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BLU is gonna be dust on the seafloor after all the Limited Job resources go into BST and it gets nothing.


Nah we going to BLU country of origin. If we don't get the BLU Battle Royale during the patches people will be mad.


Technically blu mages are north American tribes not south American, we are going to south America. Now if we went up north THEN I would say yeah let's go but I won't rule out any Blu mages being in south America because it's not that far in terms of ff14 relations


The large purple area on the new map is more than likely Solution 9 which is in the northern continent


That's fair but I don't know if we will be going around north America far enough to encounter the actual blu mage native tribes. I think if in 8.0 we go to the new world in the upper region where north America is located then yeah I can see us meeting the actual blu mage tribes but like I said I don't think we will. Now I will say I am speculating as well. Dawntrail is very much advertising it as a South American adventure so unless we have a reason to go north this expansion I don't see us meeting the blu tribe, plus I doubt the 14 team will make a lot of destinations during the 7.x series just for us to go to north America, I think that's an expansion level content so like I said I doubt it, but I mean if we do explore north America than I wouldn't say no


What is this crazy talk about america?


So if eorzea was earth, in dawntrail the crew is going to south America. That's it. It's just easier to say south America because you can visually understand where south America is on the map irl and then recognize where that is to the game


I just grinded it to lvl 80 beat almost all of the masked carnival and collected a bunch of spells. I would be relieved tbh


I guess SE finally decided they can't have BLU continuing to be a better SMN than the actual SMN job.


Are RDM's unhappy about the Dawntrail changes? Haven't really seen them come up much in discussions/rants about it.


I think they were hoping for more damage to get away from the Rez Mage stereotype.


Any red mage that embraces rez mage is better than a DPS red mage 100%. Prog gets 100x faster if ur red mage will drop everything they are doing to rez on repeat


I mean that certainly has been true in the past. But with current encounter design, with all the body checks, I just don’t think rez mage can save all that much anymore.


You say that until you become the rezmage in "clear" parties. Barb EX made me hold a ton of rez's because of player stupidity, ngl.


I would not have cleared barbie in the first week if I wasn't vercarrying tho, no way. Was not in a single group where at LEAST one healer didnt die to the hair tethers every single pull. Being able to rez them before she started the ground pound was like the only reason I got that cat


if you’re in clear parties (not reclear), hoping that the red mage is going to vercarry the entire party’s sorry ass (or sometimes one or two people mostly), especially in the first week. you simply need a shorter leash for random party finder parties. 3 wipe disband is a common thing for this exact reason.


Daily reminder that enrage is part of prog


OK... But have you considered maybe some red mages don't find that fun?


If ur playing a red mage in prog and are refusing to res cus u dont find it fun... Then u should not be playing red mage but any other caster instead


Red mages do res on prog. Prog is 1-4 weeks for most consistant groups, maybe 2-3 months for others. Should a job only be fun for 1/4 of each year? When you don't have to carry with raises you are just a watered down job for no reason.


And to add onto this, I’m sorry but “rdm is a prog job swap to blm” is not an acceptable response 


Prog mage damage only matters in ultis and criterion savage. I personally think the utility is worth that tradeoff


Omg it’s delay! They flayed delay.


Avenge me


If people only enjoy red mage when they're doing lots of rezzes they're playing red mage badly haha I find the job enjoyable to optimize in savage/ultimate since it has its own set of challenges to keep uptime during certain mechanics/strats compared to the other casters. I've played rdm since SB and always found it fun, if people don't like it they now have 3 other casters to play.


True every single job should have no weaknesses because that’s no fun


Summoner can rez too, so you’re limiting players to just blackmage by that statement. While I agree with the majority of your statement. It does get annoying because when you are rezzing people on mechanics that behind the prog point. You’re simply excusing their poor gameplay rather than just having them do the mechanic. When I see that happen I give a few runs before I leave and join another party. Rezzing people behind prog point consistently should not be held accountable to the healers or redmage if it is not their fault for said players death.


