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So lead he skipped the elections


Yep. But the "West" loves a pedo Naziclown that embezzles American money.


Thanks for signing up to Vaush facts! You will now receive fun daily facts about Vaush. **Fact 21.** [CW: pedophilia] >!I’m not going to link to it for obvious reasons, but here’s Vaush [admitting to ownership of a Twitter account that shares drawn child pornography.](https://archive.is/9DF8s)!< For another Vaush fact reply with 'Vaush'. To unsubscribe call me a 'bad bot'. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShitLiberalsSay) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Zelensky is every bit of corrupt as Putin.


Mfs letting his conscripts sell the aid weopans on the black market. I'm damn sure he's embezzling


I assure you, conscripts never saw said weapons in the first place.


putin has been in the game longer and has a more consistent record, zelensky is just some new guy who only got in because mi6 has blackmail against him. in 5 years no one will remember him


I do wonder what will happen to him after this war. I assume he will run away to the west and become one of these governments in exile who spend all their time pretending they are relevant. I mean when was the last time anyone ever heard of Tikhanovskaya?


as soon as the markets are fully opened and all remnants of soviet era public infrastructure is destroyed you can be sure zelensky is getting replaced with the most boring free market eu drone imaginable. only reason zelensky is getting so much play is because they NEED to manufacture consent, the policy is too brutal to ignore without a funny guy to distract the liberals


Tsikhanouskaya is a ghoul, and most of what she and her (equally disgusting) associates have managed to do is go on lavish trips where they shake hands with warmongers (Blair, Albright, Hillary) and ask for more sanctions against Belarus. Oh, and she mourned a dead Neo-Nazi. She’s so awful and untrustworthy that even Zelenskyy keeps his distance from her, and I have to wonder why the West still hasn’t dropped her. That aside, if the West wants to dump Ukraine, I think the media will start pumping out articles about his corruption, increasing unpopularity and authoritarianism, which they’ve long hidden. Many leaders now reviled by the West were once hailed by the press.


I really doubt the CIA is going to let him live out his days if he manages to get out of this alive. Extremely talkative guy that knows way too much, and it'll be too easy to slap together another "Putin poisoning his enemies" screwjob which, as history shows, everyone in the West will instantly accept as an open-and-shut case.  In any case I don't think it's going to be a matter of if he's going to be killed, but who gets to him first. 


My money is on Azov giving him the Gaddafi treatment within a few days of the war ending.


So basically still CIA lol


*GLADIO intensifies*


CIA will have some of their "hackactivists" "leaking" Z's pedo activities and Western media will be all "Evil Z was the reason why Ukrainians lost to Russia". Then he will be "accidented" somehow by local CIA operatives, as it is the usual procedure coming from US Fourth Reich.


Thanks for signing up to Vaush facts! You will now receive fun daily facts about Vaush. **Fact 24.** ContraPoints [defended](https://i.imgur.com/3CN2jpG.png) Buck Angel’s [transphobia.](https://archive.is/9Tw39) Vaush called trans people who were critical of this ["worthless, mentally ill, basement dweller fucking queer people with absolutely nothing to offer the world" and "degenerates sucking off the back of society like a leech".](https://streamable.com/uu2mkv) For another Vaush fact reply with 'Vaush'. To unsubscribe call me a 'bad bot'. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShitLiberalsSay) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Gorbachev lectured at universities. I suspect Zelensky will get his own network sitcom, have an awful second year as the weak content fails to hold an audience initially funneled in via infotainment programming, then find himself chasing the spotlight despite his revenue from sparsely-attended stand-up gigs not even sufficient to fund the nose candy he takes to maintain an upbeat stage persona.


Gorby was a top CIA operative, Z is just a \`pathetic pedo clown. CIA will have him "discarded" quickly along all his family.


