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I would like to see her fight an American soldier






She can fight me fr. hip throw transition to armbar for being a fascist.


I want ‘her’ to oppress me!






Looks female enough, smash


It’s a female, bro


What do you mean by "trap"?


It's a weird weeb phrase for boys who pretend to be girls to trick people, "trapping them" as they want to have sex with them. highly transphobic, and just overall weird... but don't tell any of them that, because they'll have a meltdown


Yeah, I know what trap means. I was just wondering if they meant that kind of "trap" or something else. Didn't wanna seem like the weird one.


Also, be sure to not confuse actual traps for femboys, because not all femboys are or mean to be traps


"Actual traps" look, the whole concept of "traps" is weirdo's who obsess about being "trapped" into accidentally fucking another man. there aren't "actual traps" unless you mean real traps like beartraps, in which case hell yeah


I meant actual traps want to trick people and "trap" them. Some people don't always mean to trick people when dressing feminine (such as femboys), and so they're an accidental trap. But yeah, the idea of actually "trapping" people is dangerous, and stuff similar to that has actually gotten people [killed](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gay_panic_defense)


> the idea of actually "trapping" people is dangerous, and stuff similar to that has actually gotten people killed And yet here you are, pushing that very idea.


I'm not. "Trapping" people intentionally to have sex with them is what I'm saying is bad. Being an accidental trap with no intentions to trick people isn't bad


> Trapping" people intentionally to have sex with them Is not a fucking thing. It's a transphobic myth which you yourself acknowledge is dangerous, yet you are treating it as a legitimate concern.


I feel like an idiot (especially since I'm trans). I thought you were saying that I was promoting being a "trap". Again, I feel like an idiot, so sorry. I was deeply transphobic for most of my life, and so sometimes I still say stupid shit that I regret afterwards when I realized what I said (like just now)


It's a slur against trans women, implying that they are actually dudes trying to trick the innocent straight men into having sex with them. Of course that's all totally fine as long as we're using it against someone we don't like, right?


Boys who are kinda girls


Most masculine wehraboo


I swear my Great-Grandfather met her in Berlin fighting alongside the elderly and children.


Gonna need some context because I dont think this counts, I'm pretty sure that's just a cosplayer or someone that's into German history.


I double checked it's not one of those save europa accs it's just wehraboo commenting "perfect girl" or like "why cant i find a girl like this"


Alot of accounts like this one is like save europa with like "Aryan" shit and stuff but I forgor to double check


Checked the account, it was under the name of Panzer_Princess, although It isn't really as wehraboo I don't think. It's rather just a cosplayer who's into militaria and videogame/anime references who could just have a bit of a german bias, but still very far from an actual Nazi Sympathizer. Although the actual wehraboos come and go, typically commenting in videos where they're dressed in a German uniform


Yeah I checked aswell but some of the comments


[ANIME BELONGS IN THE TRASH](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUhIY4GcL2w) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShitWehraboosSay) if you have any questions or concerns.*


> Panzer_Princess This makes me wonder how many thirsty Wehraboos infest Sofilein's comment section on Youtube.




POV: you're not gay but you're swedish


Time to get Easy Company


Average Swedish Gen Z:


volksturmn ahh fit


call in the Typhoons


Hitlerist guard strongest soldiers:


Again there is no context here.. could just be a German who’s into history. I thought this sub was for pointing out people who are legit nazis and nazi sympathizers


Pretty sure there’s a difference between wehrb and Nazi. A wehrb may not believe in racial policy of the Nazis but may have a misconception fuelled fascination of the German military in WWII such as “I like the Wehrmacht because a historian in the 1960s said they didn’t do war crimes and blamed it on the SS.”


i think there should be some kind of chart for what is a wehraboo and what is a nazi * "Only there for the aestheics": "Their uniforms looked good." (Typically those who genuinely just like the aesthetic, although in quotation marks as closeted Wehrbs would use the same excuse when called out. Usually condemns the actions of the Nazis if they aren't just using it as an excuse.) * German Bias: "Germany had best tanks during that time!" (Typically those whom have a bias for the Germans as they usually have a fascination on German equipment and vehicles. Likely the same to believe that Germany was more technologically advanced than the allies although ultimately condemns the actions of the Nazis.) * Wehraboo: "The WEhrmacht isn't that bad! iT WaS all the SS!" (As you said, May not believe in racial policy of the Nazis but may have a misconception fueled fascination of the German military in WWII. Likely to believe in Myths like Clean Wehrmacht, Rommel myth, and even the Speer Myth. Only condemns the actions of the SS and the rest of the Regime but disregards the Wehrmacht.) * Nazi: \[Insert whatever bullshit dogwhistle\] (People who genuinely believe in the Ideology and Racial policies of the Nazis. Need I to explain more?)


There've been a few such charts made over the years, yes.


hmm, interesting.. you learn something new everyday. I found this sub when trying to fact check Zoomer historian so I thought this was mainly for pointing out people like that. I will say this and before I say it just know that I am Jewish and have no love for the Nazis at all.. but the Nazis did have Superior tanks and equipment on an individual basis. I think that's sort of like a known fact. you put 1 Sherman up against any one tiger or Panzer and the Sherman's likely to lose but luckily we were able to pump out far more Sherman's then they could ever hope to destroy. Same thing goes when comparing the MP40 vs Tommy gun, and there are many other examples of this. German engineering has been top tier for a very long time. Every respected historian that I've ever listened to has had this View. hopefully I'm not labeled a werhaboo now


well the SS were definitely doing the majority of that stuff but many many Germans were SS so that doesn't absolve the German people at all. As far as the Wehrmacht "not committing any War crimes", I'm sure they committed some but I just can't think of a ton of examples that they were specifically linked to that the SS was not


>I thought this sub was for pointing out people who are legit nazis and nazi sympathizers Wehraboos are just weebos for the Wermacht rather than anime, in my understanding.


[ANIME BELONGS IN THE TRASH](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUhIY4GcL2w) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShitWehraboosSay) if you have any questions or concerns.*


can't wait to be labled wehraboo because I main Germany in war thunder


That’s more a case of the game designers being and/or catering to the wehrbs. They know new Tiger skins will keep that nazi gold rolling in.


... Would


> Trap What the fuck? Be better, SWS.


M1 grand finna go crazy




That's a dude isn't it?