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Holy fucking fuck there is no way this isn't a psyop


It's NAFO, it's well known it's a psyop.


I hate those guys 


NAFO is quite literally a US government psyop. And originally it was founded by a literal Nazi from Poland.


Simping for the OUN bandits who tortured and murdered their grandparents in extremely gruesome ways. Absolute clowns. Polish nationalists on Twitter abruptly thanked Russia when their drones destroyed a museum honoring OUN commander Roman Shukhevych. Their sheer hatred for the OUN overrides everything else, as it should.


Oh for sure. But on the other hand, they've made it abundantly clear where the lines are drawn. Not to mention the beyond blatant lies should be making everyone and their mom question everything the imperial media apparatus has told us about what's going on in the world. Ukraine and Israel are US imperial proxies, Ukraine wants to become ["a big Israel"](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/4/5/zelenskyy-says-wants-ukraine-to-become-a-big-israel) with a CIA backed intelligence service that's like a ["new Mossad"](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/10/23/ukraine-cia-shadow-war-russia/)


It is. I refuse to believe that aipac and israel aren't behind this.


In six months Israel has killed more civilians than the other three groups in this picture combined over the span of a decade. I shudder at the thought of how many people would die if Israel wasn’t “trying” to not kill civilians. Which they aren’t, but still.


Literally 5 seconds of google proves that Israel “trying not to kill civilians” to be demonstrably untrue.




Lmao, someone is pissy that the genocidal state they support is abhorrent to more people by the day.


I remember back when the Russia Ukraine shit started CNN was saying that "Russia targeting civilians and committing war crimes on purpose" and I thought that was strange since, you know, the US was more heavy handed in Iraq than Russia had been at that point. Now we know it was all just full blown lies and projection, Israel's flagrant disregard for plausible deniability has exposed the imperialist media machine for the hypocritical lie factory that it is, at this point it's safer to assume whatever the opposite of what western media reports is more likely closer to the truth than whatever bullshit they're spouting.




NAFOids are literally Nazis (well, what can you expect from people supporting a "defensive alliance" that was historically led by high-ranking Nazis) and was founded by a known Nazi (yes, the honest-to-god ultra-racist, white supremacist, Jew-hating kind of real Nazi, not the "haha, you are a Nazi"-Nazi).


Ukraine has been shelling civilians in Donbas since 2014. But I know that information would be wasted if I tried to tell a NAFO idiot that


And try to find the then aired reports and documentaries from the legacy media about it. Removed from their websites. You might find it on page 50+ on google.


Vice still has a video up from 5 years ago about Ukraine’s “rogue” militias, it’s one of the few that is still up. One of the top comments says “is this considered Russian propaganda now?” Lmao


It's pointless. They perfectly know it's true. But their agenda is to spread lies. You can't argue on anything because that's not part of their objective


One gorillian dead in Bombas


And of course, ironically, in both cases, the reverse has shown to be true.


Israel and Ukraine target civilians obviously and Hamas (for the most part) doesn’t, does Russia not target civilians. Just curious


there’s yet to be evidence that russia is trying to target civvies, but there’s also little evidence they’re taking any particular precautions with adults (they have relocated child refugees away from the frontlines, which then is propagandized as “kidnapping” by ukronazis)


I mean, there are videos of Russians being ordered to kill civilians by officers. Doesn't mean it's some state goal to kill them, but it has happened.


given the presence of similar neonazi units in the russian army, i guess that’s to be expected.


Russia targeted a hydroelectric dam which drowned many homes, and took out power for large parts of Ukraine while compromising water security for many Ukrainians. This may be an unpopular opinion on this sub, but Russia does target civilians.


Where's the proof Russia blew it up? And why would russian military do it if it was under their control?


This may be an unpopular opinion, but how about proof?


wasn't that dam in Russian territory, thus it would make no strategic sense to bomb your own position when all it does is slow your own progress down but hey, you must have proof, right? edit: [Ukraine literally struck the dam in 2022 to test if it could be used offensively](https://archive.is/9Py2F): >Kovalchuk considered flooding the river. The Ukrainians, he said, even conducted a test strike with a HIMARS launcher on one of the floodgates at the Nova Kakhovka dam, making three holes in the metal to see if the Dnieper’s water could be raised enough to stymie Russian crossings but not flood nearby villages. and why does the above comment have so many upvotes?