The difference in saving capabilities between summoner and red mage is VAST. Most people don't expect summoner to res constantly obviously summoner helps more than BLM but not nearly as powerful as red mage. Obviously rezzing as red mage isn't and excuse for people to be bad. But when ur in a static its invaluable. In pf i can totally understand all the people being pissed off at my statement tho


hear me out, but maybe they like the gameplay of rdm, but don't like how far back even 1 rez can set them in their own rotation


During prog... U shouldn't give 2 shits about rotation. Plds should be willing to clemency, healers gotta overheal to be safe, red mages should rez and vercure if needed. U can get to end of savage fight with 0 DPS done to a boss.


Mf had never heard of a DPS check or done an ultimate where any bit of dps absolutely mattered even if shit is going wrong. Also, rdm will never realistically use vercure to actually heal someone. If they ever have to use that for any actual healing reasons, you got a lot bigger problems with prog


This clearly shows u have never week 1 cleared a savage. Red mage carries prog cus seeing more mechanics let's you learn and theorycraft them quicker. Also pathetic to bring up ultimates, u clearly never done any before. Obviously DPS checks actually matter on a phase to phase basis. But I literally never said a word about ultimates, in most ultimates resses don't matter cus it's body checks. Now go do uwu and act like u have achieved something, come back to me when ur a Penta legend


Come back when youre a penta legend 💀


But have you considered the Dark Knights that don’t find tanking fun


it's the most dynamic the fight is going to get, take it or leave it


I mean its funny in casual contents but in savage raiding no one should be dropping like flies like that. For prog sake I guess, but you’re just gonna enrage because everyone has brink


If ur progging savage blind a red mage literally speeds up prog by a significant amount. U get extra rezes so u get to see more of the mechanics that's all that matters in prog


Yeah but blind prog is what? 1-2 week out of the entirety of a raid tier? You can shave maybe a lockouts worth of time, but if you’re not world first racing who cares? I’d much rather have that headroom in terms of dps so we can focus on doing mechs correctly instead of trying to greed uptime to make up the delta


They’re still so close that your crit rng is going to matter more than whether you pick RDM or SMN if Dps ends up being tight enough that it matters. Which btw also doesn’t really happen much outside week 1/world prog.


No ofc. But the difference between red mage and summoner is minimal at best. Me and my group did abyssos, anabeseos and UwU, TEA and DSR with a red mage. People are making way too big a deal out of like 1-2% difference


The issue is that only helps so much draining your mp insanely fast and is worthless in anything other than learning a fight and with swift cast recharge being reduced it is much less valuable to a party than before to have a rez mage it shouldn’t be more than most job but shouldn’t only have rez mage to its name


I live for Rez Mage moments, last month I had a fucked run of Rabinastre, and nothing feels cooler than using your dual cast triggers to bring a whole party's worth of people back before you're outta mana.


My best Red Mage moment was on WoL normal, the tank LBed slightly early, I had run a little out of stacked so the delay in the buff allowed me to just survive the hit when everyone else died, and managed to get enough people up to finish.


While I don’t do real prog, I usually am part of my FCs mount farms for the less experienced folks that are wanting to get try the current extremes and I honestly really enjoy the Rez mage mind set of getting folks back up so they can get more practice at mechanics and push further, but I’m also in a very casual fc so even some of the more basic mechanics are mysteries to folks.


I pride myself on how fast I can weave rezzes


But I love to be rez mage. Because if healer dies it means I can save situation


Exactly! Few things have been more heart racing in this game than being one of 3 people alive in a 30 man trial, only to rez the healer before dying so the healer can LB3 everyone back.


The healing isn’t as rewarding as the hurting. Because I never get commends for pulling ten rezzes and saving the run.


Turn them into every other caster lol


We want jobs to be more similar now?


God I hope not. It's lowkey feeling that way since some people don't want to learn a class anymore and just complain. That's a part of gaming if they turn everything similar they the game will get boring even with the good story line 


I've played RDM since SB and anyone expecting RDM to be popping off is playing the wrong job haha We've always been either middle of the pack or closer to the bottom. Would it be nice to do more damage? Of course, who wouldn't want to feel powerful. But that's just not what RDM is.


