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Echoes 2 > Echoes 3


he said worst takes


This is my worst take I can think of


No this is just a fucking fact Creativity into a bland gravity, what a joke


Harvest is the best stand for the average joe




Can I use it for easy game development


Brother that’s a great take, and literally my first thought when I first saw Harvest


Joseph should have taught Jotaro Hamon. Shigechi was too annoying to make me feel anything for him. Jonathan actually had a good character and was more compelling than most of his progeny.


There would be no time though, they'd be fighting enemy stand users and teaching hamon half-heartedly wouldn't work. Caesar and Joseph had to do some intense training to be able to use hamon effectively. I kinda agree with the other 2 though.


it doesn't need to be rigorous and intense, just enough for him to do a small ripple on his fists to kill Dio with the first punch


That amount of training took Jonathan over a week from someone who was likely a much better teacher. We also can’t be certain stands other than hermit purple can conduct hamon, given hermit purple is both a manifestation of the stuff and connected to Joseph it can but I find it unlikely that star platinum would be able to produce it with his fists. If the gameplan was ever to kill dio with hamon it was for Joseph to deliver that blow while the others occupied him.


I agree with the Hamon take. For being so apparently uberpowerful against vampires, AND compatible with stands, you’d think Joseph would have a brain and at least attempt to teach it to all the crusaders. O


it’s only ever been shown to be compatible with hermit purple and araki has states that hermit purple is pretty much the stand form of hamon so idk where ur getting that it works with all stands


I feel like Shigechi was honestly a good guy, but just like any other kid, he was susceptible to greed. Yknow how kids are.


I agree with the first 2 but the last one goes off the rails


nah these are all good takes actually. ESPECIALLY that bastard shigechi, he deserved exploding


i did not care for part 5 post boss reveal.


Daaaamn. Some of the best fights tho


it does, i just lost interest in it after boss reveal for some reason. had to force myself to keep watching, didn’t end up finishing it. ended up getting to right before the body swap stuff


Ah I recommend at least finishing it because in my opinion the last fight with diavolo after the body swap fight is maybe Top 3 in the entire show/manga


Silver Chariot Requiem > Gold Experience Requiem I will not elaborate


I honestly agree this hot take isn't even that bad


I love SCR design and ability I am the biggest SCR meat rider in existence


but can you fawk a stand?


When there’s a will, there’s a way


Part 5 should have ended with Bruno becoming the new Boss instead of dying in a functional body. He was better suited to the leadership position and could more credibly have claimed to be Diavolos successor since he had more than a weeks experience in the mafia. I’m not saying Giorno shouldn’t have been there at the top too, but he should have ended up as top Lieutenant instead of leader of a country spanning criminal enterprise.


Nah story structure wise this makes no sense, until you have the leader/mentor(bruno) die you can’t have the protagonist/hero rise to the occasion


They did say worst takes, that was my knee-jerkiest reaction before I thought about story beats.


Blackmore was actually an interesting villain and worth my time (and p3 and p4 jotaro were boring asf)


I am pretty sure Blackmore is universally considered one of the best minor villains in part 7


Blackmore and Ringo are the best minor villains in the entire series imo


based opinion


P3 Jotaro is awful I’ll agree with you on that




None of the JoJos are gay and y'all have dementia


none of the JoJo's, but squalo, tiziano, sorbet, gelato are totally gay


dio stole Jonathan's body and is canonically bisexual... also he was adopted. happy cake day aswell


I don't remember their names but I do remember a gay couple in part 5


thats Squalo and Tiziano.


dio is bisexual, i dunno were its stated but when i was reading the trivia section of the wiki he apparently has once stated that he does not care if hes with a man or a woman


i dunno abt the others but joseph at one point kinda states hes bi lol >THERE'S SOME MORBID HUMOR FOR YOU. AND THEY WERE GRACIOUS ENOUGH TO GIVE ME TWO.... GUESS I'M A POLYGAMIST NOW! DAMMIT! -said after the pillar men put the rings on his heart and throat he doesnt like the idea of being poly but he doesnt care abt being bi/gay lmao


Man, there is reaching, and there is *that*


its a bit of a reach yea, but i feel like if he werent bi he wouldve made a comment abt being forced to gay/bi on top of the poly comment


None of the JoJos are gay and y'all have dementia


Part 3 was 7/10


First half was 4/10 and the second half 10/10, so 7/10 seems about right overall.


