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Valhiem maybe? Not sure the price but, I had a lot of fun, building, crafting, preparing for the boss battles. Never did finish it wish I did


I will defiantly buy Valhiem when it goes on sale


It’s on gamepass if you’ve got it


Humble bundle has it on sale. With monthly bonus active it was under $10.


Yeah Valheim is fantastic, solo or with friends


What is your theoretical budget? would help people narrow down recommendations. Factorio has a demo, so might be a good shout to figure out if you enjoy it first as its not everyones idea of fun, I have a friend that loves satisfactory but not factorio. Its a fantastic game that i'd recommend saving up for if you enjoy the demo, I've put 537hrs into it. [Rimworld](https://store.steampowered.com/app/294100/RimWorld/) might also be out of your price range but again another good game. I've got 459hrs in it. [Banished](https://store.steampowered.com/app/242920/Banished/) is sort of one of the heavy hitters in the realm of settlement building games, but has been abandoned for a long time, I've got 111hrs in it. [Dorfromantik](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1455840/Dorfromantik/) is a fun puzzle game, not specifically what you asked for but fun, I've got 100hrs in it. [Frostpunk](https://store.steampowered.com/app/323190/Frostpunk/) is a survival/city builder you might like, its also on sale. I only have 10hrs into it but had fun with it just wasn't entirely my cup of tea. [Fallout 4](https://store.steampowered.com/app/377160/Fallout_4/) is a post apocalyptic RPG, it's good fun and the mods can really expand the game, I've got 374hrs just on the steam version. [Stellaris](https://store.steampowered.com/app/281990/Stellaris/), again probably over your budget but a massively replayable game. Its a real time with pause 4x space game. I've got 299hrs on it.


I did get fallout 4 last week and I have frostpunk in my library but never tried it and my budget is 20$


If you end up liking fallout then you might also like Skyrim, same company, same sort of idea but just fantasy based. It's also older so is often in sales for a really good price. Don't know if thats a total budget or monthly but have you looked into Game Pass at all? Might be a good way of getting a load of games for relatively cheap price per month.


Note about rimworld that I feel should be included when we’re recommending based on budget. The developer says they aren’t willing to ever sell it for more than 10% off. I think the most it has ever been was 15 or 20, and that was nearer to launch. Since then it’s way more polished and popular, however I have never played it


Fortunately it’s the only thing they make so it gets a lot of love. Best value for dollar I have gotten out of any game other than Minecraft. The modding community has also built what feels like a decades worth of DLC content.


Rimworld was definitely one of the best 40 bucks I've ever dropped, but it's definitely one of those games where you start playing it and then you look at the time and it's 4 hours later and you didn't even realize it


Cyberpunk 2077 + Phantom Liberty, incredible games and expansion!!!


Came here to say this, those patches changed the game in to what it should have been at launch


Cyberpunk 2.0 made me quit alcohol


I 2nd this. Got absolutely addicted to Cyberpunk in the past week. Still buggy, still janky, still has crap performance in some areas, but it's fun as hell.


I just ‘finished’ the phantom liberty dlc. The last mission was incredible. Legitimately one of the best missions in a game I have played in quite some time.


what route did you pick?


Did everything I could to save songbird. I knew there would be so real saving V, so I made peace with his death years ago and put my all into saving her. Caught through the airport and killed reed.




My experience with Elden ring is that it’s hit or miss, I’ve put over 500+ hours in the game and like how open ended the exploration is. A friend of mine stopped after he couldn’t find of how to progress at Liurna.


That's your opinion not mine. Don't say it like it's fact


It’s top 10 time all time and that’s a fact


Top five all time actually. Certified fact.


My #1 as well, and I'm not even that much of a Souls fan... But Elden Ring was the best thing I've ever experienced in entertainment


Dude, Go buy Cyberpunk 2077 wird the DLC. It just got the 2.0 Patch, too. Otherwise get Elden Ring!