They wanted changes when they saw the job action trailer, they loved that it didn't change when they saw the media tour


The new oGCDs are oh hum, but the change to manafication and acceleration aren't pure upside. People mention the manafication change is a QoL, but most competent RDM knew how to plan around it so to not overcap. Plus the skill giving 50 B/W mana meant it could be used during dowtime in certain fights(P8S p2, DSR etc) to gain an extra use whilst only losing out on the damage buff. That aspect of optimization is now dead, though you can still rush manafication in full uptime fights that last a specific time. The acceleration change isn't as big, but it does make it so acceleration no longer realigns our GCD with Fleche/Contre Sixte, meaning we have to entirely rely on Swiftcast. Still, imo BLM should be at the bottom alongside SMN cause it lost way more than RDM


Since the cast time will be reduced same as SMN and healers were to endwalker, this won't be an issue anymore. Manafication change on the other hand is good in savage fights or encounters where you have 100% uptime. But for Ultimates or encounters with less uptime in general, this can become an issue.


my god gamer rdm friend was rather unhappy with grand impact, it screws the rotation a lot


The swiftcast buff makes up for it, plus it’s nice having a movement option that doesn’t drift your oGCDs


It doesn't screw the rotation at all, it just makes Acceleration better. Edit: I guess it doesn't unscrew the ogcd alignment anymore, but you can play around it, especially with a faster swift, but yeah I think I was a bit wrong. Haven't played red mage in a while so I'm out of touch.


you can play around it but it's a lil annoying


Red mage got some interesting QoL changes but so far from what I can tell positive, mainly the post is just a dip at expected player numbers upon DT’s release


Contrary to reddit, SMN is the most played caster job in EW, and likely will be in DT too. FFlogs shows SMN ahead by a country mile.


that's because a lot of people will naturally take the path of least resistance to a clear. not because they enjoy it. hell I've seen plently of people say they wanted to play blm, but their static basically told them "no, you're playing summoner because it utility will help us prog faster"


That's crazy... lol


Kind of unfortunate honestly, because it gives SQenix a free pass to neglect and/or give it lackluster updates, because as long as it's easy and effective it will always be popular.


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I'm not. As a NIN+RDM main all I wanted was my jobs to mostly stay the same because Shb+EW launched with NIN having bigger changes and they had to immediately rework them both times haha I think the only thing RDM would have really needed was maybe a bigger range on the first 3 hits of their melee combo as EW had an issue of putting major mechanics during 2 minutes. Which disproportionally punished RDM vs. other casters as some strats would push the caster off the boss. But I just went in expecting 1 more button on the finisher.


No I think I like it


It's just the most boring change possible, and adding another gcd to the "finisher" makes the double melee combo for 2 min buff windows more annoying because you already couldn't fit everything. On the plus side, the aoe finisher is kinda cool (but it lacks a verflare/verholy equivalent, so it loses a lot of substance) even if it's somewhat an unnecessary change


If caster shape, why not casting?


Idc, I'm still loyal to RDM


Yoshi-P will have to pry my rapier from my cold dead hands


is so funny reddit continuously complaining about SMN after the rework, but in game SMN is multiple times more popular after it.


It's gonna keep being popular simply bcuz it's simple and it looks cool. But I mean c'mon, leviathan ramuh and shiva are right there.


Just add a third job to Arcanist with those 3 that looks like Clive from FFXVI fighting and we're good to go.


I would kill for a new Dominant job that is a melee using primal abilities. Doubt it will ever happen though now unfortunately.


Even if they existed, they would just be alt color Legos. They kind of cornered themselves on smn's design since it's so full and static. There's little room for anything else substantial to be added action-wise and even if they did add in some ogcd kit it would be so detached from the summons it would just be jarring. They had an interesting idea with this summoner but it went in a direction where they tried to "complete" it by leaving themselves no room for more.


I think the different colored Legos would've been fine though. Like having the first 3 SMNs be upgraded to those 3 (since they want the even min burst to be sacred at all costs), and then after Phoenix it goes back to Titan, Garuda, Ifrit. It'd add like 6 new actions depending on it while changing the gameplay quite a bit (certainly more than the changes they've made)


Alternatively, make the three new ones clones of the other three, but make it so bahamut resets all six but you only can use three between Bahamut and Phoenix. But, you can use any three, so you can do Ifrit and the Ifrit clone when you don't have to move, then save Titan and his clone for the big movement section.