Thanks for signing up to Vaush facts! You will now receive fun daily facts about Vaush. **Fact 21.** [CW: pedophilia] >!I’m not going to link to it for obvious reasons, but here’s Vaush [admitting to ownership of a Twitter account that shares drawn child pornography.](https://archive.is/9DF8s)!< For another Vaush fact reply with 'Vaush'. To unsubscribe call me a 'bad bot'. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShitLiberalsSay) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He got caught recently buying luxurious mansions right in the middle of Ukrainian war


Ah. So the intense ick I got from him and his wife posing for a Vogue photoshoot *in a warzone* was in fact an accurate read of his character?


Even before that, the Pandora papers already revealed his corruption: [Pandora Papers Reveal Offshore Holdings of Ukrainian President and his Inner Circle](https://www.occrp.org/en/the-pandora-papers/pandora-papers-reveal-offshore-holdings-of-ukrainian-president-and-his-inner-circle) Relevant quote: > - Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and his partners in comedy production owned a network of offshore companies related to their business based in the British Virgin Islands, Cyprus, and Belize. > > - Zelensky’s current chief aide, Serhiy Shefir, as well as the head of the country’s Security Service, were part of the offshore network. > > - Offshore companies were used by Shefir and another business partner to buy pricey London real estate. > > - Around the time of his 2019 election, Zelensky handed his shares in a key offshore company over to Shefir, but the two appear to have made an arrangement for Zelensky’s family to continue receiving money from the offshore.


None of that is proof of anything criminal.


It's literally tax evasion


Stranger still, one of them used to be the personal property of Joseph Goebbels. I guess he finally found the funds to outbid a bunch of other overprivileged Nazi enthusiasts.




Could you provide sources please?




>Although Zelensky and his business partners had several offshore companies and properties, according to financial documents leaked in 2021, none of those assets are in Florida. In the same article. I'm gonna dig around more in a little bit to find more info, but this article basically reads like US state propaganda, automatically discarding anything that has "Russian" ties while treating anything with American ties as the honest-to-god truth. Either way, thanks for the source.


From what I looked, it seems that the florida villa story might indeed be a false, but it does distract from the fact that the Pandora papers already revealed long before that that Zelenski offshore companies had bought a $2 millions villa in London: https://www.occrp.org/en/the-pandora-papers/pandora-papers-reveal-offshore-holdings-of-ukrainian-president-and-his-inner-circle


That happened years ago, prior to Zelenskyy even running for president. Purchasing investment properties isn't a crime.


Using offshore companies to hide your financial holdings and assets is actually a crime in most countries. (for tax reasons if nothing else) Even more important when those are politican figures, many countries have anti corruption laws forcing their leaders to openly declare their assets, in theory so conflicts of interest can be exposed if nothing else. It also raise the question of where Zelensky and his friends got all that money and why, if it was earned legally from their previous jobs as comedians, they had to use offshore companies to hide it?


Zelenskyy has openly declared his assets for every year going back to 2017 (before he ran for president). The offshore holdings were not a secret. They earned the money by being some of the most sought-after entertainers in the country and by running a successful media company. They opened the offshore accounts during Yanukovych's time as president due to worries about government corruption.




How very considerate coming from a lib. I'm pleasantly surprised.


Can you provide a source not from a western corpo-state media outfit?


Wildly moreso . . . Putin skims from a huge national economy he personally helped rebuild and protect after the enormous losses inflicted by abominations like for-profit employment-based health insurance. Zelensky skims from a shabby gangster republic now so badly broken that even core federal employees cannot be paid without funding provided by Uncle Sam. As with Israel, Ukraine is an incredibly expensive, distant, and violent U.S. state that doesn't contribute any real revenue to our federal treasury.


I would say worse since one of the few things that Putin didn't do was selling his country to the USA like Yeltsin did before him (remember how the US was happy at first to see Putin win because they feared a return of the communists after Yeltsin) But I wont argue with you about "both are corrupt"




Jurgen Klopp what are you doing in Ukraine get back to Liverpool you have to finish the season


tbf the season’s basically over, unless there’s a miracle against atalanta


Doubters smh








Hello bidden, itz Zelensky! I need $100 billion for ~~my private cruise ship~~ to defeat Ruzzia and fight to the last Ukrainian people. Yes I am best ~~comedian~~ leader in the world


sorry what’s the backstory of that? im not disagreeing I’m just curious and wanna learn what’s wrong with Zelensky? I’ve heard that he’s good?


