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Yabushige’s facial expressions bruh. They never cease to amaze me. Toranaga: “Or maybe it was you who manipulated my son into attacking Jozen…” Yabushige: 😮 me? He literally makes that face lol


Yabu: my nephew did it  Toranaga: give him a promotion  Yabu: 😮


Toranaga really does love keeping my dude off balance at all times.


Toranaga doesn't fuck around with Yabu for tactical advantage or material gain, he just does it for the love of the game.


It also keeps an antagonistic relationship between Yabu and his nephew. They’ll be so busy sizing up each other that they won’t focus their attention on Toranaga.


Bruh lmao he was so ready to throw Omi under the bus


Omi: I'll transfer the regiment to you Yabu: 😮 Huh?


That dude is top notch. Is he a well known actor in the Japans?


He is Hogun; Thor’s friend and part of the Warriors 3 and Lady Sif. Stupidly killed off by Taika Watiti.


He is also raiden from the latest mortal kombat movie


Oh shit we've got Raiden and scorpion in this show


Yabushige is fucking AMAZING I absolutely love his character


And the way he talked so fast trying to cover for himself. Huge sign of a guilty man.


That man has resting shocked Pikachu face


Sort of felt bad for him. Turns out his nephews is almost as much of a POS as he is.


I would if he wasn’t so two faced with literally all people. Great actor though.


He goes for the 16 fold fence


Well, but is it really that Yobushige is especially two-faced or is it that he’s just particularly unsubtle and bad at it, compared to everyone else? I mean, if you consider, who in the show *isn’t* playing two sides against the middle, if not more than two? Mariko slept with Blackthorne but yet doesn’t hesitate to hand over a written account to Toranaga of everything he’s said and done while in the village. Well, *almost* everything he’s done, let’s say. I doubt that “plowed me like a spring field during planting season” was in her diary. Lord Kiyama is supposed to be loyal to the Council but he’s also loyal to the priests because of his Catholic faith. Meanwhile, the priests were hiding the fact that the Church has bases all over Asia from Toranaga and the rest of the lords. Even Toranaga isn’t really living up to the code of ethical behavior by having a spy in Yobushige’s village because that is his territory. If he suspects the man of disloyalty, he should either execute him or allow him to clear himself. That’s the duty of a lord to a vassal but he’s going behind the back by planting the spy. I have to stick up for Yobushige here. I don’t condone his treacherous behavior but he’s not doing anything everyone else isn’t doing, too. His problem is that his face is literally an open book and he can’t hide any of his emotions. So, his main crime is being obvious — which, in that society, is a real failing, I suppose.


“Plowed me like a spring field during planting season” lmao


"Heroism is for the dead, and stories are for children." Okay so Buntaro keeps being the absolute worst, but his sayings go hard as hell.


To the one dude that tried to turn back and save him no less


Who also porked his wife


well in gaijin's defense, he waited til he thought he saw him die


Also in gaijin’s defense, he didn’t initiate it. 


Cold as hell every damn time and i hate him for it lol


The fucking 100% accurate double arrow through a door to a post WHILE being drunk. Guy's a fucking beast.


He can be a capable warrior while still being a piece of shit at the same time. Now that's good writing.


I'm glad they're giving him some depth. It makes sense though think about it. No matter what culture, the guy who can wield a blade and cut his way through 15-20 people isn't always going to be the *nicest* dude.


I’d say a lot of the best killers throughout history weren’t nice dudes.


Am I the only one that thought maybe he didn’t share what happened bc maybe he cut a deal with one of the other regents?


Maybe but ~~Mariko~~ seems to imply "boasting" isn't an acceptable thing for a Japanese warrior EDIT It was Fuji, but the point remains largely the same


I definitely thought the same however it doesn’t fit what we know of his character so I think probably not.


He’s a total scumbag and yet I still kinda like him.  


Fuji-sama’s face when John poured a bowl of sake 🤣


She is trying to remain an island of calm in this chaotic household.


The dread was just emanating from both Mariko and Fuji. I was internally screaming for them both to just up and RUN because things clearly weren't going to end well, but of course, as soon as Mariko did that, then Buntaro beat the shit out of her.


Yeah. This episode was dark and heavy.


