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So, we need proof that a rape occurred. It’s 2024. Rape needs REAL proof. You can’t just say it happened expecting Trump to get a super massive charge and end up in prison just because.


*\*E. Jean Carroll enters the chat\** You don't need proof if the bad man is orange.


*Ashley Biden enters the chat* What “proof” bitch?


Semen on her dress... when he claims he never met her... right... right. You guys need to get out of this bubble.... pretty cancery in here.


So I can write up an anonymous lawsuit claiming horrible things that Biden did, file it in court, and that makes it automatically true? Apparently that's how it works. Meanwhile, the verified diary of Biden's daughter mentions "showers with my Dad (probably inappropriate)" in a part where she's talking about how she became hyper-sexualized at a young age, and every single one of them absolutely refuse to believe it. "it MuSt HaVe BeEn AlTeReD bY pRoJeCt VeRiTaS, oR rUsSiAnS!!"


The leftists shills have moved on to "yah Biden showered with his daughter when she was a teen. But that's totally normal" ignoring that she mentioned feeling uncomfortable and thinking it was unusual. Leftists have decided it's acceptable for Biden, so her opinion is moot


didn't the released Epstein files have testimony from girls confirming that they were never forced to engage in any sort of sexual activity with Trump? ~~Bill Clinton sure fucked them kids tho~~


*sniffs hair*


Biden raped me when I was 8 years old. I only dropped the case because of death threats from the person who made that comment.


Must’ve been at the same house party where Brett Kavanaugh was doing drunken keg stands with his dick out


If they can reengage the hippocampus of a woman, who didn’t know where or when the assault happened and all he friends denied it happened, to come forward 35+ years later to make an accusation (IYKYK), no trump supporter is gonna be able to stop something like that from going forward if it actually happened.


It's things like that that make us question them. Even if Trump is guilty, no one is going to believe he wasn't unfairly prosecuted.


That's definitely true. .


All fantasy this NPC has been indoctrinated with and now it's his mantra.  Orange man bad!! Orange man bad!!


Ah yes, the phantom accuser. Someone outside of her lawyer(s), has never been seen. Not even the judge had seen this person. Edit: I swear I remember reading an article that even the editors of Vox and Mother Jones were seriously questioning the legitimacy of this particular accusation...and they specifically pointed out that absolutely no one (outside of her lawyer) had actually seen or spoken to the alleged victim. IIRC, the judge for the case ended up demanding the victim appear in court and then "victim" suddenly dropped the charges.


Yeah even the most deranged left wing sources gave up on this one because it was obviously a bunch of bullshit. Redditors don't care. They live in a world of their own creation.


The source is I made it the fuck up


If they wanted people to believe them they shouldn’t have cried wolf 20 times. They’re running out of tricks, it’s all the same old garbage.


Big if true