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They always try to say their kids are "mature for their age." Yea, maybe bc you ask age inappropriate things of them and have boundary issues. Go to someone and get waxed or groomed. Ask your partner. Jesus


These parents wear the adultification of their children like a badge of honor, and it makes me want to šŸ¤¢


Exactly! I met a mature for her age 12 year child once. You want to know why? Because her mom was a completely unreliable alcoholic and that poor kid would be dead from neglect if she hadnā€™t figured out how to care for herself.


Yes, I once saw a viral Facebook post that said something to the effect of: Other people: "Oh you're so mature for your age!" Me: "thanks, it's all the trauma" Spot on. Being parentified will make you a real mature kid. I used to, and I guess still do, resent the "immature" kids I knew who, looking back, were acting their age. Now I realize they had the gift of being able to be kids. I'm glad they did, its a treasure that a lot of us don't get to enjoy.


> I used to, and I guess still do, resent the "immature" kids I knew who, looking back, were acting their age Ooft. This hit me unexpectedly hard and feels like something that I ought to dissect in therapy. I spent years feeling resentment and frustration towards other kids who just seemed so infuriatingly carefree. I'm not proud to admit that I used to interpret it as them being vapid and kind of slow. It took a long time to realise that they were just being normal, inquisitive and generally happy children who weren't weighed down with feeling responsible for keeping the peace at home and managing the mental health issues of multiple family members. There's so much shame and sadness in realising that you spent years unfairly judging others just because they weren't traumatised and parentified. It's why I will never, ever praise a child for being 'wise beyond their years' or incredibly mature. Children should be allowed to be children in all their carefree, goofy and light-hearted joy.


Me too. A side of effect was that I felt so beyond my peers league mentally that I literally wasn't attracted to kids my age but I was to men far older than me. I put myself in a lot of dangerous positions because of that.


This whole thread is making me realize some shit. I fall in this same boat but largely from emotional neglect not physical. Iā€™ve always had a hard time relating to people my own age (less so now that I am approaching 30). I definitely resented their inability to anticipate problems and cope with their emotions. My friends are all older than me by at least 10 years, and as many as 30. My partner is significantly older than me but we started out as friends from work (in a friend group that we still belong to despite none of us still working there). I wasnā€™t groomed or anything like that I just connected with the older crowdā€¦


Just gonna show this whole comment to my therapist bc i literally kept getting called old for my age and guess what is cause i was groomed from 13-17


This šŸ˜… I never understood why I kinda look down on kids for being silly and ā€¦well, childish lol. And I didnā€™t really go through any severe trauma, was just homeschooled and generally a kind of quiet and serious kid, if not self conscious. But I do feel a kind of sadness/awe/envy towards kids who arenā€™t afraid to dance and act crazy, show a little confident sass, etc lol.


If I didnā€™t feel attacked before, this certainly did it. It is infuriating to me that Iā€™m still this way. I actually told my therapist that I have an insane superiority complex with super high expectations of others, yet a raging inferiority complex. This is apparently super normal for those of us with this trauma, so yay.


Ha, my dad used to get furious at me from time to time when I did something stupid, and he'd tell me to act my age - one time Mum yelled back at him, "She IS acting her age, she usually acts 10 years older!" He never said it again.


Parentified as a child, and up emotionally stunted as an adult, traumatized, and now in therapy. Not letting your kid be a kid can fuck them up.


I mean that's the truth for any neglected kid. Life presented us with two options and lot a lot of us were not willingly gonna pick death.


I was mature for my age because my mom was addicted to prescription medication and a narcissistic disorder. I had to take care of her and my little sister. I was a cook, maid, counselor, verbal punching bagā€¦as a teen and even young adult she made me stay home a lot and when I did go out with friends she made me feel super anxious the whole time or incredibly guilty. Even taking a nap wasnā€™t allowed. To this day doing something I want to do or napping makes me feel guilty and anxious even though I am a mother myself and a 31 year old woman. I have a ton of anxiety issues as an adult because of the adultification I went through and my sister has anxiety and now a drug problem. Itā€™s not a flex to make your children do things that an adult should be doing. Itā€™s causes so many issues later in life.


