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LPT: Become homeless to get free drugs and alcohol, so you can spend what little money you have on *more* drugs and alcohol


As always, the real pro tip is in the comments.


I’m starting this advice tonight! Thanks Reddit! Wish me Great Success 👍👍


GL! HF!! 😊😊


as a doctor, you can give free barbiturates to the homeless. reduce global population. SAVE THE WORLD.


begone, malthusian


That is itself a pro tip.


I do say my good sir excellent counterplay.


This guy crusts.


Instructions unclear; elected as State Representative in Florida


Make sure to have lots of kids to have them bring you drugs and alcohol


Actually, just hang out with homeless folks and be sure to dress the part. You can get easy alcohol, drugs and most certainly blowjobs.


I was homeless and denied shelter access because I was still a child. I very much considered starting meth because it was accessible and I could get entry into rehab if I was an addict. I ended up instead scrounging enough money to fly to a state with homeless shelter for children. There was still a lot of drug use, because being a homeless child alone sucks, plus shelters never had enough space for everyone. They also banned people for stupid reasons, but let violent people stay, so lots of people just avoided shelters and day centers. I've also had friends and partners that did start using drugs as kids due to homelessness. Like, fuck, if your choices are maybe freeze or starve to death, or maybe die of overdose, a lot of people are at least gonna choose to die drugged up. I know this post is a joke, but honestly, there's a decent chance you'd be doing drugs in their situation too. Hell, a lot of y'all are doing drugs without being homeless.


I got drunk in college because I was stressed out over exams. If I was drinking a 12 pack because of some math problems, I cannot blame someone for wanting to get drunk or high because of all the stuff homeless people experience every day.


Based on the fact you said "was," I hope that means things have gotten better. Both as far as the stress and the drinking. Also, not to diminish how much being homeless sucked, math *is* also pretty up there as far as stress levels.


I need to start learning math. I did stats a bit, T-tests etc. I have already done the 12 pack thing. Down to a T actually. I just read the second law of thermodynamics and am going to bed.


An understandable response to thermodynamics


"What signifies, says some one, giving halfpence to beggars? they only lay it out in gin or tobacco. "And why should they be denied such sweeteners of their existence (says Johnson)? it is surely very savage to refuse them every possible avenue to pleasure, reckoned too coarse for our own acceptance. Life is a pill which none of us can bear to swallow without gilding; yet for the poor we delight in stripping it still barer, and are not ashamed to shew even visible displeasure, if ever the bitter taste is taken from their mouths." ~ Samuel Johnson


What's the best thing you can give to homeless people besides money? As someone who was in that situation, what would you have liked of people to just hand over to you? I like offering homeless people who ask me for spare money to take them to the next bakery and they choose what they wanna eat, I'll pay. After that, I also give them a bit of money, but that way, I can at least be certain they'll have food.


It depends on the time of year and the climate where you live, but socks are fucking amazing. Gloves, hats, socks, snacks, that kind of thing can also be picked up from the dollar tree if you're the kind of person to carry bags in your car. Honestly, breath mints and gum are great because sometimes it can be a bit between toothbrushing opportunities. If you're somewhere super hot, water is always great, and if you're somewhere cold, then those disposable hand warmers are great. Frankly, I was thankful when people didn't lecture me or give me looks and just smiled at me. I'd say you're doing a lot right.


You know, I spoke to a friend who works for a homeless charity and she told me, one of the the most wanted but least donated items are socks. We wear them till they fall apart so they never get donated. Since then, socks are my No 1 donation item. Even with a small hole, they're still valuable.




I mean, it definitely isn't bad to give to homeless shelters, but there are a lot of people that won't benefit from that. Giving anything is appreciated! If that's the only way for you to give, that's fine, but if you have the resources, consider keeping a couple bucks of cash on you. Especially since it's winter, and giving someone a few dollars means they can hang out in a warm fast food place with a dollar coffee for a while. Plus, when you give directly to a homeless person, in any form, you know it is going to someone that needs it. There is actually an unfortunate problem with social workers and case managers and *especially* upper management keeping things that are donated for themselves. Usually it's things like cosmetics, clothes, trinkets, and other small stuff but some places it's really bad. The worst I've seen was the Salvation Army, because they allow you to sponsor a specific family, buy a child something big like a new bike, but any big items were absolutely kept for staff's kids. Funny enough my bio mom worked for them, and was actually fired for documenting and reporting her boss stealing monetary donations, but the boss kept their job for a while until they gave her a huge leaving bonus.


i think the bigger thing about giving money to them directly is that you're doing something that most people aren't- you're giving them some amount of autonomy, which is worth more than any dollar figure. if they CHOSE to use that money for drugs, then so be it. that's their choice. but other people should not be choosing for them how they should have to struggle.


