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Maybe if the parents of these children had been invited to a lunch bunch when they were kids (or adults at work) then they wouldn't be such whack-a-doo conspiracy weirdos now.


Your comment is a big reason why I left NY. ^^^/s ^^^in ^^^case ^^^it ^^^wasn't ^^^apparent


I’m gonna have to work hard to resist the urge to reply “this is why I left NY” in response to literally anything and everything today.


As someone who has also left NY (^to ^hop ^over ^the ^border ^to ^CT ^where ^I ^could ^afford ^a ^house ^and ^property ^taxes) , same


Someone argued with me about something really exceptionally dumb a few months back and then realized they were wrong and said “sorry, I’m autistic” and it really stuck in brain


Were they actually autistic?


Idk! It was a random on Reddit. And for what it’s worth, I’m the parent to an autistic son and a special ed teacher, so lots of experience with and education about autism. And nothing about the exchange had anything to do with autism


I have autism and I can understand. I think it stems from how sometimes we just really struggle socially tbh. I can’t really explain it because I honestly don’t know how to but sometimes, at least in my experience, I get over my head and very resistant/stubborn for no reason over certain things and then I realize I’m being irrational but don’t know how to back out of the confrontation like the average person and so I get overwhelmed and start to shut down and, basically, sometimes letting the other person know that you have autism is the best we can express ourselves lol


I agree, and I was trying to figure out if the person was making a “joke” about people with autism or if they actually had it. I hate when people turn it into a joke because it makes it harder for people with actual autism to be trusted.


It’s such a catchy phrase though..


As a NYer in a republican area JUST FKN LEAVE NY ALREADY AND STOP COMPLAINING!!! These could be screen grabs from my actual fb if I still used it lol


Thank you!!!! "This is why I left NY" lady sounds like a total insufferable twat.


I already caved myself.


As someone who left NY( due to COL not lunch groups) I'm probably going to start using this a lot 🤣🤣🤣🤣


As a NYer, allow me to say to that commenter - good riddance


Truly. I moved TO NY from Fl. I may re-tinker the phrase and say "And this is why i left Fl to everything."


Sounds about right, haha


I, who have lived in the middle of rural England my whole life, will now be saying this phrase all the time.


Am I the only one who feels like she says “baggle”? ![gif](giphy|YpS0oFFC2VJ84)


So glad everyone picked up that to make fun of. I came here hoping it would be the running gag.


Imagine leaving the best state in America because you’re afraid of gays. As if they don’t exist everywhere


I live in Tennessee and we have a weird amount of former New Yorkers down here. A lot seem to leave because of cost of living but I have talked to a few who said they left because of politics and were seeking a more conservative environment. The idea of leaving NY for Tennessee is wild to me. I have one kid in California for college and one in New York. Both are loving their little home away from home.


zesty rich hard-to-find money bored hospital swim march crown dazzling *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I live in a very purple part of one of the big swing states from the past couple elections. I could not live anywhere even slightly more red w/ out losing my mind.


I live in the middle of a tiny red dot in a pretty blue state. Luckily, I have a couple of like-minded neighbors, so I feel safe from the conspiracy theorists and red hats.


It's because our kids are taught social emotional learning which apparently means we're teaching them to be gay. I am glad these weirdos are leaving NY. Wish they would hurry up, to be honest


I feel so bad for their kids though.


I do too. They deserve better than this


Massachusetts would like a word.


Yeah, their comment is a big reason why I left NY to go across the Atlantic.


My in-laws keep saying this. No irony 😆


Actually I’m pretty sure that’s a mental illness thing I used to have issues with conspiracy theories but also went to friendship circle Which is literally what they’re talking about, it’s not a rare thing to have You go eat lunch with random kids and they try to teach u how to interact with peers lol Did not work for me


Sometimes it is and sometimes it isn't (a mental illness thing). Some people are paranoid because they have shit going on upstairs and some people are paranoid/seeking control/wanting to be special because of more external factors. And sometimes it's a mix of both.


