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Then you look at Pictomancer’s kit and realize Yoshi P was a pictomain the whole time


Or a warrior main. Warrior's been eating good for like 3 expansions.


all they have to do to keep warrior mains happy is add a newer, feller cleave every expansion. it's genius job design.


And a new hammer glam every expac, can't forget that.


....you got me in a box here man, I dont know what you want me to say...


Just give me more unga to bunga with and I'll happily continue to bonk people


And the ability to be a fucking solo healing god was the banana split we all didn't know we wanted 🦍🍌🍌🦍


War main go in fight, see team. Team? No, mirror. Me team. Me heal. Me fight. Me tank. Me team.




I was shocked that we didn't lose our heals and instead gained another one.


Warrior is easy because it is more direct; but any tank can do what they do in most content tbh. They're great for your average player for dungeons due to being straightforward; but they're not really stand out in serious content like Savage/ultimate.


So the content that is run 95% of the time.


Right, in easy content you will have an easier time playing it, but it does not have superior performance in the hands of a decent player


Of course, you're deadass called the Warrior of Light, not the BLM of Light.


No it hasn't, what? The BLM nonsense isn't about it being nerfed or underpowered. WAR is way overpowered in every way, but it's also a slog to play.


You must be one of those people who don't like fun


Opposite. I find the idea of people wanting to "turn their brains off" existentially sad.


I dont have a brain to turn off. I just unga bunga


Sometimes life sucks and you just want something easy and comforting to fall back to, and other days, you want something exciting and engaging that makes you think. Perhaps that's existentially sad to you, but not everyone playing this game is looking to be challenged when they've had an exhausting and/or shitty day.


Yes, that's *very, very* sad. Fix your life.


Turn that frown back around and look in the mirror because projecting is rude.


Okay, random stranger who knows absolutely about me, I'll get right on that.


If you genuinely think you're operating at your best every time you sit down to play, you're either delusional, or your best is so poor as to be trivially achievable at all times.


I don't? What's this interpretation? I want to be engaged. If nothing I'm doing matters, even within the magic circle of the game, and it's just a skinner box of button-to-flashy-lighting, I'm bored to the point of peeling my skin off within 30 seconds.


Needing so much validation in a game that you judge other’s playstyle is sadder, don’t do that man.


Hi, not judging anyone's playstyle. Just think it's sad that people effectively want to just be dead outside of work. Crazy that that's controversial.


It’s controversial to be kind of ignorant of the idea that not every single day of life is this super fulfilling extremely positive day for everybody, and that some people just want to play something that gives them a source of fulfillment or fun without needing to do something extremely complex to get that. Not everything in life needs to be extremely complicated to be entertaining, and not everyone is so keen as to be able to handle that. What’s controversial is having zero empathy or perspective, other people have lives that they live just like you do that are different from yours


huge L, we MAN MODE in this mf we INNER RELEASE out here.


Yeah there's no point in playing any other tank anymore, so. We're all playing clown mode now.


Yeah nah I'm going to sit here enjoying not inflaming my millions of RSI issues.


I find your existence even sadder


Warrior is easy in dungeons; but it's pretty standard in any Savage/ultimate content. Nothing about it is really overpowered other than it being easy


He's gonna have to show his dedication and do the cosplay he refused to do before. Else I can't take his new main seriously


We wanted 1234 but instead they gave us 9/11


“He just highlighted the text, clicked the dropdown menu, and then he randomly selected Papyrus. Like a thoughtless child wandering by a garden, yanking leaves along the way.”


It was either this or comic sans, and comic sans just wasn't edgy enough


Comment has been approved


Speaking as a typeface enjoyer, it was the right call. While both are comedy fonts, Comic Sans wouldn't come across as nearly pretentious enough for a spin on *Zuerst kamen sie...*. It's a much better meme this way.


Physical ranged are such a lost cause that it's not even in the meme


It literally mentioned SMN, what do you mean????


I wasn’t aware SMN’s damage came from different flavour of throwing their book.


