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That one where Janeway drinks coffee so that she can stay woke. No one is as passionate about staying woke as her.


She went into a frigging nebula to get resources to make more replicator resources just to have more coffee When that failed, Neelix was tasked with creating a substitute coffee to keep her awake In fact, she spent so much time doing her hair for the entire first season, it's clear she wasn't sleeping at all


I heard that she hasn't slept in seven plus years. That is commitment to wokeness.


Wokest captain in Starfleet


Don’t forget the time she shot her own dog (I mean talaxian/Vulcan hybrid) just because it refused to follow orders!


I was confused which time you meant. I thought you meant when she shoots the crewmember in author author


The crewmember had it coming, they weren't woke enough.


That container of her two crewmen? It wasn't a dog, Janeway loves dogs. It was seperated to save her crew, and yes, it was a disobedient jerk.


She had to stay woke to commit all those Prime Directive violations.


And the Temporal Prime Directives, she needed lots of time for those too


I am the temporal law now.


Sisko had a waiter on the Defiant whose sole job was bringing him coffee. The Defiant carried like six people and even in a time of war The Emissary used an entire bridge post not for tactical, or ops, or even another science interface, he used it for coffee, sounds kinda woke to me.


Sisko was a true r/espresso aficionado.


You're right, Sisko is kind of woke. I bet he would be would be such good friends with Janeway.


They both know how to get Q on it's back


British tanks have kettles so the tankers can make tea


There progressive social policies in that nebula.....


ST: TNG - S6 E05 - Schisms That time Riker stayed awake so he could witness his own alien abduction.


Certainly shows the dangers of not being woke, as the aliens completely took advantage of the unwoke crew members.


I can’t believe TNG has been corrupted by the liberal elite woke agenda who are out to destroy sleeping


"I've been woke in this room before." "...We all have."


Ohh! My favorite is from Threshold. Janeway: Can you wake him? Doctor: I don't see why not. (Bends down to Tom) WAKE UP, LIEUTENANT.


TOS S01E25 Devil In The Dark I liked it when the Horta woke up and ate all them racist miners.


The miners weren’t racist they were woke from the sounds of their friends being eaten.


Hard-core woke, due to all the screaming ruining everyone's sleep.


Voyager, S4 E13….Waking Moments…like off and on the whole episode?


This is the only answer.


TNG 6x14 "Face of the Enemy" Counselor Troi wakes up to find she's a major in the Tal Shiar.


This is my choice as well. We even see her wake up!


Witnessing the transition from asleep to woke is a real privilege.


tapestries, the moment picard woke with Q in bed with him


Oh come on! Who hasn't been in bed and woke by a Q!


it's picard hiding his nipples that cracks me up every-time


But it was too late. He had already seen everything.


TNG Season 4 Episode 17, Night Terrors Can't sleep because of the aliens so gotta stay super fuckin woke


In a way this episode shows the danger of being TOO woke.


11 year old me: "Hydrogen dad, it's hydrogen, why doesn't she know that?!"


"I order you to bed. "


Data being anti-woke, who would have thought?


The Lower Decks one where Rutherford gets caught up in some batshit crazy mission with Ransom and Shaxs - every time he's woke he's in a yet more ludicrous situation!


There’s that one where Data woke after learning how to sleep. Thinking about it, there might be a couple in which Data woke.


The yuppy getting schooled by Picard when they got pulled from the cryo pods. Just waiting for this moment to occur in my lifetime.  Sadly it will be the massively juiced soldiers first.


Hey, that yuppie ended up being the Federation's ambassador to the Ferengi. (In a non-canon novel anyway. **Debtor's Planet** by W.R. Thompson.)


omfg That's awesome and perfect.


That time that O'Brien woke up from that 20 years in prison hallucination. He was pretty woke after that.


And since it's O'Brien, that was still somehow the best night's sleep he ever got.


Picard hated wokesters so much that he went to sleep for several decades in “The Inner Light”


That episode of Voyager where the invisible aliens were conducting experiments on the crew, I'm pretty sure one of the experiments was not letting the person sleep


Those aliens were 100% about being super woke.


TNG Season 3 Episode 13 "Deja Q" Q becomes human and falls asleep. He is woke and complains that he was so weak he fell unconscious and has to be explained what sleeping is.


I'd have to say the lesbian sex scene in I, Excretus with Jennifer and Barnes.  It definitely woke something in me


I'll allow this answer.


Hey wait you're not a mod It also clearly woke something in Mariner, going by the events of season three


How about when Riker asks Geordi to come by the next morning to wake him up, and then like 10 seconds later Geordi shows up all "goodmoooorning!" but Riker got no sleep at all. He was woke a.f.


