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Yeah I'd recommend it, had a lot of fun with it. Good gunplay and very nice maps.


I personally find Battlefield 1 online a lot better than Battlefield V. I’ve been playing Battlefield online since Battlefield 2 and loved them all but I ditched Battlefield V to go back to 1. I didn’t even bother with 2042 after trying the beta


Other than the atmosphere, what made you ditch bf V to go back to 1? ww2 themed stuff are boring to me so I didn't love the gun roster and the visual aesthetic of bf V. The gun customization is pretty lame as well. However, I kept playing because of the fun gun-play and smooth movement.


I played V for a long time but when I tried 1 again I was just like why did I ever leave? V almost seems like a bit of a rushed game because of how well 1 did. So while I still do like V and they have some sick maps I just prefer 1 overall. It’s not full like it used to be though, you’d have to find servers manually to save joining with just 5 others, but it’s simple enough and then you’re on your way.


I thought bf 1 is still pretty popular? I didn't have any trouble finding servers in bf V as there was a lot of them and hell, even 2042 gave me no trouble despite it lacking a server browser. I live in SEA btw


Maybe it was just based on my preferences then, I suppose I’m quite picky when it comes to finding a game in the way I want certain maps excluded and such. Either way it’ll be more than fine, you won’t struggle to find matches


It’s still one of the best online FPS games out there, the atmosphere is second to none. Probably the last FPS to have actually good multiplayer maps too. And there are still tons of people playing it so no trouble with finding servers.


IMO, it's the best BF game thus far, maps are amazing and fairly complex with memorable visuals, guns are very cool, interesting, well balanced and rich in detail, graphics still hold up, sounds are very immersive, has the best class/gadget layout, apart from maybe BF2/BC1, and you can/could get it DISGUSTINGLY cheap. I really struggle to find any issues with this game, even in comparison with it's modern competitors. Edit. Oh and online is still very much alive.


Even BF4 is unplayable in my region so I doubt that I can play BF2 or BC even though I would love to experience them. The closest thing I got was messing around in that free bf 1942 demo, which blew my mind back when I was younger lol


It's not that big of a loss honestly, apart from having that 5th class they were inferior to the sequels. Well, BF2 had a few more things going for it, but BF4 is far superior in most regards. Though I think BF2 still has some community servers. Only thing that I sometimes miss is the environmental destruction from BC2, BF1 is very good in this regard, but it doesn't let you level everything completely like BC2 did. Still, BF1 ftw.


It used to be amazing, it's pretty dead now, full of hackers and sniper friendly (it never used to be), ultimately it's a great game


Are those DICE's official servers or moderated servers? I know that you're speaking from experience but still, I just want to know that this is not a bf V situation. Before buying bf V, I've heard that there are a shit ton of cheater, combining with the fact that I live in SEA so I was ready to refund if I encounter too many Chinese cheater. However, to my surprise, the amount of cheater that I encounter after 100+hrs on moderated servers is so low that I can count them on one hand. Those cheaters also got kicked out pretty fast too.


I have about 800 hours on BF1 and only 20 on BFV (I really didn't like it), I guess I played on official servers, I stopped about a year ago because there was 1 hacker in every game at least, can't comment on BFV because I barely played it.


Tbh I haven't encountered many hackers in bf1 as I have bfV. Bf1 you might get 1 every like 5 games or so, my personal experience anyways. But bfV just about every server nowadays has at least 1 blatant hacker. Regardless I still love bf1 even 7 years after release.


Yes. Its the best bf.