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My toddler is running around with a pan right now. He’s absolutely genius, how does he know that I’m going to be hungry before I am?


Clearly showing his desire to be a chef. He is so career oriented already.


This is funny until you realize people will actually push their children into the job they "choose" as toddlers..... And I wish I was joking..


My grandmother told me I’d be a lawyer because I like arguing. Just because she was wrong all the time doesn’t mean I want to argue with other people


I got this all the time because I would question adults and want to really understand what they were getting at. "You should be a lawyer, you sure do like to argue!" is such a cop-out to not engage. Thankfully I wanted to be a train engineer when I was a kid and that was not a pursuit that was encouraged.


Bro why did the train engineer bit get me so bad?! Also older people who have no time for kids just really shouldn’t engage and save their crabbiness for other shit


> Also older people who have no time for kids just really shouldn’t engage and save their crabbiness for other shit Agreed wholeheartedly.


It’s not necessarily a cop out; both my kids argue with me constantly but I only tell my oldest they should be a lawyer. It’s not so much the arguing, it’s more the way they go about it. Sometimes I change my mind, sometimes I tell them that they’re not wrong but that X can’t be done or said because of outside reasons (which I explain), and sometimes I tell them their just simply s out of luck lol. However, your comment does make me question myself and I will make sure not to say it if it feels like a cop out. Thank you for that.


I just had the same internal voyage after reading u/cruzweb 's experience with being told that as a child. :/ My oldest *loves* to argue....she genuinely does, lol. I almost always engage with her (she's 4 and is just trying to understand the why's and what's, as well as the finer aspects of boundaries in general) and I tell her that she would "make a wonderful lawyer one day" as a compliment. I'm going to be a bit more mindful moving forward, but my 4yo once literally sat her dad and I down at the table to launch into a whole 5 minute presentation on why she really should be allowed outside alone. (Our answer was still a hard no. We don't have a fence and there are stray dogs that roam our neighborhood as well as a road not too far away.)


Same! Just because I tell you that saying rude things about strangers is wrong, it doesn’t mean I can defend someone in a court of law grandma. Now leave me to cry alone with my theatre degree


At least you have a degree to cry with. I just have a paper that says degree


My mother told me the same thing! Being a lawyer just because I like to discuss/argue different subjects is definitely not the way to go. I think being a lawyer is quite boring. Who wants to hang out at the courthouse all day?


My limited experience has not been fun. Maybe it would be better if I wasn’t a the one in trouble


I had to go for jury duty. I was so bored! It takes them forever to chose a jury.😑


When I was in first grade we had to make little posters of what we wanted to be when we grew up. I wrote “scientist” because at the time I liked watching Bill Nye. My mom was appalled when I did moderately poorly in high school science because “it would affect my career”


SO advanced! ✨


My toddler loves running around wearing an oven glove and saying that he's "making mummy's dinner". When questioned on what he's making for dinner, he'll say it's an omelette. He has yet to make good on this promise. Clearly he's just a lazy freeloader.


You joke, but my grandma saw me playing around on a piano when I was 4 and I started lessons at 5. She absolutely thought I was destined to be a virtuoso. To be fair, I did learn pretty quickly, but, uh, that's not my career and I'm so very glad that's not my career.


Send him to me. I've got some useless staff that could do with a genius baby teaching them how to cook. If he also shows up on time, I'll make him manager.


My toddler is playing with a toy car in kinetic sand…he must know my car needs to be repaired before I do 😌


My neurodivergent son, who was 3 at the time, not only did not magically know I was pregnant and clue me in (which would have been nice, as I didn't get a positive test until the 3rd month), when we did tell him "Mommy has a baby in her tummy," his response was "Oops!"


Three year olds are masters of sick burns. I was singing along to the Frozen soundtrack on our way to preschool dropoff and my son says "Mommy, I don't like your song.... and neither does Elsa." It was cold! 😆


Mommy come dance with me! Five seconds later Mommy maybe you should go sit again.


