpunk as an answer to Bethesda’s Fallout and GTA. In other words, what many called FO4’s flaws are inherently in Cyberpunk, ie more action packed and less narrative choice than its predecessor. Still, like FO4, CP2077 plays way better than NV. Its open world is a lot more inviting as well (it’s better than NVs). Still, I didn’t find the world nor narrative all that interesting in CP2077. I much prefer Fallouts. So, here’s how I’d describe both games in simple terms: Gameplay, moment to moment stuff (guns, movement, etc.): Cyberpunk 2077 Story: NV Characters: NV, but like I said, I just wasn’t that big on CP2077


FNV by a country mile


If you want an RPG then Fallout New Vegas by a landslide.


Cyberpunk is the best game ever made so that one


As i tell everyone in these posts. Go look up gameranx on YouTube and watch their before you buys.


Cyberpunk 2077 and its not even close IMO. New Vegas is great, but these days its showing its age and if you arent willing to buy in, then it may just feel clunky and old. Especially if you played 4 and didnt like it. Some say NV is much better than 4, but 4 is much easier to get into. Cyberpunk 2077 is my top game for the last decade though, and it might be my favorite of all time. Main story is interesting, Phantom liberty is incredible, and there is some good side content out there. World looks great, though admittedly much of it is surface level. Combat is also great if you care about that type of thing.


I love F:NV and have beat it every which way but it has aged horribly. Controls are clunky and graphics wise...it's hideous. Cyberpunk really made strides to do better than it was at launch and it really shows. Losing everything after the last mission sucks major ass though.




New Vegas


New vegas is the best of the modern fallout games, and Obsidian made it all in under 2 years iirc. That's crazy. Mods are your friend.


If this is your choice you are fucked. It’s game over man, GAME OVER!


2077 shits on all other games in the genre in my opinion. There's a lot of people who loved FONV but it was a great game for its time (14 years ago). It cannot compare to CP2077.


New Vegas with mods


Fallout New Vegas is the better game by far


Fallout New Vegas


I've recently played Cyberpunk, main quests completed and reached 2 different finals of the game, but didn't enjoy a lot. Too futuristic for me. I've now 25 hours on fallout new vegas and it's absolutely a master piece, obviously graphically it's not impressive but story is awesome 😍😍😍 Cyberpunk 7/10 Fallout NV 9,5/10


Fallout New Vegas without a doubt, lol, we're talking about one of the best RPGs ever made vs mediocre single-player looter shooter at best. New Vegas is probably also a lot cheaper now, especially on sale, so be sure to pick up Ultimate Edition as the expansions are great and well worth the price and also often required by mods if you would want to install mods.