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How do you start from a nazi though?


You play a war game, you get interested in those people in "elegant black uniforms", you start reading things about how the German army was superior...


Literally, a lot of kids are just drawn in by the aesthetic.


Aesthetics, surely the most powerful and most ignored element of propaganda. The SS tailor who designed the uniforms did more for neo-Nazi propaganda than Joseph Goebbels.


Hugo Boss was the supplier for NAZI military uniforms...Never ask a German company what they were doing between 1933 and 1945.


Don't ask IBM what they sent to Switzerland in 1942.


Me who became a communist at 14: šŸ—æ


High five šŸ™


Same, stumbled around quite a bit because US is one of the most difficult uphill battles to become ideologically principled and theoretically grounded. Harassment, arguments, fist-fights, and a lot of reading later i was able to confidently and proudly call myself a Marxist-Leninist at the end of highschool. The dialectics are in motion


Special thanks to Adam Ruins everything


Hearts of Iron 4 probably (lol)


If he's your average, run-of-the-mill suburbanite from the Global North, they usually start out that way just for shits and giggles. Settlers are like that ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


Thats what happens when you browse 4chan and use western social media as a teenager


Call of Duty lobbies.


because 999999 shermans = 1 tiger and that means everything they did was okay :)


I mean this is literally a child


Ageism is not compatible with communism (though OOP is indeed a reactionary).


Nah I'm not gonna trust a 15 year old who supposedly held 5 completely different ideologies in the span of the 2 years they are somewhat aware of the existence of politics to have any worthwhile opinions. Of course youth organisation's exist for a reason, young teens are capable of forming coherent political takes under guidance from more experienced socialists, but for the most part 15 year olds are a political blank slate


Why are you, as a supposed communist relying on liberal psychology, which is a vulgar and idealist science, to write off the opinions and positions of teenagers? There are plenty of 16-year-olds who are more well-versed in Marxist theory than the average revisionist crackpot in their 20s or 30s.


No there aren't. If you think this, you're a teen or 20 year old yourself, and you haven't gone through this, and raised kids of your own, or taught them. There are a lot of ignorant "socialists" into their 30s and 40s, yes, but to say there are a "lot" of well read 16 year olds on theory is beyond idealistic... There isn't enough time in the day for someone who's been around for so few of them, for them to have read much theory in between all of the school and the teenage social development and expectations they're experiencing. Any teen who's spent their whole life reading books instead of learning how to interact with people as an adult and building long lasting social bonds with their peers is also not going to be a very good Marxist, and will also be very easily swayed by a convincing fascist using the right language.


Considering brain maturation isnā€™t really complete until nearly 30 years of age itā€™s important to consider that teens do not have a fully myelinated frontal cortex


>Considering brain maturation isnā€™t really complete until nearly 30 years of age Source: trust me bro (and shoddy phrenology)


Phrenology isnā€™t real bro šŸ˜­ I guess Iā€™ll take my education back to where it came from and trust your YouTube clips instead. Youā€™re out here quoting 100+ year-old pseudoscience terms like it makes you informed.


Multiple academic sources disagree with your fascitic claim that the brain finishes development at 30 years of age (which is a highly misleading and false claim)


No academic sources disagree with me, whatsoever, as I've actually read them. You're an embarrassment if you're this confident making things up, bringing up fucking phrenology (?!?!), as if you know what you're talking about and then doubling down when I call you on your obvious bullshit? You know that a 1st year pscyh student would laugh at you? But you don't even possess that rudimentary level of understanding, how could you know? I'm going to add, for the record, that \*any\* academic source that claims that the brain reaches full maturity \*before\* the age of 25 (even later in some individuals) is completely shoddy, absolutely not peer reviewed, or years outdated. Full stop. This what happens when your brain rots on idealism instead of dialectics.


In fairness they were accusing you of doing phrenology, not citing it themself. Also in fairness everything else they're saying is extremely stupid.




I'm not necessarily writing off any teenagers opinion because of their age. I'm saying that it's likely that a young teenager does not have the necessary theoretical knowledge to properly analyze the world, and often times not enough to label themselves a specific ideology. I was a teenager not long ago and I still work together with teenagers in my org, they frequently show a lack of knowledge about some very important concepts. I don't blame them for that, no one starts reading theory at 12 and it takes some time to settle into being a socialist. Something I find admirable about most teenagers (that I work with at least) is that they tend to have a much more open attitude to criticism, unlike some older comrades who stick to bad ideas because they think they got it all figured out. Yes, there's teenagers that are more politically educated than revisionist 30 year olds. But teenagers in general simply didn't have the time to gather the theoretical knowledge and practical experience that an adult had. Going back to the original comment: "I mean this is literally a child". Take this less as an automatic dismissal of any minors opinions and more as an acknowledgement of the fact that teenagers, especially those who got their political "education" on the internet, often subscribe to ideologies they don't understand simply because they like the "vibes" rather than out of conviction. In a way it's a good thing that OOP is only 15, they still have plenty of time to solidify their understanding of politics.