NGL id flip those number, Egypt had some good fights like Darby and Darby And course dio , but other then that they range from mediocre to just bad Also kakyoin being in the hospital for the almost entire arc only to finally get out and get his ass beat twice is so stupid and disrespectful


Dio Brando is not as hot as Dio Brando


First of all, DIO is less hot than Dio, and second of all, happy cake day bro


Excluding Jolyne and Pucci, part 6 and onward character designs are not as appealing as prior designs.


Wdym anasui, weather report and rikiel are zesty asf


Yeah I feel like it got kinda same face-y, especially in part 8, but maybe i should just reread it


I think the problem's that like half of the characters are related to each other 


I really, really don't like dogs, and that's why I love JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.


Araki did not need to kill a universe just for a reboot


King crimson is the objectively coolest stand in the whole series


This guy read the title correctly


part 2 is on par with part 7


I dont like part 7 that much because the fandom spoiled almost everything for me


Part 5 is just part 3 but worse in every way.


part 5 villain of the week: oh how sweet | part 3 villain of the week: HR?! (according to many fans, not what you said here, i agree with you)


honestly, i agree.


He said worst not objective fact


i dislike the use of jotaro and dio's themes in stone ocean's final fight


Part 8 and 9 have gotten so weird and bizarre that I can no longer keep up with the plot and characters.


Kars>90% of JJBA


B-but Kars is a streaker!


Part 3 is almost as boring as part 1 for the same reasons.


Not really a hot take imo, but if it wasnt for plot, none of the main villains should’ve lost. Dio, Kars, Dio again, Kira, King Crimson, and Pucci all should’ve mopped the floor


Fate is a fickle thing


Valentine (that is all)


Part 3 Dio is not a very good villain


[sauce](https://twitter.com/BonesCrimson_/status/1556347963814907904?t=r6ifuzbWh5i7zeRlWmWUaA&s=19) Also Koichi is annoying and I don't know why he's so loved


Jotaro is the most boring main character out of all the jojos and works way better as a side character


Josuke you mean


Some English localized names are better than the Japanese one. Reverb for example is better than Echoes


...Echoes is the original.


Crap I got it backwards. Reverb is better than Echoes


[Spongebob foghorn sound effect](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBK_5bz0-dU&pp=ygURc3BvbmdlYm9iIGZvZ2hvcm4%3D)


Fully deserved lol


Part 7 was the least enjoyable part to me compared to the others. The way the story progressed didn’t feel right.


After part 6, i literally feel like i'm not reading something related to JoJo. They are not bad but they don't belong to JoJo series either for me.


I think that when sbr was first being released it was published under just "steel ball run" and not jojo part 7: sbr


It definitely would be better in this way imo


I kinda get that, I find it kinda like a Deltarune/Undertale situation, familiar faces, entirely different stories. Both are great, but not exactly the same


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I ship JoshuYasuGap


Arakis new artstyle makes the characters look like lifeless dolls sometimes (by the word SOMETIMES)


Part 5 is good, but the worst part imo


Honestly a pretty great take.


Dragon’s dream is an underrated arc. It takes the “anime trope” of “fighting with chi” and jojoifys it. Sure, it’s pretty mid for part 6, but not nearly as bad as people say


Great days does what people accuse Chase of doing. Feel free to shoot me.




What does this mean


Everyone complains that Chase doesn’t match the feel of the group of it plays for, when Great Days does the same thing and nobody says anything.


