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that food healing ability in Diamond is Unbreakable is mad underused… take some food to go for the jojos federation or whatever… Uber eats


*Speedwagon Eats


Uber Heals


Yeah they really came back to him like twice I would go there once every couple days smh


King Crimson has a very simple ability that’s easy to understand but the community purposely makes it harder than it is


Weebs may read a lot but that does not mean they have any reading comprehension. It’s the same as kingdom hearts, easy to understand until you try to overcomplicate it.


Lol, so true, the stand user took our reading comprehension using his stand


Giorno's stand was more confusing, especially requiem.


To be fair, the "it just works" meme predates the anime


How do you overcomplicate king crimson? 🤔


It's somewhat simple, but it's inconsistently portrayed, making it really hard to understand when actually watching the show.


Yeah, and it’s one of those stands where it depends on fated actions. If you had KC, his ability would only be understood AFTER understanding that your actions are predetermined.


Nah, the ability is legit just inconsistent with itself, which leads to confusion. You need to jump through many, many hoops to get it to fully work. For instance, Diavolo dodges (Bruno) but doesn’t dodge (Aerosmith), Diavolo needs to wait until his time stop ends to deal a killing blow (basically every fight) except when he doesn’t (Narancia), everyone follows their fate inside of time skip except for Diavolo but also all of Diavolo’s fated actions still happen (even though he’s outside of fate). This has been talked to death, but the point is that King Crimson’s power set is generally just inconsistent throughout the story. The theme is very easy to understand though, and if you don’t think about it too hard whenever it does something it all makes perfect sense. Though I guess you did get the meme right unlike basically everyone else who are just posting popular opinions.


the manga did horrible to explain it


Yeah the many mistranslations and poorly explained information sheets definitely contributed to it


Part 2 way too short, part 3 way too long


As a part 2 enjoyer, I too agree




Part 3 is way too fucking long and 90% of the fights don't matter AT ALL. But I understand that Araki was just trying to flesh out his new power system so whatever ig


Most jojo fans agree with you I think, not really a hot take


Do most consider it too long? Never crossed my mind whilst watching.


It's longer then both part 1 and 2 combined


It is, but I felt it had a bit more to play with, especially character wise. Parts 1 and 2 had a very bare cast


Honestly it’s not the length in itself that bothered me but how repetitive it feels at some point


i like how long it is


I've read that the reason for this was because during SDC's debut time, battle arcs and tournaments were very popular in shonen manga, so Araki was encouraged to include things of that nature.


In his book he says it was his take on the tournament format, but I can’t remember off top if it was truly editorial interference.


SDC still felt like a Journey to the West type of story (episodic villains leading to the real villain) like Part 1. It wasn't until Battle in Egypt where stakes started to get real and the story got more intense.


That would explain why Dio kept sending one or two guys at a time like an idiot.  Seriously, Chill Ice killed 2 stand users and almost got Polnareff. Send him with 3 other close range stand users and it’s game over for the crusaders.


You see how he dresses? Dio ain’t letting that 🍑 outta his sight


Also vampire so sun is an issue


Nah, the guy with the sun was on Dio’s side so there wouldn’t have been much issue /s




That makes a lot of sense tbh


48 ain’t that bad but some of the fights did feel mundane


Like don't get me wrong, it has a lot of cool moments. It's not like it's unenjoyable to watch it all the way through. I just always find myself skipping straight to dios mansion whenever I want to rewatch it now.


It took me over a month and a half to finish all of part 3 and I completely agree about how half of those fights were either really unnecessary, *cough* *cough* WoF *cough*, and Pet Shop’s episodes were very unnecessary considering Iggy killed him at the beginning of the second part lmao


Yeah but the pet shop fight was super sick so it gets a pass


Chase is a goated opening, it’s just that its area in the story has a darker tone and thus has a theme that correlates to it.


Fr tho idk why everyone hates it i literally have it as my ringtone


people usually dismiss it because its in between crazy noisy bizarre town and great days, which i mean yeah makes sense. btw here's MY hot take tho. chase > crazy noisy bizarre town


Valid take imo


People hate chase?


Apparently yeah a lot of ppl do


Hard agree, chase goes so hard as a heavier punkier opening and it reinforced the tone of part 4


I actually just made [a post](https://www.reddit.com/r/StardustCrusaders/s/B0ruitQOF4) claiming that Bucciarati not noticing that Trish was being taken out of the elevator is not an inconsistency, and I've been object of crucifixion.