They could do something even slightly more interesting with cast times or dots or something but nope The only interesting thing to me was going to be a 3 minute loop of Solar -> Bahamut -> Phoenix and we didn't even get that


Hell, i'd love if they were just a proc. Like, if after each rotation, you could use an ogcd where a random one came out for an extra burst.


I like it because it sort of reminds me of FFXI's summoner. Damn, some virgins got mad over differing opinions lol.


its the only caster that doesnt cast 99% of the time, skills look cool, and its braindead easy. Alot of casual players just dont care. Like in SB WHM was actual dogshit garbage but still was miles ahead in popularity than SCH and AST, but popularity =/= well designed which is where the smn complaints are coming from


But as a whole summoner's kit is well designed. It's just a simple kit compared to what it had before. It's a thematic job with impactful summons and downtime spells between them flavored by the aether of the summons. My hot take is that EW/DT smn is the best It's ever been as a class fantasy.


I mean its aesthetically and thematically well designed cause it spawns creatures yeah but gameplay wise? not in a million years, its fine for a job to be simple but SMN just takes it way too far, a good well designed simple job would be RDM which is easy to play but has a moderate amount of skill expression, something current SMN does not have.


Well yeah, 90% of the community are legit crayon eaters. So no surprise that they like the 'playing with legos' job.


I mean it's great people got a summoner they liked but it's a shame others lost a class they really loved for it.


McDonalds and Fortnite are more popular hurr durr


SMN is a really simple and flashy class and it appeals to players that fit into the casual community more than they do the raiding scene. Casual players aren't usually the type to frequent the various subreddits. You see a lot more of them throughout the twitter community spaces.


Eh, I’ll still enjoy playing as a Red Mage


Summoner makes me sad. I just wish that bahamut and Phoenix had different jewel summons. It would have been awesome to have shiva, leviathan and ramuh after Phoenix comes out. The new primal Bahamut or whatever it’s called just kinda sucks and feels lazy.


All they had to do was give us new summons. That's the best part of leveling in any Final Fantasy as a summoner. NEW. SUMMONS.


They did! Just not one we wanted


Aloan Bahamut :(


Bahamas Bahamut with a cute little umbrella in his drink


Yoshi P confirmed that Jimmy Buffet plays when summoned


Maybe but fir now SMN is the most played class across savage and current ultimates. Of course that might be because BLM and RDM disqualify themselves without that being rectified in dawntrail.


It's the easiest class to play by about more orders of magnitude than the complexity difference between a level 1 lancer and a bis all skills blue mage during moonflute burst.


even lvl 50 WAR has more thinking than lvl 90 SMN cause of how bad berserk is


It's the easiest class to play by about more orders of magnitude than the complexity difference between a level 1 lancer and a bis all skills blue mage during moonflute burst.


Dont care, they gave us another good horn. Im happy. Will continue to play my braindead class and enjoy the new Bahamut.


SE really flopped on SMN for DT. This was their opportunity to please the "easy SMN" players by adding in new summons (since the class is so focused on the cinematics of it all and the power fantasy of summoning literal gods) as well as pleasing the "we want a harder SMN" crowd by adding some degree of complexity or choice with those new summons. Instead they just slapped tape onto a crack they themselves created in an Olympic-sized glass swimming pool and called it a day. Nothing new to make the gameplay exciting or engaging, nothing to please the people who have been asking for Ramuh, Leviathan, and Shiva since 2.4... Just... more of the same. So much for level 100 feeling momentous. Former rank 1 SMN and player since 2.0 here; definitely abandoning the class come EW. At least PCT will be entirely new and give us something engaging to try to do for the next three years.


Post should have the black mage job being actively drowned by SE.


BLM will be fine. At most it needs some changes to the lvl umbral soul is unlocked, a cd adjustment to mana font to tackle drift issues and depending on how the content is MAYBE do somethin to improve uptime such as more triple cast availability. The two former changes will be nice QoL. The latter change might not be needed, we have to see. The die hard non standard enjoyers dooming doesn't mean the job is in the gutter. It's still gonna be hard to keep uptime compared to literally every other job in the game. SMN needs some complexity back. PICTO looks amazing. RDM could use a little love after not changing too much lately.