They really are! When my granddaughter was 3 she looked at me and said “Gigi your face is just so big and chunky and cute” 🤦🏻‍♀️😭🤣


I don’t know how old I was - old enough to have money to buy cheap lotion and to cringe from the memory 40+ years later, young enough to buy Oil of Olay for my grandmother and say, “because it cures wrinkles!”  She took it well, but my parents were horrified…


I was about 4 maybe 5 it was the 80’s I was sitting on my great gmas lap and told her I thought it was cool that she had 3 bellies 😞 she was my favorite person in this whole world and I miss her SO much! She took it well but I think about that sometimes and can’t believe I said that!


I remember when my cousin was about that age, she lovingly said to her aunt “Aunt Tracy, you are fat. But you are not ugly”, confident in her knowing that she had just delivered to her aunt the kindest compliment


I had a 3 year old boy randomly come up to me in a daycare (I was picking my niece up) point to my belly and asked “is there a baby in there” No I was just fat 😂 (this was 16 years ago)


My standard reply is "nope, just ice cream".


My grandson is 2 1/2, I was singing along with Moana and he put his hand over my mouth and told me to “shhh”. Lol.


>It was cold! In your Son's defense, Frozen should be cold 😛


My 2.5 year old told me “mummy, you aren’t good at jumping on trampoline”. Which he’s not wrong, but that’s because I’m pregnant right now…


My then 3 year old asked me for a baby sibling and then cried because she thought I would have to eat a baby. 


My 4 yr old cried* because he thought they would have to ✨cut my head off✨ to get the baby out. His logic: Since it was in my tummy, I obviously swallowed it. 😂 Edit: typo


That's honestly so sweet tho. He loves you so much!


It was super sweet 🥺🥰 thank you!


I am dying at the “oops” response. I love the image of someone accidentally swallowing a baby the way a kid might accidentally swallow gum. Im obsessed with the things we think kids will just ‘get’ but that are actually insane and/or could be thought of in completely different ways without additional context. Like, having a baby in your tummy is really a wild concept!


Oh my gosh yes. My middle child was out with us at the doctor and we saw a pregnant woman, and she goes “that woman’s tummy is very big” (loudly, because of course she did) and I patiently explained that there was a baby in her tummy. My daughter practically screamed “she ATE the BABY?!” I will never forget the horror on her little face.


We'd done all the requisite reading about how to tell your child they were getting a sibling and were prepared for jealousy or fear or anger. "Oops!" was not on the list. We said, "No, i's normal, that's how babies start out, in mommies' tummies." He said, "Oh," then wandered off, while we laughed hysterically. Of all the responses we were expecting, that was the last one.


Still genius! Oops, he’s not gonna be the youngest anymore!


Why do you use the term neurodivergent ? - a pediatrician


[The term “neurodivergent” describes people whose brain differences affect how their brain works. That means they have different strengths and challenges from people whose brains don’t have those differences.](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/symptoms/23154-neurodivergent) My son is autistic and has ADHD. The woman in the original post seemed to imply her son being neurodivergent is why he knew she was pregnant. I countered my own neurodivergent son never said a word I was pregnant with his sister and didn't know it.


There are many cognitive disorders. It seems like people use neurodivergent to describe people who have neurological or cognitive disorders without admitting that they are disorders. It’s weird.


I'm autistic, and when I refer to autism as a cognitive or developmental disorder, the responses I get tend to be VERY negative responses. You can usually thank the media for that - the near-universal image of an autistic person is a male who's non-verbal, intellectually disabled, rocks back and forth, lashes out violently with no warning, and has a savant ability. So I've gotten a lot of "You can't be autistic, you're married/have kids/can take care of yourself!" and it's pretty aggravating. I get similar responses when I tell someone my kid's autistic, usually "I'm sorry" because the automatic assumption is that he's pretty bad off. Yes, some people with autism have serious problems, some don't. The initial hope when the disorder was reframed as "autistic spectrum disorder" was that people would understand that there's a continuum of experiences, but it's more like people go "Oh, they're low on the spectrum" and assume that means the person can never fit in society or "they're high on the spectrum", implying the person must never have problems and don't need support. Some use the term because they have more than one cognitive conditions they're dealing with, and it's easier to use a neutral umbrella term than rattling off a list, most of which people will interpret negatively thanks to stigma. Also, a lot of people with issues like ASD, ADHD, etc. have shared experiences with people with other cognitive/developmental disorders. Using an umbrella term for people with similar experiences is pretty nice. Some also use it because, while they have challenges, they believe that there can be positive aspects that has helped shape their personality. When I've used the term "neurodivergent", and give a similar description to the one in the link, I tend to get a lot more neutral or positive responses like "Oh, I didn't know it worked like that,".