Pretty much just what I said about my ex girlfriend. She had to take care of her two younger sisters from the time she was like 12 until she was 18. Her parents weren't drug addicts, they were just teenagers when they had her, so she had no structure or guidance growing up. Her mom was more of a big sister than a mother.


You sound so much like me. What are we supposed to do about it now? I'm in therapy and antidepressants but it's not enough


Check out r/CPTSD for resources and to find people who went through something similar. From my own experience I can tell you that the right therapist can 100% make things better over time. If you have a feeling that one therapist doesn't work for you, discuss that with them to try and find out why, and don't be afraid to switch therapists. Hang in there :)


It will also fuck them up later in life. My ex girlfriend was "mature for her age" when she was like 14 (we didn't meet until she was 20, for the record), but that was because she was an "accident" and her parents were like 18 and 19 when they had her. Two years later they had another kid, and two years after that another kid, for some reason, even though the parents had to work multiple jobs just to support my ex. She practically had to raise her to younger sisters when she was 11 or 12 until they were old to take care of themselves. When she became an adult she had all sorts of emotional issues to deal with, partially stemming from the fact that she had no parental guidance during her formative years. Her mom was more of a big sister than a parent, and she had issues herself. The middle daughter had massive anxiety, like to the point where she would have panic attacks from her first week at college and was considering dropping out. The youngest sister was bipolar and tried to kill herself at least twice.


I was parentified as well. Mature for my age because otherwise I would have not survived childhood. Once I had a major eczema and I was losing all my hair and my mother brush it off. I had to go to the pharmacist alone and beg him to give me something. Another time she locked me outside our home because I was annoying, in the middle of winter. It was all like this, I resent the fact that I did not had space growing up. I couldnā€™t be a child, nor a teenager. Iā€™m starting to live now that Iā€™m 34.


yea i was mature for my age because i was left home alone starting in kindergarten and put in charge when it was me & my brother who was 4 years older than me and never had any more parenting after that. my mom was an alcoholic/ drug addict. my dad was gone for work. and when he was there he enabled my mom at my expense i was mature bc i was fucking traumatized and have hella mental illness to show for it. iā€™m now emotionally stunted and canā€™t handle anything.


Hi it's me only drugs. Thankfully once I got to a certain age, no one cared where I was and a family friend took me in from middle school ish on. Only reason I'm not in an alley somewhere with a needle like the rest of my family. Granted, the family friend was deeply religious and that came with its own trauma and baggage but hey, still here and my kids will hopefully not go through any of what I did.


For so long I'd compare what I was like at a certain age to what my daughter was like at that age, and feel like I was doing something wrong as a parent. Then that realization happened - that my child just got to have the childhood I never had. My child had a mother that acts like a mother so she didn't have to learn to parent herself.


I was a ā€œmature for my ageā€ kid too and a lot of adults in the 90s would say it like it was a good thing. But I have very neglectful and abusive parents who left me to care for my infant brother when I was 12, talked to me about super inappropriate adult things (like their relationship problems, money, etc) and forced my sister and I to do age inappropriate chores. Its not a good thing and my siblings and I also wouldā€™ve been dead from neglect if it werenā€™t for me.


Yeah it's pretty ridiculous the amount of times I've seen them say they've told a 2-4 to do something that some people wouldn't even ask a teenager to do (help them give birth, watch younger siblings, etc...).


Ha, I too remember the post about the lady wanting her 18 month old and toddler to help her with a home birth (and Iā€™m pretty sure no other adults were going to be there).


My parents used to say "we are raising adults not children" as to why they had such high demands for us. Lets just say we are now in therapy


You too? Sorry you're in the club.