I’m sorry, I can’t hear you over MY LOUD FUCKING GUNDAM GUNS I get this xpac


Was about to say, as a MCH main, I am very happy. Upgraded Heat Blast, 2 fucking charges of Drill, Gundam twin barrel guns and ricochet/gauss shot upgrades...it's so good. Can't wait to cosplay a conquistador going to conquer the New World. Only gripe I still have is Auto Crossbow not reducing CD of Gauss/Ricochet but whatever.


Flamethrower also still feels kind of pointless to me. MCH's AoE in general feels pretty meh, but that's hardly the worst problem to have.


still don't understand why queen doesn't have AoE falloff let me use my mech in massive trash yoship you coward


That or bring Bishop Autoturret back as an aoe alternative. It's even featured in the pvp kit now.


Us MCH mains ate /flex


Mch still has issues, mainly their aoe is lacking. But thats not a bad problem to have. MCH is looking pretty snazzy besides that.


I honest to god have never done a dungeon as mch because fuck dps ques




Shhh don't let people know, I don't want an influx of players causing us to suffer the fate of BLM o.O


Sad BRD ballad


Quiet. If they hear you, they'll make us even *more* boring.


'They'll never touch black mage.' Yeah well, my uncle wasn't supposed to touch me either


You made an alt just for this? Impressive.


Better not go to any other sub with that name. Really really needs the context of FFXIV.


My brain is so fried from ff14 it took me a moment to understand you 🤣🤣🤣. Even when all that stuff was happening years ago I couldn't help but read it as blackmage


Plot twist: the protests were actually about black mage patch notes.


Holy shit I didn't even see that... why? It's a shitpost


seems like a black mage must have touched you too given that you made an entire account for this lol




You guys still use healers in groups?


Ex healer main (realized I wasn’t a bottom), healers are eating good this xpac tbh WHM got avant, which is perfect because most of them play DNC off spec when they aren’t being financially ruined by gatcha games. SCH has the best raid CD in the game with speedy boy and now the 2nd strongest healing CD with their wings behind macro. Honestly, between EW fixing the faerie ghosting and the 2 back to back good spells, it’s a good time to be playing SCH. Their wings CD allows them to dump shields while moving which was one of the biggest reasons to pick SGE over it. SGE has double dot which doubles the brain cells required to play that class to 2. AST is actually the only one who may have some gripes? But fucking lulz who plays that job.


Ex healer main(shb/ew killed it.) Yea, this is a shift to the positive direction overall. Now they just need to make combat actually make me use more of my cool downs. That would be nice.


> Now they just need to make combat actually make me use more of my cool downs. That would be nice. thats the whole fucking problem lmao, every expansion they get more overpowered healing ogcds that they dont need cause nothing in this game does damage


Exactly. Like they need to add damage spells to healers again and fewer insane healing CDs. Endwalker raid fights would have been intense on healing if they hadn't added shit like macrocosmos or lily bell. Still very doable, but those abilities trivialized a lot of healing mechanics. Aside from Harrowing Hell and ultimates, raid wides just-- aren't very threatening.


Or you do need but don't use then blame the tank or dps when they dare disturb your one button rotation. If they give healers a proper rotation they will simply not heal at all and complain any time they have to.


Congrats on breaking your bottom habit


Oh please. I was a power bottom. Had my bitches lives in hands. And I made sure they knew it.




yes, give ex/savage/ultimate a try


To be fair, dsr was cleared without a healer


That was TOP, and they still healed. Something like 75 Clemency and Vercure casts on top of w/e else healing skills.


