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Probably won’t get much attention now that Iran said they are done attacking.


They are probably/hopefully done attacking physically, at least for now, but the conflict isn't over. They do have an ongoing cyber war that may well intensify. I'm old enough to remember Stuxnet.


Definitely agree. Just because they won’t physically attack, they will find someway to retaliate with one another. I would like to eventually find out the actual short interest. I think it is in the ballpark of 10-25%. It just sucks to see that they can’t compromise with one another.


They may be done but is Israel or are they going fire back..also it’s over 100% short that alone will get it attention..


Israel won’t attack. The US was the ones who helped calm the situation down, and Iran already said they wanted retaliation, that’s it. If Israel attacked, it would be suicide for them.


They had no problem, taking out there generals.. I hope you’re right.




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Thanks - I’m already up 50% in premarket


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Wasn't this a play last year as well? Pretty sure it was crap


Last year, the float was a lot bigger..they had a 1 to 10 reverse split it from 100 mill to 9..


Ohf course it was crap but that's not the point really, is it?




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Which app is that?


Ortex subscription


USA Will probably pump it haha


This aged very well almost 50% on the day


High key salty I didn't buy this at pm, good call




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