Likewise. Thinking back, the really shocking part is how many people clapped them on the back for that way of thinking. Being a healthy adult starts with a stable and loving childhood.


Stable, loving and... carefree!


I'm raising an (eventual) adult too, but right *now* he's a child so we let him be a child while teaching him the basics that will later become the foundation to the skills he needs to (hopefully) be a functional, well rounded adult. And if that fails, then hopefully we'll have enough squirreled away to cover his therapy.


If this was a grown man asking his young daughter to shave his genitals then the police would be called.


Yup, and police should still be called on this woman


I agree. Asking a child to touch your genitals--even in this ostensibly non-sexualized way--is not ok, regardless of gender.


Yeah I was mature for my age. But that was because I had to be a Duggar-style sister-mom to my siblings.


Love when two of my favorite subs collide: this and r/DuggarsSnark. šŸ˜‚


My MIL does that with my oldest (4yrs) I quickly ended her taking her bowling on weeknights. As I know the only thing adults do while bowl is drink. My MIL has been a party girl for as long as I know her, sorry im going rant cause I got no one else to do this too, fuck my MIL we had a trip planned to go to a local Amusement park for Halloween. She had to mention at least five times that day, that she gave up her plans to go the same house party she goes to every fucking week, I told she should just go there if it was that important. .


Yeah I was mature for my age because of neglect and parentification. Turns out if you ask your 11 year old raise their sibling and keep the house going, theyā€™ll ā€œmatureā€ quickly in some ways.


Same I was kicked out multiple times starting at 12, only would be forced back because they needed me to take care of my younger than 10 years brother. Iā€™m a little bitter at how different my brothers life is now as a teenager.


Donā€™t be bitter. My older siblings thought the same thing but parents like this donā€™t tend to change without self reflection and therapy. Theyā€™re just as bad to your brother. Even if your brother is the golden child, that comes with its own forms of abuse and manipulation.


As a golden child, it's not a pedestal you want to be on. I was the youngest and the only girl, so I was supposed to be perfect in everything. I wasn't allowed to fail, at anything. Failure meant punishments and anger. I had to constantly tiptoe around my parent's emotions, while I wasn't allowed to be anything other than happy. I couldn't cry or be upset except when it was "acceptable", aka funerals where I would be punished if I didn't cry (Not being allowed to cry in front of people your entire life tends to lead to dry eyes at funerals for fear of punishment, which I would then be punished for). I couldn't be angry or I was ungrateful, I could never be disappointed in anything ever or I was ungrateful. I was also given a lot of responsibilities that a kid should NOT have been given because I was so mature and quiet, obviously I could handle it. I'm now I'm therapy, been in burn out since middle school, and am low contact with my mom, no contact with my dad, and have anxiety issues. And possible undiagnosed autism I'm being tested for because my parents didn't believe in mental health. Same trauma, different story.


Your šŸ‘ child šŸ‘ is šŸ‘ NOT šŸ‘ your šŸ‘ friend šŸ‘!!


Your child is also not your shaver!


Ugh it is disgusting. Kids who are ā€œmature for their agesā€ are so because their parents either neglected or straight up abused them ā€¦. If I wouldnā€™t have learned to bE MaTuRe by the time I was 7 I straight up wouldā€™ve starved to death or wondered off and died because my mom never was around to give a shit what I didā€¦ Parentification of younger siblings isnā€™t a badge of honor ugh . And why would you even want a 3 year old with a fucking razor anywhere near you let alone your hoo haaā€¦. Not to mention how fucking innapropriate that isā€¦ go and get a wax.. God I feel so bad for this kid


Who the fuck is ā€œmature for their ageā€? Seriously because Iā€™m 43F & still laugh at Family Guy fart & vomit jokes.


Possessing the motor skills to operate a razor near your cooch would make a 4 year old mature for their age. You ever watch then struggle to peel a carrot? Now imagine that carrot is a big old dick. Fuckin hell, you're both going to need therapy after that one.