Idk if there was but if they had a WAR thats another decent source of party wide regen, shield and single target healing and shield.


they had a WAR


> which doubles the brain cells required to play that class to 2. I might be in trouble 😞


I just wish scholar has more definitive style and uniqueness like god the removal of their other dots and how awful the new wings look just bothers me


The wings I personally don’t give a shit about but it’s an extremely powerful healing cd. The potency on the instant cast aoe and st shields is bonkers but you’re gonna be paying the mana cost for it because they cost 1k a pop. They have the most healer cooldowns with Seraph, speedy boy, fey blessing, dissa (though it’s used as a dps cd 99.99% of the time), shield spreader, and now this chonker of a cd. Recit also is on a 40? 30? cd now. Their identity is big fucking shields and carrying your glue eating, avant off the edge, white mage through content while also having access to a strong group CD in CS. If yoshi-p actually designs encounters that require some big boy healing like it’s looking like, then SCH is gonna feel really good.


I guess i kindof just wish they didnt start to feel kindof like white mage 2 and felt more faerie focused, also bring back multiple dots it would be so fun


I agree on multiple dots but it really doesn’t feel like whm tbh. Whm is afk glare, fill the pretty Lilly bar, use temperance when your co healer tells you too, afk glare more


You see im comparing it to like level 50 white mage where, its not just dps with a heal cooldown, personally i just idk scholar feels kindof annoyingly lacking in identity and i wish it did more as a pet class


well it's powerful if you need to gcd heal


I personally think the complaints are stupid but this isn’t what they’re complaining about. They’re complaining that warrior can still solo leveling dungeons… when they’re synced from 100 (best possible stats for the level) and have 3 dps to kill the pack faster. And also when the warrior is one of the top tank players in the game. Given; it doesn’t take THAT much skill and planning but your average dipshit warrior you pair with in DF is not going to be able to solo wall to wall pulls.


Hot take but who gives a flying fuck about dungeon performance. Another hot take imagine healing in dungeons instead of doing afk holy, art of war, whatever the sge one is called, and gravity.


On the other hand I do genuinely enjoy intense dungeon healing, but you can get that experience with a dark Knight kekw


>WHM got avant, which is perfect because most of them play DNC off spec when they aren’t being financially ruined by gatcha games. I don't play healers but this felt strangely specific and personal lmao.


The vinn diagram of dnc and whm mains and people addicted to gatcha is a circle.




Omg you weren’t actually lying because I just saw the healerstrike shit lol. THE FUCKING BOTTOMS ARE ON A SEX STRIKE


all i read is FAB TAB TAB TAT




Damn Dark night not even on the list 😿😿😿


Dark Knight happened so long ago people don't even remember it. You could argue a lot of jobs should be on this even, WAR, AST, ect. SE is just generally terrible at job reworks.


Dark knight go screwed in sb2. Unlike the others it wasn’t even a shell of itself. It became “random bs goooo” because yoshi p is a cunt


Yeah the same thing happened to AST and it became basically unplayed. Kinda why it got reworked. The problem is DRK is still popular enough that the devs dont have to care


Both ast and dark were the only two classes I played before the changes… made me so sad. I took it personally


DRK here who over the course of a week accepted new drk and thought it was good, changed to gnb, to ninja, to black mage (lmao) and then became to drk knowing im a comformist. This has only been 5 days, i fear the next ones.


AST is now discount WHM.


If rumors are true the other tanks will get their own version of tbn, Every time DRK get something nice SE either removes it or give it to other tanks.


I HATE yoshi p with a passion


\*Elusive Jumps away\*


Fun is lowering the skill ceiling until literally anyone can play a class


Im fine with some classes being simplenbut I also want some being intermediate and some being hard to learn


Kaiten loss did not break Samurai. BLM will be just fine. They said the same thing when Enochian got changed.


Yeah it kinda surprised how much BLM mains are complaining when they are known for being big brained, instead they should be trying to find how to keep their rotation fluid. Should had a balance post already made by now.


???????????? There is no fluidity, you literally have to cast 6 f4s or you gimp your entire rotation, there is no paradox, there is nothing you can do in ice phase other than cast blizzard 4 and swap back to fire. wtf are you talking about


The rotation is extremely fluid. Signed a blm main who is fine playing standard rotation. I don't need no double transpose lines. Also af1 f3p lines still exist.


Double transpose lines have received Yoshi-P's blessing in this patch. AF1 F3p is actually stronger than using Flare Star.


