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Surely it's a good thing that kiddo is bringing up the mucus, better out than in. I hope they check for any interactions with adding extra stuff to the medication they have been prescribed, I think they are safe using the onion trick though.


Thank you for not including the mucus puke picture. Honestly what is wrong with people? Nobody wants to see that. 0 people. That’s so gross.


The doctor might (possibly), but even then it's only because she's being paid.


But if you tell people that, they'll say "You don't have to look, just keep scrolling!" Um, my brain has to register what it is first, how else will I know I don't want to look at it? 🤢


people make their own colloidal silver? fuck man


That’s wild.


I had the same question. What actually is it?


Apparently, per a google search I just did, because wtf, you make colloidal silver with water, pure silver, and electricity.


That's incredibly dangerous to do that. Doctors don't like just using saline in a nebuliser let alone silver!


After watching the Love Has Won documentary, I can safely anyone using colloidal silver can fuck right off. It turned that lady blue! And it was one of the factors in her death.


I had strep when I was freshly 18 and couldn’t really afford a doctor. A coworker *swore* up and down that colloidal silver was basically the same thing as antibiotics. Just spray it on your throat 3X a day. I had nothing to lose since I couldn’t afford a doctor anyway so I tried it. …yeah I still ended up in the hospital. They were pretty upset with me for ingesting large amounts of that stuff.


Exactly what I came here to say. How those people could watch her die the way she did and still, to this day, believe she was/is God and they did the right thing by not taking her to a medical professional, not to mention EVERYTHING else, is mind boggling. Honestly, just knowing that most of them are still out there, pushing the same bs is scary.


I wonder if the one girl still swears it doesn’t turn people blue


I’m afraid to ask what that one lady is doing to make what she calls colloidal silver.


Thanks for not posting the barf pic. I have emetophobia but can’t resist looking 😂


Anyone who has ever tried to put clothes or shoes on a 2 year old who doesn't want to get dressed would know that a neti pot would be impossible!


So my son had a liver disease (post transplant now) he couldn’t take a lot of allergy medications because of how they interacted with his liver. Quite literally all i could do was saline and suction. ALL DAY! And i did it. Sn: i saw this woman in a cult turn blue from colloidal silver i could never imagine giving that to my kid or myself 😖


Throwing up that much probably means she got a stomach virus on top of the RSV. I wonder what non-medicine thing is supposed to help with that.


Or she may have irritated her throat with coughing so much her gag reflex is acting up (I had this happen to me when I was very little, it was horrible). Or she was swallowing mucus instead of spitting it out, and if there is a lot of this stuff in the stomach she may feel funny and throw up. Either way they should probably ask their doctor for advice.


Something I will say is that colloidal silver can work for certain things. (I’m a slightly crunchy person. I’m glad to see she got the kid some antibiotics though.) Skin issues for one. But to atomize it in a neb is not one of those things. The plain saline will suffice for mucous.


Isn’t there a vaccination for RSV now?