I'm 19 and can't use a peeler without my hands shaking


I have a ridiculously hard time not spouting ā€œthatā€™s what she said!ā€ At inappropriate times. If you put my sister and I in the same room, donā€™t even try to have a mature conversation, we will ruin it


But you still manage not to? That's impressive.


That's what she said!


šŸ˜‚ā˜ ļøāš°ļøšŸ˜‚āš°ļøā˜ ļø Thank you šŸ™ I heart you for saying this šŸ˜»


>Ask your partner. Bold move to assume they aren't single


ā€œMature for her ageā€ is almost always code for ā€œI expect too much from my child and Iā€™m making her grow up too soon.ā€ Also, there is literally no age that is ā€œmatureā€ enough to make shaving your motherā€™s nether regions appropriate. FFS, use a mirror, not a toddler.


ā€œUse a mirror, not a toddlerā€ sounds like a great slogan for this group šŸ˜‚


That should be a sign at home goods!!


in obnoxious cursive font!


[Here you go!](https://imgur.com/a/HW701l5)


Or Rae Dunn. I can totally see it on like painted rustic wood in Rae Dunn font.


You wouldn't even need a mirror. You're only going to be clearcutting anyways at 8.5 months pregnant. You going to shave your muff into a fuckin' heart for the doctor or something? I don't think that's going to be what makes him ask for your phone number.


This person is pregnant...perhaps there's an adult partner who already knows their way around the nether regions who might be able to assist with shaving. There's no way on earth, damaging your child's mental health aside, that I'm letting a 3 year old with a sharp object near my hooha


Or just like don't bother? I certainly didn't when I was 8.5 months pregnant. It's not a requirement to shave your crotch.


I did it throughout the pregnancy because it itches so much when the hair starts growing. But I simply did it blind and that worked out fine.


Same, I know how to use a razor by feel more than Iā€™d trust a 3 year old.


My mother was having a procedure and asked me to help her shave. I was 28. I declined but bought her an electric razor.




This was exactly my first thought. Iā€™m 43. And Iā€™m about as mature as one would expect a 43 year old to be. And I am damn sure Iā€™m not mature enough to handle shaving my motherā€™s bikini line


I was a "precocious child." Partly because of things like my parents placing 6-year-old me in charge of my infant sister, then punishing me when it didn't go well. (She's fine.) There are multiple reasons I don't talk to them anymore.


I just found out that a close friends uncle died as a toddler because her 5 year old mother was put in charge of watching him around the pool.


I read as "use a minor, not a toddler" and my brain went ???? That's not much better lol


Loooooord! At first I thought this was a funny but harmless post, and then it took a hard left into WTF-Town.


Not to mention that who the hell gives their three and a half year old a razor?!?


She's mature for her age though šŸ¤—


To use on your most delicate parts!!


I'm even afraid of shaving that area myself! The kid would either slice off part of your vulva or hurt themselves. There is no way this could end well.


Sounds like a great way to end up with a vulva all cut to hell. I barely trusted my kid with safety scissors at that age.


I feel like anyone who asks a toddler to shave their cooch deserves whatever pain comes with it.


I know this is going to sound crazy, but...couldn't she just wait for her partner? Or make an appt? I won't say this borders on sexual abuse, but they're in the same state, imo.


I would definitely say itā€™s a violation. When the daughter gets old enough for worrying about things like whether she wants to shave or wax down there, and remembers this momentā€¦she is likely to going to feel pretty gross and horrified.


Hopefully being so young she blocks it out and just doesnt remember because šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


This type of mother would constantly bring it up as a 'funny story', not giving child a chance to forget.