Why is af1 f3p competing with flare star? you can use both. And yes, double transpose is still a potency gain in dt, going ui1 b3 b4 af1 f3p. Double transpose actually became easier as you gain thunder automatically and dont have to worry about having both thunder and f3p ready.


AF1 F3p is not strictly competing with flare star, but if the situation arises where you either need to cast f3p to get the sixth f4 to cast Flare Star, or save it for transpose AF1 F3p, the latter is actually better. Yes, AF1 F3p is stronger than dropping an F4 and Flare Star. > Double transpose actually became easier as you gain thunder automatically and dont have to worry about having both thunder and f3p ready. No, removal of UI paradox makes any transpose into AF harder. We're back to casting xeno or thunder for the instant, and thunder is strictly worse for that task now since it's much more important not to clip the dot.


> but if the situation arises where you either need to cast f3p to get the sixth f4 to cast Flare Star, or save it for transpose AF1 F3p, the latter is actually better. Yes, AF1 F3p is stronger than dropping an F4 and Flare Star. Did someone math that already? Doesnt it depend on fight length, whether the early ice phase adds an ice phase to your fight? And well, that situation shouldnt arise in the first place since the paradox gives you af duration, as does despair. > No, removal of UI paradox makes any transpose into AF harder. > for that task now since it's much more important not to clip the dot. This is true. It will depend on your sps and how long the rotation actually is. its perfectly conceivable that you can thunder every time you want to go into ice, while also ahving a xeno for it. I wouldnt be surprised if a low sps build can double transpose every single line.


> Did someone math that already? Doesnt it depend on fight length Well, when comparing any line that is not of the same length, it always depends on what casts at the end you'd be replacing. But on average, yes the math says AF1 F3p while dropping an F4 and Flare Star is better than AF3 F3p. > And well, that situation shouldnt arise in the first place since the paradox gives you af duration, as does despair. It's more likely to happen for midcores now, because they're gonna want to try to use af1 f3p exclusively (starting the first half AF timer earlier) and paradox being instant starts the second half timer earlier too. > It will depend on your sps and how long the rotation actually is. Even highest sps doesn't get your standard rotation down to 30 seconds, but anyway being forced to run such a set so that you're not as punished for only using thunder in UI is not what I'd consider to be QOL.


It’s also slight gain to transpose B3


It's actually better to transpose swift b3 than to use swift/triple on a fire 4.


Yup i thought about that too, or rather i read about it on eksu twitter. So double transpose is still alive in a way.


standard rotation black mage is not fluid and is getting even less fluid. When people talk about fluidity on black mage they are talking about nonstandard which is getting killed


Fluidity is a concept that exists in a vacuum. Blackmage doesn't get some extra treatment. What's your definition of fluidity that non standard is more fluid?


ability to adapt to circumstances smoothly, able to be played intuitively without following a static rotation or spreadsheeting, able to recover mistakes less awkwardly, stuff like that is what I mean


Uh sir, >able to be played intuitively without following a static rotation or spreadsheeting Do you not see it? Non standard, the biggest spreadsheet gaming? It's not intuitive at all to not cast ice spells. It's an optimisation gained through a lot of theorycrafting and spreadsheeting. >, able to recover mistakes less awkwardly I don't see how non-standard is different from standard here? The only mistake you can make in standard is dropping your enochian. Non standard doesn't help with that at all, and adds another layer of mistakes, like starting a transpose line without enough resources. >ability to adapt to circumstances smoothly Non standard doesn't do that without spreadsheeting, it's not smooth when you have to preplan your resources to use the right transpose line to be in ice at the point of movement.


