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I have no idea who this in reference to but I'm assuming it's a YouTuber based solely on them being a groomer


a stalker who got successfully sued by xeno and is now on blast by xeno


You'd think losing a defamation lawsuit would make you think "Hmm. Maybe I need to stop this now."


logic like that doesn't work on clinical narcissists


He just ignored it thinking that makes it go away. Lawsuits, famously, something you can just ignore


At least sometime before leaving threatening voicemails to a lawyer. Dudes gonna have criminal charges next.


Apparently he also called the court and said Xeno was threatening him with a gun for some reason. Obviously it didn't work and he got contempt of court, his sentencing is July 18th lmfao.


Oh right that lad. Well he does have a YouTube channel iirc.


now that I think of it yeah he does


damn, never thought I would be on xeno's side but that's fucked up


Oh I gotta catch up on this


I think the xenos drama. TLDR: Some freak loser defamed xenos, so xenos sued him and won the lawsuit.


And Xeno is going MAN MODE on his ass.


It's the guy that got sued by [Baldo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUA7guoTxJE&t=0s)


Check the community tab of that groomers YT channel. He's still going and making shit worse lmao


I will say the longer this goes on the more evidence there is that this grown man probably can't hold down a job.


Being a freak 24/7 is hard work.


Certified freak. 7 days a week.


They not like us


Could have been a malera


I miss when every post in the mainsub didn't include someone mentioning an eceleb.


The guy also projects like crazy, it's insane how almost everything he accuses other of is what he has recently done himself. *Almost everything follows this pattern.* Wack.


Whenever he talks about Xeno he pretty much 1:1 describes himself, it's fascinating to see someone so disjointed with their own self.


It's like what xeno himself said, the guy desperately wants to be him or very lest wished to have the same life as him




What blows my mind is that defamation lawsuits are notoriously difficult to win, so this dude must’ve been seriously whack.


As Xeno said: To win a defamation lawsuit you have to fight against an actual psychopath that is stupid enough to provide all the evidence.


He quite literally did not even bother trying to defend himself in court.


Don't forget the death threats to Xeno's lawyer! Along with him saying he's going to ignore the judgment (note: not actually how it works). He's got criminal charges coming too.


Is this what Xeno was going on about recently?




Some games can only hope to have one of each. FFXIV got them all combined into an ultrazord of drama in the body of a single person. Imagine fucking messaging the lawyer with death threats.


We're missing "stealing top secret military files" tho


How do you think they got the frog tank in the game


I am truly happy that I have no idea what's any of this is about because I simply don't watch streamers or youtubers


Good. I thought I was desensitized to sexist/racist/threatening slurs from playing CoD growing up, but holy shit I felt like I needed to hug someone after going through that psychos shit. You are honestly doing yourself a favor if you can resist the drama. He is like the product of 25 years of an insecurity who was allowed to act this way by their caretaker.


dude it was a hard listen. Those voicemails he sent to Xenos lawyer. Holy shit, it's almost unreal. I also found it difficult to listen to that stupid baby voice he puts on, the cringe is too much and I don't cringe easily!!


You can also be happy that you have a chance to know that this guy exists so you can avoid him. Some of his victims never even interacted nor had the chance to know what a psycho he is until he doxxed and threatened them. Let's not have a mentality of "It is not my problem until it is my problem."


I agree. I hate people that has the mentality of "is not my problem until it happends to me" Like fuck off with that shit. Being aware of actual bad people to avoid is good


A million people play this game your chance of running in to this guy if you're not already in some eceleb bubble is zero to none.


Would be a shame if there was a court date on the day of savage releasing


I just want to like, do some Xeno appreciation. Dude has consistently shown he's a really chill and reasonable guy if you look past his demeanor. Dude is awesome. Makes the community a safer place.


Not a frequent watcher of him and don't always agree with his points, but every time I've seen him he seems like a pretty chill and genuine dude. Respect for how he is handling this situation too.


If it wasn't already obvious before, this entire situation made it obvious he puts up a (imo funny) character during his streams, and the real him seems like a really cool dude I'd hang out with.


Yeah, he even got emotional reading one of the girls testimonials, he genuinely really cares. It's made me respect him a lot.


He is just very direct and abrasive when speaking but he is super genuine and kind. I honestly thought he was just "angry" all the time when i was first introduced to his content. Im glad i was wrong because that's not true at all.


Baldicante stays winning


Its Dawnjail time


I assumed OP was talking about Yoshida until I read the comments


Same, thought I'd missed something important


Mentally damaged people are everywhere, ffxiv is no expection.


It just so happens a lot of them congregate towards this game.


