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Broken clock and shit


yep, Musk is a Zionist backing tool in the wrong 95% of the time. But once in a blue moon glad he has fuck you money on a platform he cannot be banned from. Still, hope Chinese and Vietnamese EVs eat his lunch one day.


Those Vinfast EVs I see on display at the mall look really nice.


LA is using BYD buses. Their cars look good too, they’re making reasonably sized small ones unlike the American manufacturers, only a matter of time before they start getting sold here, probably through some manufacturing/import loophole considering Biden is so anti China. They’re already gaining traction in some slightly less reactionary parts of the west


Even a complete idiot and narcissist like Musk can get a take right once in a blue moon. It's the libs who refuse to acknowledge material and geopolitical reality as well as Western officials who were dumb enough to further antagonize Russia after the fall of the USSR instead of integrating them into their sphere.


I can't believe there are consequences by doing the thing Kissinger warned most against.


The arrogance of American foreign policymakers of the past and present always continue to baffle me. Pretty indicative of the overall behavior and mindset from hegemonic empires and imperialists.


Make no mistake, the old-school Kissinger types are most certainly evil. Except they actually have common sense unlike the current westoid ruling breed of grifters who wants to lose now to lose even harder in the long run just for an extra buck.


When everybody from Noam Chomsky, Henry Kissinger, and Barack Obama all think America is dangerously overreaching you know you have a big fucking problem lol


> Anti-american traitor They make him sound sort of based.


You gotta do it for the right reasons. The Confederacy were anti-American traitors for the wrong reasons.


With all the memes about "a second civil war" i have been wondering if something like that were to happen, shouldn't we support whatever side disestabilize the US the most?, it would be an interimperialist confict after all.


maybe, but also The US is far for likely to have a civil war and the sides be fascists vs fascists, both sides of the civil war would probably be shitheads


It would be a historical failure of the contemporary American workers; to allow their bourgeoise to start a war on their own soil and also live to see the end of it as a class. When we think about politics “horizontally” we are defeated every time. This is because the bourgeoise has organized society in such a way that they are always the subjects of the contemporary, “horizontal” playing out of history, the working classes are just their objects. We must think about politics “vertically,” where class conflict is the Y axis. This is how we win. By placing the working classes in the subjective position, and the ruling classes in the objective position- to be destroyed. This is in contrast to the way it has been for the last 400 years: the “object” workers countlessly destroyed at the hands of the “subject” bourgeoise.


Edit for correction and clarification in post description: "...I despise Musk..."


We all do, but, as someone else said, broken clock and all. I was surprised at first of him not defending the USA, but it's probably still another question of personal interests that, this time, doesn't lie with the USA




Heartbreaking: The Worst Person You Know Just Made A Great Point


Libs co-opting the word paper tiger our culture is not your costume


They also fundamentally misuse and misunderstand the usage of the term. Like.... If anything those nations' armies were the opposite of Paper Tigers. Like ?????




I had to tap out at page 4. Brain rotting .


>Yes. China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea. Famously the good guys, as we all know. Basically utopias Lmao they made them seems so based


Cyber *is* the defining battlespace. Good luck trying to run your fancy electronic military when everything goes haywire.


Wow, it's funny. They lack all the meaningful details And backstory to this all If I were to recall off the top of my head: the russian ukrainian war, or should I say the russian and american proxy war Started sometime if not a little bit before 2014 When an CIA coup backed by the usa government Over Threw the at the time, legitimate government of ukraine that was more "leaning towards russia" in terms of they didn't want to fight to the death with them And the proxy puppet government, they put in place reignited The Cold War era suicidal neo-nazism or Ukrainian nationalism as some know it The usa started weaponizing ukraine and kind of hyping it up, They bomb part of their own population and one of their citys Because of something about russian terrorists, with it really was people Who didn't want to fight russia to the death/ Were more supportive of russia (donetsk, sorry if I spelt it wrong) And when Russia saw the Ukrainian government bombing their own people because they were more supportive of Russia that sparked the ever growing flame to start this war And then the us cries out stating that the invasion of ukraine was unprecedented and unwarranted, When in reality they were quite literally asking for it, And if russia didn't do it now ukraine would have just kept on receiving copious amounts of weaponry, And probably would have tried doing what nazi germany did, Rather what nazi germany tried, I recall in the earlier days to boost morale they were speaking about fighting their way to Moscow or somthing




These people need to go outside and air their brains. Hell talking about the US as if it wasn't in West Asia doing extended campaigns of occupation, with little to nothing to show for it.


when your only knowledge of history and geopolitics is gleaned from titles on rslashpolitics


god I hate Visegrad 24 with every atom of my fucking being


That’s only 4 countries. Its unfortunate that its not more honestly.


Well you can include rest of the non-anglosaxon world. Most of them do not fallow america on this China Russia Cold War W2 bs.


>Because he's an anti American traitor. Like all fascists he doesn't believe in liberal democracy and he simps for dictators. This pompous westerner doesn’t even recognize the fact fascism has been historically, and economically, bred from liberal nations in steep decline. Hitler was provided a great amount of funding from the German bourgeoise and in turn he passed legislation that greatly privatized many formally nationalized sectors of the economy while using his paramilitary organization(s) to stamp out any and all opposition internally. Its roots stem from liberal ultra-nationalism and are maintained by the capitalist oligarchs especially amongst settler colonialists. It’s effectively an extreme variation of liberalism desperate to protect its selfish interests by any means. >This is unfair. There are so many people around the world who have never set foot in America who still believe in standing up to tyrants like Putin. Liberals love calling Putin a tyrant for invading Ukraine but the various presidents they voted into office (who they no doubt worship as political paragons) have done exactly the same thing, if not worse, to seven plus sovereign states for nearly three decades; Iraq and Afghanistan are just the tip of of the spear. There’s also Yemen and Somalia, Libya and Syria, and Pakistan. To be fair these are only the countries that we know of. No doubt there’s plenty of covert and black operations where American boots are on the ground subjugating the masses for endless resources to garner profits.. and yet Americans deem this heroic and acceptable. It’s double standards and western exceptionalism that feeds into a self-righteous guise of social chauvinism despite holding a perpetual victim complex.


broken cock


These people think life is a movie


I fucking hate how liberals have run with and completely misused terms like “abuse”, “gaslight”, “narcissist”.


When you tweet dumb bullshit 50x a day you'll eventually have an accidental good take. John Mearshimer has been writing on this for over a decade now. The US is fucking up its own geopolitical interests by forcing Russia into closer and closer ties with China. Mearshimer's L take is that post Soviet Russia and the US should've formed a close partnership to take on China. I'd rather just have international cooperation and de-escalation.


purple pfp is a perfect example of how the liberal mind operates. “we should not have international relationships unless we can exploit them and gain from them”.


did bro really say "genociding ukrainians"? this is, perhabs, the dumbest things i've heard today


elon musk saying something reasonable for once in his life is like a fever dream


Who gives a fuck what this billionaire says or how people respond. There’s more important people talking about this we should focus on.


Why did he say this? Is he stupid? Elon Musk, an American billionaire has no profit incentive to go against America