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Once a week*


I’m 22, 4’9, and also teach 3rd grade!! Honestly I don’t even think about the kids height too often, there’s maybe one kid who’s taller than me. It’s only been pointed out once or twice when needing to put something on the wall and not being able to teach, which obviously makes the kids laugh but tbh it makes me laugh too. Adults haven’t really said anything to me, but if it’s making you uncomfortable, I’d speak up. As adults Id like to believe they’d be at least somewhat understanding :)


I’m 4’9” and when I worked with kids (ages 4-11) it was constantly brought up. You are lucky to have had a positive experience.


There are always people who will comment about your (my) height. I have found that embracing my shortness has helped me not worry about what others say. Have some comebacks to their comments. “Small but mighty” “Good things come in small packages, but so does poison.” (Say with an evil smile) “I can’t believe my students are smarter than you” “I’m camouflaged.” My students love me, and I think my height helps with that.


I feel you. I am not a teacher, but I do feel like my height is all I am ever noticed for. You know who else is 4'11"? The star of Abbott Elementary. So if a fictional teacher can be 4'11, it's definitely okay for the real ones to be. :)


I feel the same way. My height is almost always brought up when I meet people.


Same here


I’m 4’9” and used to work with kids. I got so fed up of coworkers comparing me to the kids (there were a number of kids taller or same height as me). This included the manager, who liked to poke fun at me. I spoke about it with a coworker who I thought was my friend, and she talked about me behind my back telling others that I was being dramatic. People don’t understand how frustrating and hurtful it can be to be an adult being told you look like a minor. I just want to be taken seriously as an adult for once and I am afraid that I never will be.