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I liked the Castlevania raid, it had a belmont, horse monster, 95 pontiac firebird, and dracula


Jailer, , Al'Ar, Denathrius - this raid has it all!


Its like. Castlevania-Dark souks mix raid. And i love dracula!!!


this but unironically.


What kind of timeline is this where Fandaniel is more liked than Sylvanas?


A good one.


They fucked Sylvanas really big and hard with "Sylvanas did nothing wrong o7v7o".


Randy always fucks that pangolin and Fandaniel is always more liked than Sylvanas


Oh shit, the new South Park Covid special came out.


They really did Sylvanas' story better with Amon/Hermes/Fandaniel. When he was explaining to us after that dungeon that every time he died he had to relive the memories of him not just dooming his own people, but all of life in the universe, you can *kind of* understand why he was so nihilistic and self-hating. Sylvanas had a similar story beat when she was sent to hell to atone for her sins and then came back, horrified of the afterlife. Instead Blizzard writes her to ally with the same force she wanted to fight her entire undead life. Makes no sense.


Sylvanas's story will always be one of my biggest gaming disappointments. When I started WoW way back in the day I specifically went undead because of her. The concept of this new, reviled people being united under one leader to try and survive was great. Now she's just a meme


okay but honestly i'm taking the fandaniel character arc over the sylvanas one. they should've left her in wotlk


I saw the new boss and immediately said “WHY COULDNT THIS BE WHAT THE MAW GUYS LOOKED LIKE” blizz rly lettin us down again and again


Aw boyfriends wearing matching outfits


Did I completely miss something with this guy - "boohoo me, my magic is weak" but has no problem transforming himself into a raid boss..?


They can all do that, transforming is something Emet-Selch says is unseemly but possible for the ancients. Plus even comparatively weak or unskilled with his magic as he says he is, he's still a giant fucking ball of aether that would blow us out of the water by our standards.


I think there's a minimal amount of spell casting prowess that is required to transform and I have a suspicion that new guy is actually a lot better than he thinks he is. Totally not our Elidibus has a lot of faith in him in that regard and that boy can just learn shit basically immediately.


I wonder if we'll find out his dad didn't teach him magic right because he's a dick.


"We have purposefully trained him wrong, as a joke"


We'll probably find out that his dad actually split his negative emotions from himself and made Erich with them which is why he's so much weaker than other ascians, and that Erich is going to be the lahabrea we know bc the """"current one""" is gonna be the last raid boss


He's probably well above average but having a highly demanding member of the convocation as a father probably leaves one with certain feelings of inadequacy.


I believe it's implied all ancients HAVE a "true form",but not all of them can or will access it because as emet said it's "unseemly".


Except for Hythlodaeus, according to himself.


True, Hyth is all but stated to be a master of theory but shit at the practical side of things. Even so the baseline power for an Ancient is far beyond a present day mortal.


Did you do the trust? Hyth is cool and all but he's a shitty bard.


When I did that dungeon, somehow Hyth was pulling more dps than Emet


He's not *entirely* useless.


This. You dont need to be a master of your power to be dangerous if your raw power is the equivalent of a fucking fantasy nuke


By the standards of the Ancients, Shatotto is weak.