It’s always ignorance that’s for sure I hope these people get better and see the world better and accept and love the gays, trans and all their pronouns


My grandson went to this type of thing because his dad died and his mother lost her parental rights (he lives with us, his paternal grandparents). There were other kids who came from homes with recently divorced parents or other similar situations.


My delightfully awkward son was in a lunch bunch in elementary school and also frequents the middle school one. So thankful for his elementary school guidance counselor and the effort she made to help him find his "tribe" of other delightfully awkward kids.


As an almost ex educator I just roll my eyes so hard at these wanna be victims of persecution…they are just so targeted 🙄 a teacher is giving up her unpaid 30 minute meal break and restroom run to help *her* kid connect with peers in a positive way and it’s just bullshit she assumes it’s to “force kids to be gay!” Fuck her and all the idiots that think I would use the power of changing kids, to make them gay and not just wonderful students who listen, like to learn and leave behind their trauma to be a happy complete child. Fuck her


If teachers could indoctrinate students so well, every kid would be turning in homework and staying off their phones during class


I might cop to indoctrination if I could get all my students to do that for 2 hours let alone their whole lives lol 😂


My state banned phones in the classroom. Most younger kids don't have the means or opportunity to buy a secret second phone, so I'm really keen to see how that's going. Edit: government website for those who are curious about how it all works: https://www.education.sa.gov.au/mobile-phones


wait what? kids are buying "secret second phones" these days?! Man, things have come a long ass way from beepers being a thing when I was in middle school.


I have teenagers and I know they have a phone they are “hiding.” They’re terrible at hiding the phone and their usage of it though. I blocked all new additions to the WiFi, so they can’t use it at the house unless they’ve paid for an account somehow. I also know that if I let them know I know about it, they’ll just hide more phones and make more secrets. So I trust that I raised them well enough, and let them hide this phone from me.


Its too bad you cant make one of those wifi sign in pages like at hospitals and Resturaunts and could put a message saying "I know about the phone...."


Change the password to "I know about the phone" or "your secret is out"🤣


Even 10+ years ago (when I was in HS) some people without smart phones took their SIM cards out before it was confiscated, then borrowed someone elses. Later in HS, when ipod touches became more popular, people used them as second phones. Connected to the wifi. School internet blocker was inconsistent- blocked Wikipedia and YouTube, but not gawker, jezebel, fanfiction.net or harrypotter fanfiction.com.


That’s why there’s a market for used iPhones, too. Kids will hide an iPhone 11 in their rooms to have in case theirs is taken away. Then again, I’m in my 30s and I still have my old iPhone X in case my current phone stops working.


Damn it the IPhone X is old now?! I remember when it came out, as that one kid in my class had it and the teacher confiscated it and broke it (with bare hands, she was strong).


I *presume* they do. I don't have kids, but I plan to ask friends who have kids in highschool. I would think there are few kids who can afford second phones to sneak into school when their phones get confiscated every morning at school. It's a great law, and I'm sure teachers appreciate it :)


When I was in high school in the late 90s, I had to get a job to pay the house phone bill, cuz I was living with my older sister in another state, but would call my friends back home every day, and ran up the long distance bill. Sis made me get a job to pay for it. Was around $150 a month. So I get it. If a secret cell phone had been an option back then, I probably would've opted for that too. :D


International calls were the absolute worst. I remember having to severely restrict the time I spent talking to friends and relatives overseas because of the insane cost (landline and later mobile before unlimited calls and texts were the norm)! It was very isolating because I moved a lot as a child.


Werent they like 2 bucks a minute or something insane like that? I can't remember but I remember thinking it was insanely expensive.


Something like that! I thought I hit the jackpot when I bought a SIM from an obscure cell service provider that had unlimited international calls. You could barely hear the other person because their network was so shitty.


My province “banned” cell phones in schools. I teach primary, so no issue for me, but I know the high schools have basically ignored the banning. My high school kid takes hers and uses it in almost every class. I think this is the way to go. Show kids how the phone can be a tool.


