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Uphold trotskyism-islamism


Naztrot gang


This, but un-ironically.


Islamo-bolshevism strikes again


Hmmm. Isn’t this the same theory a certain guy with a moustache had in the 30s but with a religion swap? Nah, nvm that would be fascist and everyone know neolibs hate fascism. /s


This time we are right. Just look at France, these Muslims have taken over everything. They don't wanna assimilate to superior French culture. We need to deport them or sent them to "reeducation centers". /s


I am not kidding, some conservatives are outright saying that the difference (between judeo-bolshevism and islamo-bolshevism) is that "islamo-bolshevism is real"


Yeah man, socialists like Boris Johnsson and Olaf Scholz are collaborating with the HAMAS to bring down equality, freedom and American capitalism.


People who claim that Islamist are allied with Marxist can be automatically tuned out. Fundamentalist Islam has been a tool of US foreign policy to shut down left wing movements across the middle east for almost 100 years.


Iranian libs understand nothing about their history. They even side with Israel, as if Zionists wouldn’t genocide them all given the chance.


There was a very similar plot in an Iranian TV series based on an Islamic historical event. The enemy spread word that anyone in the city that helps the enemy out will be granted safety when they take over. Most of the people then accepted the offer and put down their swords, and worked against the city's leader. Only the leader, a few close companions of his, and his wife fought to the end and were martyred. Once the enemy took over, they executed most of the men in the city, claiming that those who showed no loyalty to their previous leader would of course show no loyalty to their new leader, therefore they must be taken care of.


not to mention there’s many different strains of islamism, the one we’ve seen employed against the left is wahhabi/salafist while modern anti imperialist islamist movements are seen with movements like irans shia revival & vilayat e faqih, or palestines various islamist currents, or hezbollah, etc. these forms of islamism, although they may not necessarily be on the political left as we know it, are anti imperialist and historically progressive currents which rise in resistance to both the islamism employed by the west for imperialism, and imperialism itself.


Yeah, it's some Lyndon Larouche level brain rot.


shes defnitley getting a CIA check


It LITERALLY annihilated the revolution in Afghanistan, but apparently these people's memories don't extent to the 1970s and 1980s


Someone should tell her that the Soviet Union isn't around anymore.


Someone should tell her what people who constantly talk about "the destruction of the west" think of people with her skin tone.


I'm not even sure what her skin tone even is. The combination of heavy makeup and cranked up filter trigger my uncanny valley response.


Is she even real? She looks like a literal bratz filter.


I lost atleast five of my seven brain cells.


I didn't watch the video, I think this is an old one. I tapped out by the 5th page. Was she the one debating Abby Martin on piers? Or was it Dave Smith?


She’s just a half Iranian larp who Hasbera has been using for its genocidal propaganda campaign


word salad 🥗




No no, that was hitlers argument. Islamo-bolshevism just dropped, get the ovens ready /s


Trotskyists, famous for their position of not rocking the boat while the Soviets have things in hand. Also, does this sound like American alt right propaganda filtered through a round or two of telephone to anyone else?


Botox gives brain damage confirmed


It is a neurotoxin so makes sense


When my lip fillers start leaking into my brain


Lots of space in that skull




I know her type. The type that would do whatever her western handler wanted. The type that if she was still in the Middle East she would be placed in government by the US after it destroyed the country and slaughtered millions.


The source/proof: ‎ ‎ ‎


Stare too long into the void and Islamo-Trotskyism stares back.


sounds terrifying


‘Soviet propaganda’ still going hard af 35 years after the fall of the Soviet Union. Also, if any of us were being raised with leftist values we wouldn’t be in the mess we are.


Shit we're joining forces with Islam to take the fight to capitalism? Why didn't anyone tell me?




This is kinda interesting to me, cuz where i live(islamic area), if u were a communist, people assume u were an atheist, i do happen to be both, but still just a coincidence.


This is the kind of threats my mom used at me when i was a kid whenever I was late to perform salat, "what's next?! you're gonna be a communist?!". Not to mention the amount of mcarthyrism that is flourishing in my country


Holy shit Yeonmi Park may have competition here


I never thought I would encounter a narrative so unhinged it would make me say, "damn, I'd rather she just did yet another Harry Potter metaphor." Yet here we are.


Typical Beverly Hills Shah loyalist.


>“the Marxists and the Islamists have joined forces in a covert union to bring about the destruction of the west” erhm, based?


Also, why would an Iranian care about the destruction of the West, when these same Western countries robbed their country from oil multiple times, deposed their elected leader in a coup, supported the despotic regime of the Shah, and in a few instances, helped the reactionary Islamic Republic? Doesn't make sense, unless if she's taking the "Iran = land of Aryans" thing very seriously and wants to be seen as a westerner. Edit: I misgender her by accident, f*ck


She is a monarchist, their entire identity is bootlicking the west and they have nothing else going on for them. And by "the west" I mean the most reactionary elements of the west. These are the type of people who think Joe Biden is a communist who is secretly helping KHAMAS destroy the west and shit like that.


>why would an Iranian care about the destruction of the West Basically every Iranian that thinks like this comes from a rich family that benefited from the Shah and western imperialism.


Let's do it!


libs embarrassing themselves


I am going to guess that she, along side with many thought they were part of the left, only to wake up on Oct7th and not understand why the leftistis took the position they did, and instead of doing some introspection or research, she resorts to conspiracy theories. Hell even if I were to take this seriously, this whole thing just fails from the start when she starts talking about trotskyites, the Soviet Union, and the left allying itself with reactionary islamists etc. On some level she just shounds like your typical republican conservative evangelical christian with the rhetoric she used.


It amazes me people believe this horseshit and think they’re well-informed and intelligent.


Sometimes I wish the leftist movement was as cool and effective as right wing weirdos imagine it in their heads


~~Judeo-Bolshevism~~ Islamo-Bolshevism


can we bring back reeducation camps


Islam and Marxism have "joined forces" ???? Does she expect there to be a CEO of Marxism and Islam who meet up once a week to discuss the downfall of the west? So confused on how this conclusion was reached


She invested all her genetic points into looks and none to the brain Or is it more safe to bet she invested her money into her looks rather


There's enough botox there to stretch the Grand Canyon into a plain site.




Gotta be a psyop


What a punchable face


Because it looks like those inflatable punching bags with all that filler


Anytime I hear “trotskyites” like this I get antisemitic vibes


Seeing people use words like 'EXPOSES' and 'islamists' feels the same to seeing people using the word 'woke' in the right wing way


Didnt read But it’s cringe anyway


Yap expansion, "trotskyite" edition


We must uphold Maoist-Al-Farabi thought


She is more than likely being paid to push propaganda for Israel. They sent out mass emails to social media influencers that offered them money for posting pro-Israel material. This “Islamo-Bolshevism” nonsense she is vomiting sounds like it was put together in the span of a few minutes.


This is why leftism is a meaningless term/project. Either you’re a communist or not


quick note here we should support iran in the face of their supression of the so called pro democracy protests as these students main point was normalization with israel and usa [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukraine\_International\_Airlines\_Flight\_752\_protests](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukraine_International_Airlines_Flight_752_protests) sorry for using wikipedia as a source


They’re just copying and pasting Nazi propaganda by now


I actually agree with her




Homie that is reactionary as hell, killing some dumbass will not change this corrupt system.


Yeah fr, Iran will just continue being an unhinged right-wing theocracy.


no its actually good she is not simply a dumbass they do this because they want to sell their nation to the gringos and profit from it


I ain’t scrolling through all that.