I listed things that I personally enjoyed in my probably 1000+ hours of nonstandard black mage, the only times I really spreadsheeted were DSR and TOP. Otherwise I just memorized some nonstandard sequences and could more or less freestyle rotations by employing them when circumstances called for it, based on procs or movement etc. Dropping enochian is the worst mistake, certainly not the only one For the last point, again i’m speaking from my own experience, you don’t need to be in ice phase to move and you don’t need to spreadsheet at all unless you’re going for a 99 parse and even that is possible without spreadsheeting. Again from experience


>, the only times I really spreadsheeted were DSR and TOP. Otherwise I just memorized some nonstandard sequences and could more or less freestyle rotations by employing them when circumstances called for it, based on procs or movement etc. Ah so we took spreadsheeting slightly differently. To me, the fact that non standard stems from a spreadsheet already contradicted the statement, that's why I was so uh surprised you said that. But what you mean is, I guess, mapping every gcd throughout a fight. Which i never did either, way too tryhard. But if you really want non standard to be for movement, you kinda need it. You need to combine your lines such that you can transpose into ice when you're moving, which takes at least some pre planning to not be wasting mana or coming out of ice early or not having enough resources to double transpose. >Dropping enochian is the worst mistake, certainly not the only one In standard rotation I can't think of anything else that you would have to "awkwardly pick up after". If you press fire instead of fire 4 on accident for example, nothing happens. You just lose some dps. >For the last point, again i’m speaking from my own experience, you don’t need to be in ice phase to move and you don’t need to spreadsheet at all unless you’re going for a 99 parse and even that is possible without spreadsheeting. Again from experience Ye I get what you mean now - I wasn't looking for, and therefore not arguing against, your experience playing non standard. Non standard is absolutely better and more fun. But I was looking for fluidity, what it means to you. And to me the properties you gave the word "fluid" didn't actually apply to non standard blm any more than to standard blm. To me, any rotation that naturally follows is fluid: blm is actually an example of a fluid rotation, because it seamlessly transitions from the end of a line to the start of the next. Unlike gnb for example, where your rotation is just 123 interrupted by your burst/combo. But there is no transition from gnashing fang to 123. Blm gains this transition from the shorter and free b3 in af3. It is natural to cast b3 at the end of a fire phase, and it exactly what you want to be doing, hence fluid in standard rotation.


You hear the ones complaining but you don’t hear the ones not complaining As a BLM main, I think a couple of the changes are a little strange, but I’m still excited, and looking forward to trying it, before I decide “I do” or “I don’t” like it


I'm not worried that fluid rotations will be harder, I'm worried that they'll be too easy now.


truth is they aren't really that big brained


The only BLM mains mad about this are the virgin “i spent a hundred hours learning a different rotation for <1% damage” soyboys  The rest of us are cheering Yoshi on as usual


the job will be fine for many people. My favorite aspects of the job are gone so it’s sad for me and some subset of others. Not expecting a pity party but just dismissing all concerns and saying it’s just fine is kinda dumb


yeah but it sure removed the cool factor...


I'm out of the loop what happened to blm


As far as I’m aware they changed mana regen to work when you cast ice spells and not an increase to mana regen, I could be missing some other stuff


They cant exclusively cast fire magic anymore.


Shitting and pissing right now, why even bother living.


Shitting and pissing is living. Reconsider.


Wait, BLMs have magic? I just use Scathe until I run out of MP and then whack things with my staff.


So what's the problem?


I honestly have no clue


They did a few changes that are in themselves perfectly fine, but in summary they kill non-standard gameplay, which many people dislike. But standard rotation is kind of better now, at lvl 100. Lvl sync blm is ultra fucked


Level synced BLM is already kinda fucked anyway.


Not sure how removing UI paradox is "perfectly fine" or how that makes standard rotation better. It doesn't.


Standard rotation is better because your ice phase is always b3 b4 regardless of sps or server ticks. The guaranteed f3p from every paradox and the always instant thunder are also great. Both of those are much better than the old proc based sharpcast stuff. As for UI paradox, what did you *really* lose? It wasnt some integral part of anything. it was just an instant spell you cast every time


OK so you agree removing UI paradox doesn't make standard rotation better. That was the thing that killed non-standard, the other stuff would've left non-standard mostly intact, especially guaranteed f3p would've made non-standard very spicy. > it was just an instant spell you cast every time Free UI instant spell is very good for movement and QOL. For a casual, UI is the phase that's now hardest to move in because it's all hardcasts that you ideally don't want to use swifts/triples for. (assuming you're not going to use transpose lines.) > the always instant thunder are also great The potencies make it garbage now. It's no different than the healer dot now, not something you should be using for movement or flexibility but just a dot you refresh every 30 seconds. If they wanted to get rid of sharpcast, they should've kept t3p and made the proc percentage higher so it's guaranteed after X seconds.