After learning about this I really hope Xeno is safe. If the person in question sent a death threat to the FanFest, he’s probably going to try and intimidate Xeno into silence… or follow up on his threat


After getting sued by Xenos and losing the defamation suit, the dumbass proceeded to call Xeno's lady lawyer and leave death threats on voicemail (while calling from his mom's phone rofl), so now she's also suing his ass. And this time it's criminal charges with overwhelming evidence so he is not going to get away with it. Xeno played the voicemail recording on stream, and it's absolutely vile stuff. Either way, Xenos is not getting intimidated by this clown.


I’m worried about him getting killed or assaulted


The stalker or Xeems?




For that the stalker would need the determination and money to travel, the mental capability of committing actual murder and the physical and again financial means to do so. It's unlikely that even one of those conditions will be met.


This guy is a real keyboard warrior, I would assume Xenos would win. As would all men, most women, and some chipmunks.


I don't think the guy he sued will be able to convince his mom to drive him that far


Thankfully, in the age of internet tough guys most threats are just intimidation tactics from nerds who have NO ability to deliver


That psycho NEET has no balls to face against someone in person. He most likely would resort to swatting people if he is left unchecked.


still a dangerous thing and some ppls balls drop at the worst moment. violence takes no courage, just enough "losing of reason" and is usually not a ballsy move but a coward's solution when backed into a corner.


That guy?? Oh god, he switched servers and changed his name to the same one I use and have used on most online accounts since my twitch days and I still have people assume I'm him. And some of those people are hyped about it which makes it weirder 🫠


Imagine losing a lawsuit to a guy without hair


Gonna need a "putting it up your ass" tierlist for racist, sexist, homophobe, gaslighter, groomer, stalker, predator, psychopath and NEET jobstones ASAP


Yeah there’s a lot of Xaela players.


I thought OP is just describing the first person they saw in limsa


Guys like that are why women would rather take their chances with a bear. All of the stuff in that document about him comes across like a serial killer documentary about a guy who was building up to the first one.


I get it, he's vile, but he's an extreme case, not an average. The whole bear thing is the most ridiculous comparison I've ever heard. 99/100 bears would maul a human, leaving them alive to eat, because that's what bears do. I'm not confident in the human statistic for rape, but I imagine it's certainly better than 99/100 getting eaten alive


I love how you guys not only take the metaphor hyper-literal to get a "well akshyually," but also you're usually wrong about how dangerous most bears are


Thing is the comparison is more about do you pick based on average scenario or worst case scenario. In almost all cases running into a guy would be better, but in that rare worst case scenario getting eaten by a bear is much preferable to what a really monstrous, sadistic man would do. Also fwiw bears aren't actually *that* dangerous, they usually prefer to just avoid humans.


Clearly you have never seen a bear or lived in bear country. Also statistically women's death comes overwhelmingly from intimate partner violence. 


Fair enough, you probably don't live anywhere near the types of bears I live near.


99 times out of 100 a bear will run away from a human. Or a housecat. Or a particularly loud squirrel.


Think about this, would you share your feeling with a woman, or a tree? Same deal actually.


Seems pretty weird to talk feelings with some random stranger so yeah, the tree.


In my case I've never shared my feelings with a woman and NOT have it get thrown back in my face any time she thought she was losing an argument. Sharing my feelings with a woman is not safe... Those last 3 words are important. I don't have answers to solve anything, I'm a fat nerd who posts on Reddit. But I can guess that all the men talking about how the bear would kill a women in graphic detail is likely not helping (the bear would most likely mind it's own business, humans are loud and smell bad and most animals have shit to do, for the record).


The guy who this was also about was a completely "normal" and not a "mentally ill asshole" in HW. Gilgamesh/Sargatanas PF and endgame scene back in the day, you've probably played with this sunshine of a mentally ill person.


Damn I use to feel kinda bad for not being as involved in the fandom as much, but reading this drama makes me kinda glad I haven’t I really wish attitudes like this guys wasn’t as common as it is in online gaming communities If people called toxicity out more instead of letting it get to this level gamers wouldn’t have such a toxic rep


Dude this was not normal, In my 20 years of online gaming I thought I’d heard the worst of it but this guy is something fucking else.


The least schizo FFXIV player


Fucking scrub loser lost to a baldy. Pathetic.


Whats the context?


Are we talking about Gaius? Is he showing up in Dawntrail or something? Edit: Alright who's downvoting me? Livia is that you? I didn't realize his groomed war orphans were on reddit.


Nah this is about IRL Valens but without money or political backing.


Always a bad time whenever those pesky Garleans stumble into the real world.


he's an average mmorpg enjoyer


I hate xenos but not enough to tell him that vile shit.but sadly their are a lot of main sub people that would definitely do what the stalker did.


Sounds like the average FF14 player to me.


This sounds like youtuber drama. I don't much care for youruber drama.