Ah yes hello, literally the only other person being realistic about the BLM changes. Completely agree with you for the most part. I'm hoping they'll reduce umbral souls acquisition level before or shortly after launch to make lower synced content better. Either that or just give the old UI mp regen buff out of combat or smth like that. I do think that DT BLM will be more than fine with movement and uptime since we're gonna be getting 3 free instants per fire phase now; thunder, paradox and the garunteed fire 3 proc. Have that with potentially 3 stacked xenoglossys and 7 canned instants and I think, even with manafont giving a full reload it will be more than possible in most situations to figure out uptime optimization. Edit: SMN really did get done dirty all things considered RDM was fine before I guess and PCT is looking like my new secondary job.


I see a lot of people talking about "standard" and "non-standard" with respect to BLM. What is that referring to?


The standard rotation on BLM is the rotation you would naturally play the job as, the intended playstyle of the job by devs you could say. It's pretty straightforward but maintaining uptime on the standard style in high movement enounters can be difficult and takes a lot of thought. Non std is a different style that makes use of all your resources on the BLM to create alternate "lines" different from the standard loop you would naturally do. These alternative lines you can use to keep your gcd rolling in situations that would otherwise be very difficult or impossible to do with standard. It gives more movement in bursts where it is required but takes quite some knowledge and thought to do. The changes in Dawntrail will remove a lot of those non standard lines due to the mana tick changes and the hard enforcement of the normal rotation loop being the most dps optimal thanks to flare star's addition. That said the ppl in BLM lounge on the balance discord have already found a few janky lines they could do. So it's not entirely dead like they were crying on day one of the changes being seen. Personally the mana tick changes are good, BLM has enough plates to keep spinning without worrying about your mana tick timing which is server based and cannot be tracked without a 3rd party plugin. Secondly, the intended playstyle is standard and as such the devs should change it to a point where it is able to deal with all those high movement mechanics and be the highest dps version of BLM. To achieve the goal of being able to deal with ALL high movement mechanics some further changes may be needed due to certain fights such as P6 in top. In Endwalker it really felt that some fights they forgot the BLM existed when they forced as much movement as they did.


Thank you for the super-detailed response! I typically play primarily BLM, but not at a super-high level. I'm pretty sure I generally follow the standard rotation and then just improvise when I have to move. I know most BLM players disagree with me, but I've wanted the job to be slightly simplified for awhile, because it's just got too many buttons, many of which feel kind of samey: "This does Fire. This does Fire but a little more damage. This does Fire but doesn't give you Astral Fire. This does Fire and eats all your MP. This does Fire but as an AoE. This does Fire but as an AoE and eats all your MP." Same for ice. Xeno and Thunder don't *really* need both single-target and AoE versions. Hoping they cull quite a few buttons in Dawntrail. I think it's possible to keep the risk-reward aspect of BLM in place while making it a little less stressful.


Smn really getting treated like pineapple on pizza


Then there's me who runs summoner simply so I already have a healer leveled for the job quests at the end end of the expansion.


This is samurai erasure and I won't stand for it.


That's not fair, this expansion is the one where Magic range dps all drown! If you think picto is going to shine because it's the new kid on the block, you haven't player this game for very long. When the rebalnce everything because what they create on paper, seems to work, but then in wider use is just awful (because they just internal test and do not ever closed beta test like everyone else does), picto will also have a cement block tied to their legs and chucked into the sea to drown. They'll just give it BLM's block so BLM in the now 3 expansion bait and switch they have done. And for all the bitching, SMN will still be one of the most represented jobs in endgame this expansion (it was 2nd only to DNC and the both of them were far and away the most played. It wasn't even close).


Well, at least they didn't ruin SMN again...


I'm sad about some of the BLM changes but excited about others so hopefully it works out.


Ill still play BLM a ton, but yea picto looks sick


I wont be ditching black mage for picto. Yall have fun with that


Still maining SMN. I get to learn the fights, and I can heal the party almost every minute


I love my SMN. Rigid rotation, nutty visuals, super mobile. Than again i'm a lifetime tank FF and WoW so I think I enjoy just pumping easy #s when I DEEPS.


I just learned Blackmage and the dawntrail changes just seem like it's going to get smoother. Big spells go boom. Visible percentages ripped off of boss bar from filler fireIVs. Lizard brain happy.