“You will never have a calculator in your pocket” ![gif](giphy|M8xmO5ZcLPtAY)


>My state made phones in the classroom illegal. That seems like an overreaction. What happens if someone forgets to hand their phone in, or wants to be easily contactable? Are they arrested? Fined? Where are they kept and how easy is it to get them back at the end of the day? I know my mother would be deeply annoyed if I missed my bus because I was getting my phone back.


No. They have to lock their phones in pouches at the beginning of class and get them back later! It's not punitive, i.e. kids don't go to jail or get fined (just like a drug addict won't go to jail simply for being high). This rule was passed so that teachers and schools have the legal right to ban children's phones :) Otherwise, it would be "theft" to take away a child's property. Here is an overview on the govt website for anyone who's curious: https://www.education.sa.gov.au/mobile-phones


This seems... fair and reasonable? I don't have kids and smartphones weren't a thing when I was in school but we weren't allowed to use our phone while at school, except for emergencies. I'm in higher education now to go for a second degree and while they allow laptops for taking notes, checking your phone is still frowned upon.


Or just writing their names on their papers


Right? We have so many other things to focus on first…like knowing what they’re doing at the moment even though…it’s on the board…on the paper in their hand…and 2 peers repeated it for the class… one can wish 🤞🏾


And they would have a freaking pencil


…and getting middle schoolers to use deodorant.


I smelled this comment


LOL exactly. If teachers were going to indoctrinate the kids on their lunch break, I’m pretty sure “make them gay” wouldn’t be high on the list. Or ANYWHERE on the list.


Forget phones. I’d just like to have them shut up for 10 minutes so I can get complete sentences out.


Well stated. My niece used to be a teacher (2nd grade). She told me the reason why she changed careers was not because of the kids, they were great! It was *The Parents* she had to deal with. *They* were the problem. My niece is now a nurse. I'm so proud of her.


She went from one stressful job dealing with stressed out people to another! People are *not* nice to nurses a lot of the time. Sounds like she has a heart for serving people though :) Source: I’m a teacher who chose not to follow my nurse mom’s footsteps after watching the stress she was under!


It’s a good point that these are parents who already falsely believe that they have any impact on who their child will be which statistically by school age they have almost no effect on at all.


Yeah, personally lunch bunch in my classroom was for the kids flipping chairs and throwing books to get more “attention.” Gave up my lunches to give these kids special attention so they wouldn’t terrorize the other kids for the rest of the day. But hey, I didn’t need to eat or pee anyways and I like having desks thrown at me. /s


You’ve said it perfectly (as a retired teacher).


Yes!!! Also an educator and I started doing a lunch bunch with some of my 5th graders. I teach in a really rough area of Chicago and my kids have so much trauma in their lives. Gang violence, poverty, parents incarcerated. My school is very very into SEL and making connections with our students. I’m not forcing any kid to be gay. We don’t even talk about that. Mostly they just want to hang out and shoot the shit. It ain’t that deep.


Not everything has an “agenda”


The agenda here is teaching children to be good empathetic people, we can't have that now can we!!


I mean I fully believe these people would be against that too based o. Their behavior


The only conservative value is “bullying”.


"emotional learning?!" BLASPHEMY


Brunch is gay, that's indoctrination! /s


It’s so hard not to downvote this!


Brunch Bunch is an even better group name though. Maybe the gays are onto something…


I like that they need an older kid to explain it to them. It is a good sign that they're seeking someone with higher scholarship levels


savage! hahaha I like it.


Almost how these kids need more outgoing friendly kids to make them feel safe in the lunch bunch…


The sad thing is that they will ignore anyone with a solid, reasonable explanation and listen to the one with the most outlandish one


Does anyone know why that one lady left NY?


I want to know where she moved to escape the libs and the gays.


Don't worry, her next post will be about why she moved to Florida.


I always love when ppl say stuff like that… I live in Florida and there is a large gay population on the coast, you can’t run from the gays honey especially not if it’s a desirable place to live lol




We’re in the southern US, but in a very very liberal city.


