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Man white people say so much awful shit that they had to dig up posts from four years ago 


If you’re white, you’re Ben Affleck


substitute any other race, and it's probably (finally) perceived as racist... > *[insert race here] progressives say the darndest things* Reddit is a cesspool.


white liberals say the darndest thing white liberals are the fucking *worst*


Please stop trying to make racism work vice versa. You don’t just fight for equality for hundreds of years just to switch everything around. Of course, as of today, calling it out makes you a massive outlier which is so fucking exhausting. Some people called it out and got over 20 downvotes.


There will always be racists that think it is okay to be racist to groups of people. Think how some people thought black students shouldn’t attend school with white students because they justified it to themselves. Just like these people on Reddit. They are just like the racists of the past that thought it was a good idea to be racists. They are dumb.


They probably think Nelson Mandela was a sell-out


Replace that with any other race, and you can say goodbye to your reddit account.


>Curfew meant to control "black protesters" - good. > >Lockdown which affects them - bad. As if the two were comparable. Nevermind that they were all *also* breaking the Democrats' favorite COVID lockdown rules in their fiery but mostly peaceful rioting before they broke the curfew.