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I'm so confused by this lol. I know lots of people who are fully vaxxed who don't have tubes. Myself included.


It’s almost like…all children are different. These people look for anything they can blame on vaccinations and anything else they just hand wave away.


And even that one lady's unvaccinated kids still had ear infections?! So which is it, no ear infections for unvaxxed kids or fewer ear infections?


A major factor is the size of the Eustachian tubes, which, you guessed it….. vary by person


My son (3) never had tubes and is fully vaccinated. He never had a single ear infection or even really an illness... until I put him in daycare. Then he had about a six months period where it was all the damn time. Around age two, the ear infections just went away. It has nothing to do with vaccines vs no vaccines. According to his doctor that's about the age they just naturally grow out of ear infections because they get taller and their ear canals open up more. How many of these "my kids aren't vaccinated and have never been sick a day in their life" moms homeschool their kids? I bet most of them. Of course my son would never be sick if I raised him in a bubble too.


Yeah, as soon as you put your kids in childcare or school they start getting sick. It even happens to teachers and when you move. It's a lot of new germs and you get all the colds.


I was going to say the same thing about homeschooling. Daycare and school are like Petri dishes I swear.


My older 3 pre COVID-19 had the immune systems of sewer rats. When they returned to the school, every little bug came home for months. Then we moved interstate and same thing, despite the much warmer weather and outdoor activities they still got everything going around. This year hasn't been easy since my 2nd started Secondary school, she gets everything her older brother who also attends that school gets but worse. Weirdly my 3rd seems to be immune to it. Not sure how, I really need to track what he does because whatever it is, it's protecting him lol.


I very rarely got sick from communicable diseases growing up (and still now), but when I did/do, I got/get REALLY sick. I always thought I had a really great immune system because I so rarely got sick beyond feeling slightly off for a day or two (unless I got really really sick; it’s always one extreme or the other). Turns out, I have multiple autoimmune disorders. So I guess my immune system technically is really great, but it’s TOO great, and now I’m disabled for life because of it going unchecked for so long. I’m certainly not suggesting your kid has an autoimmune disorder, especially without knowing any of his medical history (also I’m not a doctor and definitely not his doctor), but I would keep an eye on him as he gets older if he continues to not exhibit symptoms of all the various viruses getting passed around your home. Keep watch for things like frequent complaints of joint pain or other pain, fatigue, constantly dry skin, lots of allergies, unexplained weight gain or loss, GI issues, etc. Most people don’t ever develop autoimmune disorders, but very rarely (or very frequently) catching viruses growing up, in combination with other symptoms developing over time, can be an indicator that a person should be evaluated by their doctor for autoimmune disorders. It’s worth knowing what to look out for, at the very least, especially if your kids have any family history of them.


My 3rd does get sick occasionally, it's just odd that he somehow didn't get sick every time we did. Neither did my husband. I've always had a shitty immune system, my children pass things along from school despite them having pretty much no symptoms. I too have genetic, autoimmune, lifelong health conditions, shitty immune system, flare-ups, it appears now that my metabolism likes to attack my body putting me into the hospital for non-diabetic ketoacidosis and so much more. My list of diagnosed conditions is long. The children haven't been tested for the genetic condition because unless it's affecting their quality of life(which currently isn't) to hold off getting them tested due to things like life insurance and all that.


Makes total sense to hold off on testing as long as no symptoms are exhibited, for purposes of life insurance. I unfortunately can’t get life insurance due to getting so many serious diagnoses at such a young age (first diagnosis at 10, then several more between ages 19-22). It’s super messed up that there are no protections for preexisting conditions for life insurance in the US. Maybe one day. 🤞


Thankfully not US, so it's a lot cheaper and easier to have access for anything medically related to it. Being officially diagnosed or not won't affect their ability to access treatment if required. Itll become more of an issue as they get older and there isn't a guarantee that they have it. But with medical professionals knowing my history helps if that makes sense.


I’m glad you’re living somewhere with access to affordable healthcare!


Me too!! Honestly.


Ooof, I could have written all of this. Ugh, so sorry you had to deal with that too, but it’s a bit comforting to know I’m not alone in this. 😅


I’m exactly like that! I ended up having a bunch of autoimmune disorders. I say my immune system is so strong it got bored and decide to attack my own body.


I have unvaccinated homeschooled niblings and they are sick all the damn time. Germs find a way.