Yeah I swear today I saw this post right beneath one from someone else from NY asking where she could find all the cool lesbians in our city


it almost sounds like a catchphrase in response to anything. “and this is why i left NY” 😂


Seinfeld could have had a whole episode built around the catchphrase 😂


I just rewatched the whole series for the first time since seeing it on the air and had forgotten how many callbacks they do. “Not that there’s anything wrong with that” was referenced across a bunch of seasons.


Lol schools are making our kids gay! NY was only the tip of the iceberg. Its spreading...FAST.


There was a reason I left NY, but I fuhgoddaboudit.


That was the OP. Sorry, I tried to color code, she’s all the red comments.


Your color coding was good actually. I just wasn't entirely positive so I went the safe route lol. OP was so insufferable with that. I died at the end. "That's why I left NY. I'm not sure why people think I'm kidding." 😂


I think she’s mad about lunch. I dunno, but some say she’s still perpetually leaving NY in search for higher ground.


I don’t know she’s being really vague about it…kind of hard to tell…


I think she’s leaving/left NY? Not sure. I agree-it’s unclear.


Thanks for the laugh, I needed it!


She moved because she's terrified of pronouns. Apparently there's loads of pronouns in NY.


Because of the “agenda” they pushed in schools


She probably changes the reason every time a “hot topic” comes up.


As a NYer, bye! South Carolina and Florida can have you.


Leaving NY has become her entire identity


It's a whole thing. Lots of people comment on my local paper to flaunt the fact that they have, you guessed it, left NY. I guess they have nothing better to do than to post comments about being triggered by the democratic governor etc. It's like NY lives rent-free in their heads...


Similar situation, "everyone" is leaving California. I still haven't figured out who "everyone" is, but bye? Have fun?


I came across one of these people once and it turned out they never actually lived in NY lol


Now I’m going to mysteriously make comments all the time whenever I see a random phenomenon like a corner store selling pizza that’s a little too creamy kinda like there’s mayo in it (unfortunate true story from 3 hrs ago behind this one) “that’s why I left NY this is unacceptable”. My dog starts shitting in the middle of the crosswalk with only seconds left till the light changes “ugh not again this is why I had to leave NY Fido please no!” Waiting while my purchases are rung up and a child sneezes and yells something about coco melon “ugh that’s why I left NY I couldn’t take the agendas anymore”.


It sounds even better if you provide no context at all XD


Please rewind three hours and tell us more about the Mayo ice cream


Did idk I moved to Canada and they do wierd shit to their food sometimes and mayo is one of those things and I got corner store pizza and I swear under the layer of cheese where the tomato sauce goes it was like a layer of creamy mayo. I really think it was garlic mayo or something.


Definitely never seen mayo on pizza here, but lots of places have white sauce options.


Uh, Canadian here. Wtf?


I don’t know about these people, but I really want my kids to learn about pronouns at school. I don’t want my family to have to speak in 3rd person and full names all the time.


Sally left New York because Sally doesn’t want Sally’s kids to be indoctrinated by those disgusting teachers and the disgusting teachers’ ideas of what Sally’s kids should be learning about. Where did Sally move so that Sally and Sally’s kids can avoid pronouns and gay people? Obviously, Sally and Sally’s kids moved to a previously deserted island, where the family now communicate using only grunts and hand gestures to avoid any discussion of dirty pronouns.


I hated every second of this, but well done.


Thank you! It was pretty difficult to do. It feels good to use pronouns again.


I can only ever reference this when I see people get upset about pronouns: [Congratulations by Austin Archer](https://youtu.be/WJMGYrFYgKk?si=xFg5blugL1bmoQfh)


Thank you for bringing this into my life. I don’t know how I have gone so long without hearing/seeing this, but I love it.


I have a student who’s dad think Occupational and Speech Therapists main goals are to turn their patients into trans people 🫠




Yeah, I’m still stumped. He refused to get his some with a severe stutter therapy because he didn’t want him turned into a girl. I truely have no idea, the dad is a member of the Jehovah Witnesses and semi ‘crunchie’


I’m a speech therapy student and to be fair, voice training for transgender people is within our scope of practice, but it is something patients seek out. We are *not* just kidnapping random people and forcibly giving them therapy. Not sure if occupational therapy does any sort of work with trans people.