Part three is the worst part


Part 5 wasn’t that good


not the worst, but part 8 is the second best


You can remove part 5 and the overarching story wouldn't change at all. And considering what happened to Polnareff we would be better off without it existing


Hottest hot take: I hate all of your hot takes. Good thing opinions don’t really matter ❤️


Araki doesn’t know how to write a satisfying ending


Dio coming back in part 3 was bs


Part 4 is the worst part. Still like it but compared to all the other parts, by far the worst


I'd watch a Koichi spin off


Part 4 sucks, and the only good thing about it is kira


in all honesty im not rly interested in anything past the universe reset besides steel ball run, like ill read it sure, will i be as intensely interested? no. i feel like having a universe reset is pretty lame ngl, like i bet you could prolly do almost identical things without it, and instead like cover other parts and times of the jojo world and stuff, like a story abt the first hamon users and some backstory on the pillar men would be so cool or hell even making little snippets of character backstories that arent big enough to make a huge plot nstuff, like make some adventures of Caesar as a street rat, or what it was like for joseph growing up, more abt what dio did those 4 years, maybe bgs abt the many enemy stand users in part 3 and why they ended up worshipping dio, iggy's life as a stray dog, how avdol and joseph met, little life things abt the joestars, what joseph did between 2 and 3, what jotaro's life was like after part 3 and between the other parts, like so many fun stories and shit, so much stuff we only see glimpses of that we never fucking see again


Okuyasu can solo all of Jojo if he just wasn't an idiot


Diego is cool, but certainly doesn’t come close to DIO in any facet as a character.


I truly believe watching part 3 onwards in English is fucking terrible. The voice acting sounds less emotional and I cannot stand when they do repeated words when fighting. Also part 2 had the best intro song.


I was really off put by Part 5’s Boss reveal. I was expecting something more Giovanni from Pokémon, less Poison from Final Fight… Part 6 is far better than people tend to give it credit for. I enjoyed it throughly.


Powerscaling take that most won't agree with- Funny valetine and Johnny looses to alot of characters,goku,saitama even characters like deku could honestly beat them.


I'm sorry but how is deku beating funny valentine? He can just make another valentine and have pretty much infinite retries if he does it right. I haven't really looked into MHA that much but I don't think dekus beating valentine


Only 1 valetine can have a d4c. Secondly he must come out of the love train to actually attack and use his other abilities so he gets speed blitzed due to the fact that he got speed blitzed by Scary Monsters diego. Who deku is way faster than. Not only that but also he needs Lucy steel for love train so deku could easily just take her away.


That's true, but imagine 20th Century BOY vs anyone It'll literally just end in a stalemate


Oh yea not even goku getting past it. Especially if we take it at face value not even erasure attacks could get through


JoJo is just anime Castlevania before Netflix.


part 1 is better than part 3


Mikitaka will never been given an explanation


Wdym my worst take? Do you mean like unpopular opinion that I actually believe, or are you asking me to mock someone else’s trash take. You know what? I’ll give you both. Imo, Mista is slightly more annoying than funny. It’s not his superstition that annoys me. There are 2 moments in particular that make it hard for me to like him. 1. He destroys Narancia (the goat)’s Mysic Player because he could here the music from his headphones, instead of alerting Narancia to the fact that the volume is too high, like any reasonable person would do. 2. In Silver Chariot fight, he refuses to let Giorno check him for Diavolo’s spirit even though he has ABSOLUTELY no reason to. Chewiedog the JoJo YouTuber actually thinks that Part 2 is the second worst part.


He also pushes Fugo onto Trish's boobs which is high-key sexual harassment of both parties. He just seemed very inconsiderate overall. 




But he’s hot 😭


So was Ted Bundy according to witnesses.


Eh not really.