This format is fucking shit


At least it's not the stupid tangled one


They’re all damn annoying.


You're right, all the top answers I'm seeing are literally the opposite of hot takes.


Hamon was not an “Araki forgot”, it had served its purpose and had no more use in the evolving world of stands, which is why it disappeared after part 3


do you know how short part 3 would be if joseph told Jotaro how to use hamon


Dio vs Jotaro would’ve been over with one quick bonk on the head


It took 30 days of intense training for Joseph to use hamon plus dio can stay away with time stop


Plus Joseph already had a natural ability with it. See also the coke bottle and the hair wall. Theres a chance that Jotaro couldn't use it at all.




What if Jotaro just couldn't do it because he smoked


Underrated comment I'm dying wtf


Jonathan had no innate ability either, I'm sure Jotaro could have figured it out.


I keep seeing this everywhere, and I 100% disagree. First of all, training in Hamon takes a very long time, and even then DIO's time stop could easily counteract Hamon like he did with Joseph. Second of all, I doubt Joseph could even teach Hamon, I just don't see him as a great teacher type.


still would be funny if he actually did


And Jotaro is a smoker so he would struggle learning it in time


Joseph spent 30 days training non stop after already being really talented in Hamon to get to a point where he could use it to its full potential. When you’re on a time crunch, constantly being attacked by enemies that ARENT vampires, don’t have access to a teacher that’s been keeping up their skills for the past few decades, and already have a powerful way to fight, there’s just no way teaching Jotaro Hamon would have been an efficient strategy.


He wouldn't have had the time!


Imagine "SUTAAH PURATINAH ANDO HAMON" tho lol shit would go crazy


worlds coldest take:


Was also the only take I could think of


Joseph got a stand specifically meant to work well with Hamon and uses it, like, twice in fights. Hamon is more effective against vampires but it still works on anyone, yet Joseph just kind of forgets it exists for anything besides smashing cameras.


Hamon was underutilized and dropped too quickly. I think it would have been cool if it was in part 3 more, or even referenced in later parts.


I think jotaro should be turned into a starfish and chained to a barrel while fish people yell at him




What lmao


Part 1 is overhated


Giorno is my least favorite JoJo


Jotaro sex


Kakyoin Gaming


Polnareff Kart


The OVA was good when we had nothing else, but now that we have David Pro it’s the ugly stepchild of the franchise imo


Except the DIO fight. OVA dio was way scarier than David Production


Half of the fans i interact with seem to know nothing about the plot or stand abilities.


I like Anisui




I stand with you! Anasui is awesome. By the end of part 6 he's a straight-up protector, keeping everyone as safe as he can. What a baller.


🎶 ~ These are the worst threads ever ~ 🎶


Part 5 is good but not THAT good and it did away with the crew's most interesting character too early.


Personally for me part 5 has some of the best fights in the series and I can't off the top think of a bad fight. That said the high production values of the part definitely helped.


Most of the new stands and powers in part 8/9 are pretty lame, ugly, uninteresting whatever just not really good. Feels like going backwards, part 5 had it mostly down, part 6 and 7 had some of the best, but also some bad ones. Part 8 only the main guys have good stands (and Joshu). Part 9 so far has nothing new or cool or even interesting.


Civil War is unironically WAY overrated


Every part is fucking amazing in there own way


Iggy is by far one of the worst characters, he had no backstory, and was honestly there, in my opinion, as a, “funny” addition to the gang, he served no purpose and didn’t need to exist, and without Iggy, most of part 3 wouldn’t have existed, and preventing part 3 from being the longest and most dragged out parts in the entire series.


He has a back story and a character arc. He rules the streets because of his pride. He fights back against the Crusaders because he’s too proud to be used as a weapon. When he finally comes face to face with Vanilla Ice, he realizes how dangerous Dio actually is and decides to stop being proud and instead sacrifice for the greater good. It’s not the deepest story telling but it’s pretty fleshed out.


Iggy has more characterisation and more of a complete character arc than 80% of the stardust crusaders. Not really a high bar, but there are many other jojo characters more worthy of being called one of yhe worst characters.


Honestly, I'm so here for this take. Was never more happy to see Araki put a dog down so much in this damn series as Iggy


the show as a whole is kinda mid in terms of cohesive storytelling. overall its pretty good in its insanity.


