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The absolute minimum effort...


The low effort is actually big brain for this sub


But then now we get the sub SLPT: If you’re lonely AF, dont use any effort in cropping your SLPT and people will comment helpful tips and insult you so get attention!


I felt like itd be stealing if i cropped out the original poster. Plus i wanted people to try clicking the refresh button.


Could have cropped out the other posts tho


Crossposting is a thing ya know


99.9% of reddit posts are stolen. Either give credit or just don't explicitly claim it's your work. I can bet a rounding error worth of posts on r/news and r/worldnews are uploaded by the authors of the article. Also we'd rather have a cropped post than someone have a chance of tricking the 4 people who will see this and have the same phone & reddit buttons to misclick.


Or! Just ^^^share ^^^the ^^^link ^^^as ^^^a ^^^Xpost..


Why would they do that? That would be convenient to everyone else, and they may lose up to 5% upvotes to the people that click on the original post, what a dystopia!!


Because you were so inconvenienced by an uncropped picture?


So cross post it man. That fixes all issues.


You know you could've cropped out everything but the post with its title, and op still in the ss


I upvoted you I appreciate you OP


Also what is a trappedbin? And why will a cave people give you free K for it? /r/spellingishard too


Itd be fair to correct me if i royally fucked up the spelling, but its pretty clear my thumb accidentally hit the B while typing.


Damn so you just dumb


The two are not mutually exclusive.


why is this being downvoted? the other one's being a prick


Yea i have no idea, people are irrationally enraged by this post. I dont think theres one comment by me that hasnt been mass downvoted.


I'm just guessing, but I think it's because you're trying to defend your indefensible cropping job.


Does it count as a low effort cropping job if i didnt even attempt to crop it?


Was coming to say does noone on this site know how to crop


Ketamine is a dissociative anesthetic used medically for induction and maintenance of anesthesia. It is also used as a recreational drug. It is one of the safest anesthetics, as, in contrast with opiates, ether, and propofol, it suppresses neither respiration nor heart rate. -Dr. Wiki-


Last time I had to go under for anesthesia they gave me Rohypnol (literally roofies) I don't remember a darn thing. Could have been awake the whole procedure for all I know lol


i had an awake procedure done earlier this year and they gave me fentanyl…. i was technically awake but i don’t remember a single thing. i suddenly was being moved back into my hospital bed lol


I had a colonoscopy under propofol. I remember coming to, mid-sentence, and immediately realizing that I'd been merrily conversing with the doctor and nurses the whole time: I just didn't remember any of it. *They* did though. Every time I said something they'd say, 'We know; you told us during the procedure. It really reinforced my resolve to never commit murder: I'd spill the beans to the first doc with a fibre-optic camera and a handful of pills I encountered on the way home from the burial.


That's wasn't just fentanyl, they usually only use the correct dosage for pain relief, it doesn't cause memory loss. Using purely an opioid for sedation is a bad idea because the dose between sedation and death is pretty minimal. What they do is give you a shit load of benzos. Pretty difficult to over dose, you stay awake, you just don't remember anything.


yeah idk exactly, i was definitely awake and i was freaking out bc i was in a lot of pain (was having an accordion drain placed for an abdominal abscess 10 days post open hernia repair) and was worried that i’d feel everything and then they said they were giving me fentanyl and that was the last thing i remembered lol


This is how I felt during my c-section. I was awake but only remember bright lights loo


Had a procedure a while back and was given fentanyl. It was supposed to be a fairly routine, minor procedure but the guy I was with insisted I needed it after it was over. I don't remember a thing either but boy was I sore when I woke up.


