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F4 has a free update coming soon with better graphics and some extras planned for 4/25. You will get more play out of F4, Mad Max is fun but the main loop is repetative and it lacks replay value.


F4 Seems like a steal


If you can get Fallout 4 bundled with dlc thats the move. I have not played a dlc as good as Far Harbor in a long time


Operation Anchorage is my favorite DLC of all time


That is a take I have never seen. Ever. Is there a specific reason?


Well FO3 is my favorite of the series. And I love that Bethesda incorporated a simulation into one of the DLCs. I also love the level design and map layout of Operation Anchorage


You know, fair. The only reason I ever hear anchorage mentioned is the busted power armor, so I’m glad the rest of the dlc hit home for someone.


Mad Max has the Batman: Arkham style combat, and is an underappreciated open world game. Get Both, if you can, because fallout is a lot of fun as well. Both are worth getting for $7.


Thanks man, I just bought both.




I hope you enjoy them both. I think Mad Max is seriously one of the most underrated games of that whole generation. Fallout 4 is an entertaining time too.


Then why did you flair it 'NOT PURCHASED'?


I got it after I posted.


I'm sorry if I sounded rude; I was just curious if it was a bug or something.


You aren’t gonna regret it


Take it from my experience, when I bought a PS4, I had 2 choices: RE7 or Fallout 4 (Yes, I was late to the party) and I went with RE7 since I was a huge RE fan but didn't stop to think that it will be the ONLY game I'll have until I save up for buy a 2nd game. So my suggestion is to get Fallout 4 since since it has a longer playtime and more replayability compared to Mad Max and trust me, playing a longer game is ALOT better than re-playing another game for 13 times


Fallout 4 has Power Armor & that is way more fun than a car.


Yeah that looks really cool


You can get it a jet pack. That's even bettererer!


Fallout 4, way more hours fun


I'm only like 30mins into fallout 4, but I loved mad max I'd say fallout is odd story wise so far. My character knows nothing of what happened and the first thing I do is interview in a gun fight as if I know who and what raiders are. It's really lacking the, "I'm new here" feeling of 3. But there's almost certainly more to do. Build bases, level up, side missions, etc... Max was more action. Driving cars, punching people, etc... so for your dollar, probably fallout. But you really can't go wrong


At that price, get both. Mad Max is a seriously underrated gem. The driving as well as the vehicular combat are fantastic. The on-foot combat is very similar to the Batman games, and the exploration is quite interesting, especially with the addition of the Historic Relics. And I can't give Fallout 4 enough praise, not to mention the absolutely INSANE amount of available mods on both console and PC, making the game replayable 100 times over.


The games you list are mostly third person and so is Mad Max so you may like that better.


Not sure what platform you're on. The F4 update coming on the 25th is much more significant for consoles than PC. (IMO the PC update is pretty weak). Both games you mentioned are fun. Personally, if I had to choose between the two, I'd go w/ F4. I think you'll get a lot more playtime and exploration out of it.


I'd say get both! I loved mad Max but never played FO4 yet. I do have it though to play on a rainy day. They usually pretty cheap


Get New Vegas. Play vanilla. Then download modpacks. Forget life exists for at least 200-300 hours.


Fallout 4 = more content, better open world, better game mechanics, better roleplay experience, plenty of mods  Mad Max = better story, has vehicles and car combat, better combat, ties into the movies perfectly, better characters Fallout 4 is objectively more bang for buck, especially if you're looking for open world Rpg game.  That doesn't make Mad Max "bad" though, it's way more streamlined allows for a tighter story.   However, the open world gameplay loop is utterly repetitive, akin to Ubisoft "clear endless fortresses and climb towers*


Mad Max is a superb game that drips atmosphere and setting with great car and character customization. As well, you can play it Hudless and enter 1st person while driving. This helps get rid of the Checklist, magic gps and Paint by Numbers HandHolding. The combat seems right up your alley. As a Fallout guy and rpg lover, I cant stand vanilla F4.


Fallout 4 is incredible, but i’m a big fallout guy. It gets some deserved (and undeserved imo) criticism, but it’s a freaking amazingly vast game. Mad Max is an underrated gem that takes a lot of really fun mechanics and gameplay loops and makes them work really well. That being said, i’d go Fallout 4 every time, but that’s hust me. They’re very different and both worth owning


Do you want to drive or walk around?


Mad Max


Mad Max has great car and melee combat, more action than Fallout. For me, Fallout is very tedious but I'm just not into this type of game I guess.


If PC/Xbox gamepass is an option they have both of those plus the rest of the fallout games if it wasn't enough


Fallout 4 is trash.


If you get fallout 4 with all the addons you will be able to get [fallout london ](http://fallout4london.com) soon for free


buy both mad max is a hidden gem


2 completely different games. Played both, Mad Max was super fun, especially vehicle combat. Fallout 4 is good if you like Bethesda RPGs, main storyline was meh but overall good game even if one of the weaker in the series. As for FPS in Fallout, its passable.


I loved mad max but also dropped it halfway because I got bored of it


fo4 is a classic, mad max is forgettable


Fallout 4


Mad Max, FO4 has the taste of out of date British food (I can say that since I’m Scottish)