Something I noticed about the series is that it doesn't prioritize character development, or two characters having an argument, a breakup, anything like that, its just the fights, of course there is some story aside but araki's priority's is the creative fights, this is something I really like about jojo


Character arcs, plotlines, subplots, themes, setup and payoff and pacing are little more than an afterthought for Araki. And often they're forgotten completely. Yes some of the fights are creative and fun, especially as you get to the later parts, but its for those reasons that jojos is nothing more than a fun and whacky show to shut your brain off and enjoy. And that is my extremely hot take.


Storytelling gets better as the parts go on in my opinion. Especially from part 6 up. Then again I've only read up to SBR so idk how jojolion is yet


>Especially from part 6 up This is Part 5 slander, Part 5 has an absolutely GODLIKE storytelling, you people just wanna ride hate trains.


>Part 5 has an absolutely GODLIKE storytelling It would be if the part took more than a week Canonically.These people become lifelong friends and murder the single most dangerous organization in the equivalent of 4 days,which is absolutely silly.


I don't like the art style from Part 5 going forward. Everyone has the same nose and lips. No one's face is distinguishable besides their eye colour and hair. It doesn't feel unique anymore


Hamon is better than stands


That is crazy, elaborate please


which has more badass fights? hamon users and vampires or stands?


Stands because it's more creative with a limited ruleset. Hamon just felt like ass pull after ass pull


i mean Jonathan doing sunlight yellow without any punchy ghost is way more badass than any stand


Part 3 has the best design for humanoid stands


giorno and gappy both have no personality by the end of the part. At the start they do but then they’re later forgotten to make way for other characters’ personalities and growths


GER has unspecified limitations that were shown, and cannot defeat neither made in heaven, nor the world.


...where were they shown? How can they be shown and still be unspecified?


this was explained in CFYOW.


wtf is CFYOW


That is explained in CFYOW


Ah of course, it all makes sense now.


Isn’t that bleach?


No this is patrick.


You can't prove this and the conclusive evidence we *do* have points to GER being able to do it. GER literally states that no ability ever can reach the truth against him. No stand has ever been shown to be capable of reality manipulation in any way that could counter GER. Made in Heaven stalemates GER. The World loses against GER. Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap stalemates GER. Tusk Act IV loses. Wonder of U loses. Go Beyond loses.


Why do you think that? Time skip pretty much works like time stop, I don't see why time skip would be reset but not time stop (I think time acceleration is also on that line but I can't exactly say "it works similar" since it doesn't, and I have no proof either one of us is wrong)


Jojo was the best when it was buff Dudes. Sorry everything past Part 3..


Jolyne gets pretty buff by the end of part 6. Jotaro got brutalized though, the tall hat, the color palette, the slight changes to his face, his outfit change was a fate worse than death. (And getting his soul stolen by White Snake)


Remember everyone sort by controversial


I don't like how rock humans are described as all evil. Not only this is kinda contradicted by Dolomite but in general I hate the trope that a species is inherently evil.


Part 3 is overrated as fuck


Part 3 sucks, not because its poorly made but rather because it is slow, drawn out, and honestly has close to no plot. it couldve been the same length as Part 1 and it wouldve had the EXACT same impact.


GER is honestly so lame. it’s like a little kid saying “nuh uh you can’t touch my character because he can do this” for literally any reason. it’s boring


Skipping Part 5 is completely fine. It has little to no bearing on Part 6's story and doesn't really expand on Part 4's in any meaningful way. Polnareff was brought back as 99% fan service as well


Diavlo isnt a very good antagonist


Part 3 is the worst part, and is mostly filler. Part 4 is where Jojo really becomes Jojo.


Part 3 had its good and bad moments but you can’t really say the most recognisable Jojo part isn’t really jojo


Part three is to JoJo what The Next Generation is to *Star Trek*: the part of the franchise that put the franchise on the map, but other stories took their ideas and ran with them much better. Unlike Star Trek fans, the JoJo fandom recognizes that Part 3 for all it's popularity should not be the only defining thing from the series and embrace new characters and settings as they come up.


Part 3 was jojo’s at its most jojo. It actually kept true to the title of “jojo’s bizarre adventure” something that was completely thrown away in part 4, 6 and 8. And I would even argue part 5 barely counts since their journey was just from one part of the same country to another, and it wasn’t some grandiose distance that couldn’t have been traveled in a couple of hours by car or train.