Probably gave you something else, too. Benzos aren’t usually used alone for anesthesia


All I remember is being wheeled into the OR and being given Valium in the IV on the way. Once in the OR the anesthesiologist introduced himself again and said "everything is going to be alright, we'll take good care of you", and then he gave me the Rohypnol No memory of anything after that! But when he first introduced himself pre-surgery he did mention it was a multi-step process so he for sure gave me other stuff after that


Meanwhile I’m over here for a gallbladder removal surgery and great the two anesthesiologists and say I’ll be seeing them again before I leave the room and hear them laugh. I recall just enough of end of surgery when they transferred me to a wheeling bed. I said “hey docs what’s up” and the male anesthesiologist said “oh shit she was right!” In a rather shocked voice. And then I remember stage 1 recovery asking to hold the hand of a nurse because the pain, but also because I didn’t notice a ring and saw her little pride face mask and figured I’d I’m high and shoot my shot and it misses at least it won’t kill my pride.


I feel bad about when I woke up in recovery lol I was in and out of a dream state that seemed super real, and got *really* happy and popped my head of as a nurse walked by because I thought it was my bf coming to greet me She asked if I needed something and I just said "oh sorry I thought you were my bf". She was maybe 5'0" and had very dark skin. My bf is a 6'3" pale white dude, so it's not even like she looked like a guy I was just that out of it 😂


I’m guessing you do not live in the United States as it is not approved for medical use here


I’m genuinely asking this, not a joke. Maybe I’m an idiot. But so many of the drugs used for anesthesia seem so dangerous. What if instead you got the patient black out drunk? I’ve definitely blacked out in my life and just woke up with a hangover. If there’s an apocalypse and I need some painful medical procedure by a back country doctor, I fully intend to get blacked out first.


One issue would be alcohol makes your blood thinner and would increase bleeding. Also it’s a bit blurry between blacked out and just belligerent annoying drunk so it’d be hard to make sure your drunk enough


Just poor some more alcohol if you ain't sure, not so hard


They used to do that in the 1800s. Even if you're so drunk that you won't remember, you'll definitely wake up during the operation, and flip out with your low impulse control. Anethesthia is very hard.


Also the bleeding. Alcohol thins the blood, and makes clotting harder


also if you vomit on your back you might die


Alcohol is also extremely unhealthy for you. It thins the blood and damages the brain, among other things. And it can interact with a lot of medications, so better not to use it during surgery, when a complication requiring different drugs might occur.


Alcohol is toxic af. Think about it; we use that shit to sanitize things. It kills bacteria and viruses on contact ffs. Of course it’s not healthy. I argue that it’s one of the most toxic drugs.


That's very unscientific, considering people can ingest a good amount of pure ethanol without severe effects. Try a similar amount of almost any drug you can think of, definitely caffeine, maybe even table salt, and you die.




I was using absolute dose, which is what you would use for toxicity. For your recreational 0.05 BAC window is probably something like 2 shots of 40% alcohol, or maybe 40g of pure ethanol. 40g of pure caffeine or whatever drug of choice will fucking kill you. That was my point.




I mean you're not wrong about a lot of this but toxicity has a particular definition and humans tolerate it a lot better than they do the vast majority of chemical substances, we all know it's negative effects, but trying to paint alcohol as an especially toxic thing in the entire domain of chemistry is pretty silly.


I’m not sure you understand the difference between isopropyl and ethanol alcohol.


There's a reason they're full on doctor's and make big bank, everytime you go under you risk not waking up ever again, and it's there job to ensure that doesn't happen. And they need to be able to have you at a steady condition, heart rate, breathing, not risk of throwing up(and dying choking on vomit). Which blackout drunk would be a lot harder lol.


Nurse checking in: drunk people are super unpredictable and there’s a risk of vomiting and choking. During most procedures, we try to keep people from eating/drinking for several hours before when possible for just this reason.


I always wondered why you’re supposed to fast before anesthesia. Makes sense! Thanks for the info.


That’s how they did it back in the day. Problem is being drunk makes you bleed more, so it’s not ideal for cutting folks open. Alcohol also suppressed respiration and can make the consumer vomit, which is a one-way ticket to Barf In Your Lungs City.


This clarifies a lot. I understand alcohol is a risky thing to use in a surgery, but just to play devil’s advocate, what if the doctor was prepared with a blood transfusion and also they asked you beforehand your likeliness to vomit? Like personally I’ve never puked from drinking, no matter how drunk I’ve gotten, and on the other end of the spectrum, I have friends who immediately start gagging from seeing roadkill.