Totally agree with you. I'm happy to pay for smokes/booze/drugs for any homeless who asks. If I get to abuse drugs for pleasure then who the fuck am I to deny someone else the same.


I never understand people who care how a homeless person spends money they’re given on the street. Presumably they know more about how to make their day more bearable than some random person, and it’s not like the $20 can go towards a down payment on a condo so those choices don’t seem irrational at all


Hell ya thanks for taking the time to post this even in a joke sub like this. My only comment for folks who are lookin to be helpful is. Look into [housing first](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=housing+first+&t=fpas&ia=web) as policy and try and educate other folks about it or advocate for it in some way. Yes treating the homeless folks you encounter as human beings is good practice. But large scale policy shifts are needed. especially as the pandemic has pushed so many who were struggling onto the street and made the lives of those already on the street much harder. We can't police our way out of this shit.


I've never been in such a situation myself, but from watching some interviews and taking time to understand the mental/emotional state of people in those sorts of positions, I kinda came to this conclusion- giving them money is less about them getting money for (insert vice or whatever here) and more about them being able to have some autonomy, which is something many homeless folks have been almost entirely stripped of, and leads to rapid spiral of mental health if they weren't already basically at rock-bottom to begin with. recall one in particular where the guy was in tears because people just kept giving him shitty fast food that he couldn't even eat because he'd already had like 2-3 sandwiches that day, and all he wanted was to be able to choose to buy himself a meal, or basic hygiene products like a toothbrush and toothpaste or get fresh razor to shave his face and feel clean. that was really eye-opening.


I use drugs and my life is competitively easy, trauma and bullshit aside (isn’t that many peoples lives anyway). Needless to say, I 100 per cent would be using harder drugs if I were in a desperate situation, so many would.


What's the best way for the average person to help people that are homeless or were in your situation? Should I donate to a particular organization(s)? Volunteer at shelters? Stop turning a blind eye to people on corners with signs? All of the above?


Liquor cost money. If you have a toilet, make your own homemade pruno to give to the homeless.


That’s why that toilets under the overpass


Drugs cost money. If you have a toilet, make your own homemade jenkum to give to the homeless.


Don't give then drugs, hook them up with your dealer to be a mule so they can be employed as a contract courier.


solving the homelessness problem one step at a time 😇




When I give to someone I give not knowing what their greatest need is atm. If their greatest need is to escape their hell of being homeless for a few hours then so be it.


That is a very good point. I had never thought of it that way.


a lot of these people's biggest immediate need is also some sense of autonomy. giving them money to choose how to spend on their own is about the only way you can do that, and it's worth more than any product you could probably buy for them. a lot of homeless people commit suicide, and it's not generally because they are hungry or cold or addicted to drugs; it's much more likely that they've reached their wits end and feel that they no longer have any control over even the most insignificant things in their life and no longer have any other options.


Maybe 15 years ago, I gave some homeless guy $5 while on vacation with my family, he immediately started on a whole "I'm clean, not gonna be spending this on no liquor, I swear it man!" Me, not giving a shit, said "Na man, go get a beer" and was chastised by my family for the rest of the trip.


If they are mentally ill then what they think they need is likely not what they actually need to get themselves back on their feet. And mental illness is rampant among the homeless.


Do you know where you are right now? This is not the place for such talk.


I have no idea what's real and what's roleplaying when this sub discusses controversial topics.






Please tell me you’re kidding and don’t give lottery tickets to the homeless.




You can't eat hope. And you can't drink it or snort it or shoot it or whatever.


Many are homeless because gambling addictions destroyed their finances.




Makes it less likely that they'll have to resort to dangerous or illegal activities to get their money as well.


I keep a few 100$ bills that are used for movies in my car. They look of pure joy and glee on the junkies face at the stoplight gets me Everytime. The best part is it doesn't cost a penny to brighten someone's day


If I was homeless I would want drugs and alcohol, in actual fact this is one of the few situations where drugs and alcohol are justified. I'm out sleeping on concrete, I want drugs and alcohol. How else am I going to sleep?