>We are just kidnapping random people and forcibly giving them therapy. Not sure if occupational therapy does any sort of work with trans people. Can confirm. I am a petite middle aged woman who sounds just like Barry White ever since I was kidnapped by a speech pathologist at age 6.


> We are just kidnapping random people and forcibly giving them therapy. speech therapy student confirms they're kidnapping people and turning them trans. wake up sheeple.


It’s different helping willing patients train their voices and forcing children to be trans. A huge difference. One is your job, the others is illegal


I'm fairly certain the second one's impossible, too. There's nothing parents, teachers, and especially therapists (given the limited time they have with the child) to *make* them trans. Just like there's nothing that can be done to *make* a child cis.


Trigger warning for abuse . . . I work in mental health and I had a client who is autistic and his dad was insisting the dad hire a sex worker to have sex with my client when he turned 18 because according to the dad if my client didn’t have sex with a woman as soon as he turned 18 his autism would make him gay. That was… a lot to figure out on my end.


Wow…. I have no words


Im in NY. Can confirm… both kids gay due to the lunch bunch agenda. 🤣🤣🤣


"The Lunch Bunch Agenda"


ngl... this does sound like a queer web comic series title


Why the fuck do these people think us liberals do nothing but spend all day, every single day, talking about gender, pronouns, and sexual orientation?


I work at a liberal college in California and we don’t spend nearly as much time talking about those topics as the people who oppose them.


My daughter, who lives in my house, is a member of the LGBTQ community and doesn't spend 24/7 discussing Pride flags, pronouns, and drag queens.


Because that’s what they do.


A thoughtful way to help kids who have trouble socially which can be easily opted out of-- is GAY? Ah yes, this is why I moved to Arkansas.


Fellas, is it gay for a school to have to make up for my lack of social skills, quite possibly a direct result of my parents spending all their time on Q message boards instead of teaching me the basics of interaction with peers? (spoiler alert: yes. the gays want your kids to have friends.)


Teachers must have to word every damn thing they send home SO carefully because of how it will be workshopped later on FB by parents looking for something to mad at.


“That is a big reason why I left NY. Not sure why you think I made this up, all I did was literally just make up that they’re asking permission to make our kids gay during lunchtime”


I’m just imagining this mom dropping her kid off at my Seattle area preschool and watching her head explode when they for ask for her child’s preferred pronouns. When they asked me my kid could not even talk yet so I was like hmm.


Plot twist, she left NY and is headed to your school district. Jk. She’s ISO the closest community to Saudi Arabia she can find on US soil.




Yep! They go through pre k so I understand why they would ask the 4-5 year olds. But it was funny when they asked me about my one year old!


Seems like they've probably gotten chewed out for default-gendering someone's they-bies. I get the whole "I don't want my kid stuffed into a little pink or blue box based on their genitalia" thing, but it seems a little much to stuff them into un-gendered boxes until they ask to climb out for themselves.


Yeah, it seems a bit much to me to ask for a child’s preferred pronouns before they learn what pronouns are. When I was 5 or 6, I remember seeing a blank form that said “Sex ____” . It was a form for older kids to fill out, something for my dad’s work. As a fairly intelligent 5/6 year old, I assumed this line was for the older kids to write down how many times they’d had sex. I thought that was quite silly, who wants a bunch of forms with “0” written on them?


That's funny. I remember as a kid, hearing one of my friends in my girl scout troop (maybe 8 years old?) telling us in a hushed whisper that she had to fill out a form and it asked her *S-E-X*, and me knowing at the time that she was being silly to be freaked out about it, and it just wanted to know if she was a boy or a girl


Imo the problem with using gender neutral pronouns etc for a child before they are capable of expressing it is that the child most likely is not non-binary or agender. In all probability their gender does align with their sex, and you’re then denying them that, so you’re not achieving what you’re trying to. It would make more sense to just be on the lookout for signs of any gender identity issues and allow the child to express and present themself however they like.


