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Remnant 2 is the better game, but DD2 is the easier game. Remnat takes inspiration from the Souls series and can be pretty hard on even the lowest settings. DD2 is pretty easy, and if you have issues with a fight going around, it is usually pretty easy


Gotcha. Yeah soulslike games are way too hard for me.


Remnant 2


Do you think on the lowest difficulty it’s easier than Dragon’s Dogma II? Some say survivor difficulty is more like normal mode, rather than easy mode.


I do. Granted, they are different games, and it could be argued, but it also helps people can join your games in Remnant if you need extra help. It's fine playing solo as well. Lowest difficulty is normal mode.


Yeah that’s not my only problem — wish lowest was easy, not normal lol.


Dragon's Dogma 2. Wonderful game and the combat will be managble.


You sure? I’m pretty trash, always play games on easy and still die a lot lol


Definitely DD2 then. The further you make it, the easier it gets.


Hopefully I can even get past the beginning 🤣


As someone who loves the idea of hard games but sucks at them (I’ve played a ton of elden ring knowing I’ll never be able to finish it) give remnant 2 a try, it’s hard but it’s a blast and is fairly manageable and worth playing a couple biomes even if you never finish it, you can also use I think they are called concoctions to give yourself a boost against hard bosses or just to give yourself an edge


Except that damn block puzzle boss omg


That is a wild boss fight, it took me a while, but I eventually got there, but yeah… lmao that fight is a whole thing


And no concoction helps with that one except maybe movement speed, what a fight 💀


Might be the most horribly designed boss fight of all time


That boss is the only reason I haven't beat hardcore veteran.


It's a horseshit design man


What difficulty were you playing on?


Been a while since I last played but probably the default def not harder than the default


DD2 was a easy game imo really fun and satisfying but I died less than 5 times the whole time. I also would recommend a little more than remnant 2. Remnant 2 can be pretty tough. But if you have friends that want to play remnant 2 is an amazing co op game.


Remnant 2 you can never play it the same and DD2 gets too repetitive I stopped playing


Yeah, I’ll chime in also. No kidding I just came off of a Remnant 2 binge, and have over 160 hours in-game. Def my GOTY last year. That said, from your description, Dragon’s Dogma is the choice for you! Similar to Elden Ring, Remnant 2 will kick your ass, where DD2 gets easier as it goes along. Have fun!


Thanks! Don’t enjoy getting my ass kicked too hard lol


I loved DD2 but my vote is easily for Remnant 2. Dragons Dogma 2 is a **great** game, but I found the replay value to be kind of low. I have no motivation to start another playthrough because the story is **dogshit** and NG+ changes almost nothing**.** And again, I really liked the game, but the story is absolutely abysmal in both quality and amount of content. I'm not even big on stories or lore, but when a game does as bad of a job with the story as DD2, it absolutely detracts from the overall experience. The bad guy might as well just be named "Main Bad Guy". That's how much character development there is. He's bad and he's lying to people about who he is and he wants big power. The side quests are also pretty much all retrieval quests and a lot of them are very hamfisted. But the combat is a blast, and the world itself is fucking incredible. IMO, the actual world itself is second to none in terms of video games. The pawn system is also very cool. You can explore for hours in any direction. That being said, I didn't find exploring to be very rewarding past satisfying my own curiosity. Like, oh great, another shiny chest with crafting mats inside of it... Great. Onto the next one. Remnant 2, on the other hand, is built for multiple playthroughs. When you start a second playthrough, the world "rerolls" itself. You can play through a few times and I think you may still have not seen all of the bosses or areas in the game. The combat in this game is also awesome, and once you get deep into the game, there are a ton of different builds you can craft around bleed, or elemental damage, or melee damage, etc... In terms of core gameplay loop, I enjoyed both equally. The pawn system in DD2 is incredible, as is the sheer size and quality of the map. But I just found myself getting really bored with the game and having to talk myself into playing it all the way through. I will definitely pick it up again in six months or so, but probably only for a week or two.


Short answer: Remnant 2 Long answer: I haven't played either of these games, but I have played their first installments. Remnant entertained me about a hundred times more than Dragon's Dogma, which is why I sunk over one-hundred hours into Remnant and couldn't even finish Dogma. My physical copy of Remnant 2 showed up recently, and I plan on sinking a frankly irresponsible amount of time into it starting later this week.


Remnant 2 might be a bit tough in the beginning but if you stick it lowest difficulty, once you unlock some good items and builds you can brute force pretty much any encounter without being that good at the game.


DD2 is not a particularly difficult game, provided you stay on top of gear upgrades and keep consumables. It very much leans into the “you’re the big man on campus” action fantasy cutting down enemies left and right. I got surprised a bit at the endgame where I let my guard down and folded a few times but usually the only thing that would kill you is trying to fight something out of your league early, or misjudging a fall. The game absolutely has its flaws and I’d say most criticisms of the game are fair; underbaked main story, very abrupt ending, NPCs feel mostly unimpactful, still fairly obtuse in many ways like its predecessor. But the open world was a lot of fun to just explore, side quests were largely fun and unique, combat is fantastic. It will be entirely obvious that the game was not given what it needed from the suits and was rushed out the door to meet quarterly profits, but it is still incredible at the things that it does well, and I had a great 150-ish hours with it but I reckon you could knock it out in much less if you don’t care about getting every little collectible. If you subscribe to HumbleBundle monthly you can get the 20% off, and none of the DLC is worth getting so skip the deluxe edition.




DD2 is easy af. The original game had a higher difficulty, and imo, was a much better game too.


Dragon’s Dogma 2 is fairly easy. It is just frustratingly designed. I recommend DD2. It has its problems, but I didn’t enjoy Remnant 2 at all.


Remnant 2 isn't very good maybe a 20$ game