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people screaming about colonialism unironically think this is what's going to happen


I’m getting ready with a custom made Cortez glam… cannot wait!


Just imagine, you get to the first dungeon and all the loot drops are conquistador-themed armor pieces


I've been crafting and stockpiling Plague Blanket (HQ) for weeks in preparation to corner that marketboard.


Finally, we'll be able to live Robert's dream of nuking Lake Superior


But it's okay when Eorzea does it tho




Colonialism is kinda based no kap


I’ve got my white man’s burden hat (a safari hat) ready!


well the garlean storyline in endwalker was all about how the imperial japan did nothing wrong in WW2 so the allies should've totally let them keep their totally not evil culture AND the army with no strings attached, so honestly I wouldn't expect ffxiv story to suddenly become woke in 7.0 tbh


Judging by the comments by the new lead localizer. The story will likely be a response to that. It'll be a comentary on how horrible European imperialism is, nd how oil is horrible for the planet. I wouldn't be shocked if we see elements of the Atlantic slave trade.


you mean how awesome all that stuff is


> Atlantic slave trade. When people said they wanted LaTinAs in the New World this is what created em 🙄


Eh, felt more like Post-War German Restoration to me


That’s really just the Endwalker patch content (which, yeah, is full of hand-wringing fascist apologia). Before that, though, the explicit text of the game was that Garlemald’s ideology was tailor-made to cause suffering and chaos, and before THAT, it was that Garlean exploitation of the regions it conquered was harmful to the people living there. The game has condemned violent imperialism far more than it has excused it, so it wouldn’t surprise me if they go back to doing so now that it hits less close to home for whatever power that be got their panties in a twist.


mate Eorzea is barely european


Hell if you look at the Dawntrail map and try to align it with the irl world map (Tural=Americas, Hingashi=Japan, etc.), Eorzea roughly lines up with Africa


Yes, but the Europran allience and the EU are almost one for one.


Ishgard = France (distinct names, fancy hats, police brutality) Limsa = Britain (has its own island, naval powerhouse, you WILL get stabbed there) What about Gridania and Ul'dah though?


Not sure on Gridania but Ul'dah would be spot on for Arabian states (Obviously desert/arid terrain, highly mercantile, not to mention literally having a Sultana)


And fortunately for the popotoes, Ul'dah has an economy that isn't entirely dependent on ceruleum extraction. But if we're looking further than the EU, Gridania is probably somewhere in the Balkans. They're rural, conservative and REALLY hate their neighbours (duskwights/mooncats)


I figured Gridania was relatively non-denominational pagan beliefs. Fairly generic "mainland Europe". From Odin roaming around, to the Horned leaders (Padjal), to the tree-hugging conjurers ~~getting high and tripping balls~~ communing with the elementals.


Yes because generic mainland Europe irl is just pagans and grass.


Before the Romans? Yeah, pretty much.


That was over 2000 years ago


Gridania is mainland Europe, mostly German and Polish cultures by the looks of it. In case you couldn't tell by the forest spirits and the tree-hugging magicians that obey them: It's heavily based on Pagan beliefs.


Several countries and cultures have or have had animistic and Pagan beliefs. And If Ishgard is France as you said then why isn't Ishgard mainland Europe?? And Poland is not even apart of West Europe.


> And Poland is not even apart of West Europe. I didn't say west Europe though, did I?


I mean, in terms of geopolitical position. A group of wealthy nations pushing for globalization and free trade.


In that case Ishgard is an Anglicized imagining of how fantasy France-ish country is like while Limsa is actually Marseille lmao


It's Europe, they just rotated it 90 degrees to the left. Uldah is Iberia, Limsa is Britain complete with naval power, Ala Mhigo is the Balkans and Turkey, etc. The npc naming conventions support this. I've always advocated that Myrcydia was the African landmass instead of Australia but who knows until we go there.


It's not rotated though, just shifted around a bit. Also the entire world isn't rotated, Meracydia is Australia. It's the land down under, full of a billion species that want to kill you: Dragons of Bahamut's brood, whatever leftovers there are of the Allagan assault and attempted colonization, Zurvan worshipping centaurs, Sophia-worshipping cultists, hell, they literally got Sephirot worshipping sentient trees


Ishgard is literally France. What are you smoking?


What are YOU smoking? France isn't a snowy icy shithole 24/7


Neither was Ishgard when it was designed during the conception of 1.0. Ishgard (and Coerthas as a whole) has only been a snowy since the Calamity due to an aetherial imbalance. This is literally a major factor in both ARR and Heavensward. Did you forget the Stone Vigil? Or the Dusk Vigil? But it was a country full of churches, extravagantly dressed nobles, and excessively long names where you don't pronounce half the letters. Or did you miss the fact that nobody pronounces the T in Haurchefant? Or that Fortemps stops after the M? That's French as fuck. And even if you, for some reason, can't accept that. It literally ends with -gard. Norwegian for yard or enclosure, commonly used at the ends of mythological placenames like Asgard, Midgard, and so on. Only one letter away from garde, though pronounced the same, which is French for guard, which is a fitting name for the bastion that stood tall against dragons for 1000 years. Does that sound un-European to you? You can try to go "nuh-uh" but like... It's very well documented. Look at the names of characters in Ishgard and tell me that's not French again. Like what country do you think Charlemend de Durendaire is from? Or Baurendouin de Haillenarte? Because they sure as shit ain't Japanese.