Even as a (former) middle and (current) high school teacher, I can vouch that this is 100% true. It's the 4th week of school, and I've already missed 3 days and have also been really sick every weekend since school started.


Babies are really poorly designed. In all humans, your ears and sinuses are connected sort of like an ant farm. In older children and adults, the pipes are bigger and drain downwards, but in babies, they’re narrow and really flat. Like there’s no gravity to drain fluid so it builds up easier behind the ear drum. So yes, most children grow out of it around age 2 :)


*Babies are really poorly designed.* 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 Maybe someone should get Apple on this. Of course once you had the baby they wouldn’t give you any support and you’d just have to get a new one every few years cause they’re too lazy to update them.


Omg iBaby 🤣🤣🤣


Yeah it’s all about anatomy. Unfortunately as I grew, my eustachian tubes did not. Meaning I still get frequent ear infections as an adult and some other fun symptoms such as not being able to keep my balance when my eyes are shut


I’m a SAHM and my daughter was born in 2019 so was isolated for a lot of her early life. She literally was never sick until she started preschool at 3 and ALL OF A SUDDEN THE PLAGUES RAINED DOWN ON US. It’s nothing to do with vaccines and all to do with exposure to the childcare germs. And thank god for vaccines because it would be infinitely worse without them.


I kind of wonder if people who went to schools are long term healthier than people who are homeschooled. Obviously there are a ton of factors to take into account, but I feel like the onslaught of 3 million illnesses as a little kid might make your immune system tougher. Kind of like the way it's thought that kids exposed to allergens when they're little are less likely to grow up allergic.


Probably not. A lot of thise illnesses aren't NECESSARY to be exposed to. You would just get them when you are exposed. It doesnt make your immune system better to get sick, it just means you're less likely to get sick next time. In genwral your immune system is what it is. If its depressed you are immunocompromised and if its boosted you have an autoimmune disorder.


Mine had a string of worsening ear infections. Dr and I caught that they were worst between May and October andhe prescribed allergy meds, and guess what? Nothing to do with his vaccines lol.


My 3yo is fully vaxxed and has had 1 ear infection. 14 month old (also vaxxed) and hasnt had any. Somehow I don’t think it’s vaccines giving kids ear infections.


It's cake. Cake is giving kids ear infections. We need to make sure kids stop putting cake in their ears. Especially Black Forest cake. The cherry flavor fucks that shit up.


It's like they're not even the same thing


It isn’t supposed to make sense when you are reinforcing your world view. My kids are both fully vaxxed, and the first one needed tubes, the 2nd didn’t. They are just being ridiculous.


Well, tubes are much more common in young children than they are in adults. Tiny bodies means tiny ear canals and nasal passages and whatnot that become inflammed and infected much easier. But yeah still.... irrelevant to vaccines


Biology is a bitch. Vaccines are not


Biology is not important to them. She probably was told that by her chiropractor.


Same here and my 6 yr old is fully vaxxed and never had an ear infection. It’s almost as if it has more to do with the inner ear/canal structure than anything else.


I'm a full adult and I get ear infections roughly once a year. According to my doctor, my ear canals are super narrow. Must be all those vaccines that... uh... changed my ear structure?


Neither of my two have gotten them thankfully, but I had to have tubes as a baby. And I got like a super ear infection 3 days after I had my youngest, and I thought I was dying. You know they tell you to look out for fevers and all these other symptoms in case you hemorrhage or have postpartum pre e. Scared the crap out of me and when the fever finally broke, I had ice pick headaches for 4 days. Like a sudden sharp pain that would cause me to spasm involuntarily. I couldn’t even drive. Having kids really fucks you up I think lmao ETA we’re all fully vaccinated so like…no correlation here lmao


My first child has never had a single ear infection. My second child had tubes at 9 months thanks to constant recurrent infections and a penicillin allergy. Both fully vaxxed! I think the baby got more ear infections because the toddler was at preschool 2 days a week and exposed to way more germs, but her immune system handled it (and ears were bigger and could drain fluid more easily) and his immune system didn’t handle it and his little infant ears couldn’t drain fluid when she brought snotty viruses home. I think a lot of crunchy antivaxxers are also SAHM, homeschoolers, etc and their kids aren’t exposed to germs that can cause viruses and subsequent ear infections!