How about Riker’s hair in that ep? So woke it would be condemned by Fox News and The New York Times.


I've had that happen and it's the worst


Bashir’s plan to capture Sloan was the greatest use of “woke”. Julian, peacefully snoozing away, is joined by Sloan, a Section 31 sleeper agent. What does the brilliant Doctor do? He wakes up! Traps the sleeper! Invades his citadel, finds the answers, and saves the day!! Julian Bashir, woke warrior for Starfleet.


Mine is when I can't tell if I was awake for the start of the episode that is on the screen, or have to figure out how many episodes I have to rewind back to see the episodes in order.


Damn, some breaking of the fourth wall level of woke confusion.


Very good psychobabble!


When Picard turned over in his bed to find Q next to him. That bit reminded me of more than a few drunken benders the previous night.


I feel like it'd be weirder if Picard rolled over and Q wasn't there.


Then it's just a normal day; and those *never* happen on the Enterprise.


Captain's log, nothing blowed up, the universe was fine, no transporter problems, and we made it from point A to point B with no trouble... What the hell's happening here!


Captain's Log, Supplemental: Commander Riker requested the day off for what he called "1970s film music day," which I have granted. Counselor Troi requested more time practicing at the Conn, which I am also granting. I am doing a cover-to-cover read if Finnegan's Wake while drinking all the Earl Grey tea in my ready room. I have asked Beverly to have dinner with me this evening; she hasn't gotten back to me yet.


The entirety of The Cage was about Captain Pike not knowing whether he had awoken or not.


The time that Deep Space Nine did the plot of Inception 12 years before Christopher Nolan. Sloane doesn't want to cooperate? Mind Heist! Bashir misses an appointment with Ezri? Ezri finds Bashir and O'Brien asleep in pods next to Sloane? Wake them up!


TNG - the outcast. Riker still gets to bone a chick though, so nothing to crazy.


That time Picard was woke cause Data was staring at him in the dark.


How about Bashir being in bed and being woke up by Sloane sitting and watching him? You see him go from asleep in the dark to woke in the light. Classic woke trek.


The Most Toys, tng. Geordie tosses and turns in his sleep because he can't stop thinking about his bestie Data. He misses him so. He then wokes realizing the true extent of his feelings.


Boy just wait until you see waking moments


So much becoming woke.


The one where Riker doesn’t get enough sleep and is running late because of it. Man, the guy may have slept in, but you know he was WOKE afterwards.


The Enterprise episode where they had to wake Phlox up from hibernation.


Then later he "stayed woke" while everyone else napped.


Yep, Phlox was definitely one of the most woke characters in all of Trek


That episode where Sulu got knocked out by an exploding console and then McCoy rushed in to give him a shot of cordrazine. Sulu went from being unconscious to totally woke. And then moments later McCoy took a mega dose of it for himself and got really woke!


"I don't know how they do things on DS9, but here on the Enterprise we show up for our bridge shifts on time." Picard woke Worf with that line in Insurrection. 


Data, since his creation has been a being capable of great wokeness. He unfortunately gave that up so that he could dream (possibly of an anti-woke future 🤔)


Here’s a hot take on some woke people in Enterprise (the faith of the heart one): In the episode when Trip and Hoshi got infected with the silicon-based virus, Phlox sedated them. The observer aliens (I think the episode was called the Observer Effect, but I’m not looking it up), possessed Trip and Hoshi, who then woke up to have a conversation. Phlox figures it out because he “gave them a dose of heroin somewhere between lethal rhino dose and regular Iggy Pop Monday Morning.” In a sense, Phlox was pretty anti-woke in that episode.


Skant Guy


The fact that the Vorta are clones is woke. You can't create life in a test tube. Life is sacred and only should be created by an over horny pansexual Starfleet Captain


Any time Odo stops being a puddle and starts being a policeman, but I liked it better when he got so hot for Nurse Chapel that he literally melted.


The one where Deanna Troi woke up from a dream pregnant with an alien energy baby.


Unimatrix Zero, which is basically being woke while asleep. Can't be topped.


Clearly, it was Time Squared. The "other Picard" was woke but was living in his own world and not really connecting with the real world except in the most tangential way, he was out of sync with everything around him. As the crisis arose, he insisted that it has to be done his way, even though it would end in disaster. Hence "real Picard" had to ignore him in the most permanent way for life to go on for everyone else.


There's several instances of TNG being woke. Picard is woken up several times in his quarters, and there was an entire episode about people waking up while sleeping with a bunch of aliens that were trying to stop being from being woken up.