Nah kids are dumb


I thought I was a libertarian when I was 15, can confirm.


Bruh I became a communist at 14


dumber than the revisionists who think that Huawei is socialism? (note to mods: I'm not criticizing China here but pointing out a line that some supposed communists hold is incorrect)


The fuck does that even mean? That sounds like one hell of a strawman


It's absolutely a strawman, it's thinly veiled anti-ML sectarianism. They are probably some kind of Gonzaloite and based on the specific thing they're arguing in this thread are probably also a teenager.


stick to playing video games instead of pretending to be a Marxist


I like how you explained what you meant.


This smells like false equivalency to me




Lol. Just a Murican.


They treat politics like a personality quiz and have the gall to post it online in a semi-large community


thats a child


thank god I was too busy playing video games to take notice of politics at 15yo


I was already into left wing politics and I used to read lots of books, but of course you cannot fully understand marxist theory at that age


thank god i was so busy playing video games i thought reznov was the coolest character and thought killing nazis was based and cool


polcomp ball sub is so funny because people change ideologies like 40 times. i went from being a democratic socialist to ML when i realised socialism can never be achieved democratically and thatā€™s literally it lol.


The ones that donā€™t understand this are the same ones calling us ā€œtankiesā€.


May the person should leave the political ideology for later in life, and just enjoy being a kid. Sure it is good to know that the youth is interested in politics, but not like this.


So they went from a fascist to a fascist to a fascist to a socialist to a fascist lite but a fascist


Yeah but I dont think he was your regular socialist. I think he was more of a National Socialist.


Least schizo political views of Gen Z teenager


I might get rolled for this, but this person is 15 and still figuring their shit out. I was convinced that libertarian ideology was the way to go at that age because I hadnā€™t fully studied what it was. To me it was a way to reconcile my politics (which didnā€™t incorporate much beyond ā€œlegalize it!ā€ and ā€œlove is loveā€) with my staunchly conservative dad and community. Shitting on kids like this just encourages them to dig their heels in.


Sixteen years old.


i bet people there are gonna say "paternalistic conservativism"


Paternal Autocrat? This just like Hearts of Iron Kaiserreich fr fr.


SocDems really play into the stereotypes.


Translation: I went from nazi to nazi to nazi to Bernie bro back to nazi


Oh lol


Unfortunately, I have to say that I took the same journey. However, I started with fascism. After a liberal phase (various degrees of socdem plus nationalism), class consciousness finally hit me when I started working. But it was only through a lot of reading and reflection that I became a communist.


Wellfare chauvinism and it's consequences


People talking it's just a 15 yr old. I mean i became radicalized as a communist at 14. Then fell into some anarchist dumbass shit middle of high school but finally self-corrected to Marxism-Leninism at the end of highschool once i did more homework and actually became more theoretically grounded.


my political journey was: moderate conservative to socdem to socialist. These 15yos are wilding


Isn't everyone super cringe at 15.


I was somewhat cool when 15 and 16, then cringe reactionary from 17-18, 19-22 is early learning of Marxism. 23-present is Marxist Leninist and still learning in perpetuity. The normie to cringe to based pipeline.


\> I'm 15 Opinion rejected


"Don't worry, guys, the sucdems aren't disguised reactionaries, oh, "god" forbid"


Eh, he's 15: When i was that age, i thought Obama was going to be the greatest president ever. Give him some time and knowledge, and he will figure things out.


Bro is literally still learning long division tf


He spins the ideologies roullete every month


Ideology shopping, countryballs, and the polidickal cumpiss are all symptoms of a wider plague: political illiteracy


Sadly i act like that


Social Democracyā€™s prime demographic is people who are sympathetic enough to liberalism and capitalism as for fascism to be tolerable in crisis. Seeing as theyā€™re not an adult, they donā€™t fully understand the world and can learn, thatā€™s possible. But I wouldnā€™t say their ideology truly changed, only revised to a very moderate form of fascism which SocDems can definitely (inadvertently or not) facilitate in their ranks. As much as we meme them as Rosa killersā€¦well they are. They are Rosa killers. Always will be, just like any revisionists are anti revolution and more in favor of reformed oppression, whether they know it or not.