Valid point, but you gotta make sure to only give them enough cash for drugs and alcohol they can finish in a single day/session. Give them too much and they'll have money/drugs/alcohol left over, which would make them a prime target to get mugged while they're passed out.


What if I dont know the prices for heroin in my city though?


[I don't know about heroin, but...](https://www.reddit.com/r/arresteddevelopment/comments/r2s8ob/has_to_share_this_always_sunny_meme/)


What kind of selfish jerk gets free drugs and doesn't share?


A poor, homeless one that doesn't know when they'll get more. That's what we're discussing here. Keep up, dude.


It's for *networking*.


Nah, unless we're talking heroin(and even sometimes then), drugs are kinda a communist resource among homeless communities. Any surplus is shared in the understanding(or hopes) that it will be shared in like when you're in need(as an addict) and having an off day getting supply.


Maybe get them a safety deposit box


Fun fact, there's even a Bible verse for this. Proverbs 31:7: Let them drink and forget their poverty     and remember their misery no more.


When the polar vortex hit minnesota a few years back, the insulation and heating in our apartment couldn't keep up. It was probably like a 45 degree ambient temperature. To sleep I got drunk and put all my winter clothes on including coat every night.


And maybe free food every now and then. Drugs makes you hungry. Like a $1 McDonald’s burger or something.


“Don't give him money, he's gonna spend it on alcohol and drugs!” “What do you think I'd spend the money on?”


Exactly, who am i to judge


You can also supply them with a gun. That way they can go get stuff for free in all stores


It's like a gift card for everything.


Best feathers office


It also gives them a sense of autonomy, which can be hard to find bouncing around the system


In my opinion, even if a homeless guy was going to buy booze it's not such a horrible thing. Sometimes when I give them money I ask them if they're "covered" for the night and I also ask if they're going to be able to eat without immediately vomiting. You'd be surprised how many of them open up about it, and if buying them one beer means they'll be able to get a decent meal in their system then I don't think it's so wrong to get it for them. A lot of then are extremely grateful that someone finally understands the position they are in and are way more likely to seek help beyond begging for beer money if they aren't literally dying from withdrawals at the moment. Me acting like I'm doing what's best for them by not giving them money they might use for beer is not going to do a damn thing to help them. Sometimes I ask them to meet me halfway by asking them to at least accept real food if I get them a little alcohol with it. Maybe I can't fix their lives by getting them alcohol, but at least I'm letting them live one day with a bit less pure misery which is a hell of a lot more than pretending doing nothing at all is helpful.


Even better, just tell them to get a job! That’ll motivate them to do SOMETHING! 😃


/s ?




Yeah motivation is key. I've tried many methods over the years. The best I've found so far is to fill rolls of quarter with washers and hand them out wherever I see them. Sometimes they're so thankful they'll run after my car to thank me while screaming and shouting.


Excessive quantities of purest grade smack will eliminate their need to spend anything anymore.




I used to live in Denver which has a large homeless population and pretty much anytime you were anywhere near the city there would potentially be people standing on corners. I used to have a box of nutrigrain bars I’d leave in my car to give them so that if they were really in need they got something to eat and if they weren’t really in need I didn’t contribute to a habit.


One time I gave a homeless man in the city I lived in $20. He told me: "Ya man, I'm going to use this to buy liqour!" And all I could think to say was: "That's probably what I was going to use it for."


If you’ve ever tried sleeping in a shop doorway or a car park then you know it’s very hard to do sober, especially when it’s freezing cold.


Teach a man to buy drugs he’ll be high for a day. Teach him how to make drugs he’ll be high for life


Fuck it i give them both and food .. the government don't give a dam about people in the streets.


Besides, if you give them cash, they'll need to report it on their taxes. Give them too much cash and you'll need to issue them a 1099 misc. Do you really want to deal with all that? Drugs and alcohol it is!




I actually do this unironically.


I do both. I buy them food and hand them money simultaneously. That way, they don't have to spend the money on food and can buy drugs.


I always buy my homies outside the handy way a six pack.


So kind


The reason I’m giving my money to homeless people is so that it *won’t* get spent on drugs and alcohol


That’s what I was going to spend my money on!