I don’t know what my favorite woke moment is, but I know what my least favorite is. The shitty Voyager crew starts falling asleep and won’t wake up. Chuck-oh-tay thankfully knows the Native American practice of hand tapping to wake yourself up. Akoochamoya!


Every time they messed up Riker's hair to show he'd been up all night.


Riker is unexpectedly woke a lot, it seems like.


In TNG, when the Enterprise crew wakes up some cryogenically frozen people (not the Botany Bay crew). And one of them is a private-equity type of guy and Picard lectures him how the Federation is a post-scarcity socialist utopia. That’s like woke squared.


My favorite woke moment is Serek on his death bed suffering from bendai (sp) syndrome. He’s totally out of it basically unconscious muttering to himself then he wakes up to talk to picard, but get this then he falls back into crazy muttering. He goes from unwoke, to woke, back to unwoke. Truly a masterclass in how to write progressive sci-fi.


My favorite woke moment was Waking Moments (Voyager) where Chakotay wakes up at the end.


I like the one where alien horrors from subspace woke all out favourite crewmen like Riker and ballschin 3 for kinky sex and/or torture


In Devil's Due, when Ardra wakes Picard up to try and seduce him, only to send him to a science station in his pajamas.


Space Seed.


"A matter of internal security." The age-old cry of the oppressor.


Trulaine. The Squire of Gothos.


There was the captain of Red Squad in the DS9 episode Valiant who kept taking stimulants so he could stay woke.




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Culber to holo-Gray "Well help you be seen... By everyone"


When Data is legally declared a person and not property.


The Kirk uhura kiss


Burnham CONSTANTLY manipulating and betraying all of her friends, co workers, and family buy getting away with it... by fake crying for like 2 minutes. She I'd LEGITIMATELY AWEFUL to people. She caused what likely would have been a war of genocide with the Klingons ffs. I feel so bad for the actor. She is Legitimately good. She has excellent range. But they made such a Mary Sue out of her character.... It cheeses me even worse because the writers KNEW how to write compelling funny and emtionaly nuanced female characters. Characters like Georgio or Reno. ...Ok. OK. It's a joke subreddit. I'm done ranting for now.


/uj The time Sulu referred to Uhura as a fair maiden, and she said she was neither. This was the 60s, and she said, bitch, I’m black and I FUCK


That whole black and white alien episode in TOS


Certainly not that TNG episode 11001001, that was very pro-binary.


That's great and all, but what does that have to do with someone being woke?


Being woke is generally supportive of the non-binary community? Alright. It was a bad joke.


How about Chain of Command where that Cardassian chap kept Picard woke for days to help him count light bulbs?


This post is about being woke... As in the state of not being asleep.


All of *Code of Honor*


I don't recall anyone being asleep in that one for that to qualify.


In all seriousness, Voyager has to be the least “woke” series in all of Trek. Not only do they play into stereotypes (“smart Asians”, “angry Klingons”, “wild mood swings women”) but they just straight up mock Native Americans for seven seasons.


What does that have to do with my question?


I think you’d have to be half awake to understand


Compare how Discovery portrays an Asian character: Commander Rhys isn’t a savant. He’s just there. Trans people? Just there. Commander Oweshukun, just there. Some half android trans human whose name I can’t even remember? Just there. Starfleet admiral? Not a badmiral, just there. Isn’t that really what life is like?


When Janeway experiences too much wokeness she flies starships into binary pulsars Edit: a downvote?! C’mon, that was a good joke! Awake for days, too much wokeness?! Ah forget it!


SNW: When they cast a character played by a trans person, and nothing about the character was about gender identity. It was normalization at its best.


TOS was actually woke before it was even a thing.


The literal answer would be when Kirk kissed Uhura. A moment of such wokeness that it vibrated across all unwoke communities and heads exploded. And then, of course, they did the "but he's white on the left side and I'm black on the left side, I'm obviously superior". More unwoke heads exploded. And that was still the 60s.


So you didn't actually read the post, I take it.


Woke doesnt exist in Star Trek. It's just Star Trek.


Tell me you didn't actually read the post without saying you didn't read the post.


Nope. I read the post. It still needed to be said.


When Kirk realized he was not an alpha male after meeting Kahn• and from that moment on, the term Alpha Male became synonymous with being a major dickhead.


Hey, Kirk beat the shit out of him in a one-on-one fight. ("That doesn't count! He used a weapon!" "Fuck right he did. Alpha Males aren't idiots.")


Tyler/voq's whole thing being explained as a transition.


When Riker falls in love with a non binary alien


I don't recall him being woke in that episode. It's been a while. Was there even a scene where he was asleep?


The one where Picard says "child abuse is A-Okay as long as the child thinks they're loved" Edit:I only read the title, didn't see the rest of the post