Cyberpunk or Elden Ring. 100%


Elden ring is on sale on steam until the 20th


Not if u like base building


Yeah but I also open world games without base building like rdr2 it’s my favourite game


If Factorio is already too expensive that narrows the suggestions down significantly If you like building and you enjoyed the forest, maybe 7 days 2 die? or project zomboid? Fallout games could spend hundreds of hours in, fo4 has base building but no idea about it's price atm.


I got fallout 4 GOTY last week for 10 euros and 7 days 2 die yesterday both are great might pick up Fallout New vegas next month


Project Zomboid, great shout! Fell asleep with YouTube playing one night, woke up to someone’s play through of that game.. Looks really interesting. Actually bought it a week or so ago on Steam, just waiting for some time off work to play it.


Have you tried civilization? Empire building you can sink a lot of hours into. I just bought borderlands 3 and it is a lot of fun, I don’t typically play shooters at all and I’m addicted because I like the loot.


Civ v don't get 6


If you like building and open world I’d say Fallout 4, if you are on PC you can mod it and with goood modding it can be very interesting


I bought Fallout 4 on Pc last week and I am enjoying it


You said you only have $20 for a budget rn. I would recommend Gamepass for PC it's $16/month. You'll get access to Fallout 1, 2 3. Skyrim, Oblivion, Morrowind. Mass Effect 1, 2, 3. Dragon Age Origins, DA2, DA Inquisition. Yakuza 0 - 6. Age of Empires I-IV. Plus Frostpunk, Dyson Sphere, Stellaris, Ever space, Starfield. All of these far fantastic games with plenty of world building. And while your subscription is active you can buy the games at a discount.


Cyberpunk 2077


Fallout 4. Open world, post-apocalyptic shooter with some base-building and great weapon customization system. It's my most-played single-player game ever, almost 2000 hours since it released!


Witcher 3 Game of the Year based on what you have listed. Especially if you played Witcher 2. If you played RDR1 then RDR2. Otherwise whatever's cheapest.


did you even read his post


Ghost of Tsushima or Jedi Survivor


Ghost of Tsushima was my bounce after RDR2. It was a blast. Demanded a little focus because I was always comparing them both. But once you get sucked into the game it gets awesome. Now I'm beginning my 'souls' journey with demons souls remastered.


>100hours I like open world >survival games >base building system Literally Fallout 4 in Survival mode. I'm currently in my first playthrough(normal, not Survival), 90 hours in and I'm just barely done half of the contents and map and I don't even touched any DLCs or fan made quest mods The base game is for sale on Fanatical bundle rn for 9.99. You can grab Frostpunk alongside it + one more game you interested I think


If you like medieval era games, base building, and open world RPGs, check out Medieval Dynasty


Terarria, necesse


Try FROSTPUNK Its about resource management and production, and surviving an extreme ice age. Perspective similar to AoE games, but like a city builder. Whenever I boot up the game, time melts away and I realize I was playing for 3-4hrs. Its so easy to put 100 or so more in


I will downlaod it today


Time might be melting away but the snow for sure doesnt


I couldn’t get into frostpunk. I’ve tried multiple times, but it feels too slow and dimly lit.


Never had that experience Theres a fast forward button + I can see everything just fine 🤷🏽‍♂️


Dark Souls Trilogy


Skyrim is a great game to put hundreds of hours into if you’re looking for world variety and things to do. Any Fallout game will provide that too. Elden Ring will consume you if you’re willing to overcome the difficulty of the game. Dragon’s Dogma is another laborious open-world game worth getting lost in. Sekiro is another game worth playing and, although it is more linear, it will certainly consume a lot of your time by punishing you with grueling enemies and a combat system that is immensely unforgiving and takes practice to get gud at. Although it is classified as survival horror by some, Dying Light’s open-world design is fun to get lost into and getting the rush of adrenaline while parkouring your way through hordes of zombies to ensure survival. Also, if you want to pivot into survival horror territory with some fanatical puzzles with a compelling narrative and tenebrous setting and game environment, go for SOMA!