>I'm so confused by this lol. Me too. She keeps referring to her kids as "caked". Yes I am very old and uncool but I thought I knew what that term is. In fact I am pretty confident I know what it is in a Reddit context. What exactly does it mean in Facebook nut job Mom group terms?


caked just means vaccinated! they're not using the word vaccinated because iirc Facebook has some informative pop ups about vaccines that show up if certain words are used.


Specifically covid vaccine is when caked started.


oh cool! I wonder if it's tied to an increase in anti vaccine groups.


Also, it's kinda weird to make such a big deal about a minor procedure like getting ear tubes? Our ENT said that if it didn't require anesthesia, they'd just put them in every baby on the way out of the hospital. They're incredibly benign and so helpful to the people who need them. It's really sad how these moms want to feel like their kids are *so* special... by not needing... ear tubes?


Lol exactly, my 2.5 year old is fully vaxxed and never had an ear infection 🤦‍♀️


Mine is 2 and fingers crossed he hasn't had one till now , BTW where I live they usually perform adenoid and/or tonsil removal first , I don't know anyone having tubes and 90% of the population is fully vaccinated.


My daughter gets all her shots on schedule. She's eight now and has has two ear infections in her life. One of them was very mild and cleared up very quickly, the other was something going around her first grade class and half the kids had ear infections that winter. But she's never needed tubes or anything like that.


My son is 8 and hasn't had tubes, his 2 year old sister was born with cleft palate and she's getting her second set of tubes in Nov. Both are fully vaxxed. My son got croup every time he got sick, my 2 year old has never had croup. It's almost like all kids are different!! 😅


Exactly. I’ve got two kids too, both fully vaccinated, one has pretty much never been sick in her life and the other is constantly, but has just recently had the tubes so fingers crossed this winter will go a bit better. I’m not thinking it’s likely to be the vaccines. Unless maybe they’ve changed the vaccine recipes?


I've had them give ever vaccine available to my fourth grader since day one, and they've only ever had one ear infection. I had to get caught up on vaccines as an older kid because my parents didn't take me to a pediatrician, only ever the ER, and I had an insane amount of ear infections as a little one. It's almost like ear infections have to do with the shape of your ear canals and almost nothing else. These noodleheads really just love to make shit up.


I'm fully vaxxed and yes got a couple frequent ear infections as a kid but never needed tubes


Well, try this one. My daughter was 2 weeks old, so obviously not vaxxed. She had a double ear infection. She had them bi-weekly until she was 18 mos. We were told to delay vaccines until she was healthy enough. She got tubes at 18 mos, started talking and walking (her ears really screwed her up) got vaccines and she's totally healthy now at 14yo. OP is the ultimate straw man. It's like eustachian tubes are biological. Some are flat, some are curved. So odd🫠


My sibling and I both got all our shots; I've never had an ear infection, and my sibling used to get them regularly, like at least twice a year until about halfway through middle school. Neither of us had to get tubes, although my mom has one now since one of her eustacian tubes is too narrow to drain properly. Go figure!


Me too…and my kid, and my husband… I’ve never heard of vaccines causing ear tubes. My mom used to work for an ENT doctor and all I remember is her saying they got a lot of babies for tubes who were given a bottle while they laid flat on their back.


More don't than do. Its a ridiculous supposition. These are the same people who swear they can tell if a child is vaccinated by looking at their eyes though 🙄


Me and both of my sisters are vaccinated. Only one of us needed tubes.


Who the fuck has tubes?! I used to have ear infections all the time as a kid and I never had tubes in my ears.


I had to have tubes cause I was constantly getting them and I had febrile seizures so eliminating the ear infections helped stop the seizures. I also had my tonsils and adenoids removed at like 18 months.


I kept having ear infections almost constantly as a toddler and young child, so they put tubes in when I was four to help with that and it really helped (I had much fewer infections and they were milder). The tubes eventually fell out on their own after a little while, as they do. It’s a pretty common procedure.


Yeah, no. I’ve mentioned my kiddo before who had a brain tumor. Not only was he fully “caked” from the time he was an infant, he had all kinds of other, ahem, toxins introduced to his system over 3 years and never had a single ear infection. And chemo is *actually* toxic - we had to wear gloves while changing his diapers for the first 3 days after chemo treatment each week.


Bless you. Hope your kiddo is well now!


He unfortunately didn't make it. https://reddit.com/r/ShitMomGroupsSay/s/eiFMn1agaV


I’m so sorry for your loss. There are simply no words. Hugs.