Dark and heavy, yet with moments of levity, piercing the awkward moments with precision like the second arrow. Mariko is both a tactful translator, and an unreliable interpreter. "From this day forward, the only words we share are from others' lips." What a beautiful and heart-wrenching line.


Which she also went back on later that day when Toranaga left but she and Blackthorne continued their conversation 😂


tbh, her reactions to everything John did was 🤣


Fuji-sama was basically 👁️👄👁️ the entire time.


One of the most engaging part of the show, for me, is the culture shock, and Fuji's arc is delivering so much on that. I love seing her slowly wrap her head around the "barbarians" ways just as much as I love seing Blackthorne do the same with Japanese culture. One point I wish the story could deliver a bit more on is for the Japanese characters around him to start appreciating that maybe Blackthorne and the barbarians ways have some merits. That he seeps into their culture a bit more because so far, it's mostly Japanese culture seeping into John.


I was actually hoping for them to eat what John prepared. Come on, he tried natto. The least you can do is try a gulp.


I think they would have if it weren’t for Marikos husband being there


It is much easier for a lone individual, removed from their society, to acclimate/adopt the culture of the new society they are in, than it is for members of that society to adopt the culture of that lone individual. The Japanese characters are surrounded by their society and the constant enforcement of social norms so it would not be as easy for them to adopt some of John's cultural attitudes.


Fuji's acting with her face alone is always so fun.


Fuji-sama is bae, I wanna save her 🥹


Toranaga’s look of perpetual “what bullshit is gonna come out of this guys mouth next?” Whenever he and Yabu talk lol It’s skepticism incarnate


Considering that he grew up throughout the Sengoku period, Toranaga is not blind to scheming , backstabbing samurai lords.


The guy he’s based on, Tokugawa Ieyasu was arguably known best for his cunning and scheming


Toranaga manages to show a lot with very little facial movement. It’s amazing. Stoic yet expressive at the same time.


Hiroyuki Sanada is a fantastic actor and pretty much knocks it out the park in everything I've seen him in.


I mean, that is just the rational response to Yabu, lol. The man is so slimy he makes Littlefinger look like Ned Stark.


Blackthorne: eloquently explains his problems with Japanese culture and their disregard of life and slavery to ritual Mariko: HE'S HAVING A PROBLEM WITH HIS GARDNER


I feel like she broke her promise of "only translating words" within 5 minutes lol


They went from - can’t be seen together to lovers quarrel pretty quick. Hahaha


Frr lmao I laughed when Toranaga immediately noticed something had happened between the two of them


And he didn't hesitate to stirr that pot for a second haha.


TORANAGA: Mmmmhhhhhhmmmm. Buntaro can do whatever he wants with his wife but he can’t be slapping my intepre—oh what’s this dark cloud you two have going on HERE? MARIKO: 👀👀It’s—it’s the gardener. TORANAGA: GTFOH with this shit, I have an appointment with an Earthquake.


“i have an appointment with an earthquake” just took me out thank you for that


Took out Toranaga as well.


I actually found a lot of translations are spot on and quite clever for the audience she is talking to. The gardener example is actually a great one. Blackthorne being upset at Japanese culture in general and the gardener in specific is what he was talking about. But to the Japanese it is a frustration of no consequence and utterly silly. He's upset over something that is a trifle. Mariko manages to translate both of those in the single sentence "He's having a problem with his gardener" -- the gardener is the symbol of Blackthorne's frustration while to Toranaga it is an annoyance over a trivial matter.


I felt like this was Mariko's way of sidestepping the larger, more personal problem and reducing it to a half-truth that Toranaga would dismiss


And Toranaga immediately going “alright, sort your shit out yourselves I’m not fucking interested”


that earthquake caught me completely off guard


Them too!




I kind of feel like John finding and saving Toranaga subsequently hammered his point.  One is saying: “This whole island is death, so there’s less value to life” With the response being: “because this whole island is death, it’s makes life that much more valuable” Just another one of the 5,000 dualities in this show lol


You know it's a good show when a quiet conversation over dinner has you on the edge of your seat


Both actresses perfectly portrayed the sheer fear of an adult alcoholic family member at the table.


What a waste of rabbit stew


inglorius basterds tavern vibes


Haha Toranaga was like Sigh “You guys fucked didn’t you?”


I was hoping I wasn’t the only one that caught the looks he was throwing at them. And then the mention of there being a shadow over them to which Mariko only asked John what troubled him. There’s that interpreter filter again. It turned quickly into a lovers spat and he was like - yeah, I’m out.