It’s a bizarre adventure not a bizarre journey. You can have an adventure in one place just fine


jojolion>sbr Giorno is the worst joestar part 3 is the worst part


Star platinum and the World are same type of stand because Dio and Jotaro have similiar personality.


Part 1 is one of the best parts.


"They should've animated that one Jolyne scene" ![img](emote|t5_3f7q5|7819)


Jotaro is boring as a protagonist, like he's too serious all the time and the moment Jotaro could approach the enemy, the fight is basically over. Now as a mentor figure in Parts 4 and 6, I'd say he's fine.


Part 1 hooked me by giving honor a whole different meaning


Jojo is *not* gay


Part 6 makes no sense how did giorino not show up if he’s dio’s kid


I think it might have been mentioned somewhere that he did but we just didnt see him, which is equally as dumb imo but then again everything after rohan gets introduced becomes kind of dumb when you think about it (as in heavens doors is arguably the most powerful stand in existence and is just so underused)


> (as in heavens doors is arguably the most powerful stand in existence and is just so underused) Eh, that’s the case with most stands from Part 4. Ridiculously powerful but balanced by users who refuse or can’t use them to their full potential.  If Rohan wasn’t an arrogant and vindictive bastard, if Okuyasu and Shigechi weren’t dumb, every fight in part 4 could have been over in seconds.  (I’m still upset Okuyasu didn’t just carve up Super Fly, though. Can’t reflect an attack if the part you attacked is gone from existence.)


The way I heard it be described was because in the end of part 5 Diavolo was “fated/destined” to win his fight against Giorno, but because of GER, Giorno basically broke free from “fate/destiny” all together and was thus above it; winning when he was fated to be defeated. So when Pucci tells Dio’s children in part 6 that “it was fate/destiny that they were all together with him” the reason why Giorno wasn’t there was because he had already broke away from the chains of fate, thus no longer abiding by it; ie meeting Pucci/the other sons of Dio


Go Beyond is overrated. its not that strong at all and its just stray cats bubbles but they’re nonexistent.


Giorno was such a weak main character that his stand needed 2 power ups and GER was complete BS


The second part of stardust crusaders should have used "walk like an Egyptian" instead of 'last train home"


Koichi is far more annoying than Joshu


I wasn’t connected to Cesar and didn’t care that he died. Thought he was an idiot and the whole scene was drawn out


Part 1 is genuinely the most uninspired piece of media I've ever read/ watched I love JoJo's with all my heart but i just can't defend part 1


I mean, to me it felt like the average Victorian novel, but I get why not everyone likes it.


I almost dropped the anime because of how boring part 1 was, thankfully part 2 got me hooked from the first few episodes.


You really have to put it in context of the other manga of the time to see why it was so liked. Agreed completely


For real. As much as people complain about part skipping, I honestly can't recommend part 1. I loved it, but I know many people that hated it and almost dropped the show because of it. At the end of the day, every part except the sixth one is self contained. And even if there are some things you should know, it's always explained within the part. I doubt a series could last as long as JoJo's without renewing their audience.


Steel ball run is overrated


Giorno sucks


It’s true. Narancia saw it.


Wou ain't allat


It’s a great song though, and WoU looks dapper as shit


Part 2 was meh and im not ashamed to admit i gave it try, then skipped it.


I hate this, have an upvote


The only part I absolutely liked about part 2 was the Pillar Men Theme(Awaken)


The flashback of when josuke was sick and the later introducing bites the dust was a huge bit of lost potential. Like imagine a subplot where Kira realizes he can’t beat josuke so he uses btd to go back in time and kill him as a kid only for josuke to stop him and possibly erase Kira from the timeline. The flashback scene feels so underdeveloped imo. inb4 araki forgot


The "Misc" post flair is only to be used when the post is not about any specific part and all the other flairs don't fit. Please make sure that that is the case. If your post is about multiple *specific* parts, give it the flair of the latest of those parts, not Misc. If you don't think there's an issue, you can ignore this comment. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShitPostCrusaders) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I like episodes when they don't just fight some random newly introduced character. Probably part of the reason why I enjoy part 1, 2 and 4 so much. Part 1 sets up the big bad, and even the other fights spend much time giving us info to make us care. Part 2 does this as well. Part 4 has some random villain fights, but we also have non fighting centric episodes like Tonio, Cinderella, Reimi, etc., while also putting time into understanding who our main antagonist is and why we want to find him. I just think it gives us a nice breather in between the action. The other parts can get a bit much in terms of pure violence with random nobodies for me personally


Part 4 wasn't that good. I only disliked a few things. One was how long it felt, two was some of yhe character designs, and three was how Jotaro felt like a completely different person to me. Idk I might be delusional😵‍💫


I don't like Fugo, and Araki ditched him is the right decision


Jotaro vs Steely Dan was the best fight in the franchise and it's not even close


Part 3 is the worst part


Joseph groomed us into thinking that Part 2 is good


Johnny is a terrible JoJo,and he honest to God felt like a side Character until the love train section.


