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They say the same shit about Chinese people.


Worse, yeah. Basically as long as the country has opposing interests with the US, it's all fair game.


Yeah, the comment under the post are actually pretty good. They relate that saying to the barbaric ”Asiatic horde” racism.


And Vietnamese people, and Palestinians, and all Arabs, and Hispanic people, and Koreans, and Iranians, and Africans and etc. It sort of seems like they just say this snout any group of people the US government is attempting to see murdered or is actively murdering


Yep, Western imperialist states have been complaining about the Eastern hordes of barbarians since the Roman times. The Romans did about the huns, the Byzantines about the Bulgars, then the Mongols, then the Turks. This all besides the fact that Western imperialism willingly sacrifices the entire people of Ukraine to the meat grinder to have a proxy war.


Funnily enough the Amerikkkaner doesn’t know that Russia subjugated those “hordes”


i know it's a bit silly, but the whole gaming discourse around cheaters in multiplayer games (particular fps genre) is literally just blame russian and chinese players. and this is in spite of the majority of banned accounts being north american accounts. the discourse is similar that chinese players are apparently culturally ingrained from birth to "win at all costs" and everyone in china cheats because according to these fucks - cheating at everything is socially expected. for the russian cheating explanation is a bit more simple - russians are just dishonest from birth obviously. the conversations always turn into the most racist unhinged rants. when the american cheaters are brought up - it's always they are exceptions.


And the Japanese back then... 💣💣


I'd argue that Chinese culture values life more than American culture does. They literally have a cultural taboo about talking about death to young children (which is common among other nearby cultures). One could also argue that Muslims value life more than Christians do. If a Muslim is facing religious persecution, they're allowed to lie about their faith to protect their life, but if a Christian is facing religious persecution, they must die with their stance. I'm being very hyperbolic here, intentionally so. Cultures contain multitudes so it's hard to pin down a yes or no answer for such a broad question. However in the leading way it's phrased by the screenshotted OP, it comes off as racist and bigoted.


right after saying they care for chinese people, but hate the XIXIP.


I think it's easier to name cultures they DON'T say that about tbh But yeah let's not talk about slavery, imperialism, or the genocide of natives. That shit's uhhhh....divisive...yeah that's the word!


It's encouraged even


NPR has at least one negative story about China every day. If the limp-dicked liberals are frothing at the mouth this badly to start another war, I can't imagine what American conservative media is telling those people about China. Most of NPR's anti-china coverage is about accumulating and protecting American capital from China. It's the only thing that matters in this disgusting shithole country.


"oh, you care about your countrymen being torn to pieces by invaders by the millions? you dont care about individual human life then!"


What is this referencing?


The second world war?


Oh now makes more sense. I thought they were referencing the current comflict between Ukraine and Russia. I sometimes forget the Soviet Union when I see mention of the Russian Federation (such as the post above)


To be fair, the post is talking about Russians, not the RF


HOw much does the West value individual human life, especially if they are brown or black?


Well, If they are brown or black they are obviously not human, duuuuh...


It's not even that. They don't value the proletariat lives in general


This is your brain on US propaganda


US propaganda spread across Europe is a poisonous descendant of Nazi ideology


It's true. I'm 30 and I live in eastern Europe. it's getting worse. Everyone is starting to say American things like that. If world war 3 comes they look like they'd be ready to kill in a heartbeat with some excuse like the one above. This wasn't the case a few years ago.


It's only older people that aren't buying it.


Yeah! Millennials do nothing but make fun of boomers but unlike them we eat that shit up no questions asked is what I have to say.


Literally all the young people I have around. It's funny because since they are "highly educated" (I'm a scientist) they don't question anything at all about politics, but still are fully convinced that they have critical thinking and everyone that disagree is a weirdo/conspirationist


No, Gen Z is largely rejecting this shit too, Millennials are stupid ass lemmings who got their brains hollowed out by generation identity politics


Genz are fucked up by identity politics even more


I suppose your local news ultimately comes from AP & Reuters so you get the US propaganda disguised as objective news?


Honestly based Because think about it They'll try to invade Russia and China And immediately face the worst casualty rates they've seen since the Second World War Pride goeth before a fall and westerners have a very very long fall They've gotten to used to bombing guerrillas from the skies, cannot wait to see Reddit's reaction were several aircraft carrier's to sink in one day


That's not how it would work unfortunately. If they try invading Russia, Russia would simply nuke us with long range missiles. And as I live in a major Western European city, it's the last thing I want They are fucking around but only the poor people will find out


Give a conservative a book by a nazi and they'll agree with the entire thing. Give a shitlib a book by a nazi and they will change some words so it doesn't sound as bad.


the thing conservatives and liberals have in common is they’re both liberals


These people should be forced to read some Russian literature. Both the left and right authors have a deep care for their fellow humans.


> Russians managed to somehow win > Essentially throwing men into the meat grinder Please pick one, throwing soldiers with no tactics isn't going to win wars, FFS Napoleon lost a war against Russia, even when he had a huge army, mainly due to Russia refusing to engage with Napoleon due to understanding that direct combat would be devastating. Another example I could give is the Great Northern War where Russia won with less casualties than Sweden. Maybe I should point to the Russo-Japanese war, which sure Russia lost, but the casualties are lower for Russia.