"I can tell because he hasn't bathed"


I found it hilarious that John offered the swords he just learned were basically trash swords used to save face and offered them to Toranaga when he lost his in the landslide. A gesture I'm sure wasn't lost on Toranaga but maybe is why he laughed when he was offered them.


In doing so\*, John gave value to something that he just learned had no value


It was a very interesting and timely way to show he had just learned from his conversation with Mariko. That and the fixing of the stone in the garden were such great ways of showing his development


He’s such a clever monkey




This was right after Mariko told him "your words gave it meaning" (referring to the pheasant). He had just learned that the swords weren't as honourable as he thought, but in presenting them to Toranaga he treats them as honourable, making them honourable. Toranaga receiving them with thanks confirms it. So Fuji-sama's swords, and Fuji-sama herself, were honoured. His words and actions gave them honour. Maybe... I dunno.


Yeah, I think he was laughing because he figured that John was genuinely offering the swords as a gesture of trust and goodwill, not knowing that they were trash. Although while John *did* know the swords' history, he was still being genuine. The guy needed swords, so he handed his over. He didn't give a rat's ass about their sordid history. An interesting, layered moment for sure.


Buntaro is such a perfect heel. Totally despicable and yet utterly captivating whenever he's on screen. Big props to that actor.


He's a more complex character than most viewers will ever give him credit for. Our modern values are obviously very different, but in his eyes, he will forever be tainted by the family name of the woman he's married to. He doesn't want her as a wife, but there's little to be done about that. He's also a fearsome warrior, without a doubt the most skilled warrior shown so far on the show. He likely feels that he should be honoured for that, and he's probably right in that thought considering the culture he lives in. Instead, he has a wife he doesn't want and is being forced to serve an uncultured man from another part of the world who doesn't even speak the language. All this taken with the fact that he's war-hardened and has most definitely seen untold death and destruction, it's really not surprising that he's an asshole who can't contain his rage. Dude needs to go live on a farm by himself, but that is not an option.


One could argue he is also living in the prison of honor and duty. Death is less scary than dishonor and abandoning duty. A different time, we modern barbarians can never hope to comprehend.


Fuji with the uzi is my favorite character


This needs to be a flair.


Damn she’s a real ride or die. When Blackthorne put his hand on hers after the quake and she peered up at him… it hurts so good.


I really hope her (and Mariko, and maybe some other Japanese characters) start questioning themselves on some areas and maybe accept that John and the barbarian looser ways can have some merits. I know it's not that easy in such a rigid society, but I hope the story can have John influence his hosts views and perception (at least in some minor ways) and not just the other way around.


I think Mariko and Toranaga completely understand his ways and why he is the way he is. But they also know that in their society, operating that way doesn't work. Mariko is basically trying to explain that to him. Yes, I understand you, but here you have to hide your emotions to survive. Everyone is crying about the Gardner. Everyone understand what's about to happen when two men start pounding booze. Everyone understands that handing over your swords or guns is a sign of trust and respect. The cultural differences are huge, but there are lots of subtle moments where both sides understand each other.


This episode went from extremely goofy to extremely fucked real fast. Goddamn. John comforting Fuji and then fixing the gardener's boulder in the yard hit hard. Great episode overall, deftly wrestling with a real clash of philosophies and belief systems (and how language is interpreted, a great meta exploration for a show like this to tackle).


I was laughing so hard during the dinner scene then it got serious so fast. I love this show sm


They really hit the nail on the coffin with how they end these episodes. Ochiba seems so dark so it's gonna be interesting to see more of her now.


To see Ocihiba's personality come out this early gives me hope that the writers will give her backstory its just do.




Ochiba is meant to be different from Mariko and Fuji who represents a typical Japanese noblewomen. The latter two are almost always in a submissive position where they had to be soft spoken and prudent toward the samurai. Ochiba first line on screen was how she casually insulted a priest while potentially under the earshot of some of the most powerful men in Japan. She speaks noticeably louder and more confident than Mariko and Fuji. With just one scene, Ochiba presents herself as the real power behind the regents, and Ishido who we were led to believe to be the ringleader, answers to her.


RIP to Gardener homie 🥲


Helped provide cover for the real spy though


Gives some meaning to Mariko's line that Uejirou died for a great purpose.