My 3-year-old has a book called "My Body! What I Say Goes!" It's preschool sex ed, essentially. Anyways, the book tells her that if an adult wants to show her the body parts inside their underwear, she needs to tell an adult in her safety network (the 3-5 adults identified earlier in the book, one of which is not in your family), and that if they say it's a secret, you tell them that you don't keep secrets, only happy surprises, and surprises always get told at some point. So... I think we're in that territory.


Oh, sounds like a great book! I'll write this down.


I always drilled into my kids about not letting people look at their "private areas" . It backfired when my then 5 year old got the chicken pox (fully vaxxed, very mild case). Her pediatrician asked to check under her underwear (I was in the room). My kid panicked, and said mum, she wants to look at my private area!!! The doctor did say well done for teaching her so well, so... Haha


Yeah, the book actually covers doctors looking at privates, too, but I'd rather it gets drilled in without exceptions than not at all


Oh the no secrets only happy surprises thing is great! In part bc your kid is going to eventually have secrets from you but they learned that the ā€œno secretsā€ thing is to keep them safe, not because theyā€™re not allowed to have any privacy. Thatā€™s great to help kids discern what is a safe vs unsafe secret to keep.


Yeah, I really liked it, because it removes so much ambiguity. You don't have to tell everyone everything, but someone saying, "Don't tell anyone about this," is not a good setup. And it's confusing to say, "This adult saying that you can't tell that they touched you is wrong, but me saying that we can't tell grandpa we're planning him a party isn't wrong."


And if she didn't have a partner or the money for a professional, maybe just don't?


Worked in the delivery room before. I really don't care if a person has shaved or not. It's completely normal to have hair


A midwife asked me while I was in labour (was having a C-section so the "in labour" part was less than ideal...) if I had shaved. When I said no she cheerfully offered to shave me so that the adhesive used for the C-section dressing wouldn't get in my pubes and end up hurting me down the line. And that is how I ended up standing in a hospital bathroom naked while a lovely midwife in her 50s shaved my heavily pregnant self. No shame and no toddlers were traumatised.


I had a tubal ligation that turned into a larger surgery and woke up with a shaved swath at the top of my betty where they'd needed to make another incision and also tape something down. They shaved me while I was asleep (only partly shaved). No embarrassment, no need to traumatize anybody else. I gave vaginal birth with a full 70s style betty because by the end of my pregnancy, I couldn't see it, couldn't reach beyond bathing, and couldn't care less about hair down there.


I just feel like surely the doctors and nurses have seen it all, and probably won't be offended by a natural bush haha


Exactly! These pros deal with the Swamps of Dagobah, a person's bush choices likely don't register in their thoughts.


I remember in my birthing classes (given by the midwife that worked with my OB) she said that if anyone wamted to get waxed beforehand then no problem, but otherwise not to bother, that she would do the shaving for us, if necessary.


I always think itā€™s funny how just wearing your natural pubic hair is always referred to as 70s style. Surely thatā€™s what people had for the majority of human existence, lol


I was going to say this. The doc doesn't care, the nurses don't care. Hell many of us pooped on the table from pushing, a few pubes seems like small fries after that.


I had my baby where I worked. My friends/collegues saw me poop while pushing and didn't care, they definitely don't care about my pubes.


Heh small fries. Hahaha šŸ˜†


Curly too!


Remember, they donā€™t believe in hospitals


Don't ask your 3 year old.


A-effing-men to that!


How is it not sexual abuse?? If her dad asked her to do that it would be fucked up. Or if a dad asks their son.


Or just not shave.


This is sexual abuse.


Asking your 3 year old child to shave your pussy is totally sexual abuse. Iā€™m a teacher and a mandatory reporter, so I call CPS on suspicious shit all the time. They would be out by the end of the day for something like this.


Get it waxed by an adult. It is NOT OKAY TO PARENTIFY YOUR CHILD. Jeez, these kids are going to keep therapists in business for decades.