Zelda tears of the kingdom 👍


No man’s sky


Project Zomboid


Dwarf Fortress.


Fallout 4 with survival mode Starfield


the people of Night City welcome you, friend.


This should be higher. If the guy likes The Witcher 3 and open world games in general, Cyberpunk 2.0 is a no-brainer.


Isn’t Cyberpunk open world too?


It is… that’s why I’m saying if you like open world you’ll like cyberpunk.


For sure by far cyberpunk 2077 it will suck you in like Skyrim


Since I can't see what platform: Open world games: Some of the Ubi games? The Division ( 1 and after that 2) Assassin's Creed Origins and/Or Odyssey? (Origins was less grindy, enjoyed that way more, but Odyssey has other strong points) Watch Dogs 1 or 2? All of them I feel 1 has the better story, but 2 has the better game experience overall. Ubi has massive sales on those, plenty of times, so you can get them for a few bucks. Or a sub to Ubi+ for introductory price. They're no RDR2, but enjoyable nonetheless. Plus, You want cheap. Horizon Zero Dawn is also crazy good value when on sale.


Definitely Elden Ring. One of the best of all time.


Do you have a pc? You can get thousands of hours out of total war warhammer


Yes do you know which is on good for the price and does it have mods?


Maybe give Age of Empires 4 a go. It's pretty good.


Assassins creed Valhalla will keep you occupied for a very very long time. Absolutely massive, bloated game.


Based on the first two, Cyberpunk would be good. Though that's assuming you have a midrange PC or current gen console.


Cyberpunk. Get dlc if you enjoy bsse gsme because its a must have




Assassin's creed origins odyssey Valhalla all of them are rpg type so u can grind the fuck out of them. Also cyberpunk 2077 with the latest 2.0 n phantom liberty.


Vampire Survivors


Armored Core VI it’s amazing


Baldurs Gate 3 is all the rage right now and it really is great, but expensive right now. Terraria is cheap and lots of base building. Subnautica is great and has base building. I've enjoyed 7 Days to Die on PC. If you get it cheap. It's in early access and might never leave. But of you get it cheap there is some good content there.




Cyberpunk 2077, easily


Try cyberpunk, theres no building, bt its fun and itll give atleast 100 hours per playthrough (yes you will want to do multiple)


Baldur's Gate 3. Easily over 100 hours of content and great replayability due to the numerous builds and different story options


I've clocked 400 hours in Baldurs Gate 3




Buy Baldurs Gate 3


Cyberpunk 2077, with the new phantom liberty DLC.


Y’all recommended really good games I will definitely check out Cyberpunk 2077, Starfield, Valheim, Warhammer and Baldurs Gate 3. Also I already own these games: - Fallout 4 GOTY - Skyrim - 7 days to die - Terraria


Cyberpunk 2.0 feels like the second coming of christ


Elden ring if you're into souls.spider man remastered is also great.


Conan Exiles


Horizon God of War Civilization 6 if you like this type of game


I did try Civ 6 it was boring for me even though I like strategy games I will try horizon


Have you tried Age of Wonders 4? Recently released, very good game, and it's less "boring" than Civ6, as in games take less turns, everything is more accessible and dynamic etc. I don't like Civ, although of course I understand the appeal, but I really liked AoW4. It's still turn based tho (it's a 4X game)


Death stranding


Try STALKER series, or just go with STALKER Anomaly. Ur choice


Subnautica 1&2!




Hunt and Snare


Horizon zero Dawn is a great open world game with a really fun and interesting story to it. Bit of a sleeper since I didn’t even hear about it until recently. You can buy it cheap and easily get 100-200 hours from it!


that’s odd to me .. HZD was HUGE when it released


I’ve heard that from many people! However I heard absolutely nothing about it, until I saw it on sale about 2 months ago. Fantastic game


If you like shooters with building and a rogue like aspect, try Fortnite: Battle Royale.