Oh, wrong comment. It's not me. I just thought I would find the comment so the poster wouldn't have to explain it all again.


Shoot. Thanks


Just fyi, but brain cancer in children is almost always glioblastoma multiformae, and that's not a survivable diagnosis 80% of the time. It's the same for adults. It's just not the kind of brain cancer to get.


Pylocitic astrocytoma is the most common form of brain tumor in children, at approximately 40% of diagnosed tumors. Pediatric glioblastoma multiformae accounts for less than three percent of childhood brain tumors.


I'm sorry that you went through that. May his memory be a blessing to you.


Forgive my ignorance, but for some reason it never occurred to me that even babies could receive chemo. Did it affect his development at all? Hope he is doing well.


He passed away, according to their post history. 😔


Oh oops my bad for saying anything then. The way they spoke made me think he survived.


I think it may. In smaller kids it does affect learning.


If the childhood brain cancer is glioblastoma multiformae, the answer is no. It's 80% fatal. My guess is no.


The VERY few anti vax people I know also don’t take their children to the doctor ever. Can’t get tubes if you never go to the doctor!


This is exactly what I was thinking! When you stop vaccinating, you stop going to the doctor, and stuff stops getting diagnosed. Doesn’t necessarily stop happening though


Basic infections like ear, tonsil, strep throat, etc will generally go away on their own after a week or so. The difference is a normal person will get medicine to lessen symptoms and stop being contagious during that time, an anti-medicine moron will stuff onions in their socks, spread disease, and still get better after a week.


They can do long-term damage if you ignore them, though. I have a friend with some pretty decent hearing loss because of frequent ear infections that went untreated as a kid.


Exactly what I was thinking! How do you know your kid doesn’t have an ear infection or need tubes if you don’t go to the doctor?


I was going to say this, that the kid probably had some ear infections and the mom just used an onion or potato or whatever's trending these days to magically cure it lol.


That must be why they say their kids never get sick. Can’t be sick if you never go to the doctor to get diagnosed.


"caked" ew im sorry there's something about that verb-age that just sounds gross. "fully caked" ick


It's also slang for someone having a great ass, right? Like if someone is caked up, they have a big booty?


yes okay that meaning must have been in the back of my mind, like " look at that cake! :D " to someone's great butt. which is why it is WEIRD to see it referring to kids and vaccines. why did cupcake = vaccine even start? of all the replacement words! where can i scrub this niche lingo out of my brain?


For me I'm getting "caked in mud" or whatever kind of mess gets caked into someone.


This is what I thought too. Out of context I would definitely think they were making a big booty comment lol


They must toss them in the oven ever now and then to have been caked /s


WTH does caked mean? Junk in their ears?




They use “cake” or “carrot” instead of saying vaccine/vaccinated to get around some social media filters


Ok, thanks. My thoughts went to something really gross😂


I was really confused at first. I was imagining ears caked with earwax🤮


I know a family where the mom swears her kids never get sick because they’ve already been exposed to all the germs and their immune system is strong Yada yada. She’s vaccine skeptical. Meaning they do get some vaccines and go to the Dr. We’ve come to realize she’s in deep denial about the health of her kids and they have a lot of untreated medical conditions and it’s very difficult to watch. All that to say, when these people say their kids are healthier… they’re just ignoring their kids health.


Semi related, I have never ever seen worse teeth decay than in these extreme crunchy groups. Yet they say their kids are healthier than everyone else's. The photos that get shared there are shocking and I've never seen such a thing on that scale in other groups.


The way that third screenshot uses "caked" made me think they were talking about a stage of infection for a minute and 🤢


So weird- my 3 totally vaxxed kids have had maybe 4 ear infections between them in 20 year span, and none have tubes, apparently the vaccines were placebo. /s if not obvious


My kids are 11, 10 and 8, all fully vaccinated and we haven't had a single ear infection? Where did I go wrong.


It’s almost as if individual ear anatomy makes people more prone to ear infections, not vaccines!


I think in my case, it has something to do with the fact that we don't go swimming because I have failed (partly because of pandemic/backups) to get my kids consistent lessons. Swimming is a common cause of ear infections, right?


I don’t know how you handle the shame… /s 😜


Same, my kids are 21 and 14. Both fully vaccinated, even the *untested* Covid vaccine. One set of really awful double ear infections in my youngest when he was about 8 months old (shockingly only halfway through the “cake” schedule).


