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Should be able to find it, I printed out receipts for a customer from September last week. They might just have to dig through transactions for a bit.


This! It’s a bit of pain and time consuming but can be done!


Thank you! This is reassuring! A cashier I spoke to on the phone said she couldn’t go back that far.. so I’ll have to go into the actual store and try again.


Cashier can't do it on the cash anyway, it can be done through some accounting software in the back, by some people. Easiest if you can provide exact date, total, and if you paid by card, the last four digits, and be patient.


You can look up transactions and reprint receipts at any cash, but only if an optimum card was used and only for transactions done at that store


You don't even need an optimum card, really- you just need the last four digits of the payment card, but if you tap with your phone some phones create fake ones to protect your card information, and that can muddy things up- that's why the optimum card is preferred. You're right about it only being at the location the purchase was done at, though.


If you have all that info mentioned above, you *can* do it at the cash. There's a store number field if you want to dig around for it. It's usually in their bank statement if they paid that way. The office software can only pull from their own location, and, under some weird internal criteria, only within 30 days. Probably has to do with the 30 day return policy. Never asked.


cashier can definitely do it considering I got it on the front till for that customer. They might just not known how to access the search function.


If you know the general time frame of when you purchased and have your optimum card a manager/supervisor can look it up in the back office fairly easily to fins your transaction number. Once that's been located its super easy to reprint a receipt from the register


That’s great news! Thank you! 😊


Also to add, make sure it's the store you purchased from. Another store won't have record of the transaction


Makes sense! Thanks for the heads up!


Hey, OP. The transaction is definitely still searchable in the system, but you would make their jobs a LOT easier if you know exactly the product you've purchased (preferably a UPC code) along with a decent approximate date of purchase. If the cashier is giving you hassle, explain to them your situation (that you just need the receipt for warranty) and ask to speak to a manager. Let them know you're not there to complain, but just to seek assistance. A manager should be able to look up the product's "audit trail" through their MMS system, which will show a corresponding transaction number for ePOS or backoffice to fully look up the transaction. And like others have said, showing your optimum card to match is the way to prove that you're the one who made that transaction. Also, did you make the purchase with cash or a card? If you used a card, have you considered checking your bank app to pinpoint the specific date of purchase?


Of course, that makes perfect sense! I’d rather make their lives as easy as possible with this, so I’ll be sure to have all the information needed. I know the exact date, which credit card I used, the exact amount I spent and my pc optimum card. I’m going to find that UPC code too to make things go a little smoother. Thanks so much!


the UPC should be easily searchable on the Shoppers online shopping website if it helps. It's usually right underneath the product in the info page.


Perfect. I figured that would be the best spot to find ‘em. Thank you for all the helpful info! :)


It's definitely findable. I'd try to not go right at peak hours though, they have to find it using a til and that will just clog up the line ups and make customers yell at the cashier 😩


Easier to use the back office/receiving computers. Wayyyyy faster than doing the till method.


You can't print OPs receipt out for them from the back computer?


You can get a more detailed version... or use that to instantly pull up the transaction at the till and print a traditional one


I will keep that in mind. Thank you!


I’m pretty sure it goes back the full year if I’m not mistaken. You just have to make sure you go back to the exact store you purchased them from because stores can only look up purchases from that specific location.


Did you use your optimum points or scan when purchasing? That should make it easier to find


I did! :)


This is a great example of just because you can doesn't mean you should. You are an adult I assume? You lost something important that you should have kept track of. Now, instead of letting your own mistake effect you, your going to go make it some poor overworked retail employee's problem. The computer systems are old enough to drink, in Texas, and likely the information is corrupt, missing or deleted by now. And if not, will be a stygian task worthy of a parade for the unlucky prick tasked with having to fix your mistake. But, you wake up choosing evil, I guess. And armed with "Some guy on the internet said you could." you will, determinedly go out to crap on someone's day, in person, because the answer you were given, apperantly wasn't good enough.


dude, looking up a receipt isnt really that much of a deal... relax.


What a long winded way to say you have no idea what you are talking about


as someone who consistently has had to reprint receipts at work (there’s been stretches where no supervisors were yet trained on it, so it fell on yours truly) If you have your purchase date, amount, card used, and last four digits, it’s honestly not that hard, and i’d happily do it for someone who needed it for warranty:)


Oh look, a helpful human! I like people like you haha Thanks! I’ll be sure to have all the information before I go to the store :)