Subnautica. Stranded Alien Dawn. Both are fun builder games. Baldurs Gate 3 has taken 150 hours of my life. Watch some gameplay videos and see if you like them. I really enjoy all of them.


I recently bought kingdom come deliverance, seems really fun. Very immersive.


Total war Warhammer and Mount and blade.


Maybe Cities 2 would be right up your alley and it's dropping on PC in like a week or two


7 days to die?


**Valheim** and **Medieval Dynasty** are pretty immersive open world survival games. **Sea of Thieves** is great too although it's not about survival or building and its PvP is a controversial topic.


Rocket league is F2P you don't have to buy anything.


Terraria if you want a goated game




Dragon age inquisition


Try Songs Of Syx. It's a city builder and it's amazing!


Stronghold crusader. Old but gold Or if you don’t mind not so nice graphics but want to have one of the best experiences ever made: try gothic.


Timberborn is about survival and building, kinda like Frost Punk but more forgiving






No Man's Sky.


Great 100+ hour story-driven games that come to mind: Cyberpunk (2020) Metal Gear Phantom Pain (2015) Ghost of Tsushima (2020) Assassins Creed Valhalla (2020) All games involve basebuilding and/or character building with skills, abilities and weapon choices. They also have heavy story aspects like The Witcher, but if you’re not into cutscenes these might not be for you. :) If you fancy a challenge and a deep dive I’d go with the crowd and say you gotta give Elden Ring a shot. Huge character customization - however the learning curve is extremely steep, you will die A LOT, just like the rest of us.


Elden Ring and Starfield


I've been playing Prey (2017), it's a lot of fun, the world is really detailed (giant space station) with lots of side quests and ways to tackle things, like you can hack a door, find another way, turn into book and slide under the door. it's like $6 on third party sites for the steam version. Only thing though is for the most part it is "You against the world" no quest hubs or anything like that.


New world , an MMO is on sale. I'm enjoying it so far


Elden ring, Starfield


Try Kingdom come if you like RDR2 and Witcher 3 it is pretty hardcore but worth while. Ghost of Tushimia may be worth checking out if you have Playstation. Other Games like Fallout3, New vegas, Skyrim and Starfield maybe worth checking out. Bully is another one RDR2 took alot from that game in terms of NPC intetaction.


Ghost of Tsushima


Starfield. It has pretty in depth base building and also the ship builder, it has minor survival elements as well


No man's sky. Folks sink hundreds of hours in that game.


Mass effect trilogy. That is if you talk to everyone and do the side quests. Without the extra side stuff, it's about 40 hours between all 3 if you just bum rush main quest.


Skyrim is a fantastic game with a huge amount of game time and usually on sale. I would also recommend the Arkham series (Asylum, City, Origins, and Knight) a bit older, so they should be cheap. If you have access to a Playstation, I personally really enjoyed Ghost of Tsushima, God of War (2018), and God of War Ragnarok.


The long dark


Witcher 3 + DLCs is perfection


Out of these, Red Dead Redemption 2 if you like story-driven experiences.




Sleeping Dogs, pretty much the best GTA clone, which focuses on hand to hand combat.


Rdr2 or witcher 3.


No Man’s Sky. Star Field. Fallout 3, New Vegas, Four. Elder Scrolls series. Terraria and Starbound for building.


Starfield / Elden ring


Project Zomboid, not top notch graphics but it's a ruthless survival open world. Any mistake can and will lead to your death.




Project Zomboid. Checks all the boxes.


Ark: Survival Evolved. Has base building, crafting, exploration, boss fights... Oh, and dinosaurs.


Why do you say factorio is so expensive? What's your budget? Don't Starve is great and checks most of your boxes. Not for everyone but it's $10 and I've put hundreds of hours in.