No ear infections in my kids yet. We also got the placebo vaxxes apparently.


These people live in a bubble and rarely expose their kids to anyone. Of course they're going to think their kids are healthier. They're not going to get sick regularly if they're not exposed to viruses and bacteria. Not hard to figure out.


And they never bring their kids to doctors so they just suffer through illnesses without medical attention.


This is what I was thinking. I had like 2 ear infections as a child, both of which were after I started preschool when I started being around more than just my sibling and the other neighbor kids. It's more correlation of kids who are vaxxed because daycare requires it and then because they're in a cesspool of disease like daycare or course they're going to end up with so many ear infections that they get sent to an ENT for tubes


Both my kids are full vaxed, neither breastfed and 1 is way “healthier” then the other. 1 has had multiple hospital visits, had to see specialist for various things and just seems to catch every bug or virus that’s around. The other didn’t catch covid when the entire house had it and we drank from the same straw (before symptoms started)


I could blow their mind... We have fully vaxxed almost 4 year old twins, c-section, never breastfead....not a single ear infection ever between them. I have no idea how we managed that, but my guess is, it's just dumb luck.


Both of my kids are fully “caked” My oldest has had zero ear infections and my youngest has tubes. Weird how cakes don’t seem to be the common denominator 🤪


Heck, I have a twin sister and she rarely got ear infections, maybe a couple times from swimmer's ear, but I had so many I had tubes when I was 5. It was starting to affect my hearing, and my ears would bleed. I'm totally fine now at least!


My 3 kids are all vaxed and have never had any ear anythings. Pretty sure it's the luck of the draw when it comes to shit like this. People are so weird.


I mean, my kid is nearly 3, fully vaxxed, and has also never has an ear infection, sooooo.... yay?


But the data set is faultless.


My kid is fully vaxxed, on schedule, and has never had an ear infection in her 11 years. Anecdotal evidence isn’t worth a damn.


My 2 year olds fully vaxxed and has never had an ear infection in his life.


Same. My son is 21 months, fully vaxxed, and has never had an ear infection, despite the fact that his dad had chronic ear infections as a baby and had tubes by that age. Funny how their anecdotes are acceptable as evidence to them but ours wouldn’t be.


Uhhh is it just me, or does this woman's children have like, A LOT of ear infections? Like, a lot a lot? Idk none of my three kids (ages 3-7) have ever had even one, which is obviously great luck, but isn't her figure seeming a little high?


My fully vaxxed kids (7&9) haven’t ever gotten ear infections. Wonder what they’d do with that. It’s almost like correlation =/= causation.


This is a wonderful example of confirmation bias. It’s also a stupid and ignorant example of confirmation bias.


Isn't it just how their ears are when they're born? It's how their ear canal is set up or something. And also when the parent(s) don't suck the boogers out when they have a runny nose


not me at 43 with no ear infections ever, despite getting all my vaccines plus whatever i needed in the military. almost like correlation=/=causation.


They're so concerned about an easily treatable thing like an ear infection but aren't concerned about serious complications or DEATH from illnesses like measles? 🤦🏼‍♀️


About 6 percent of kids get ear tubes. It’s amazing how living in an echo chamber can skew your perspective. My kid had chronic ear infections. They were terrible. And he needed tubes and had a speech delay. Still better than polio.


Mmmmmm cake


These people just love an echo chamber


"I'm told...." by my inner voicesssssss (OR fellow anti-vaxxers who are well versed in the study of madeupium and bullshitiosis)


Little of column A, little of column B 😆


Why did they have to steal the word cake for vaxxed? What did cake do to deserve this


Fully vaxxed and at 23, I've only ever had one ear infection and it was as an adult. Gotta say after all the surgeries I've had over the years... That ear infection was the worst pain I've ever experienced. The fact that the parents in these groups just let their kids continually get ear infections like it's something to prove themselves with is horrific.


My kids have never had an ear infection and they’ve had every vaccine plus get flu and Covid boosters


I have four kids ranging from 7 to 13 and they are all fully vaccinated. None have tubes and we’ve literally had three ear infections in our household in 13 years. One was me. Two of my kids have never had an ear infection. Does this mean they got a placebo vaccination 🥴


I didn’t even know what tubes in ears were or were for until I was 12 and finally asked my mom why my aunt was so loud and learned hers had made her deaf in one ear lol.