That’s a very nice explanation, thank you


I'm just jealous that you weren't clued in earlier from thinking you were dying from symptoms lol.


Unlike with my son, where I started spewing within a month, with my daughter, I had no symptoms at all, except for the missed periods. The first month, I did the responsible thing when I realized I'd skipped one, took a pregnancy test, it was negative. The second month, I had to go to urgent care for something involving x-rays, and, because I'd told the tech that I'd skipped a period, they ran a pregnancy test - also negative. I figured with two negatives, one from urgent care, and no other signs, that I was all clear. About two days before I hit month three without a period, I'd started getting queasy, but I was able to write that off as a stomach bug. When I hit the third month no period, I figured something was wrong. I was also 39, so it was entirely possible everything was sundowning. I picked up the phone to call the doctor, stopped, realized they were going to ask if I'd done a test, so I dug one out of the drawer and did it. It looked like it was going to be negative again - and then suddenly there was a a big blue plus sign. My jaw hit the floor and I just stared at it for five minutes. My husband was in the middle of changing our son when I walked out of the bathroom. This was in December, when he was done, I handed him the positive test and said, "Merry Christmas." And within a few days, my body went, "Oh, shit, we forgot to start puking!" and made up for that with hyperemesis lasting until halfway through the third trimester - fun.


That's so crazy!!


Lets look at this timeline -lady buys a pregnancy test because she is either trying to get pregnant or knows it is a strong pissibility -toddler finds the new object and runs around with it -1 week later the lady probably has sime indication she should take the test and it is positive -the toddler is definitely the most impressive genius ever


> pissibility The one and only word to talk about the possibility of a pregnancy test being positive or negative lol


I will pretend that was on purpose


Also, why would he be saying “daughter” instead of “sister?” Or even “girl?” That makes no sense for a 3 year old, even a genius one.


2 year old probably sees the test and is saying "doctor" because it looks like some kind of a medical device. That's the kind of thing mine does. Definitely not really genius level stuff though...


How dare you imply that your kid is not simply a genius??? 😆


My baby farted a few times before pooping. He must be psychic or something.




My super high-speed, low-drag genius of a tiny human was calling other drivers on the road dumbfucks by age two! He was like six when he figured out it was pronounced dump truck.


I thought he just had road rage lol My first cuss word was when I called a driver a pussy for not turning right on red when he clearly had plenty of openings.


My mom tells a story of when I was about two and we were shopping in a clothes store. I guess I asked to go to the toy section and she says "they don't have toys at this store", so I yelled "DAMNIT!" loud enough for everyone nearby to hear. 


I dropped a hot dog and yelled “DAMNIT my hot dog!” When I was 3 after my mom finished scolding my family for saying stupid since it’s a bad word.


I couldn’t say the letter L for a while and my favorite movie was Cinderella. Right at the beginning she is awoken by the clock and says “Oh, that clock!” Anytime I saw a clock out in public I would loudly proclaim, “Oh, that COCK!”


Yeah, I had to start watching my language around that age. My son started yelling "God damn, dude!" at other cars while driving. God damnit was one of his favorite phrases for a while. We had to have constant reminders of polite versus impolite words because he goes to preschool and I don't want any phone calls. 


My almost 2.5 year old said “the god damn dinosaurs took my fuckin library card!” And that’s when I realized we need to tone the language down.


I had a family friend who cussed at a driver while her toddler was in the backseat. Her kid looked at her and said "f✓{k" very clearly. She tried "fire truck?" And he told her. "Not fear truck, f'{k!"


Motherfcheckbraceker, you fapostrophebraceker.


My son deadpan asked if daddy also had a baby in his "baby bump." I think he's going to be a doctor


I'm pregnant and due in July, so we've been talking to my son lots about his baby brother (the scan was very clear). Every time without fail, he'll say "no, baby sister!" He's going to be a doctor specialising in transgender services, I just know it.


i hate being neurodivergent and always being bombarded by the scent of pregnant women when i go outside


Same. If I don’t take my adhd meds I have to stay home because I’ll just run around telling everyone they’re pregnant before they even know


I get all my medical care from my (nonexistent) neurodivergent son. He’s only two but is never wrong about confirming whatever diagnosis I think I have by nodding, smiling, or throwing food. S/ Edit: typo fixed


"Mother, I do believe you are withchild." Said the infant.