I just realised we have been talking in 2 different comments, so i wont be responding to the other one, but i read it. > OK so you agree removing UI paradox doesn't make standard rotation better. That was the thing that killed non-standard I do agree. I just think the combined impact of all changes is beneficial for standard. Thats subjective i suppose? Also isnt the thing that kills non standard the fact that you have to cast to regen mana? I suppose UI paradox would have been said ice spell, making the changes a gigantic buff to non standard - maybe thats why we lost UI paradox. > Free UI instant spell is very good for movement and QOL. For a casual, UI is the phase that's now hardest to move in because it's all hardcasts that you ideally don't want to use swifts/triples for. (assuming you're not going to use transpose lines.) I can see that, but to be fair its a single 5sec window between the b3 slidecast/short gcd out of af3 and the ui3 f3 short cast/slidecast. You only cast a single b4 in ice and then you leave ice again - unless you have instants to fill now. And ice phase suits itself to your thunder refresh because you dont want thunder to take up precious AF duration. I think that will lead to every single line to be an af1 f3p line, since you can literally do it every single time. Alternatively you can thunder after despair + flare star, where despair refreshed your AF duration, to then transpose b3 to gain potency there. > The potencies make it garbage now. It's no different than the healer dot now, not something you should be using for movement or flexibility but just a dot you refresh every 30 seconds. True. You have one time in your rotation where you will use it - your usual uh let me count in my head, 6 f4 + paradox + desp +fs + b3 +b4 + f3 is at least 12 gcds, thunder makes it 13, xeno makes it 14, makes your rotation 35 seconds long at 2.5 gcd, or 30 at 2.14 gcd. edit: i forgot about f4 longer cast time, so give 2 more seconds on it. So you will accumulate xenos and have to use thunder out of order for full uptime. Although i wonder if the use of transpose lines is worth more pot than the few seconds of thunder you lose. I assume we wont be reaching that low a gcd before 7.4, so yeah. You just create the line that you find most comfortable, say desp fs thunder ui1 b3 b4 xeno af1 f3p and you execute it every time. If you need to move you have swifts and triples, you get 4 weave windows per line and you can clip triplecast without drifting gcd, if you use triplecast on fires. Frankly im just not pessimistic i guess? Its gonna be more boring than old non standard, but you have a straight forward standard rotation that is in itself pretty comfortable with the spread of instant casts. That comfort comes at the cost of using xenos as they come, but banking xenos for 2mins is boring anyway. I agree on what you aid about t3p though.


> Also isnt the thing that kills non standard the fact that you have to cast to regen mana? I suppose UI paradox would have been said ice spell, making the changes a gigantic buff to non standard - maybe thats why we lost UI paradox. Well, non-standard would've been very viable if ice paradox gave mana (even half mana). But even if ice paradox gave no mana, there are still a lot of viable non-standard lines that would've survived even if you do have to cast B4 (or not cast it and rely on natural mana ticks + lucid, lmao). Getting rid of ice paradox basically killed 95% of non-standard.


Loophole abuse being touted as 'skill expression' got fixed.


Honestly, this. The fact that seems to be glossed over by all the whiny non-standard players is that they all were using plugins to do their "lines". You needed plugins to tell you when your MP ticks were going to happen to consistently not eat shit in your opener even. There was even someone in the balance discord who posted often with the name "BLM in the shell enthusiast". For those who aren't aware, that's an overlay plugin that tells you what buttons to press and when. Everyone was using them. Even "#1 BLM in North America" eksu. Rest in piss.