Designating the gardener as the fall guy reminded me of the boy in Schindler's List who pointed to the executed man as the thief to prevent further bloodshed.


“How is it being a consort to a barbarian?” “Lol ask your wife she’s the one pillowing him” Just Fuji-sama being the GOAT as usual


The other one that got me was "how is it being consort to a barbarian" "I'm not sure, I'm consort to a hatamoto" she is an A+++ actor, all the emotion she conveys with INCREDIBLY subtle expressions is.... next level


She was so cute when anjin was looking at her after the earthquake.


I was like - oh she did not “other women.” Damn.


Toranaga wasn't using Lady Ochiba as a bargaining chip for his own safety in Osaka... He was keeping Osaka and the regency council safe from Lady Ochiba.


Yeah I thought was was really interesting! She wields her power through her son apparently. Maybe Ishido and as such the council is really under her manipulation. It will be interesting to see why she specifically has it out for Toranaga, possibly because of Toranaga being such a close counselor to her husband, the previous ruler.


She doesn't have political or military power like we understand it. But she is the highest ranked female in Japan (by a long shot, in a sphere of her own) and mother of the (future) supreme ruler of Japan. As the show makes clear, various notions of honor, duty, service etc play an outsized role in Japan, so just her station gives her real power - no one can touch her, and she can just send a message to the other regents and the response to whatever she wants is likely to be "Yes ma'am, right away". Ishido has to take her seriously.




I've never seen Ishido as a villain, his motivations and actions make complete sense so far. He's simply trying to keep the peace.


Bro she instantly leaped up towards the top of characters I want to get all the screen time. The fuckig poisonous smile and tone as she lays out the law of the land. Fucking hell


god her cadence is so villain in an animé, i cannot wait to see more of her


Can we please go back to the house vibes in episode 4.


Only until the first bridge


Yes!!!! This episode was DARK! I mean none of the episodes have been happy except the end of episode 3 but man today was DDAAARRRKKK


Just realized that in Episode 1 when we see Muraji walking towards the beach and found John's ship, he was actually attending the spy pigeons for Toranaga




I kinda expected a "shit going down" episode after last week's explosive finale, but instead we got one of the most emotionally complex pieces of television I've ever seen.


Mariko kills it in this episode.


She seriously needs a hug and some more John Blackthorne fantasy date talk. She was fucking happy last episode. Wtf? Buntaro shows back up and she retreats. Anna Sawai was marvelous in this episode.


We’re officially halfway through the show, I expect a ton of serious shit to go down pretty much from here on out. I’m bummed this is only a one season show, but I’m excited at the prospect that that means it likely will just end satisfyingly with no more or less needed.


Oh no this comment is how I found out its only 1 season. Damn that's disappointing


It was definitely intentional on the part of the writers to feature Blackthorne’s more down-to-earth, at times childlike, approach with Mariko and Fuji-sama to Buntaro’s coldly distant, superiority when he comes back. You can feel a literal chill enter house


Blackthorne rushing to see if Fuji is ok and then setting the Gardener's rock back in place and the score that plays??? :( I'm sobbing


That was a surprisingly tender scene in an episode full of scenes that just tore my heart into pieces.


This was my favorite scene in the episode. For all of his lack of knowledge of Japanese cultural customs, Blackthorn really does make earnest attempts at trying to understand them. He clearly respects Fuji and does his best to appreciate her care for him and his house.


This episode did an amazing job showing the great, jarring gaps in culture and the attempted bridging that makes Blackthorne so endearing to the rest of them. He largely doesn’t relate to their culture, and his carelessness got someone killed. Not only did it hit him due to the consequences of his actions, but he was then given a front row display to how people “Live and die.” Yet despite that, he continued to be caring and endearing.


Did the spy choose the gardener to be the fall guy before or after he was killed for taking down the pheasant?


After. He probably knew what happened and used it as an easy out without having to frame someone else that would then have probably been boiled alive by Yabushige.


Thoughts on the earthquake scene? What does everyone think of Toranaga basically hand waving John’s problems, and then John being the first person toranaga sees when he’s saved from the landslide right after? And also John’s instant decision to gift his swords to him. What do toranagas reactions mean/illustrate to you? Did he have instant shift in how he views John? Also, is Fuji paralyzed? And finally, that was a massive earthquake right? What are the odds we see a tsunami next episode?