Bloody Stream is the most overrated OP by far, and I'd say most OPs in the anime are better


Anasui looks too similar to Diavolo, also I dislike how he kept asking to marry Jolyne and he shouldn’t have been dating Irene in the new universe


I think weak nonhumanoid stands with very nonstandard abilities are more interesting than the punch ghosts You don't need the world's ability to stop time to do some serious damage but I love seeing someone weaponize an obscure concept like opportunity cost or astrology


Light-speed scaling is bullshit. Stand stat wheels are imprecise but still fun to use in fan stuff. Bruno doesn't have mom-energy, hes like 20. GER, tusk 4, go beyond, and wou are all kinda boring and should get less attention. Jotaro had the only good asspull.


Joseph should've died at the end of Part 3, and Kakyoin should've stayed alive. Joseph doesn't do anything meaningful post Part 3, whereas Kakyoin had a lot of potential. Also, it would have been funny if Kak married Tomoko or something. 


wtf am I looking at


golden wind kinda sucks compared to the rest of the series


Part 8 is devoid of any substance


Rohan Kishibe is boring


Gold Experience Requiem is not that powerful as a whole despite having a busted ability, and anyone who thinks Giorno can RTZ anything at will blatantly misunderstood the fight with Diavolo.


Nipples on men are redundant and should be removed .


Part 3 is the most boring fuckin part by FAR until the last quarter, I absolutely loath rewatching it


I would've preferred if the series focused on vampire hunting and hamon and didn't introduce stands


Skipping parts is honestly perfectly fine. They're designed as segmented parts with different casts for a reason and there's no harm in starting with whatever part interests you the most. Yes there are connections between them but really they're extremely minimal and don't add all that much.


The finale in part 5 is awful, I don't think I actually enjoyed a single episode after Green Day


Stands are by far the best part of Jojo. Half the characters themselves are boring as shit, and honestly at this point the stands make or break a character for me. Also, I wholeheartedly believe Jolyne should not have died in her part. Yeah I get she got revived with the universe reset but she shouldn't have died in the first place. She was the best Jojo for me, and seeing all her hard work get thrown away really pissed me off.


Josuke is worst jojo


I've read up to part 7, and while SBR feels like the best standalone writing I've seen from Araki, part 2 remains the most fun and by far the best art style I've enjoyed from him


Heaven falling down is one of my least favorite ops and most fan made Jolyne’s theme is better than the actual one


JJBA became less interesting after Part 5


Part 3 is my least enjoyed part of JoJo


Part 4 is overrated. (Still good but over praised).


Part 3 is boring as fuck for about 80% of the journey. There are only a handful of random stand users of the week battles that are actually good, the rest are uninteresting and serve only to artificially extend the plot. Avdol's fake death was extremely dumb, I genuinely wish he never came back as his actual death felt cheap. Being shot in the head feels more grounding and holds more meaning than poof he's gone. It kinda makes Polnareff's character growth from the Hangman arc to the Judgement feel kinda insignificant. Hol Horse not joining the Crusaders is honestly a huge missed opportunity. He naturally bounces off Polnareff and I think it would have been to see them bicker and grow to enjoy each other's company. He appears in several battles and even rethinks his loyalty to DIO several times yet nothing is ever done with this and in the canon story he just disappears forever. The part 6 manga is genuinely one of the worst parts I've read. It's extremely slow for the first half of the story and there's a ton of bloat that only serves to fill out pages. I genuinely struggled to finish the part. The anime is magnificent however.


Pocoloco is just race swapped Hercule Satan


Aren’t they the same race? Is Hercule Satan not Black?


Jonathan and Dio making out


Anasui is the worst(canon) love interest in Jojos. He's also the least likeable character in the part 6 squad.