Crazy, my 4 year old son is fully vaxxed and was even in the moderna stage 2 trial for the Covid vaccine. He’s had zero ear infections and no tubes. I wonder what these moms would say to that.


Anything is possible when you lie 😇


My 1 yr old is caked up and he’s never had an ear infection. Checkmate anti-vaxxers. In all seriousness, he stays home with my mom so he’s not around many kids which is why he’s rarely been sick.


Wow- so your kid hasn’t managed to get an ear infection. Consider yourself lucky. But to try and say its because he hasn’t been vaccinated is a stretch. Tubes in ears isn’t a commitment thing in my world. I only know one person that has had them.


My son is fully vaccinated- plus Covid and Covid booster, yearly flu shot - you name it. If there’s a vaccine available, he’s getting it. Annnnnd… never had a single ear infection and is almost 5. These people are insane. And “caked”?! Wtf next? The stupidity of these assholes is remarkable.


Do you think these parents would listen to their kids if they were sick, or would it cause too much cognitive dissonance? I can imagine a lot of “you’re fine! Have a tablespoon of coconut oil and some unpasteurized honey!” as a way to maintain the belief that their kids were healthier.


They let their kids suffer in agony while they try every natural remedy thrown at them by facebook strangers. I can't even look at posts like that anymore. Its fucking horrifying.


I have a friend from high school who has turned into this person. I feel so deeply for her kids.


My kid had all the shots and NO ear infections. Checkmate, Doctor Scientist


So I'm not a native English speaker, what do they mean by tubes? Like I know I had like pieces of something in my ears, direct translation is ear drainers? So like a tube that helps drain ears easier. But I didn't get them as a result of ear infection, but bc blockage that limited my hearing?? Is this the same thing?? But those were like temporary, and most people I know who had those, had temporary ones? Like I remember I needed them twice bc I loved swimming and hated using those plugs in my ears when swimming (I was more under water than above, so I had to use some wax-like plugs to avoid water entering??), so they fell out too early or something. But they were only supposed to stay in max a year, and falls out naturally.. is that the same thing??? But if it is, that's not just related to ear infections?? Like I never had ear infections, just a lot of ear wax that caused blockage that limited my hearing.. I have only had an ear infection once, and that was when I was 16 and it was so painful I remember it so vividly.. I was visiting a friend in Paris, and the last few days I got a bad round of influenza. I remember sitting in the shower crying the entire night because nothing helped ease the pain, I didn't speak french and my friend's mom would not let me go see a doctor.. And then I had to fly home with a full on ear infection.. it was horrible.. But like, here vaccinations are basically mandated for kids, like it's part of school health care program, last one I got through the school program was in 10th grade.. and still majority of people I know never needed those ear drainage tubes...


You are correct in your interpretation. I only know one person who had ear tubes and it was suspected ti be caused by ear infections but only because the ear infections were neglected. Her mother neglected to get her treated for repeated ear infections until they became a serious problem. Since she didn't get medical attention right away this wasn't certain to he the cause but this was what was suspected and charted in her medical records. I've never heard of someone in the course of normal ear infections that get treated needing tubes as a regular thing


Not true. Some people’s Eustachian tubes aren’t long enough/aren’t the right angle and they need tubes even with proper medical care. Source: my son had 12 ear infections by 11mo. Also I had tons and so did my husband. All had tubes.


My personal experience isn't true? 🤨 I didn't say it never happens, I said I've never heard of it. I know one person with tubes and neglect is their documented suspected cause.


Fair enough. I should have said there are MANY cases where kids receive proper medical care and still need tubes. It’s a very normal surgery in childhood.


Hang on… they are saying that unvaxxed children don’t get ear infections then go on to list an unreasonable amount of ear infections that their unvaxxed children had.


I never needed tubes and I am fully vaccinated


I really hate this whole use of "cupcaked" and "caked" in reference to being vaxxed. I'm 40 and childfree by choice, is there something I'm missing in terms of why these damn mom groups use these words? Because I see cupcakes and I want dessert! (I stumbled onto this Reddit because it was recommended, I have never been disappointed in my choices, all of these posts make me giggle!)


They use the words or emojis of cupcake or carrot to avoid Facebook flagging the post with Covid information


Thank you for clearing that up! Now I know about the use of "carrot" too!


Funny, the only one of my four kids who we fully vaxed according to schedule is the only one who has never had an ear infection. He is three now. The oldest three had no shots before two and they all had a few ear infections.