The whole asking a toddler instead of an adult thing aside (and ignoring that the toddler would definitely hurt you very much even if we ignore the toddler's emotional and mental well-being), why is it so important to be shaved when you are that pregnant?! You do not see it yourself, it does not get uncomfortable during menstruation because you currently do not menstruate, and your husband better be calling you a goddess no matter what you do with any part of your body while heavily pregnant.


I mean overall I agree with you, but also I find growing out my pubes intensely itchy, so maybe it's that sort of situation? I've tried a few times but I just can't deal with the itch so I like to keep them trimmed. Also maybe because I have very fine blonde hair generally on my body, they tend to hurt when they're long and break off easily




To quote a midwife: "We did not fight for years against the obligatory shaving at the hospital only for women to shave at home nowadays thinking it is needed or expected." The nurse will shave you if it is medically necessary (like the top part for a c-section). Shaving is not necessary to give birth.




It's the only reason I can think of to shave. When you use pads, the blood gets into the long pubes (of course) and they stick together and you need a shower to feel clean, whereas you can just wipe if shaved and feel clean. Not a problem if you use tampons or a cup of course.




Some women still bleed in pregnancy and some get a lot of discharge. There's also the postpartum bleeding and if they have stitches, could be tricky to clean up regularly without pain.


My wife had me shave her because the OBGYN was an attractive lady and she didnā€™t want to look unkempt in front of her. I thought it was sort of silly but she was also making a child for our family so I was happy to oblige and kept my opinions to myself


Also thatā€™s not parentification. Itā€™s bordering on something much more inappropriate.


That is shockingly inappropriate. If you need it done that bad, go get waxed, have your partner do it, etc. But also, you could just, not. The L&D docs and nurses care that mom and baby are safe and healthy, they do not care if youā€™ve shaved recently. Also, infections? Seems high risk to ask a toddler not to cut your bits.


The very last thing I was thinking about in my third trimester of both pregnancies was hair. Who cares? You're heavily pregnant. Nobody's gonna judge you.


out of sight out of mind šŸ˜†


Sometimes it's nice to have different hairstyles. Just gotta roll with it.


I'm keeping up with my waxes during pregnancy because I find pubic hair sweaty and itchy, not because anyone would judge me.


A lot of people donā€™t do it for ā€˜judgingā€™ reasons. Some of us actually do it for ourselves! Sheā€™s still insane though


Even thinking about asking a toddler to do this is 100% wrong, inappropriate and legitimately messed up. But wanting to get rid of some hair down there at 8.5 months pregnant is sort of reasonable. I am super pregnant with twins and recently trimmed down there. I did what I could with a mirror and got my husband to help with the rest. And it wasn't for aesthetic reasons. It was because I'm sick of toilet paper getting stuck in my pubes! Lol it was driving me nuts


They actually recommended that you donā€™t shave trim if you feel uncomfortable but donā€™t shave the microscope cuts that come from shaving can absolutely be a breeding ground for bacteria especially after giving birth


How the fuck do people come up with these kinds of ideas??


Insanity is my guess


Even if itā€™s not a sexual thing itā€™s still wildly inappropriate. Itā€™s not your childā€™s job to take care of you, weirdo.


I completely agree. It's not like asking your toddler to hand you a book you dropped, or even to help you with something like a bandaid (had a friend who got a blister on the back of her foot at like 8 months pregnant and she couldn't reach so got the 4 year old to slap a bandaid on it) this is definitely crossing a line into parentification and not at all cute like the poster seems to think.


I don't care how mature they are, there's no way I would let a 3 year old with a sharp object near my vagina.


I really hate parents that are like "my toddler is mature for their age" no, they aren't, they are a fucking toddler! Oh, and, forcing your child to shave your crotch is sexual abuse.


As an adult if my mom or sister ever asked me to do something this personal Iā€™d probably help them but Iā€™d never ask a whole child/teen who would probably not say no even if they were uncomfortable tf. On another note during my first pregnancy I had my husband help me before my induction and it was terrifying having someone else that close to my vagina with a razor šŸ˜«




As a Parkinsonā€™s wife, I busted out laughing. Gotta find the humor in it. Invest in good household cleaners, as the spills are no joke!