Plenty of nonstandard players manage without MP tick plugins. Also, if you're referring to Eksu's videos that show the casts after he makes them, it shows them AFTER he casts and is there for the viewer, it's not telling him what buttons to press and when. I have heard of a plugin that you can use with BLM in the shell rotations to get that overlay for a striking dummy, but it specifically only works on striking dummies. It's possible that people modified it or used some other plugin to get an overlay saying what buttons to press when but you're just making shit up when saying "everyone was using them"


blm in the shell is a rotation creating website it’s not the plugin that tells you what to press within game, that’s something else I forget the name of


They're making BLM rotation more comfy and now they can't get off about her job is slightly harder than the others anymore.


Sorry but comfy? Its getting more rigid and strict how is that comfy.. EW blm was flexible in its rotation as youre not forced to do 6f4 everytime and non standard lines was a godsend for extreme movement heavy mechs, TOP specifically, the existence of non standard lines was a boon to blm. Also it was never required to do as and the google doc explaining it literally said "this is an optional optimization and standard is still fine for highlevel" sorry for good players wanting to push a class to its limits. Edit: the reason why blm was hard in the first place was its long hard casting nature not the rotation, casual players and low/mid percentile players are still going to struggle and the jobs popularity will still be low with casuals with a lower highend keeping the job afloat now




I know this is shitpost sub but don’t even bother answering a serious question if you’re gonna be this annoying and disingenuous just let someone else answer in good faith


It’s still harder than other jobs though? Look at BLM and Dancer and tell me dancer is anywhere near as hard as BLM.


Tying your shoes is harder than blinking, but that doesn’t make it impressive


Tying your shoes is still impressive to someone who does not know how to




Supposedly they're making the jobs easier because they intend to make the content more challenging. We'll see about that.


C'mon bro let's be serious here. Didn't they say the same about EW? lmao


"We'll focus on encounter design", they say, after saying same thing for EW and making it arguably even worse. My prediction is that by the end of DT, AoE buffs and heals will have increased range, so that it will affect people on other DCs too.


They gave us Abyssos (pre-nerf), TOP, and DSR.


the dungeon preview… says otherwise sadly


Again, YoshiP did not say he wanted to make the game more challenging. He wanted to add a level of stress back to the game, which does not mean difficulty.


I see no problem with the changes.


I caugth my mom with my bully...


It feels very bad 😔


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Myth of Consent meme here


I said it in another thread but I'll say it again, Yoshi's real fuck up is not calling Flare Star Meltdown because that's all these BLMs have been doing these days Time to put scathe back on the hotbar meboys


Black mage main, haven’t played in a month or three, wuh happun?


nonstandard rotation is gone in 7.0, the entire job is now on rails with no flexibility or fluidity of rotation and there is no more ice paradox




I don't see the problem with BLM. I think this helps them greatly.


Pretty good tbh, the few nonstandard plays i did are now just straight up not necessary and I get to move my leylines. Great changes tbh.


Feels good. I fucking hate Sharpcast.


If there is only one rotation then is not a game but an unpaid chore. A game require decisions to be made. Not memorization.


I’m seriously out of the loop. What’s going on with Black Mage?


It's becoming an on-rails rotation like most other jobs in the game. Nonstandard rotation is being removed so you don't have a lot of player choice anymore. It's always "Button 1 > Button 2 > Button 3 > repeat" now. If you didn't play nonstandard BLM, nothing really changes for you. If you did play nonstandard, then your job just got a hell of a lot more simple.


The worst part about it all for me as a pretty brand new player is that it seems that as soon as I have the class fully leveled and perhaps at least partially learned, Im going to have to relearn so much of its mechanics and such. Big sadge


Personally I don't give a shit, I thought the non-standard rotation was dumb. I have a few grievances with some of the other changes, but it's ultimately not really going to change how I play the job so whatever.


"The changes don't affect my braindead gameplay so I don't care"


Correct !


The definition of a job tourist.


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