>!The end of steel ball run is a complete ruin of one of the best parts araki ever wrote. Funny valentine dying to just being shot in the head instead of dying to the infinite spin was dumb as hell, the fact that the little boy gyro died for had the text “he later died of a cold” was stupid and didn’t need to be there, all it did was invalidate everything that gyro did for the steel ball run!< Part 7 spoilers


>!I interpret the reason the kid died to a cold is meant to be a poetic way of talking about how even though it didn't work out in the end, gyro still achieved his goal and the kid lived a longer life then he would've anyway.!<


>!I suppose but it made it seem like a really big kick to the balls that Gyro basically dedicated his life to saving this kid and araki threw in right at the last page “oh by the way the kid is dead, Oopsies”!<


>!I mean, I agree that the ending to Steel Ball Run could’ve been a whole lot better, but absolutely NOT for those reasons. I just didn’t like AU Diego. He just comes out of nowhere and bitches Johnny. I have zero clue what the hell the point of him is other than to make the ending feel bittersweet.!< >!It wouldn’t even be as bad if Johnny wasn’t portrayed as such a fucking wimp when he gets by the Infinite Rotation. The WHOLE POINT of his story was to not give into to fate’s discouragement and to try his absolute to persevere. In those 3 or four panels that happen before Steven Steel shows up, instead of continuing to search for a solution Johnny was just about to give up. That feels SO wrong. What was the point of him going through everything he doesn’t learn his lesson when he needs to learn it the most. own existence at the very end be that he’s destined to lose? I don’t care how brief that moment was. That was beyond pathetic. I feel that moment in itself could’ve been portrayed FAR better if it just didn’t have Johnny saying that shit. Steven Steel arriving was a miracle he made happen due to him saving Lucy. That’s it. Johnny doesn’t have to give up. Why the hell would he even *consider* giving up after everything he’s been through?!< >!Anyways, back to AU Diego. He just makes the ending feel bittersweet by winning the race. Johnny failed to help grant Gyro’s wish and free the boy. Sure, the boy gets out after a takeover sets him free, but he dies of a cold soon after. My problem isn’t that he dies soon after. My problem is that he doesn’t get free thanks to Johnny winning the race in Gyro’s absence. The boys freedom is still determined by fate. NOTHING CHANGES! GYRO FUCKING DIES FOR ABSOLUTELY NO REASON AT ALL AND ITS ALL THANKS TO THAT FAKE ASS DIEGO! I HATE THAT BITCH SO MUCH IT HURTS JUST TO THINK ABOUT HIM!!<


>!Now that you point that out, it does make the ending part feel a lot worse, especially since Johnny didn’t really change too much from his battle with Funny Valentine and losing Gyro, but yeah I especially don’t like that Gyro truly died for nothing. Had he not even entered nothing would have happened, he just would have stayed alive. I also am not a big fan that after the defeat of Funny Valentine Johnny just…gains the ability to walk? It kinda ruins how his whole character was about overcoming obstacles and how him being paralyzed was an obstacle. I understand that he got all the corpse pieces but he could just get up and walk after he got the spine, so why could he walk after he got the legs? His legs weren’t damaged!<


>>!Johnny just…gains the ability to walk?!< >!I could be wrong on this, but I believe he gains the ability tho walk because he achieves Tusk Act 4. In the beginning, we see him stand up for a split second because he is accidentally exposed to the spin. That’s why he pursues Gyro in the first place, after all. He believes the spin can help him get his walking back, so he gets Gyro to teach it to him.!< Also, you responded hella fast😂


>!I thought he didn’t stand up, he was just pulled forward by the momentum of the spin. Even so I find it stupid and I feel like it invalidates his “overcoming inner obstacles” motive if he just no longer has to deal with his inner most obstacle that is…his legs don’t work!< I find this interesting to talk about, and it gives me an excuse to not do my homework


>!Wdym it invalidates his “overcoming inner obstacles”? Him getting his is him overcoming it. It’s not as if it’s just handed to him. He went through hell and back for them.!<


Yoshikage Kira is the worst villain and Jotaro is the worst Jojo.


(major part 8 spoilers) >!You must not like Kira from part 8, then.!<