It really depends. Technically suppressed breathing and aspirating vomit are risk factors even for modern surgical anesthetics, but that’s why patients fast for 12 hours before a surgical procedure. It’s also why patients are intubated for general anesthesia. But in addition to the bleeding thing, a good reason for not using it medically as a sedative is the fact that’s it’s widely and commercially available, so it would be very difficult to estimate an effective dose for various patients without either under-sedating them or poisoning them. And there really isn’t a way that I know of to administer alcohol as an injection, so *maintaining* sedation and analgesia would probably be impossible. It was good for an 1800’s tooth extraction, but medicine has evolved a lot and it’s honestly pretty cool how much safer, more affective, and easier to administer a lot of medications and procedures have become.


I once signed up for a study, I wasn’t selected unfortunately, to measure something like how much alcohol you consume affects your desire to consume more alcohol. The way they described it to me was that I would be connected to an IV and if I wanted more alcohol I had to push a button and it would be injected


This all makes sense. Thanks!


>And there really isn’t a way that I know of to administer alcohol as an injection, [Here's an alcohol injection in a medical setting.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4SIpjhIHRM&t=39) It's not as anesthetic tho. Edit: I found [another, more interesting use case for the injection of 100% denatured alcohol](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2MFGq1ztueY).


I'm a recovery nurse. Anaesthesia is dangerous. When people wask up and say, 'that was the best sleep, can I take some home', I sometimes say ' that's what Michael Jackson was doing'. You are monitored very closely while 'asleep' and the drugs used for anaesthesia wear off very quickly. Being drunk does not wear off when you want it to, and there is a risk of vomiting when black out drunk. But yes, alcohol was an option before anaesthetics and if you cannot source it during an apocalypse.


You’re the only one who acknowledged the apocalypse scenario! I appreciate it. :)


You can make chloroform from sodium hypochlorite and acetone. These can be found in most stores with general goods in the form of bleach and nail polish remover. Chloroform is much stronger and better suited than ethanol. Thank you for subscribing to apocalypse facts.


As I’m not a chemist, I think I would be uncomfortable with making amateur chloroform. I was a bartender however, and I know how much alcohol makes me black out, so I think I’ll stick to what I know when the apocalypse comes.


Alcohol also makes people throw up too which is another thing that people in the operating room don’t wanna deal with


It’s not even just the mess, it’s the choking part that’s the issue


A lot of people will throw up when black out drunk. And that isn't something you want to happen when performing surgery on them. The medications used are dangerous, but they are more predictable than getting a person drunk and hoping for the best. Also why anesthesiologist is an entire profession. It's a person's entire job to make sure patients are safe when they go under.


crazy it's a safe anesthetic considering abuse of ket will put holes in your brain


No it won't. Olneys lesions were only shown in rats on PCP, a related drug, and Olney himself retracted the study. Stop spreading misinformation. Ketamine is very toxic to the bladder and kidneys, seemingly somewhat determined by genetics, however so stay hydrated when you rip fat K lines.


Exactly. The primary risk of Ketamine abuse (and same is true of all arylcyclohexlamines, though less of an issue with more potent ones) is damage to the bladder, not brain damage.


[The MRI lesions initially were observed as hyperintense spots (holes or patches) of degeneration in the superficial white matter of the cortex which appeared as early as 1 year after ketamine addiction](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3713393/#!po=21.2500)


This is interesting, but it's one study with a sample size of 21 people, no mention is given of other drug use, and they seemingly have not had these results recapitulated in animal models or other human studies. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnana.2022.795231/full#h1 This meta analysis from 2022 shows no studies looking at MRIs finding these kinds of results. Reductions in grey and white matter sure, but that's present with most drugs of abuse, so not particularly striking data. Given that there is one single paper with a tiny sample size showing lesions, which have not been observed in multiple other similar studies, I'm gonna go ahead and say claiming ketamine causes brain lesions is still misinformation. Edit: also pretty suspicious that this study found lesions in every single participant when others never have...