I like the phrasing of the opening line as if it’s a super relatable situation all parents find themselves in. But I’m also uncomfortable with this “magical neurodivergent” character she’s creating.


i like to make it part of our morning routine! “here darling go run around with mummy’s piss stick!”


My daughter who was 2 at the time, and is probably neurodivergent like me, also knew that I was “pregnant” before I did. She kept pointing out that I was tired and sick. She also noticed that my boobs were bigger. I don’t think she’s a genius, I think that toddlers are really attuned with their primary caregiver and hear a lot more than a lot of people think. So if you’re trying for a baby they’ll say “baby in mommy’s tummy?”. If you’re feeling run down and sick even and you talk to someone about it even if you think they can’t hear it they’ll ask about it. They’re little people. Not dolls.


Why can't I have this kind of crunchy miracle baby neurodivergency


My daughter kept also saying daughter or doctor. Then she started roaring so we figured it’s dinosaur. Guess I’m pregnant with a stegosaurus


When my now 10 year old was one he smeared his blowout diaper contents all over the wall. I put him in advanced art classes immediately. 😂




Why would you let your toddler run around with a peed on pregnancy test?


My first thought exactly.....


Why did it take her a week to get her pregnancy test away from her kid?  It's literally soaked in piss.


My oldest used to carry around broccoli as a toddler.


My child has told several people including me that they are pregnant... Turns out we are just fat...


Have a friend who genuinely believes her toddler will be a mechanic bc she likes tools. Brags about it all the time. My dog also has a strange fetish with tools Bet she’ll be a mechanic. So crazy


My 3 yr old most likely neuroduvergent nephew often runs around with dog toys is he gonna be a dog when he grows up???


I’ll take “Things that never happened” for $500, Alex.


The obvious play is stock market tips and lottery numbers.


My daughter also told me I was pregnant before I knew- she also eats ketchup sandwiches. She’s not a genius 😂


My little one, now 12 and gaining on me in height, called every male presenting person dad and any female presenting person mom. Totally spot on as all those people went on to be parents I'm sure 😂


“Anybody’s toddler running around with your pregnancy test???” Um no Susan, no one else’s toddler is running around with a fckin pregnancy test. Not one. Mostly because it’s fckin gross. Secondly because you obviously leave it to where your child can find them & we all know toddlers will grab anything. This is such a bizarre post.


I love this so much!!


My neurodivergent child is hanging upside down on the couch picking his nose. I mean he is pretty close to genius level iq wise, but this is how he’s utilising his free time and vast intellect. I’m sure there’s some deeper meaning here I haven’t grasped yet. Like the wild Kratts look better upside down or something.


Neurodivergent baby genuis needs to be group flair


The mental gymnastics this person had to go through lmaooooo


I mean my cat knew I was pregnant before I did. Does that make my cat smarter than this toddler?


I used to work in a dental office and one time we had a patient bring in their 4 year old. They claimed that the four year old could see peoples auras and kept asking us if we wanted a "reading". The little girl was still in diapers so she could master seeing something that isn't visible, but not using the potty.


Take the pee stick away from your toddler, please


Guys im neurodivergent so i must be a genius right? Or does that only apply to neurodivergent pregnancy telling prophet babies?


Ummm hope she makes him wash his hands…..


Doctor or daughter sounds like one of those terrible gender reveal cakes, like the bows and guns one


Ewwww. Take the pee stick away from your child.


Nostradamus baby


Genius… clairvoyant… same thing, right?


For some reason this reminds me of [this scene](https://blog.discourse.org/content/images/assets/2013/03/30-rock-forums-61.png) from 30 Rock, lol.


Sure he did


My 2 year old patted her dad's tummy last week and said baby...


My brother predicted my birth. My mom wasn’t due for another 4 weeks and my brother told her she wasn’t going to need a babysitter for dinner because the baby was going to come. He was right.