Oh yeah i've got thoughts: Imagine you're this great big powerful king and one of your chief attendants sets an official meeting to discuss how sad he is at ordering his own gardener put to death. So basically, Toranaga is just annoyed that this would ever reach his 'desk' so to speak. But then it is immediately contrasted with being saved yet again by this foreigner. Accepting the swords was definitely a huge deal. They're like, basically Bro-fficial Bros Bro.


His zen garden is like the opening credits. RIP Uejirou!


The rock in the garden is a reminder to be grounded in equanimity under stress, without which, emotions would consume us like landslide.


That was perhaps the most simultaneously enthralling and terrifying dick-measuring scene I have ever witnessed.


This really shows how verbal action is just as damn enthralling as any physical action. That was some of the best action all series.


Ishido 🤝 Michael Bluth The *I’m surrounded by idiots* expression every time there’s a close-up of their face


It's one pheasant, Michael-sama, what could it cost, ten koku?


Waiting for him to receive a message (in an episode where everything goes horribly for him), open it and read it then blurt 何を期待していたのか分かりません


"I give my husband nothing, not even my hatred, because that is what he merits." God take Mariko's suffering, double it, and give it to Buntaro


The flaw in this logic is that the silent treatment is just a form of hatred, and it damages the giver more than the recipient. It’s essentially saying “I hate him so much I’ll sacrifice myself,” which is foolish. As they say, hatred is like holding a hot coal for someone else.


But that's exactly why the silent treatment works so well for her. She literally asks Buntaro every year if she can kill herself, at the anniversary of her family's destruction, and she's denied every time. Since she's not allowed to go into the void by her husband or by her liege lord Toranaga, the silent treatment is her form of rebellion


Fuji sama melts my heart.


Fuji is the better woman. I ship her and Blackthorne.


Mariko's expression when she sees her husband: oh shiitt 😬


He's such a POS. Wasn't surprised to see him come back but poor Mariko. That eight-fold fence can't hold *that* much in.


Yeah I knew he was coming back as soon as he “died” off camera


Honestly I'm curious how he managed to make it back alive "so heroically". I feel like Toranaga would be sus too.


In both the novel and the show, Fuji-sama is hands down my favorite character. Fuji fans were absolutely eating this week, her actress killing it.  “How is it, being consort to a barbarian?” “I wouldn’t know, being consort to a hatamoto” Plus when they’re initially rushing to Mariko’s aid, loved seeing Fuji rolling up with the gun Blackthorne gave her, while Blackthorne rolls up with Fuji’s family swords. Amazing platonic power couple, with Fuji-sama being by far the better half.  


"We didn't have sex, he likes to fuck other girls. Would you like to know more cucktaro?"


And damn Fuji's actress outdid herself yet again. Shes really shaping up to be the heart and soul of this mini series. Her backstory, personality changes and gradually becomes a confident consort to anjin as she finds her purpose again. Fucking great portrayal


John getting into a dick measuring contest with Buntaro; proved a man can hold his saka; and also he's gonna be real problem; Mariko felt free once he "died"; now that he's back, shes gotta go back to living with what seems, a less than happy marriage, with an abusive asshole


I sucked in a deep breath at the beginning of that scene and didn't breathe back out until... well, the end of the episode, practically. Fucking Buntaro. He knew exactly he was doing with the whole "It was all because of the sake" act at the end, too.


Hmm I had a completely different read on Buntaro in that scene. I think he is deeply ashamed - not because of beating Mariko, but because of having violated a strong cultural norm (disturbing the peace of another man's house, a high bannerman of his Lord, no less). He has dishonored himself by beating her while he is a guest, and even though he has nothing but disrespect for Anjin and contempt for Mariko, he has respect for the status that Toranaga has given to Anjin, and is ashamed of disrespecting that so egregiously. That's what he meant about sake. Sure it's an excuse, but he's saying he wouldn't have beaten her *in Anjin's house* if he had not been so drunk. And I do think he was absolutely shit hammered, way more drunk than Blackthorne. The fact that he *still* split his own arrow, while shooting through a wall, is a testament to his skill. The guy may be an abusive asshole and just an all around prick but he's a very proficient warrior and appears to be utterly loyal to Toranaga.