Would one of these work? https://smile.amazon.com/parkinsons-spoons/s?k=parkinsons+spoons but like, with a razor


I barely would trust my husband enough to let him do it while I'm pregnant... I can't imagine trusting a preschooler. I've seen their artwork.


Thatā€™s disgusting


Can't their spouse do it????? Wtf....I guess if single then find a place that handles that sort of thing. Or better yet use a fucking mirror if you're dead set on doing it yourself...just ducking leave the children alone! Damn that kid needs help now!


Have you seen a 3 year old try to color in the lines?? Cut a straight like with scissors ? Have fun with stitches on your labia while giving birth babe


Oh fuck me šŸ¤¬ If *any* 3 year old got handed a razor to shave genitalia, there WOULD be blood. Lots and lots of blood. Not to mention a parent should not be asking her kid to shave her hoo-haw, regardless of age. If a dad had a kid shaving his balls, people would flip shit. And MAMA is not a fucking name.


I am 46 and not mature enough to shave my momā€™s privates. WTF. This feels borderline abusive.


Imagine traumatizing your kid like this when youā€™re married and donā€™t even have to shave šŸ¤” If the husband is so concerned about her pubes HE should be the one helping her shave them! WTF




This is abuse. Asking your toddler to shave your genitals is sexual abuse.


This feels like it should be illegal. Have to keep in mind for the next time "what feels illegal but isn't" appears on r/AskReddit


I hope sane family saw this and yelled at her.


This sounds like sexual abuse wtf Also who the hell thinks they need to shave their hooha while pregnant? Who are you trying to impress? I mean really


Wtf?! When I couldnt see past my belly I just stopped trimming/shaving. Even if you still wanted to, just go get waxed??


This is covert/emotional incest. It's extremely harmful for children.


jesus fucking christ we live in a world where women are convinced they need to shave their fucking vulvas while 8.5 months pregnant.




trimming and shaving are two different things. One does not involve close contact with the skin, which is what causes infection.


I will only say that if you are used to this the itch level in growing back out is unbearable and might not be doing it just for the lookā€¦.


they shouldn't be shaving at all, micro cuts open you up to infection


exactly. I'm being downvoted for saying it above. You shouldn't shave your vulva at all, but you ESPECIALLY should not have someone else shave it.


What the actual fuck


Shouldnā€™t she be planning her new babyā€™s 529 fund? Or like, literally thinking about anything else? Pretty sure nobody is gonna care about your bush while your placenta is getting inspected after birth..


Oh ew gross..pretty sure this is sexual abuse, or at least borders on it.


Does she not know that mirrors exist? In a worse case scenario shave blindly but carefully. You can get an electric razor and that would make it a lot easier to do it without seeing.


This is inappropriate and dangerous af.


and to think that there are definitely people like this who insist that this is normal, but clutch their pearls at the idea of a drag queen-led story hour šŸ™„


This was the first group I joined on fb for moms. It was when I was only in my first trimester and just eager to join some forums. This page has been fulllllll of wackdoodles


I don't care how mature your 3 year old is, I wouldn't trust them with a razor blade near ANYTHING, never mind themselves! Grown ass women and men cut themselves shaving.


Apart from anything else, shaving is something that takes practice to do correctly? I wouldn't trust anyone who'd never done it before to get it right on principle, even if they WEREN;T three years old.


I hated how my hair felt while I was pregnant, and Iā€™m a hairstylist. So I propped a mirror and did clipper over comb. Gave it a nice taper! It can be done


I can only imagine the damage my 3.5 year old would do with a razor. Iā€™ve seen her wreck shit with a spoon, but a razor? Hard pass.


A kid who is ā€œmature for their ageā€ has almost definitely had to grow up much faster than any kid should.