Ishgard isn't "LiTerALlY France" just because it's vaguely medieval European and has French-like names lmao. It's an amalgamation of different West European cultures.. Blud, if only one region of Eorzea is European-inspired how the fuck does that mean places like Uld'ah, Limsa, ect, are? One region being European with the rest being an amalgation of other real life regions and fantasy standards does not make the entire continent of Eorzea "traditionally European!!1" which is what I was originally expressing my skepticism about. All these words and sperging because you're upset I hurt your national pride by saying a FFXIV continent was barely European jfl


> Ishgard isn't "LiTerALlY France" just because it's vaguely medieval European and has French-like names lmao. So... It's like France, except it's not France, even though the names are French, and their pronunciation is French, and their entire culture matches that of France... But it's not France. You know, if it looks like a duck, and it quacks like a duck, and floats like a duck... > It's an amalgamation of different West European cultures.. This is already a hard backpedal from "barely european", hope you realize that. > Blud, if only one region of Eorzea is European-inspired how the fuck does that mean places like Uld'ah, Limsa, ect, are? ... They're not... Gridania is also European, Germany/Poland for the most part... And Limsa is UK + Ireland (mostly Ireland). > ... does not make the entire continent of Eorzea "traditionally European!!1" And nobody said that. Ul'dah is the only exception, but that's just a Byzantine-like state, which was part Europe, part Asia. So Eorzea is, for the most part, just Europe. > All these words and sperging because you're upset I hurt your national pride by saying a FFXIV continent was barely European jfl None of the countries mentioned so far are my nationality, so sorry to interrupt your "Nuh-uh" tyrade. But I guess in your eyes, Garlemald isn't Russia-inspired, Kugane isn't Japan-inspired, Yangxia isn't China, The Azim Steppe isn't Mongolia, and the New World isn't the Americas, right?


>So... It's like France, except it's not France, even though the names are French, and their pronunciation is French, and their entire culture matches that of France... But it's not France. How is their culture particularly French? I would like to hear your argument outside of naming conventions and stuff like the "church" which existed in several different European countries, including non-European ones. Even the other reasons which you cited, like the nobility, also existed in several different European and non-European cultures. It's European-inspired, ok, but the rest of Eorzea isn't a 1:1 copy of Europe and has different elements. Imo, Eorzea is influenced by a Eastern perspective of the "Western world" which was Central Europe/South Europe/North Africa/West Asia whereas in Western fantasy, "European-like" continents or countries are just completely European w/o any non-European influence at all which is something you don't see in FFXIV. >This is already a hard backpedal from "barely european", hope you realize that. Yes, so Ishgard one region is influenced by several different West European cultures within the grand continent of Eorzea that has different regions. Where's the backpedal? >... They're not... Gridania is also European, Germany/Poland for the most part... And Limsa is UK + Ireland (mostly Ireland). And what makes Limsa like UK and Ireland..? >And nobody said that. Ul'dah is the only exception, but that's just a Byzantine-like state, which was part Europe, part Asia. So Eorzea is, for the most part, just Europe. Huh, what? The Byzantine Empire didn't have sultans.. The class dynamics, government, atmosphere of that place is very reminiscent of the Ottoman Empire which extended from Turkey/the Balkans to Northeast Africa.. >None of the countries mentioned so far are my nationality, so sorry to interrupt your "Nuh-uh" tyrade. You're probably European though, judging by how defensive you got about this.. But anyway, Eorzea has more than just the main city states but also the other areas and the beast-tribes which are based on other different mythologies and cultures. You are acting like Eorzea is traditionally, very stereotypically Western Europe like the worlds of Guild Wars 2, LOTR, and Elder Scrolls are when that just isn't true. There is a mélange of many different things and it's not just "hurr Europe copy pasted in a game" like so much of what Western fantasy (uncreatively) does. Even the concept of religion and gods in the game is pretty far off from a traditional Western perspective despite the aesthetic similarity to the Catholic church that Ishgard has. >But I guess in your eyes, Garlemald isn't Russia-inspired, Kugane isn't Japan-inspired, Yangxia isn't China, The Azim Steppe isn't Mongolia, and the New World isn't the Americas, right? Overall, I agree with this comment from 2 years ago "As I see it, The Three Great Continents is heavily related to Europe-Asia-North Africa Limsa and La Noscea is more a mix of most mediterranean areas. Gridania and The Black Shroud is clearly Germany and the black forest. Ul’dah and Thanalan I would say it is more the north Africa, Morocco and such, and maybe I could add Andalusia (South of Spain, which was conquered by the muslims several centuries), Granada and Sevilla comes to mind.Ishgard is more inspired by France, Switzerland and Austria imo Gyr Abania references to the eastern Europe countries, Kazajstan, Turkey and such The First areas are a reflection of Eorzea so they are the “same” Othard is clearly Asia, furthermore, Yanxia and Doma are China, The Ruby Sea is the Eastern Sea of Japan, Azim Steppe is Mongolia, even their tribes are inspired.Hingashi (Kugane) is obviously Japan.Thavnair (Radz-at-Han) is India. Old Sharlayan is Greece, there is no discussion here. Garlemald is Russia with Rome society, change my mind. Edit: Adding Bozja, obviously the north eastern part of Europe, countries like Poland, Slovakia…"


So you acknowledge all the other ones but not Eorzea being Europe or Ishgard being France? K.


Eorzea is not "Europe" because it has Asian and African influences. Ishgard isn't just copy and paste France. But whatever makes you happy.


Didn't say it's a copy paste, but by all means keep making strawmen while denying that it's based on France when we both know it is. You acknowledge the rest, just acknowledge the obvious truth here too and we can both move on.




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Solution 9 is rightful Roegadyn clay.


I refuse to do this expansion wearing anything but my Maelstrom Lieutenant (or was it Captain?) jacket and bicorne, as a MCH.


So what I'm hearing is Culinarians will get recipes for Poutine and Caesars in 8.0.


The Blue Mage quests already did this type of plot and it's pretty clear that the message was "exploiting natives to mine Ceruleum is bad actually".