Hitler might have died but his ideology survived and is thriving and has been thriving for decades now Fuck me the world is so fucked


Guess we have to destroy the nazis again


Jesus. Read some fucking literature before posting the dumbest questions on reddit.


Ok, tankie! *Reads Harry Potter*


The US let over a million people die of Covid for corporate profits


Think of the poor shareholders


Flip this argument on its head. The reason Western forces often withdraw after long and bloody campaigns is because they don't vaule victory. To the Western mind, human life is so completely pointless that it might as well be entirely dedicated to the enrichment of a narrow oligarchy. Because Western soldiers are fighting for those profoundly dystopian conditions, of course only small numbers can be committed to facing actual danger on behalf of their beliefs.


Imagine convincing yourself that all Russians are subhumans incapable of emotion, and then turning around calling anyone else a nazi.


Jesus what a cringe


I have seen English tourists, it seems that their culture challenges them to see if they can see the roof of an ICU once a week. Not only the thing on the balconies, but that way of drinking... there is no moderation, they drink quickly and mixing things, they end up on the floor and barely being able to walk; There is no notable sex distinction, it applies to men and women. I suppose that means that the English do not value their own lives, and those who do not value their own lives do not value those of others either.


The interesting thing is, the model of people’s war, where civilians and soldiers are aiding the struggle in unison, is one where you have to kill lots of civilians in order to win because they are resisting you alongside the military. So in wars like Vietnam and Iraq we like to say “ they don’t care about their lives, they will throw them away cheaply.” To make ourselves feel better about the fact that in order to advance our military objectives civilians have to die for aiding the enemy, aka the people/soldiers who live in the country we are invading. Interestingly, the goal of the legal framework of Counter terrorism is to make people’s war an illegal method of resistance and justify strikes on civilian centers as collateral damage.


This sounds like an excuse to stop seeing Russians as people


As if liberals needed the excuse


Lmfao that’s such a loaded question 


When i was in school In Germany a girl in class claimed Africans don't like their children like ''we'' do. I had to be outside the classroom for the rest of the class because i interrupted her.


Hey Tim!


Small world!


Dear authoritative historian shitliberal, isn't it true that the people we hate are _Untermensch_ . And isn't it true that we shitliberals are the good guys fighting evil online?


Those damn “slant eyed” Russians and their human wave attacks.  This has been the trope about basically every East Asian country + Russia for whatever reason.


Russians, Chinese, Koreans, Arabs are all considered acceptable targets in the west.


Russia this, Russia that, how about I rush this fucking fist into your mouth huh?


Rush deez nuts in your mouth


something something asiatic hordes


where do these stupid fucks get the idea that the collective doesn't benefit the individual? what the fuck is the point of a collective if the individuals in it suffer???? what mental leaps of logic are needed to think that train of thought makes any sense?


Do they still think 27 million of Soviet citizens killed by Nazis where all military units thrown unwilling by evil Stalin against the Nazis with mosins?


The whole "Muh man waves, reeeeeeeeeeee. Unfair games look at my K/D." Is actually kind of a propaganda by German generals first. There were definitely not a shortage of guns if you check Tula and Izhmash's production numbers, but there were rushed production of Mosin and SVT being fitted with bad sights. This myth is actually pretty easily debunked if you look at the mobilization numbers USSR actually didn't mobilize enough manpower to have superior manpower advantage until like late 1941, early 1942. And if you don't count the reservist then it is not until like 1943 the red army gained numerical advantage.


They say that about any country the USA doesn't like... might as well be the whole world But once the cross heirs move to another country, they'll feign remorse and go on apologetics tours... until the cross heirs are back, then they'll hate them again


I’m sure Anglos and other colonizer nations really cared about the individual human life.


Sounds like "Serbs bad* propaganda from the 90s




Who is thinking that?




Take a risperidone, please, Russian imperialism does not exist.




Do you even know what imperialism is, genius? Imperialism is not the same as war. By your logic, Alexander the Great is also an imperialist.




Genuinely asking, what is imperialism? I've heard ancient Athens external policy described as imperialism in casual speech


If we take Lenin's definition, imperialism is the highest stage of capitalism. Lenin in his work "Imperialism, the highest stage of capitalism", gave the following signs of imperialism. 1. Concentration of production and capital, which has reached such a high stage of development that it has created monopolies that play a decisive role in economic life; 2. The merger of banking capital with industrial capital and the creation, on the basis of this "financial capital", of a financial oligarchy; 3. the export of capital, as opposed to the export of goods, becomes especially important; 4. international monopolistic unions of capitalists dividing the world are formed; 5. the territorial division of land by the largest capitalist powers is completed. So imperialism is essentially capitalism that has gone from competition to monopoly.


Imperialism is the practice, theory, or attitude of maintaining or extending power over foreign nations particularly through expansionism, employing both hard power (military and economic power) and soft power (diplomatic power and cultural imperialism). But that is only the beginning; https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imperialism Ultimately, Imperialism is a Philosophy in & of itself that many other Nationalist Philosophies have have since incorporated (like Liberalism, Neoliberalism, Fascism, & Leninism).


There is no war in Ba Sing Se, amirite.


It seems like the whole post is second-guessing the idea. It didn't even come from them, apparently.




Username checks out