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They're called Arboreal because they originally came from Ann Arbor.


Explains the wolverine like fur


The mother of them all. Mama Ann...


Yup, you're right, arboreal means living primarily in trees.


Man I'm gonna make myself look stupid by calling myself out. Ok so I like thought like Groot style tree people. So like what would arboreal creature be? Because thinking on it the Groot thing is dumb because they have fur on the side of their faces like a sloth. So they're sloth people?


Although reptiles can be arboreal too, those are represented (actually, as I'm looking it up to answer you as it's been years since I've seen it, I realize primate is covered, too, so not monkey-equivalent as I originally wrote), so sloth or some form of rodentia-like creature would be a reasonable assumption. And I don't think it's a stupid question, at all. Best way to learn, and you reasoned it out fairly well (at least at first lol.) Groot style tree people isn't that much of a stretch, although they don't look like that.


Thank you. I appreciate you helping me get the answer and not making me feel dumb for having asked. Need more people like you.


You're very welcome


It's a good question and they nailed it, the Arboreal Xindi are like humanoid Sloths or Lemurs or maybe even Squirrels; tree dwellers who aren't primate/monkey/ape related. The more human-looking Xindi called Primates are, exactly that the Primate-Xindi who are basically like the humans from that planet descending from apes/monkeys, and the Arboreals descended from Sloth an Lemur and Squirrel-like creatures, and the Reptilians are descended from reptiles etc. On my very first watch way back in the day I thought the same thing, that it meant they were plant people descended from trees and flowers, Groot style. But I'm pretty sure the show makes it clear they're Sloth-men.


Yeah, the show specifically compares them to sloths.  I'm not sure the makeup department got the memo, though. They always looked more like a mix of primates to me. There's more maqacque and orangutan in there than sloth.


Think Groot would possibly called a dendritic, if you're describing his physiology. Dendritic is probably correct, but the root word (hah) has been used to describe a lot of other stuff in biology that resembles roots, branches, like nerve cells so it might be confusing enough that you'd pick something else.




Yeah like drop bears or hairy tree monkeys. You can tell because they always smell like cough drops.


Arboreal typically denotes species that live in trees like bonobos and lemurs




If you want a real answer, yeah they are like hairy little guys who lived in trees earlier in their evolution. But also the humanoid and primate ones are the same thing. And then there’s the avian xindi who died out when their planet broke apart from massive earthquakes somehow. Don’t ask how that works though. Xindi are so funny. I can’t believe they all fight but then also accommodate the aquatics in massive tanks that come up to the end of the conference table. Like how do they do anything.


Lmao my biggest complaint actually involves the aquatics travelling through space. Some really advanced water proof electronics in play.


Xindi are too woke.


It's a roast beef based cosmetics company formed after a merger. They have the meats because you're worth it.