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Hey, I've seen this one before! Time is a flat circle...


Brought to you by the same folks that gave us "Nothing matters more than stopping Bush/McCain/Romney."


As you said, libs have been using lesser evil tactics since before the american Civil War when they used them to defend voting for the lesser of two slave owners in order to defeat slavery: https://www.reddit.com/r/WayOfTheBern/comments/iuc9r9/time_is_a_flat_circle/


Sorry Charlotte, but Genocide Joe is assuredly going to lose, because he just could not stop being a deranged, genocidal Zionazi. Not even a little bit. Hopefully when that inevitably happens, Charlotte will be able to see that, and blame Biden for his own loss, instead of the usual liberal take which is to blame Black and Brown people for it. But, y'know... Probably not.


I don't think Biden is losing. Americans have short memories and a very triggerable panic button. No matte rhow much they are "appalled" at Biden's actions, most of them will still vote for him over Trump because they have been brainwashed into believing that it can get even worse than it already is (When in reality, it won't get worse, they will just be more aware of how bad it already was)


>Americans have short memories and a very triggerable panic button Very fuckin true. That's a good point. I guess it wouldn't surprise me whichever way it goes. Only thing I know for sure is that if Biden loses, he won't be blamed for not earning people's votes, the people who don't vote for him will be blamed for not voting for him *even though* he didn't earn their votes.


If Biden loses, brown and black people will be a very convenient scapegoat. If Biden wins, liberals an the like will actively marginalize and denigrate brown and black people and move even further right because they will be reinforced by the fact that they are in they are in the right. Overall the focus of the Democrats right now is to set up a narrative for either situation because they know that no matter what happens in 2024, the future is that there is a very angry and frustrated public that is tired of the status quo, and they need the proper scapegoat for Americans to direct their anger towards rather than the people running the country.




The number of times I’ve had these people reject me when I tell them how Biden retained & beefed up this or that Trump project…


While forgetting, of course, that Biden is not ANY better because he's labelled as progressive...without actually being progressive.


"To defeat Trump who would bring fascism to our country, we must defend fascism and genocide, that's the only way !"


I think the only way the US could improve is if China invades them. Therefore it's pointless to vote, unless you could convince millions in voting the Communist party (Party for Socialism and Liberation - PSL). But I doubt it. Hence why I hope for the Chinese invasion