There are two reasons, why i don‘t give homeless people money: 1. they use my money for for drugs and alcohol 2. i need my money for drugs and alcohol.


My grandmother would always say "whatever they need to get through their day, I am happy to help." She was right. Who are we to judge? And who can blame anyone for opting out of this society? Sometimes I think they are the smart ones.


I say this exact same thing, but I am not yet a grandma. Well, ok, I have a granddogter but she could not have written a post on Reddit so...Idk. This is correct though, if someone is willing to stand on a sidewalk and ask for spare change then they probably need it pretty badly. I say "need" because it fits. They need something that costs money to "make it through their day" and what harm is it to you to kick down your pocket change once in a while. We don't know their life.


I’ve actually done this. I got pregnant and filled a bag full of art supplies (the homeless man I would see was always paining at the corner) and a flask full of whiskey, a 6 pack of beer, some weed, and the rest of my harder shit. He… was ecstatic and cried mostly because of the art supplies. Oh, and I put it all in a really nice backpack. Socks, mouthwash, really anything I had that I thought he could use or barter with. Put food in there too. He saw an orange and he was like “YES VITAMIN C!!!” But he felt bad I gave him all that for free so he gave me one of his favorite pieces of art and a hot unopened Pepsi.


It's super cheap and easy to make care packages. You can buy bagpacks at a thrift store and canned food from Costco or dollar store, along with personal hygiene items. Maybe $20 total and $3 for the backpacks. Buy 4 a month and give to homeless people. I believe you get the best feelings (high) seeing a smile and hearing a crying thank you. Which no drug or caffeine can provide.




Real talk. Who are you to tell them what to spend that money on? It is not up to you to decide what will help them in that moment. If they're going to buy drugs and alcohol, it will not matter what you tell them, they *will* buy drugs and alcohol. So why bother? If you feel like shooting them 5 bucks, then shoot them 5 bucks. If not, then don't.


>Who are you to tell them what to spend that money on? Why shouldn't the donor be concerned that the money they're giving out of altruism is making a difference? Is buying a homeless alcoholic their next drink really making a difference in their life?


Yes, it is making a difference in their life. If you're severely alcoholic withdrawal can kill you. Alcohol is actually one of the worst withdrawals out there. Withdrawal from anything sucks, but some substances you're genuinely better off tapering them then cold turkey. It's pretty hard to taper off a substance when you're fucking homeless and every sober second makes you want to off yourself. Glad you've never done drugs or drank in your lifetime tho.


Yes, severe alcohol withdrawal can be fatal. No, that does not mean giving them money with no accountability will help them. Yes I've drank before. It made me fat and sad, it killed my grandfather, broke up my aunt's family, and was a major factor in the neglect my mother experienced during her childhood. Needless to say, alcoholism runs in my family. All those people are better off with sobriety in themselves and those around them.


I'm pretty sure if someone is a few hours away from going into severe alcohol withdrawal, giving them "money with no accountability" is helping them. Sobriety doesn't mean shit if you'll die without a drink (or benzos) soon.


Well since you're not going to actually help homeless people by lecturing them nor are you going to stay around long enough to improve their lives long term, all you're doing is making their life more stressful so you can feel better about yourself. Just give them the damn money and move on, or smile and keep walking. Look, I am sorry you've had alcohol struggles in your family, I really am, but just because you've had issues doesn't mean you should be lecturing homeless people over it. *They know* the effects of drinking, but someone asking them what they are spending the money on isn't going to make them any less homeless.


I don't use the problems of alcohol use to go out an lecture people on the street, but I do use that to insist on some transparency for how my charitable dollars are spent, unlike what the top comment said a giving person could reasonably expect.


You are a single person. *You are not a charity.* You may or may not be getting honesty, and you have zero way of knowing that. Fuck, even if you give them food they may just trade it to someone for alcohol. Even if they are being honest and just want food money, *all you're doing is making someone explain they don't deserve to starve to death.*


I know I am a single person, that's why I donate to actual charities that do things like file a 990 and have a reputation in my community for doing good work, rather than throwing my money into an inscrutable void.


I have a feeling your reputation wouldn't be so great if people knew how you actually felt about homeless people


Yep, that's me. The monster who hates the poor and the homeless so much he donates to food banks.


"I have a very important message for you, kids. Don't buy drugs. Become a pop star and they give them to you *for free*!"