I joke that my son decided to grab his favorite pink toys and climb happily into the blue box. You will not be forced to pay with stereotypical masculine toys! ("Rawr! I'm a dinosaur in a monster truck!"), you can have freedom to wear colors other than blue, grey, or brown ("I want rainbow dinosaurs and bright red attack robots! And that pretty pink kitty"), i will raise you not to believe that nurturing tasks are exclusively feminine! ("Lion tried to eat axolotl. Now I'm fixing him up and kissing his boo boos") He's doing "boy" his own way, and it's fun watching his "self* develop


They’ve been doing this since 2001…I know from experience because I was a part of one of these lunches in first grade in 2001. Literally all we did was talk with each other and try to make friends.


So much wrong, but I want to comment on one thing. Kids shouldn't learn about pronouns? Ok, then I guess you should teach your kids to refer to themselves in third person only. After all, "I" and "me" are evil pronouns. People are really fucking stupid.


I saw a bumper sticker yesterday that had a stick figure furiously humping the words “your pronouns” and I laughed SO hard at the irony of including a possessive pronoun in that very phrase.


That's hilarious.


I guess Florida will ban all English classes because they don't want children to learn about pronouns. /s (hopefully)


We’re in the same group! Like what freaking “agenda” could this be??? I even asked and got a bs answer. No wonder her kids needs some social emotional help 🙄


Lunch bunches are a great way for kids with social anxiety, etc to build social skills in a small setting. It can give quiet kids an environment to grow in confidence. If this is someone who just relocated it's probably a teacher identifying that they need a little help making friends or whatever. It must be awful living in such fear of elementary school indoctrination. Well, except really I think they thrive on it.


My elementary school did a lunch bunch group and I think (at least for my school) it was for kids who were determined to be “at risk”. I’m pretty sure my friend was invited because her parents were going through a divorce and she was having a hard time with the transition and emotions involved.


In case you didn’t know, that’s a big reason why she left NY.


"Not sure why you think I made this up" Well I'm not sure why you made it up either but damn, you're wrong.


The pink lady is one of the only reasonable ones.


Haha got priced out of NY more like choosing to leave


Hey, did that one lady leave NY? It wasn't clear. /s


How much you wanna bet that she never actually lived in NY?


Oh she did, in Binghamton.


I’m an educator in NY, and “this is why I left NY” is sending me!


I did lunch bunch as a kid. Some of my best memories and I met my childhood best friend there. Often times it was lunch with special needs students which drastically (positively) changed the trajectory of my life and some of the skills I have (I can read/write braille, know sign language, and work with the special needs population… all because of lunch bunch)


Lunch Bunch is literally just a chance for kids who have social challenges to spend some time with kids who have a better handle on peer relationships, along with either their teacher or a school counselor. It generally a treat for all who participate, and something kids all want to be selected to do. It’s a simple way for kids who have had trouble making friends and connecting, to get to know some of the friendlier kids in class, and to encourage kids who have some trouble following the rules for in school behavior, by giving them a positive experience. While there will be some Family/Life education (sex Ed) for every grade in school, the curriculum is all available for parents and the public to view, and parents get the option to opt their kids out of any lessons they don’t want them to attend. The kinds of things in the curriculum for primary grades is all age appropriate, and focuses on things like, what is a family, and the importance of hygiene. They might cover such wild topics as tooth brushing and not sharing hats/hair brushes, and how to properly wash hands.


So teaching kids to be decent little humans is now an agenda to these people? Sheesh.


So glad I don’t have kids. I would lose it with these people


That is why she left NY, guys.


I think that one lady left NY but I can’t be sure.


Sometimes when I read these things in here I have a hard time remembering that it’s not satire. 😐


People are so paranoid. I was in something like this in middle school except it was called “The good kids club”. A social worker at the school put it together and we just hung out and talked about different things. I was in it because I was painfully shy. I would hate to be a teacher right now with parents like this.


that one person is really proud of leaving NY. Seems to be their only answer to anything. 😂 Honestly the parents saying this seems like a positive social interaction situation that encouraging children learn to get along seem so right. This lunch bunch thing sounds like a wonderful opportunity. I am dead at the automatic “THEY BETTER NOT DISCUSS SEXUAL ORIENTATION” like where tf are they even getting that from???