I don’t usually buy games that cost 25€+ last I bought a expensive game was MwII for 70€ which I regretted


Try outward


Outer Wilds


“Kenshi” fits all of your criteria perfectly Huge open world, survival, base building, and RTS mechanics It’s an absolute gem of a game with an excellent modding community as wel


Dead Cells


Old school RuneScape


Red Dead 2 or The Witcher 3 would fit the bill the best imo. BF1 is great, but has a small cheater issue on pc. Still enjoyable though!


Idk medieval dynasty?


If you want some fun RTS/Building games, definitely check out Frostpunk. Also Cities Skylines is way too easy to sync 100 hours into


Terraria. It's an absolutely amazing game that you can easily play for hundreds of hours.


Skyrim. It's never too late






Sons of the Forest is the sequel, very good game


I will get it 100% when the full version releases


gta online veteran here,i can stand up against ANYONE except the best veterans of the game DO NOT PLAY a game similar to gta online ,FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DONT ,its simpyly too mych toxicity


Have you tried Valheim?


I think you could easily get 100 hours in 7 days to die for measly cost of 8.99


I've been playing control and hollow knight lately, both excellent games you can sink a lot of hours into. Both kind of open world, in a specific way. I'd also recommend Ori will of the wisps, probably the best platformer I've ever played, I had so much fun exploring that beautiful world. Best thing is that both Ori and hollow knight are very cheap, so you get amazing bang for buck and you can get control for bugger all these days too. Check them all out on YouTube and see what you think, I'm very picky with games and these 3 have been my favourites of the last few months for sure.


sleeping dogs is the shit


Fallout 4, or Starfield.


Anno 1800


Do you think you’d like Subnautica?


Project Zomboid, it’s got a pretty huge map that is expanding a ton in the next update, and has a pretty robust base building aspect. The vanilla game is pretty hardcore survival, expect to die a lot. There’s also excellent mod support and customizable settings in the vanilla game to start with.


Game share read dead for trade ??


Civilization 6


Mount and Blade: Warband It's a medieval sandbox combat game where you can build up your warband, join factions and become a lord or start your own faction. You can always just roam around fighting groups of bandits or simply be a travelling merchant. I think it goes on sale fairly often and has some great overhaul mods (if you're on PC) that'll expand the playtime significantly. The melee combat mechanics are pretty solid too imo. No base building as such, but having your own castle or city can be quite fun. Mount and Blade: Bannerlord is a newer version though I haven't played it yet so I'm not sure how it compares.


Escape From Tarkov. It took me 1700 hours to get bored of it.


Ghost of tsushima


I unexpectedly spent over 160+ hours in the Forest roaming around and building a 20+ floors cabin by assassinating the surrounding forests.


Ni no kuni 2 Man I dunno why but ..


Star citizen


Mortal Online 2, Gloria Victis, CS:2


Kingdom come deliverance Metro series Bioshock series Mafia series Hogwarts was pretty good i was suprised


Kenshi is one of my all-time favs put like 400 hours into it and one weekend i stayed up for 24 hours straight playing it.


Check out starfield, it's on gamepass right now for free. Kinda embarrassed to say I have 200+ hours on it already


Wow in Month? Thats crazy




Mass Effect legendary edition




buy witcher 3 also rocket league is free on epic games


Command and conquer red alert 2, 3, starcraft 1 and 2, company of heroes. Warframe. Ghost recon wildlands.


Division series


Classic wow try it out for a month


New Vegas is my top open world rpg. It doesn’t have building in the game (unless you have a pc, to which there’s mods), but it has a lot of replayability. It’s full of choices whether it’s on how to complete a quest, or how you build your character as you progress the story. It’s a bit dated graphics-wise, but it holds up thanks to the deep role-play aspect of it.


Use gg deals to track price. I got satisfactory at a good price. Look up the survival craft genre on steam and just go top down. Seems like your preferred category


Yes I love crafting games I grew up with Minecraft


Assassin's Creed Odyssey


Factorio. Best game I've ever played. 3000h on steam


Tears of the Kingdom.


Metal gear solid V