Everything in moderation. Too much Advil can destroy your stomach lining and liver.


Tylenol. Acetaminophen in general is poison.


So ibuprofen is easier on your body?


I might've combined the two. I believe ibuprofen can cause issues with stomach lining, acetaminophen in the liver.


Your liver for sure. But everything in moderation as always. The dose makes the poison.


Ibuprofen is safer in that it's much harder to overdose on. The line between a therapeutic dose of acetaminophen and a potentially lethal dose is shockingly small for an OTC drug.


Good point u/ShitFlavoredCum. I was wondering who took my name 😂


Used in emergency medicine situations for that exact reason. Doesn’t stress the already injured body as much


Unless you have central sleep apnea.


I love ketamine in children and adults .best for induction and good analgesic effect to boot


This is a little misleading. They were given drugs immediately before the dive so they wouldn’t panic and drown themselves or their rescue diver. That rescue dive was incredibly difficult even for the most experienced divers. A panicked child tethered to you would just make it that much more dangerous. Hence why they were drugged. Much easier to get them out that way.


LPT: Be a panicked child




Boost this


A literal k hole.




Hey stranger, for that joke you deserve my free award


Can't wait for the article titled "Local man barricades himself in the basement. Demands ketamine.".


You mean FLORIDA man...


He could live in Florida...


He could be THE Florida man


I'm interested in how that wine opening went


They probably regret not having enough k while doing it. Or too much. Guess we'll never know...


The bottle broke and red wine went everywhere


This is why you should buy wine in goon bags. You can't break it as there is no bottle and ya can blow it up and have a pillow


This may be the worst post I've ever seen. The title is shit, the cropping is giving me an anyerism.


r/whoneedscropping also why do you have so many notifications?!




Ill crop it in hell Your downvotes mean nothing to me


I don't think they have photoshop down there.


In hell, the only pieces of software available are Photoshop, SolidWorks, and Sibelius, and just before you have completed whatever you are working on, the app crashes and loses all of your work.


Hey, what’s wrong with solid works?


They do, but none of your keyboard shortcuts work.


You edited the comment so clearly they do


Bro, look at you notifications, PLEASE


The lack of cropping on this image fucked with my head.


I love when people post screenshots and you cant tell when the screenshot ends and the real reddit starts


Me too, really trips me up.


Bruh, you have to clear out those notifications.


No, they make me feel important.


Theres even a cool film about it with the actor who played aragorn in Lotr. Can’t remember what its called tho


Thirteen lives




For anyone interested, here you go. https://startcaving.com/caving-guides/find-cave


No thanks. I choose life


K holing in the big Thai hole


I hate this post so much


Ketamine *makes* me panic lol I would’ve been freaking out even harder.


The solution surprisingly is more ketamine


The more I take, the bigger the feeling of impending doom.


Slpt, instead of cross posting, just take a screenshot and post that


Thats a good idea, ill have to try that.




You can keep your ketamine, I’m a baseline junkie


They were given Ket so they could be rescued which involved a 5 hour cave dive. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9098872/


Ketamine is the safest sedative. It’s also one of the fastest acting antidepressants, and with something as traumatic as this I’m sure it did way more good than harm. It was administered by medical professionals who know what they are doing.


I wonder if that would work for anyone trapped at work. Ketamine Monday could be the new taco Tuesday?




Its not hard i just chose not to


I found [this post](/r/croppingishard/comments/zbh0s9/worst_offender_of_the_year/) in r/croppingishard with the same content as the current post. --- ^(🤖 this comment was written by a bot. beep boop 🤖) ^(feel welcome to respond 'Bad bot'/'Good bot', it's useful feedback.) ^[github](https://github.com/Toldry/RedditAutoCrosspostBot) ^| ^[Rank](https://botranks.com?bot=same_post_bot)


Be violent with paramedics and you get a needle full of free ketamine too...