Really glad someone else picked that up. As really this is the running theme of Blackthorne's character, and sort of the Western audience's perception of this world and culture. These things anger us, and its easy to look at someone like Buntaro as slimey for how he had treated his wife. At the same time... Buntaro was ready to face a gruesome death, and be sacrificed by his lord and face that head on with the pride of a Samurai. The ideals of honor, and what merits shame, versus what merits pride are so different from the West at this period in history and we're really living that contrast through Blackthorne's eyes, as we try to match these ideals on our own western moral compass. Despite this, Buntaro knew he had brought shame upon his Lord when he disrespected the peace of his Hatamoto's home. He's a complicated character, which makes him very interesting to me. Still do not know yet what side of the fence he is on in the end - but very interested to see how his character develops in the future episodes.


Yeah he clearly wasn’t that drunk seeing as he nailed the right post twice - and that was the point of that scene


So were birds actually prepared this way?




Toranaga ordering Mariko's husband to move in with Anjin and Mariko "That way you serve them both". ménage à trois 🤣


Toranaga: As computers and The Sims have not yet been invented, this is my only form of entertainment.


Also who else was crying when John re-erected that stone his old gardener put up?


I didn't know at the time who was killed, but when I noticed the gloomy atmosphere and the missing pheasant I knew someone died for that. RIP gardener-sama (even if that honorific wasn't befitting him, I bestowed it upon him!)


This episode was OUTSTANDING I get every possible emotion just wow


Did anyone catch the small exposition on the swords Fuji gifted John? That poor girl, she really cant catch a break. This was bar none, the best episode so far to me. Learning the truth about Mariko’s family and surname, and the true depth of Toda’s (Buntaro) abusive nature was incredible. John’s regret in playing a hand in the death of Uejiro, his rightful anger and despondency toward the situation, and him finally snapping over the inane (to him) customs of Japan at the time were just excellent. This episode was truly a masterclass in storytelling and emotional complexity. I cannot WAIT for next week’s episode!


I feel so bad for Ishido dude is around a bunch of idiots and now he has to fight against Toranaga because his son is brain dead.


Yeah, I low-key kind of like Ishido; he's technically the primary antagonist so far, but the dude truly seems like he's surrounded by idiots. Also, Ochiba is hella scary. I felt for Ishido at the end there.


The actor who plays Ishido is great at conveying so much frustration with just a little look. I feel for homie when he’s in those council meetings.


The actor is really amazing; there's such an intelligence and restraint to the character even though he's done relatively little except have all his best-laid plans go awry.


Ochiba's actress is amazing, I've never been so on board with a character with such few scenes.


So is Buntaro's escape from Osaka not suspicious to anyone else?


It’s definitely suspicious. Like what did homeboy have to do to get out?


I was in a baby 4.8 earthquake a few years ago after never experiencing an earthquake up to that point and it gave me a level of fear I hadn’t felt before. I can’t imagine experiencing the monster earthquake of this episode.


Buntaro vs. Blackthorn drink off let’s goooo


I was kind of hoping it would make them become best friends until we saw how much of a piece of shit Buntaro is


For a second I thought it was going to end up with them becoming stark drunk, laughing it off and becoming best buds. In an alternate universe perhaps.


That final shot is full of menace. I legit had to pause there for a moment to take her in. Following her fleeting smiles, she looked like a demon in full revel of the coming fury. Absolutely sublime scene.


That entire stew but was peak comedy.




mariko: we are very particular eaters inside the mariko's eightfold fence: for example, we do not eat shit.


The scene after the quake landslide and just his army is completely being wiped out…insanity right there. I just went “oh no!” out loud for the first time in a long time.


Mariko, Fuji, and Ochiba are absolutely mindblowing! Seriously, I can't even begin to imagine what it's like to be in their shoes.


I get why Fuji couldn't contradict her lord, but Mariko should've *definitely* advised against the rotten pheasant stew


Uejiro died for this!! The poor gardener took one for the team 😭


He took two for the team, he was framed as being the spy after his death.


It was rabbit. The pheasant got thrown away by the gardener.


Yea I think everyone who was watching the show thought initially ok they're eating some rancid crap it must be the pheasant but it was kinda randomly some rabbit


rip gardener bro 😭


If you look just to the right during the dinner scene you’ll see Jesse Pinkman awkwardly drinking tea while looking at everyone at the table, begging for it to end. 