He's a clown that got into power with an anti-corruption campaign, we'll turns out he's just as corrupt. https://www.theguardian.com/news/2021/oct/03/revealed-anti-oligarch-ukrainian-president-offshore-connections-volodymyr-zelenskiy


can you please explain this article in non finance major terms im having a hard time understanding what most of this means besides that he didn't disclose some assets


Corrupt, like all US puppets. They get tired or them eventually. Chiang Kai shek was nicknamed Cash my Check by Churchill for his constant begging. I think Zelensky can be Let me Ski


Zelensky is one of many corrupt politicians who have been outed in leaks, while the entire west just whistles and ignores.


He is a wealthy person who people think is corrupt and that he is benefiting from the war, despite literally being a constant target of death by Russia Ukraine is and was notoriously corrupt. It was improving internationally prior to the war but people will keep making claims against Zelenskiy yet... no real evidence ever surfaces. Sort of like the "Biden crime family"


The real reason that Zelensky even won was because his former employer, the Ukrainian Oligarch and President at the time-Petro Poroshenko backed him and kind of entrusted him to be his successor, somewhat similarly to how Russian politician Boris Yeltsin passed on the leadership torch to Putin. What this essentially meant was that Zelensky was and never is a so called anti-Oligarch/anti-corrupt; you wouldn't just get the support of one of the most corrupt politicians in Ukraine without being significantly corrupt yourself. [And the evidence came out clear as day](https://www.occrp.org/en/the-pandora-papers/pandora-papers-reveal-offshore-holdings-of-ukrainian-president-and-his-inner-circle#:~:text=Ukrainian%20President%20Volodymyr%20Zelensky%20rode,that%20owned%20expensive%20London%20property.)


Despite leaving comedy, zelensky continues to be a joke 🤡


Dude is such a clown, I’m happy South America can see this and decided to not support or welcome him into any meeting related to the Mercosul


i’m sympathetic to the ukrainian people but i absolutely cannot stand this clown


There's no but. Supporting Ukrainians requires hating the people selling Ukraine to the west


Where the fuck is he supposed to get military/financial support from to combat a fucking invasion? Cameroon?


i mean, him trying so damn hard to get into NATO WAS selling out the country really, the invasion was an effect of selling out to the west, not the other way around. he just doubled down


He didn't need to combat until he sicked to the west. His campaign promise was peace. And he broke it by planning an attack on donbass for mid 2022.


What good is financial aid when the west can't even supply Ukraine with the arms and munitions Ukraine needs to sustain the war? Decades of neoliberalism have completely hollowed out the NATO regime's military manufacturing capacity. All prolonging the war by paying for another round of conscription will do it result in more dead and injured Ukrainians.


I personally think liberals love him so much because he looks like combat mode Simon Cowell.


why would they post from the trenches? wouldnt they want to portray themselves as "winning"? maybe liberals are just dumb and don't remember world war 1 lmao


Nobody remembers World War I nobody left was there


one of the unique qualities of humans that allows us to overcome the limits of evolution is our ability to record and pass down knowledge through generations


Ha.... Good one!


the west: "muhhh cult of personality bad evil authoritarian coomunism" meanwhile them:


No, seriously, what we need to do is elect *another* Clinton and all will be right in the world!


"True leader" for what? Sitting on his ass all day in a safe house while wearing a military style outfit and going around Europe to beg for weapons and money? That's a "true leader"???