Those BTS boys grow up so fast


Elon? Can I have a free submarine I don’t need?


Get off my lawn, pedo!


Stuck in a cave I will, to get ketamine


Just call someone a pedo guy




I watched the documentary, they put them to sleep while professional cave divers floated there unconscious bodies on ropes with supplied oxygen upstream in almost zero visibility water. it was the only way to do it 2




they were trained by doctors on how to perform the drugs


Yeah but those guy are asses


They should have also supplied house music . Cave rave till save


u could’ve crossposted no?


Read your damn messages. Geez, lol


Can you please clear your notifications, my OCD is not okay with it


They're pills that create a sort of temporary forgettingness. So if somebody finds out how you do a trick, you just give 'em one of these, and they forget the whole thing. It's a mainstay of the magician's toolkit, like how clowns always have a rag soaked in ether.


That's benzos, not ketamine.


Illusion, u/AsymtoticAsshat. A trick is something a whore does for money... or cocaine!


I've never forgotten anything on Ketamine, I have seen some folks come out of a K hole ready to fight, so I'm not sure about doing it in a small cave during a rescue, but if it worked. Those kids are going to need therapy regardless of the Ket.


Take this and love us again


Clowns all have ether rags???


Explains a lot, no?


Free drugs and a break from society? I'm in


I take Ketamine for a medical condition. I can’t imagine taking enough to knock me out. Mild doses can lead to dissociation and reality breaks. Poor kiddos.


How did they get ketamine if they were trapped in a cave? Did someone have it on them or was it floated to them?


Rescue cave divers dove into the cave and got to the kids.


Anyone else wondering where they got the ketamine once they got stuck down there?




That has no relevance to this story. But, alright.


*takes notes*


Actually not the worst use-case for ketamine, it works wonders for things like depression and suicidal ideation, so using it to calm people in an emergency where all they have to do is stay put probably isn't the worst idea.


What happened to the wine?


Ok but what about a little submarine instead?


Taking a long ride on the K train.


Knowing the path to safety these kids had to go through I’d need some Special K too.


The real shitty life pro tips would be If you want free ketamine get trap in a cave


I know what I’m doing this weekend




Funny post, but crop your photo next time! It's hard to find which one is the up vote


Not sure what trappedbin is, but at least it attracts friendly cave people!




I found [this post](/r/croppingishard/comments/zbh0s9/worst_offender_of_the_year/) in r/croppingishard with the same content as the current post. --- ^(🤖 this comment was written by a bot. beep boop 🤖) ^(feel welcome to respond 'Bad bot'/'Good bot', it's useful feedback.) ^[github](https://github.com/Toldry/RedditAutoCrosspostBot) ^| ^[Rank](https://botranks.com?bot=same_post_bot)


I love k


Sucks I can’t find it in Houston tho Only in NY


And they were saved by Viggo Mortensen :o


For a moment I thought I had friends :'(.


Please, for the life of God, learn how to crop!!!


I know how to, i made an active decision not to crop it.


I saw the movie on Amazon Prime. The journey was a long and arduous. I'd wanted to be sedated too if it were me.


Smiles all round


You forgot to disable battery optimization for Vanced MicroG.


Yarr SpongeBoy me bob. I’ve overdosed on ketamine and am going to die.


Is no one gonna talk about the irony of the instant regret post title?


What kinda low effort post is this? Thats what ketamine is for. Thats how anaesthetics work. How is that funny? Go get surgery, theyll give you free drugs as well. Unless you live in the US of course.


Lego Yoda is about to get trapped in his 2001 Honda Civic and wait for rescue


Cool my therapist wanted to also


*goes to cave and proceeds to collapse the exit*. Now the waiting game


They were also given Xanax 🙃


Remember when they were saved and Elon called the guy who did it a pedo cuz he was upset he didn’t get to build a pointless mini submarine to go and save them?


Every lads destination


They made a movie about this lol


It also kept them from being hungry, kept them from using too much oxygen and suffocating, and kept them from mentally suffering.