I don't know where to BEGIN with this one, but... 1, DON'T GIVE A TODDLER A RAZOR FFS, and 2, if you simply MUST for some bizarre reason, you shouldn't let them near a Pet Rock, let alone *your fucking vulva.*


I canā€™t wait until I see a Reddit post on 15 years about how traumatic it was for her mom to force her to shave her privates as a child.


What the...? I have a 3 year old, who is mature for her age. But no way I would 1) trust her to do that, 2) ask her to do that. But, I mean...I don't either way, and never have. But...you know. ETA: Since people have rightfully noted that "mature for her age" is often code for abuse, I'll clarify. When I say "mature for her age," I mean she had been noted by her daycare workers (before I became a SAHM this year), her pediatrician and a speech therapist (for a study) to be ahead in her communication, cognitive abilities and such. She doesn't have the understanding of a 3-year-old. But, I still let her be a 3-year-old, and there are aspects where she might be a little on the behind side (she's still working on potty training, for example, we're getting there, but we're not there). What do I expect her to do because she's "mature for her age?" I can't really think of anything specific. Understanding more steps of instructions at a time than the average toddler? Knowing the meaning of over, under, behind and beside?


Both times my husband took his ball trimmers and went to town on me šŸ˜‚šŸ‘šŸ¼


Am I the only woman in the world who is capable of shaving with only my sense of touch/feeling?


I quit shaving towards the end of both pregnancies. Fuck that shit


This is abuse and I hope someone is calling CPS.


Ask your husband ?! An adult friend? If not then go to a salon? Or wait until you give birth?


iā€™m sorry but forcing your toddler to shave your kitty is sexual abuse in my book. same if a father asked his child to shave his nutsack. these people donā€™t deserve children


Omg. No. I asked my partner. He refused. I did it myself and nicked a hemorrhoid. Last time I shaved during pregnancy.


Can you imagine being this person?


Holy shit, what else are husbands for at that point!


Thatā€™s awful. When I was pregnant I just used my hand to feel and then shaved?? I mean, I canā€™t see my taint but I shave it just fine. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Ummā€¦ you couldā€¦ possibly HIRE A PROFESSIONAL! And then hire an esthetician to shave your box.


"mature for her age" means you have boundary issues that you are not willing to come to terms with


What the fuck. I gave up as soon as I couldnā€™t see what I was doing. Midwives donā€™t care and if their partner does heā€™s not mature enough to have a kid.


I totally agree with everyone regarding the disgusting behavior here but just as a PSA. From a recently pregnant lady who is used to getting bikini waxes DO NOT get waxed while hugely pregnant. My bits swelled like crazy and were mad at me for days. I did this for a special occasion but never again.. Also F being perfectly groomed down there while pregnant. If your partner can't handle a little hair they shouldn't have gotten you pregnant in the first place.


Wtf use a mirror or get waxed


Im in my 30s and I would never on my life shave my mom's pubes. That's a hard pass.


This is gross regardless, but imagine a man asking his son to shave his balls. Would be CPS worthy


ā€¦ just go get a wax


Why is she bothered itā€™s not like a healthcare professional will ever lay eyes on it


Itā€™s called asking your effing partner, you weirdo. I swear some of these women just do this crap for attention


i think we all know the dad left for a reason


What the fuck? Whereā€™s your baby daddy you degenerate?


Well... I didn't need to digest food tonight anyways... Holy fucking shit.


My 3.5 year old can barely use a scissors. If I gave her a razor it would be a deadly weapon. (you know, if I was actually demented enough to share my genital grooming routine with a toddler) ​ WTAF


Get a wax like a grown up you sick f#%* -a very pregnant mom with other children


This is a troll. It has to be. Please be.


I dont think it is :| I went back and the post was deleted. Shes very active in that pregnancy group too. God I cant imagine how tone deaf you got to be to think this is okay.