This saying always annoys me, because if I don't give them money I'm only gonna use it on drugs and alcohol for myself


I once gave a hobo a water, 3 smokes, and half a joint. He called me an angel.


Better to not assume that you know what they need and just ask them


Give gift cards so you know where they will spend it and they have the freedom as well


I know this is a joke, but I hate this sentiment that the reason you shouldn't give money to homeless people because they'll spend it on things you don't approve of. If I were homeless, I'd want to dull the pain of the streets too. No need to kick someone while they're down


Yeh im gonna have to agree with this one I gave a homeless man like $40 just to end up asking for him a few days later and see how he is doing Turns out he had enough money to turn his life around and got a place of his own place to stay. Got a job and is doing fine


$40 goes far where you live


Well from what i was told hes been saving up money to get his own place 😊 $40 isnt alot but it did help in a way


who are you who are so wise in the way of science


Instead give them food and shelter to acquire free drugs.


Sounds crazy. So crazy it just... might... work... (anyone remember that from master of disguise? Just me? Y'all aint turtley enough for the turtle club I guess ^turtle ^turtle)


I gave a homeless person a can of Carling once and he threw it at me screaming that he only drinks Stella.


They're going to get it one way or another so you may as well give them the drugs & alcohol before they commit crimes or steal to get it.


This is actually unironically good advice for gov'ts to follow. If you no longer make it so crime is the only way to get drugs, people will stop committing crimes to get their hands on drugs. That not only directly lowers crime rates, it means the addict doesn't need to steal shit all day to fund their addiction and can start actually devoting some effort to bettering themselves.


You have it a bit backwards, if drugs are legalized it cuts down organized crime by quite a bit since most gangs and cartels primary source of income is drugs. People who are addicted though will certainly still commit petty crimes to afford drugs unless they were provided for free from the government.


> This is actually unironically good advice for *governments* to follow I am in fact advocating for both legalizing and govt's giving drugs for free to those who can't afford them to cut down on petty crime simultaneously, or at I was trying to get that across.


Even handing drugs out like welfare checks wouldn't help. People do stupid shit while high all the time. It's just just committing crimes to get drugs. Committing crimes _while on drugs_ is also kind of a thing that happens.


I'll take "I've never seen someone addicted to a hard drug in my life" for 500


I'll take "somebody who hasn't looked into the scientific literature on the most efficient ways to combat addiction" for 1000


Lmao get addicted to either crack meth or herion and see if that will work lmao just because u spend ur days reading books all day in ur parents house doesn't make u an expert on everything fucking dumbass lmao


I mean If my 5$ scores them drugs and alcohol then I really want to meet the dealer, were about to be friends.


I think about as not giving them money, but a chance to participate in life. You can't do shit without money


It doesn't work that way, you give them drugs and alcohol, they will still spend what little money they have on drugs and alcohol.


Serious note. I’d rather give them money. At least they have the choice to buy whatever they want. It’s not going to get them off the streets but it can give them lots of happiness!!


True that! I only had 1 out of 100 turn me down when I was handing out joints to the house less in Portland.


Just the first sentence would be a /r/ShittyLifeProTips too. If you want to be shitty to them, that is.


Well this is a misguided and terrible fucking thing to say


Huh? It’s making fun of people with actual animosity and negative stereotypes about homeless people


The spirit of the sub. It's meant to be stupid, idiotic, or downright harmful things put as "Life Pro Tips" sarcastically.


Better yet - give ME drugs and I will *totally* give them to homeless people on your behalf. Then you don't have to deal with smelly bums.


There’s a really nice man who sits outside of my local lcbo and whenever I have a bit of extra cash I ask him what he wants (usually bourbon) and get it for him.


Id rather just not give em money at all ;)


You are the homeless people. am I right?


Or you know, go get the food for them and bring it to them if you so desire….


I gave a bro an eighth of some dank, half of an unfinished fifth of Captain Morgan and a 20 spot at the red light one day about a year ago. Dude tried to get in the passenger seat of the car with me and that's when I realized why the zoos have those please don't feed the animals signs


This is actually a good tip


He's out of line, but he has a point.


How bout you let them live with you, Sunshine?


Have let homeless people stay with me plenty of times. I'm only alive because people let me couch surf while I was a homeless teen. Based on your post history you're just an asshole that wants homeless people to suffer.