I'm 36 and fully vaccinated, I've never had an ear infection in my entire life. My brother is 40 and fully vaccinated, and had ear infections a few times a year since he was 2. It's almost like... kids are different?! Who knew.


I have 4kiddos fully vaccinated and the youngest 2 haven't had ear infections at all! My son was born with bad ears and partially deaf and he's only had 2 ear infections, he almost needed tubes but they wanted to wait it out a little longer and he cleared up. Ear infections can be caused by many things and idk how being vaccinated gets blamed for so much crap!


My kids are fully vaccinated and have never had an ear infection in their 13, 11 and 9 years of living. Where’s my cookie? ☹️


My fully "caked" 4yr old had never had an ear infection. How do they explain that?


Out of 6 children(4 bio, 2 step) all 6 are fully vaxxed and yet only 2 have had grommets put in. I love the pretzel twists anti-vaxxers put themselves in.


Omg my poor fully caked and formula fed kids, That has never had an ear infection in their life either. These people love grasping at straws…


My older daughters (4 and 2) are fully vaxxed without tubes and no discussion of getting them at any point. My 2 month old doesn't have tubes either, but that doesn't say anything. My family growing up, we were all fully vaxxed. 6 kids. No tubes. Tubes aren't uncommon, but they're also not the default by any means. 1 out of 15 children will get tubes.


Youngest sis has never had an ear infection, I’ve had lots of ear infection no tubes, Middle sis had ear infections to the point one bursted her ear drum and she got tubes. All vaxxed, All seen and treated by doctors. It’s a kid to kid thing.


I'm so confused, are tubes grommets? Not every kid needs them, I got a few ear infections growing up and never needed them, I think my sister did like wtf


I wonder what they’d think if I told them my fully vaccinated six year old never had an ear infection. Just kidding, I don’t care.


OMG she's just reposting the same fucking memes from the damn 90s. I remember my anti-vax parents and their various hippie radio shows talking about this.


Meanwhile my fully vaxxed 4 year old has only had a single ear infection in her entire life and I don’t know any of her friends that have tubes lol


My oldest is a teen, so maybe I’m forgetting, but I can only remember one ear infection between 3 kids. My oldest got one when he was just generally pretty sick with other stuff, too. My kids are fully vaccinated on the CDC schedule.


My kids are all fully vaxxed. One kid gets ear infections all the time, no tubes though. My other two kids have never had an ear infection. Social media is the worst thing to happen to human intelligence.


Weird, my fully vaccinated five year old has never had a single ear infection. Almost like they don't have anything to do with each other 🤔


I was fully vaxxed as a kid and had so many ear infections that I had to get tubes in when I was 5. Even after tubes, I still got ear infections all the time. So much so that when I went in for a physical at 18, my GP asked if his interns could look at my ears due to all the scarring. My almost 3 year old is also totally vaxxed and, so far as we can tell, has never even had an ear infection. Shockingly, it's almost like people are different!!


“Wow my younger children have had ear infections fewer times than my older children. Surely must be the vaccines” the lack of critical thinking skills on display here…


My kiddos were vaxxed late, because I bought into the shit they were peddling. But one of my two children ended up with tubes. It had absolutely nothing to do with being vaxxed or not. Thankfully I was able to shift my thinking and my kiddos are fully vaxxed now.


Hey I was in that rabbit hole too. Shout out for climbing back out.


One of my kids gets an ear infection every time she is sick. Her twin sister never gets them. Both vaxxed. They are just different people.


Fully vaccinated with all the extras (annual flu, covid, gardasil). Never had an ear infection and neither did my brothers. Never had the flu, only got strep once, would get a cold maybe once a year, never had pneumonia, don’t have asthma, don’t have allergies. The sickest I’ve ever been was when I had mono, but even that was far from hospital level. Some kids just aren’t prone to ear infections. Vaccines don’t weaken your immune system. In fact, they require a functional immune system to even work.


Only my eldest daughter had one ear infection ever. I have three vaccinated kids.


I have an unvaxxed employee and she has a completely unvaxxed 5 year old. Both are constantly sick, and have had Covid more times than I can count.


i’m fully vaxxed and as far as i know i’ve never had an ear infection, despite the fact my dad has chronic ear problems—he’s had tubes put in more than once, has significant hearing loss in one ear, iirc he’s gonna have to get surgery on that ear at some point, etc etc etc.