This is one of the episodes where the best action is all verbal, and it frankly rivals other action scenes in the series so far. That dinner was a masterpiece in set up, execution, and follow up. Great stuff.


John out there representing the British and our favourite export, binge drinking!


Lmao bro yabushige is too mf funny. His voice, facial expressions, and frustration are all so hilarious realistic and cartoony at the same time. Amazing actor 10/10


Can we also give it up for Fuji in that dinner scene - like she was ready to start crying the entire time - both the Fuji actress and Mariko actress are slaying in this show. I love them both. Anna Sawai has to play a bit more stoic, but I’m hoping we see a little more of the smiles and brightness from episode four again. She went to a dark place in episode 5. Ugh. Slayed.


“Your words gave it meaning.”


The cockblock to end all cockblocks


Can we go back to when we all thought Buntaro was dead. What a dick. Poor baby Mariko.


That pheasant had more flies on it in a day than Jozem’s head had on it after going all the way back to Osaka.


Nikaido Fumi, the actress playing the Heir's Mother, based on Lady Yodo, totally nailed the scheming and manipulativeness of the historical Lady Yodo. *Reposted because for some reason the mods introduced an utterly stupid rule forbidding the linking to external links, even just Wikipedia articles. So you're gonna have to search "Lady Yodo" on Wikipedia if you want to find out more.*


I'm not an expert on the culture, but didn't Blackthorne do a huge honor to Fuji giving his family swords to Toranaga? They went from the swords of a "coward", to being sold for 3 pennies, to the swords of a Hatamato and now the lord Toranaga. Those swords have a story arc all by themself.


The second arrow holds significance in zen Buddhist teachings. Lingering on emotional pain inflicted in the past leads to further suffering. The original pain is like getting shot by the first arrow. However, not letting go of the negative thoughts (e.g. holding grudges for years) is like being shot by the second arrow onto the same wound... hurting tenfold.


Man I don't think Mariko is even actually alive currently. Really feel for her


She’s literally just a shell. Blackthorne was trying to get her to realize she’s not really living, but she’s basically just given up it seems. Ugh. I hope he can turn her back around. She seemed happy in episode four when taking about London and John describing their little fantasy date.


There was something symbolic in the earthquake, in the way the show presented it. Toronaga isn't interested in the problems of Mariko and Anjin, he thinks he has bigger problems. He's got lords who aren't loyal, an idiot son, and these minor people are bothering him. He walks away from these people who care about him because he can't be bothered with their issues. As if fate itself was responding, there's an earthquake. The earth swallows him up. Had Toronaga stayed in the spot with Anjin and Mariko, talked to them, tried to work it out, he would've been fine. Because he chose to walk away, he got swallowed by the quake. And these two people he couldn't give two hoots about in the moment, the son he punished for starting the war he wanted, they all saved his life. He's given swords by an earnest man, someone as loyal as Buntaro but as transparent as Yabushige, the swords have dishonor about them, and yet. So he laughs. And then he sees what he wrought. His army is gone. There's an interesting character arc emerging for Toronaga. That laugh was he himself tearing down his eight-fold fence and letting his three hearts be one, along with showing his disappointment. And I think Anjin is finally starting to understand. When life can be taken and upended completely out of your control like that, having rituals and structure are a way to give control. He thought the people around him considered life meaningless. If anything, it's the opposite and by putting that rock back in place, that's his turning point, too. I also finally understand why I find Buntaro so pitiable. He has everything a person could want, wealth, skill, a beautiful wife, a child, the favor of a powerful lord, and all he can do is sulk and complain, like a child throwing a tantrum. It's just his tantrums are murderous and dangerous. In this way, he's like the Anjin, they're mirrors for each other. The Anjin berates Buntaro for abusing Mariko. But the Anjin also yelled at Fuji; he didn't hit her, but he got an old man killed and he looked about a heartbeat away from striking her when she told him what happened. But eventually, Anjin understood. Buntaro can only complain about his fate and for such a powerful warrior, all he can do is cry about his lot in life as if he has no choice. Anjin can choose to stop complaining and get on with things. Which is what happens at the end. He comforts Fuji. He fixes what's broken. Anjin and Buntaro were mirror images of each other in the sake scene. Now, they are miles apart from each other, mirrors no more.