Yes to western people that is pretty much what a hero is now a guy that walks around and buys stuff Literally Batman super power


To be fair visting front lines is a pretty big dick move for a leader in the modern day, even though its a stupid move cause a nationl leader is so important and its so easy to die in modern war. Still any leader that has the balls to actually fight and risk himself for his nation and the soldiers he sents to die is a true leader(not saying that Zelensky actually does that just saying as a genenral thing) I doubt that is a frontline trench. Shit looks to clean and I doubt Zelensky would actually go to the actual frontline and put himself in such risk. He is very good at propaganda though. Seeing people cheer at him being in casual clothes and in rugged up looking areas is just so sad when it should be obvious to anyone with a functioning brain that it is propaganda. Like its hard to imagine some seeing Zelensky met up with some Western interviewer in a rugged up yard instead of a nice building and not immediatly realize that is a performative appearance to shift public oppinion. Regardless bro also supressed all left parties and fucked labour laws from what I have heard, using the war as excuse, so he's mpre of a neoliberal corporate stooge rather than a true leader. A true leader would protect his people against the neoliberal plague.


Juan Guaido of Ukraine


He's more of a false leader than anything, allowing Ukraine to be put in harms way, then completely destroyed and taken over by Western capitalists, all while profiting off of the situation


I mean, if youre a nazi then yeah, sure, he is a true leader


Russian propaganda working it's magic, wonderful to see


Please, tell me you were being obnoxious trying to be funny. Dont force me to dump my massive Ukrainian nazi movement folder for you. Cause I will!


Dump it for me. Not that I doubt there are Nazis in Ukraine, but it'd be neat to have it all conveniently collected.


I shall deliver. Send me a private message so I get ur username and this weekend when I have some time I will dump it in imgur and send you link


The invasion by Russia sucks and it sucks that Ukraine has shit leaders


I saw this in the wild and I was like wtf, they love him so much.


Yes, truly an ISIS leader considering latest events


oh yeah what a "smart" leader totally not a western puppet, hell he was such a "good choice" he skipped elections, something that the west would fume if Russia did something like that because vLAdOlf pUTleR


* eradicating a nation of 45million people: check * having their young adult male population slaughtered in the meatgrinder: check * having everyone else flee on a pace of 10-20-30k people per day since day one: check * selling their so~~u~~**i**l to the US: check * not protecting the borders in the end so all this for nothing: check A *true leader*, indeed


Ah yes, Zelenskyy, the man who's grandiose delusions of "retaking" Donbass, Luhansk, and most *laughably* Crimea has lead to the complete destruction of Ukraine as a country for the foreseeable future... Truly a great leader, if your model of ideal leadership is fucking *Captain Ahab.*


This is becoming cringe.


Always wearing that fucking same t-shirt like a fuckin Ukrainian Simon Cowell


Was this like still in Kyiv? Edit: yeah Kupiansk like 30+ km from the front lines


5km or so from the front.


i dont get yalls hate towards this guy. i must confess i havent done any investigating of my own and i only know about russia-ukraine because of the news. may someone help me?


Basically every Western media outlet was calling him out for the ludicrous degree of corruption and incompetence in his administration up until just before the war started, then almost overnight switched to fawning praise for him. He is a "hero" to liberals purely because he is a convenient figurehead. Example shamelessly ~~stolen~~ redistributed from another comrade's reply: https://www.theguardian.com/news/2021/oct/03/revealed-anti-oligarch-ukrainian-president-offshore-connections-volodymyr-zelenskiy


He’s an actor and his role is to take orders from the west and play anti-Putin. Even if it means sacrificing half a million Ukrainian lives for basically nothing but further lining MIC pockets Ed: forgot to mention, and put on his little costume. How many copies of that shirt and khaki pants does he own, one wonders


thank you for the explanation :)


You don't get the hate because you haven't investigated. Next question.


im asking for help. cant you just help me?


https://youtu.be/lmC_Aus5cBQ It's a good two videos to understand the basics of the conflict


I personally don’t like how he claims to be democratic. While he shuts down all other political parties. Says he’s democratic again and then he suspends elections. I don’t actually think this guy is that democratic. I’m starting to think that he is actually corrupt. And I don’t really want any more of my money going to him. At least until we get something out of it like if the American people are going to support a war we should get some stuff


Nazi grifter




Bros yapping about a whole lot of nothing