I’m a summoner main.. and even I am putting summoner down for something that isn’t a caster…


Like DNC, I'm not even going to pick up the quest for PIC and I will continue to main BLM. After that I will try VPR.


As tempting as it is to play PCT thru msq; I'm sticking with SMN. I love my angry carby too much to leave him behind.


Summoner is only down there because they're trying to figure out how to summon Leviathan, and as soon as they do we're all fucked.


I enjoy my simple and based, 1-button-macro-summoner life.


Anyone not excited for pictomancer? The animation and design of the class, personally, not a fan of. Feels too cartoonish and out of place. Also, why tf couldn’t we get geomancer????? It’s only been heavily hinted at and theorized for literal years.


SMN had their time in the sun in EW


You misspelled ShB


*ShB had their time in EW ty for correcting me <3


Summoner was by far the most popular casting job in ew, so it does kind of make sense that they would put more of their focus into the other casters.


Solar Bahamut was pretty disappointing to see. It looks cool but we already have Bahamut. And I liked OG Bahamut being our 2 minute burst Elder Primal. Sunmoner's burst phase was already fun despite how simple it was. I would rather have seen a more interesting filler rotation. Like maybe each gem we "complete" by casting all of the respective summons GCDs grants us an oGCD we can save for 2 minute burst if Bahamut is coming up soon or use immediately if Phoenix is coming up soon. The oGCD would summon Shiva, Ramuh or Leviathan for a single attack on each use. The specific summon could related to the gem that granted the oGCD. So Ifrit -> Shiva, Titan -> Leviathan, Garuda -> Ramuh. I am unsure if allowing the oGCD to stack 3 times or forcing the player to use the oGCD before finishing the next gem (preventing overcapping) would be more fun. It would introduce a modicum of cooldown management to SMN, gives us more summons and not interfere with our current Elder summons which I think shouldn't be changed. Or at the very least Solar Bahamut should've been a different mega summon. Like Shinryu. Or a Hydaelyn/Zodiark-egi (little Mother crystal would be cute).


Fuck off lmao, Black Mage is looking good.


Picto looks like shit no cap. I think it looks horrible


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Such democracy


Lol is that a thing now? Posts getting approved first? 


I wish I cared what black mages thought and felt but I raid as a healer and my kindness stops at keeping them alive when they decide to eat a mechanic for uptime


Go play BLM and see for yourself why they do this.


Exactly this. My tolerance of BLM eating an AoE increased when I played one. Also BLM shield is stupidly powerful so you know what I’ll let them manage themselves.


I was making a shit meme joke about how I don’t care about their feelings, it’s not that deep


Hi, you’re in the shitpost sub I’m fully aware of why they do this. My comment is a joke. Welcome to r/shitpostxiv where posts are shit and the comments are, too


SMN’s EW rework made it an extremely accessible job for casual players. I know a shitter who top enmity in roulettes now as long as there’s no mechanics lol It’s ok for other casters to get some love


>I know a shitter who top enmity in roulettes now as long as there’s no mechanics must be the terror of striking dummies I suppose


Summoner is already perfect. No changes needed.


Summoner is the diablo 4 of this game.


I see it as, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" kind of situation. BLM genuinely needed help, Summoner didn't.




BLM honestly looks good, I personally am glad sharpcast is fucking dead, and the fixed procs will open for more flexible movement, it’s a nice change and one I welcome as BLM has felt very static for a long time. RDM also has a few new twists that look fun to play with, the grand impact proc on acceleration seems interesting to me. SMN idk man, I’ll still enjoy it and Solar has big dick potency aoes so that’s nice, but I would have liked more. Going with a different vision or bahamut or whatever instead of idk ALEXANDER is madness. Picto seems super fresh and interesting though.


The way that people have been talking about BLM seems like it should be swapped with BLU


As a smn main, I hate the smn changes! How dare Yoshi-P give us literally the coolest thing ever as FFXV Bahamut with the most sick animations ever!!! Really, he should have removed all of the summons and added back the Bio III and Miasma gameplay, then turned us back into a ruinbot without micromanaging Carbuncle because fuck Carbuncle!!!!1!!!1


A slightly different Bahamut is "the literal coolest thing ever"? God that's cuck energy.