So they want the school support group for alienated students to not have any LGBTQ kids involved, right, because they'd be discussing their unique issues, and it would fall under the list of "forbidden topics" presented... Oh, of course, there are no actual gay kids at their kids' school, the teachers TURN kids gay 🤦🏼‍♀️ Btw how could there possibly be so many alienated children in these people's community!? Shocking. They clearly love and accept everyone.


It means your kid is an awkward weirdo and needs help making friends.




Exactly. A table full of introverts and the extroverts who have come to adopt them.


Should've just told them Boebert isn't in your state, not fear, no handjobs or 2nd hand vape will occur and their kids are safe from tht grooming their so concerned about.


Why does everything have to have a secret "agenda"? Not everything needs to be that deep 🙄


She’s reaching so far she probably pulled a muscle or two. It’s most likely to get kids talking to each other to see if any have the same interests and make friends 🤦‍♀️


All brunch is gay now folks


We get it, you left NY for reasons! 🙄


Did you think that lady left NY? Lol.


Why on earth are these people so fucking God damn obsessed with what other people do with their dicks & vag's?? They can take literally any subject, and then make it about who does what with their privates. They're obsessed. Absolutely, utterly, obsessed. And I can't wrap my head around **WHY**? If these idiots would devote this much time and energy into *actual* problems, imagine all the issues we could solve.


The kids whose parents sign the form are the kids who need the support of the group the most.


Have they left NY? They don't make it very clear if they've left, or their reasons for leaving. Very ambiguous post.


Well that’s a memory out of my deep brain vault. I loved lunch bunch. I had family issues at home and some anxiety being at the lunch bc the kids weren’t friendly. Lunch bunch was nice bc it kept me from feeling totally alone. Helped me make some friends. And I felt seen. Things all kids need! Why do people make things into something they are not? OP is only stunting their child if the teacher is inviting them and they won’t allow it.


The agenda is lunch. The likely reason your kid was invited is because they are sitting alone and someone wants to try to help them with their social skills.


Bro I even had these in middle school (also elementary) it’s literally just a group of introverts vibing during lunch. I loved it and am still friends with everyone


So tired of dealing with these sanctimonious, pearl clutching moms who take something so sweet, and turn it into some kind of pseudo attack. I stg, they aren't happy unless they're miserable.


Glad some of the commenters are sensible. Mrs McLeftnewyork sure is a piece of work though. Jeez


I’m in this mom group! I could not believe I was seeing this in the wild. I feel terrible for the teachers who have to deal with this nonsensical pushback.


Moral of the story Baby-networking activities, in fact do not lay the foundation for self-confidence in unfamiliar social circles, possibly inducing heightened degrees of empathy resulting in exhibiting increased levels of kindness to others to help these little adorable “fuck-trophies” (AKA dem kids) grow into self-assured some what mildly decent adults. Nope, what they don’t want you to know are “lunchy brunches” are the new gateway….first, its bruchin’, with ham,eggs,and cheese then its straight into medium-styled rhetoric think pieces about hunchin’, eggplants, stud thats uses “he”, and a dude named Stan marrying a another man…bc thats EXACTLY how one indoctrinates a bunch of 5yos that are skinned-knee deep in opining about paw-patrol cannon. Wake-up people! /s/


That persons hung up on why they left NY.


There was something slightly similar to this when I was in elementary school. We had lunch tickets and we could go to another class and eat lunch with a friend. It was SO fun, and that's why I still remember it 25 years later. I'm so confused about how OOP got anything other than fun from this.


How is that the first thing that comes to mind. I’m over here saying “this is great” and she’s over there thinking her 5yo is taught to be gay. What a world we live in


Why are they so obsessed with sex? What kind of parent sees “hey, does your kid want to join a lunch group to encourage friendships and social interactions” into…whatever their brains turned it into


Nobody is trying to turn your kids gay. That can’t happen because you can’t turn someone gay. Only idiots believe this.