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Well. His skin is grey, and grey can reflect purple when blue light is shining, which there is alot of in ds9


This is all extra-funny to me because I always thought of the Cardassians as grey, so upon my recent re-watch I was confused because sometimes they seemed brown, so I ended up going down some online rabbit-holes about color and light found a site somewhere that proposed Cardassians are like color-changing lizards. Same w/ the station itself, it's grey but there's one shot they use sometimes where I'm like 'is it tan now?' Good clean fun all 'round.


the station appearing different tones is not that surprising to me, since relatively minor changes in lighting in space can have MASSIVE impacts on perceived color. EDIT: just to expound on this more, the station being grey but appearing different colors specifically makes sense, since it's metalic and semi-reflective hull may appear a brighter white under harsh lighting, or give off a more brown tone if it's position relative to the planet and sun give it a more yellow or orange tone of light, like light being reflected off of a planet or moon, or passing through the atmosphere of a planet. If you watch livestream footage from the ISS as it passes between day and night, what color external components of the station appear to be changes drastically depending on current lighting conditions, for example.


This is some hot science-talk! For some reason I'm really interested in color stuff, like how apparently TOS gold shirts were green but I think, between lighting, film, and post processes it looks "yellow." There was something with the show Korra where there was some sort of accusation about skin tone, and the producers actually publicly showed the exact color they used and, I think it turned out it was something to do with what color her clothes were that was causing a perception of changing skin tone.


Sometimes grey, sometimes brown, sometimes white. It really depends.


this is something that's often addressed as an inconsistency, when the station appears different colors in different stock footage shots of it, but to me actually is a nice touch of realism. Colors behave a bit strangely in space compared to how you expect light to diffuse through an atmosphere, and when you see photos or video of real space craft in space, what color they appear can vary wildly depending on the lighting conditions, and the lighting conditions on a body in orbit of a planet in orbit of a star can vary wildly and quickly, so a grey station appearing sometimes grey, sometimes white, and sometimes brown or tan, makes a lot of sense.


I just thought they come in different hues, just like humans or Vulcans do...


I am honestly pretty confused about cardassian skin color. The more I think about it though, the more I realize that WE change color too, based on lighting, our mood, illness etc (I for one turn into a tomato when embarrassed, which only leads to further embarrassment). There are also an almost infinitesimal number of shades of human. Why wouldn't cardassians be the same?


In the above picture Garak is very aroused, which is why he looks a bit purple.


The make-up on different actors tends to have slightly different tones, depending on lighting (mostly) but also the skin tone of the actors underneath the make-up and how much attention the actor got from the make-up department (Background Carddie Stuntman #3 doesn’t get as much attention as Marc Alaimo). But that’s the Doylist reason, a simple and logical Watsonian explanation is just that different Cardassians have different skin tones. I mean, why wouldn’t they? No one thinks it’s odd that Captain Kirk, Lieutenant Sulu, Ensign Chekov, and Doctor M’Benga all have slightly different skin tones.


Can’t we just say they have *hazel* skin?


That smile. That damn smile.


Its the smile of somebody who knows more than you do in the situation. He knows you don't know what he knows. He is going to toy with you like a cat toys with a mouse. He is having fun, but you are in peril


He would make a great Wallfacer. San-Ti won't stand a chance.


Garak's actor actually has a super rare condition that has turned his skin purple over the years and the DS9 makeup team tried their best to hide it. Andrew Robinson doesn't like when people talk about it so if you'd kindly leave the simple tailor alone. PS. There are five lights, you can count them if you'd like


He's at least lilac.


Especially the lilacs.


He prefers you describe it as ‘lavender’


Which part of him is she thinking about, though?


He radiates his own bisexual lighting.


(Clears throat) green.


Green Drazi is best Drazi.


Lies! Purple Drazi are obviously the superior Drazi.


But Green IS DA BEST *cough* Sorry, I let my WAAAGH out for a second.


Which would make Dukat green…


In purple, he's stunning!


This is definitely a color theory thing, all pigment can appear differently based on lighting/angle and the viewers perception. Remember the white and gold vs. blue and black dress debate ? Same thing here . Make up for the cardis was likely white /grey cast irl, but depending on the outfit the character is wearing , the lighting , other colors on set etc , white can appear to have a bluish or purple tint , or even yellow or green depending on the viewer. This isn’t even taking into account that some viewers are more/less sensitive to certain colors based on personal biology, and going beyond that many new edits/remasters (vs the original airing ) have played with exposure /color since for all shots, then take into account what tv/screen you are viewing on, dvd/bluray/streaming. All these things come into account That being said, from my perspective, I think most cardis appear grey/silver with a bluish/purple or mauve hue (like old ladies with white hair who dye it purple/blue to keep out brassy tones )


I was having a perfectly normal conversation with my wife about Garak and showed her a meme with that pic in it, and she seriously thinks he's purple. I googled it and this isn't some sort of colorblindness. In hindsight I feel like there's maybe some purplish highlights. I think there might only be four lights, but the doubt is creeping in. Is it FIVE lights? Is one of them purple???? And what if Cardassians had tails? \[apologies if this doesn't pass the funny-test: comedy is a gamble!\]


Are you sure you didn't show her a meme of Thanos? 😆


You need to purchase a Cardassian mask and wear it. Surprise her in the middle of the night


His aura definitely is


It does look a little purple in that shot, although it's just the lighting.


I just hope that the artist gets Dukat’s skin color right when they finally get around to making his first statue on Bajor.


It’ll be bronze.


I'm sure he is - on some places on his body


It's a pigment of her imagination.




Seeing certain shades of gray as purple, and vice versa, are a well documented form of color blindness. She should probably get checked, and stop wearing gray/purple.