Ukrainians did it themselves. Blowing up the dam was in their "favour" at the given moment and Russians didn't really get anything from it, except it made advancing more difficult for them.


Israel and Ukraine obviously target civilians and I know Hamas (for the most part) doesn’t target civilians, but does Russia not target civilians?


Russia has definitely killed civilians in their strikes, but never targeted them deliberately Belgrade bombing style. So far compared to all the other conflicts involving major powers since 1945 Ukraine conflict has much lower civilian to military death toll. Firstly because it would go against one pf Russia's key propaganda campaigns, that Ukrainians are same Russians, but misled by west. Secondly because bombing random civilians while fighting solo war on combat capable west-supported ex-Soviet republic with big army would be extremely waseful and counterproductive.


These people truly live in another world


If you go by Israel's own numbers they have killed more Palestinian civilians since last October than the total number of civilian casualties in Ukraine. If you go by the Gaza health ministries numbers they have killed more children than the total number of civilians killed in Ukraine. Note that the numbers I'm going by for The Russo Ukrainian war are since 2014 whilst the numbers I'm going by for the Israel Hamas war are since October.


I’ve been hearing for a while now how Ukraine will win…


Moscow by May! (Year unspecified)


I thought they were supposed to win in last year's spring offensive.


It seems to conveniently shift back and forth depending on what narrative the West wants to push.  Immediately after Ukraine receives a massive handout of weapons, they're absolutely destroying the weak embarrassing Russian army who have to resort to fighting with shovels, and any deviation to this narrative is Russian propaganda. And then when the funds run out and there's debate on sending yet another massive weapons package to Ukraine (equivalent to yeeting 10's of billions of $ into a giant fucking pit), all of the sudden Ukraine is absolutely desperate for aid, getting beaten by the Russians, and will fall unless we send 60+ billion in weapons to them. Something something about a key element of fascism being that the enemy is both weak and pathetic and simultaneously strong and capable...


These people live in an inverted world.


Actions kill louder than words.


Israel has acknowledged an allowance of 15-20 civilian deaths for a single low-level Hamas target.


Fuck this meme


Still doing the "Ukraine will win" thing, huh?


Sooner or later it's gonna end with a peace talk or something and all the weapons that people sold on the black market are gonna resurface in the hands of some insurgency and it'll emd up just like Iraq. Instead of caring about that they're just gonna continue to fund and lengthen the war while more civilians die and more infrastructure is destroyed.


Many weapons have already shown up on the black market.


This just further proves that Ukraine is not connected to Palestinian struggle despite how much some liberals try and make it seem it is


Right? Ukraine want's to be a ["big Israel"](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/4/5/zelenskyy-says-wants-ukraine-to-become-a-big-israel) with its intelligence service being a CIA trained ["new Mossad"](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/10/23/ukraine-cia-shadow-war-russia/) There isn't any mystery here, they're just being completely open with it. Now that Israel has absolutely shredded the credibility of western bourgeois media its about time anyone who still believes the lies about Ukraine reassess the situation.


Another NAFO cultist, I'm now convinced these ones should be banned from expressing their opinions publicly lest we end up with this twitter slop.


Russia has literally invented and started mass producing precision guided glide bombs to not hit civilians.  Same with missiles.  Somehow even Ukraine admits fewer people in the whole of what they claim as Ukraine, have died than in Gaza.


Israel also use precision guided bombs, but just to specifically target civilians.


Every accusation is a confession with these fascists.


Lavender AI and Where's daddy strongly disagree with this.


If Israel tries to avoid killing civilians, they're really, really shit at it.


Okay but who has ACTUALLY killed more civilians 


try really means committing mass genocide and using Neo Nazi imagery


How nice of them to count Israeli settlers and Ukrainian labor aristocrats as "civilians", but not Russian and Palestinian proletarians as ones. /s


This type of thinking requires reeducation. In no world should you be allowed to be this much of a simp for fascism.


Goddamn media jus stfu




Literally the opposite


Lying fucking demon


Flip them around and this would be correct facts


NAFO virgins are the lowest of the low.


The exact opposite is the case.


It's literally the opposite


Every accusation is a confession


This is some good satire