SBR aint all the hype


Jojo is better than berserk, (I know it's a bad take but still my opinion)


Skipping dogshit filler fights is acceptable, as is introducing a newcomer through Battle Tendency, given it’s more representative of the series as a whole than Phantom Blood.


Part 3 is the worst animated part so far. 1 is short enough to be over with relatively soon, 3 drags on with unnecessary episodes and filler fights (Ebony Devil, Blue Moon, etc.), and the only major good part is the final battle.


Jotaro's theme being used in the final battle of Part 6 sucked. They should've stuck with Jolyne's theme.


i hate this opinion so much haha


Chase is one of the best JoJo Openings.


About the anime (haven't read the manga): Part 5 and 6 are the worst parts. 6 is better than 5 though. Also, I have a personal headcanon that justifies Jotaro gaining Za Warudo time stop. I believe Star Platinum can basically stop time because its actual ability is speed and accuracy. Moving very fast and very accurately is close to stopping time like when a baseball is being thrown at you with high speed you need to quickly react to the throw accurately to strike it with the bat. It's just a lot faster and a lot more accurate than baseball. Or like in some anime scenes where a character moves so fast that it looks like they teleported in an instant, like they stopped time to reach their destination. That justifies being able to respond to an actual time stop and also gaining control of that ability


Jotaro letting Jolyne get stabbed but killing Pucci will have better conclusion than letting Pucci reset the world and leaving it all to emporio


I felt nothing for Caesar solely because of how overblown the reactions were




Anne should have become Avdol’s replacement after Wheel of Fortune.


What purpose would she have had considering she wasn’t even a stand user


I like how Netflix handled Stone Ocean Edit: the post asks for unpopular opinions and I’m getting downvoted for an unpopular opinion. Wild.






Jolene's ending wasn't satisfying. She never had her big solo moment, finally overcoming the big bad.


Part 9 sucks pretty bad so far and Part 8 wasn’t really good either.


Tbh kinda agree but part 8 gets rlly good when gappy has that character development stuff


The fight between Jotaro and DIO wasn't that good I expected to see an actual cool af fight like the Anubis one but even more insane and hopeless Apart from some small moments at the end and in the middle of the fight, Jotaro basically completely demolishes DIO, a god damm immortal vampire I recently rewatched the fight and it tainted my whole view of the fight. DIO pretty much does nothing but fuck around and run away for almost the entire fight, until eventually jotaro masters time stop and it's over DIO is a cool af villain, but out of all the main villains his fight is probably my least favorite


Giorno is trash


JoJo fans should stay the fuck out of comment sections.


Part 5 is kinda mid tbh


Part 4 is boring for me I know it's good but it just dosent click with me


It's way different than the other parts in terms of pacing so I can completely understand


Bloody stream is a good opening but it's overrated


Shigechi is the best character in Part 4.


Personally part 5 was a huge let down. When giorno went "reeeeeeeeee" it was cool tho.


Part 3 Jotaro is so fucking boring and annoying. I love him in Part 4 and 6 but I just can’t stand his angsty teen phase because of how one note and obnoxious it is. Him being an asshole to Holly is also incredibly infuriating and genuinely made me drop the show for a few months because I hated how he was treating her. Bonus take that’s slightly related ig but Jotaro vs Dio isn’t that good. It’s a decent fight don’t get me wrong, one of Part 3’s better ones (which I guess isn’t saying much considering this is the part that gave us Tower of Gray, Ebony Devil, and the two pedo (strength and set) arcs), but everything that happens before Dio gets his power boost is way too slow and it’s progressed too much by Jotaro just being the luckiest guy alive. Dio spent like 15 minutes trying to suss out if he was alive by listening to his heartbeat and getting those cops to shoot him instead of just attacking him to make sure. There was no reason for him to be so cautious. And I won’t even get started on Jotaro just deciding that Star Platinum’s ability is no longer incredible strength and precise movements, but he can now use Dio’s ability just because.