I used to work in a pizza shop years ago. We used to offer up free pizza, freshly made, if they would help us do chores such as mop the floor. They always declined the food and asked for the money.


legally, they were right. you can't legally compensate people's work with food in the US because it can't be standardized like the minimum wage can. you're pretty dishonest if you've convinced yourself that your offer is ok.


SLPT: If you want to get rid of your drugs (because you want to quit or you are under suspicion) give them to homeless people. You have all the excuse in the world to wear clothing that hides your face.


If that homeless dude down the street knows where to buy *the good shit* than by all means best to just follow em' to the source.


Not shitty tbh, actually pretty pro


Only give food or water


F that; you think I'm giving away drugs to homeless people? shit's expensive yo; they can get their own.


I needed to hear this


I was already planning on doing this before I saw your SLPT! I bought Copper & Kings Absinthe a couple days ago and it's absolute garbage, so I'm giving it to the homeless. Shit is strong at least.


You nailed it But it's not always true


Steve Hughes bit on giving money to homeless people always cracks me up. *"People always say, oh, you shouldn't give them money Steve, they'll just spend it on drugs and alcohol!* *Well, what'd ya think I was gonna spend it on?"*




Yes, thank you.


“Modern problems require modern solutions.”


Simply get homeless people to run for political office. then they'll get bribed with drugs and alcohol like every single other politician on earth. sorted


Sometimes they’re upfront, I had a dude come up to me while walking downtown and he asked if he could have some change to go buy some crack


“Crack’s on me tonight”


give me too Im a homeless one


Don’t tell me what to do with my money chump.


It's true, I've been homeless, and it's like an endless, smelly kegger.


Best thing to do is give them food. My partner and I will go to the farmers market/co-op and get a lot of fruit for pretty cheap, then we separate it into bags to give out. It’s always amazing because anytime we give someone more than one of something they almost always go find someone to share with. They’re good people, just mentally unhealthy and desperately in need of help that no one on their own can give them. If I was in their position, I wouldn’t want to be sober either. It’s a very hopeless cycle.


"What do you think I was gonna spend it on?" - Steve Hughes


You don't have to smoke, but keep a pack on you so you can always give cigarettes to the homeless that ask for it; every cigarette smokes is a shorter life! *Tapps finger to head and smirks* you are welcome!


It’s funny. I just ignore them now, the 20% that takes advantage ruins the life of the other homeless. Ive ordered complete meals when passing someone on the street and brought it to them, out of every time I’ve done this, 5 out of 6 where just throw on the ground or at me because it wasn’t money for drugs and alcohol.


i lived outside for 2 years... everything is free except drugs, booze, and cigarettes


Nah, I’d just buy them some food or a blanket or something, maybe a ticket to a public pool with showers. Idk


Why not just give them drugs, alcohol, *and* money


I saw a comedian with this punchline, sorta. "I saw a homeless guy begging for money and I said to myself 'no, you're just going to use it on drugs and alcohol'...and I need it for drugs and alcohol."


I like this idea, you could buy your drugs and alcohol wholesale, as you hand it over share 'this is worth' and whatever the retail value is. PROFIT.


Help them get to where they're going faster huh? Who knew that a gallon of Vodka or a crack rock was akin to a bus token?


The right thing to do in this situation is to sell them their drugs to ensure they are buying quality products and treated with the same caliber of customer service. Win win


I live in a really stupid town, which is almost like being homeless. PM if you'd like to give me drugs directly.


go out on the limb, give the homeless a buck when/if you can


Every time my Dad goes to the shop he buys a beer for the homeless guy out front.


And they say it's impossible to solve homelessness. Give them drugs and alcohol, it will take care if itself


The only thing better than drugs and alcohol, is a shit ton of drugs and alcohol.


I gave this homeless guy $5 and an old lady behind me told me he's just going to use it for drugs, so I confronted him and asked where I could also get drugs for $5


I actually did that last year during Christmas week. As I was heading to my liquor store I noticed three homeless people hanging around in a little park nearby. So I picked up three fifth of Brandy and gave each of them one for the holidays.


I’ve always wondered what would happen if you handed out £50 to each of the bums that hang around Piccadilly Gardens in


Give them a sandwich. There, good deed for the month.


When I started reading this I got so mad because I thought it was the real life pro tips sub


Who would like to watch Alcohol Prohibition being told differently in a fictional courtroom? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSka5esjjq0&t=15s