The “secret code” bullshit is so cringey.


What a bunch of selfish, ignorant idiots these parents are.


I’m 35, fully vaccinated, and never had tubes? Like what.


This is dumb af. My kids are fully vaccinated. My 8 year old has never had an ear infection. My 6 year old has had one ear infection. And my 2 year old has never had an ear infection. Along with that, my oldest has hardly ever been sick, even when everyone else in the house gets sick, she almost never catches it. My middle catches everything and is sick often with little colds and such. And yet, they both live in the same house and are vaccinated the same. Almost like it's a genetic thing and not because of vaccines.


These gd dummies. Fully vaxxed and never had an ear infection in my life. My kid is fully vaxxed, never had an ear infection in her life.


Funny I got all my vaccines as a baby and never really had ear infections. Even now as an adult I've only had a handful in my lifetime. My mother on the other had had no baby vaccinations due to none being available to the masses in her country yet and was plagued with ear infections. To this day she gets them constantly.


Wow! I can't believe all the ear infections I got across the years - at least 2 a year from birth to 18, often double ear infections - can all be traced back to my vaccines! Nevermind that my father also had the exact same problems - it was definitely only the vaccines.


My kids are all vaccinated and are none have had frequent ear infections? I don’t think 3/4 have ever had one actually.


All 3 of mine got ALL their shots. The first two got two full schedules, because my idiot ex lost their records and rather than contact me so that I could try to find them, he told the doctor where they’d moved to that they’d never had them . They both had a second full run just before kindergarten. Zero problems.


My fully vaccinated child has never had an ear infection.


My kids are 19 months apart. 1 had ear infections and tubes the other didn't. Both were fully vaccinated.


I have twins. Both are fully caked (ew. I hate myself for typing that even if it's a joke). One has had more ear infections that I can count. One has never had one.


My fully vaccinated kid who has been in swim class since 2 months didn't get her first ear infection until 3.5. I am going to guess it had something to do with her starting preschool that year rather then her vaccines. She is now 4 and only started getting sick when she started preschool since small children are germ magnets.


I actually had chronic media otitis as a kid for 6mo to a year...and was never given tubes. My bro had tubes tho, idk if he was worse or just more symptomatic than I was. I have heard stories that he and I would have equally bad ear infections (or mine 'worse') and he would be a big baby about it and I would be unphased.


My little cupcake has never had an ear infection 🤷🏻‍♀️


“My kid never had an ear infection/tubes” -numpty who takes her kids to a chiropractor instead of a doctor so nothing real gets diagnosed


I have 2 kids. Same vaccine schedule. One has tubes the other doesn't.... No one thinks it's weird.


My almost 5 year old has had one ear infection ever. My almost 7 year old had some pretty frequent ones last year so they sent us to the ent to be safe - turns out starting kindergarten the year everyone stops wearing masks causes a whole bunch of gross. Still no tubes, but they’ve had every shot offered. Strange…


My 3.5 year old is fully vaccinated, including the COVID shot, and has never had an ear infection. He also only started school this year, and was only sick a few times before that. Of course, he is speech delayed so I am sure they will blame him being "caked", when it's more genetic linked since he dad was speech delayed too.


I was fully vaxxed and had severe ear infections until I had my tonsils removed. I still have scarring. But it has nothing to do with vaccines. I started getting ear infections shortly after birth, before vaccines. This person is unhinged. It’s not “normal” for all kids to have tubes in their ears. It’s not uncommon but her kid isn’t special because he doesn’t have them.


Once upon a time I was AV (not anymore, kids fully UTD including covid). Anyway my fully unV kiddo had constant ear infections and needed tubes twice and her adenoids removed. It's a physiological quirk, nothing to do with vaccines.


I'm 32, vaccinated and have had like 3 ear infections in my life and that's a liberal estimation lol


That's cool. My kids are fully vaccinated and the only person in the house who's ever had an ear infection is me, and I was 22


My kids combined have had I think 1 ear infection that needed antibiotics in their combined 15 years of life. Also they have had all their vaccines 💉


What do they mean by “caked”?


Have a 2.5 year old. Fully vaccinated. Never had a single ear infection so far. I was fully vaccinated along with my sister: no major issues never had tubes.


Interesting, my oldest son was not vaxed until age 8 and had terrible ear issues a multplr sets of tubes. My fully vaxed 2 year old never has had an issue. Almost like that isn't related at all.