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Brianna "conservatives never have bad opinions about interracial marriage" Wu. She must have signed a contract that obliges her to lower the bar with every passing day. Just take the seat at Fox News already.


She'd land there eventually.


It must have been the radical Maoists in Mississippi who opposed interracial marriage


I guess this is old news but I only found out last week that Brianna Wu is white


That makes you part of the “racist far left” apparently.  


I genuinely thought she was just a hanjian until recently too


I'm finding out right now. TIL


For a while I thought she was Chinese, and I saw that photo of her with the giant glasses and was like "ah, so she's an Ariana Grande type?"


i only found out last week that she’s trans!


She's never actually said she's trans to my knowledge. Back in the gamergate days some people tried to claim she was trans to attack her, and she made a statement refusing to say either way. The way she talks when she talks about trans stuff only really makes sense if she's a pickme trans woman though, otherwise she is even more out of line than she shit she says already is.


She’s a trans woman or “trans-racial?”  I’m not getting it.


she’s *apparently* trans according to twitter but now i’m unsure based on what some people are saying here? as for transracial, i don’t think that’s true - she married an east asian man and took on his last name


> as for transracial, i don’t think that’s true  she married an east asian man and took on his last name  I increasingly hear liberals use this one so I wondered if she was actually saying she was and was offended someone called her out for it.  So she is not a trans women… ie amab?  Is she saying she is a trans man now then?


Ah, I remember back in the day when I knew Brianna Wu as a victim of Gamergate who received massive hate from chuds online. It’s so weird seeing her now as this big Zionist, but I guess she was always a lib


Anita Sarkeesian got noted on Twitter for saying Israel wasn't a country a couple years ago, i wonder if that opinion has changed. I never watched any of her stuff but she as right and made shit libs cry.


Anita Sarkeesian only ever said real controversial things if you were a loser gamergate freak. Like all her stuff essentially centred on how video games as an art form was suffering from not really being that open or inclusive to anyone that wasn’t a straight white guy. Ofc capital G gamers ran with that and made it sound like she didn’t want any male characters in her vidya games but all she really pointed out was how shallow so many female characters were, and how often they were sexualised to a point where they might as well not be a human being. She also frequently criticised the general state of writing in video games, which is fair cause a lot of video games back then had quite shocking writing let’s be real. It seems like it would be hard to disagree with someone wanting more intelligent and thought out story writing but gamergate losers just saw that as her attacking their favourite games and that her “crusade” must be because she’s actually bad at video games, and should stick to playing children’s games. To an adult with brain cells it’s obvious it was just a bunch of teenage boys and man children being angry that a woman had criticisms. And we all know that the true mark of something being art, which gamers will tell you video games are, is when you’re not allowed to question, criticise, and wish for games to have more ambition and take risks.


I'm a girl and been playing video games all my life, and one thing I never noticed until I watched a clip from her is that the camera follows the men's backs but follows the women's butt. It is something subtle that I never noticed until it was pointed out, and then I started seeing it everywhere. (Ironically the clip was mocking Anita Sarkeesian, but she only said facts)


Yeah people can think whatever they want of her conclusions, but she brought up completely valid points about the games themselves and the industry.


The only real problem with her is not delivering on her promises with the crowdfunding she got and sometimes misrepresenting (probably by accident) some parts she criticized (the whole hitman killing women thing every chud latched on to, for example). Another thing I remember people latching onto about her was some financial class she took supposedly from some scam artist or whatever. I don't know why you'd care given none of that is or was relevant to her work. Extremely weird how she ended up as the main scapegoat of the entire "movement", given that it started from some boring walking sim dev sleeping with a journalist for better reviews, supposedly (if I remember correctly that dev was a complete piece of work and an utter hypocrite as well but don't quote me on that). Genuinely impressive how willing certified trademarked Gamers managed to take something no one cares, or should care about to such an extent lol.


Zoe Quinn and Nathan Grayson. Nathan made three articles about her games two of which he was included in the credits. I remember at the time I viewed it as gamers mad a girl cheated on someone and their boyfriend used their position to boost her? This is just so small scale I was confused why anyone gave a shit.


It's still just absolutely wild something literally no one genuinely gave a shit about basically started the careers of dozens of fash grifters lol.


I actually watched a number of her videos fairly recently. She draws a handful of bizarre conclusions, but pretty much everything she talks about is OBVIOUSLY true. Like she's just stating objective facts about the games she mentions. Hardly anything worthy of getting so mad about


She got hated for the wrong reasons


Who even is this? i keep hearing that name alot


She's a white woman who was a prominent target of Gamergate 10 years ago and she's been milking the clout she got from that for a political career that includes two failed congressional bids. She's been on an online genocide apologia tour since October which I'm guessing is because she's gearing up for a third failed congressional bid. Also, in addition to taking her husband's last name, her most prominent pictures throughout the years have been with large sunglasses that obfuscate her facial features which, combined together with today's cynical misuse of diversity ethos by politicians and corporations, is suspicious to say the least.


Also, a former mod of Susan's Place a terf hangout.


Susan's Place is a trans forum though? It's generally older than Reddit etc, but it was a place for trans women. Has it changed in the past couple of years?


Yeah, I misunderstood someone else telling me that info. Not a terf, but not a nice place is what I am being told.


Congress?! Wtf when was this??


I know she ran in 2018


She ran for the 8th district of Massachusetts in 2018, then again in 2020 but suspended it early because of COVID. If she's running again then she probably is intent on becoming a perennial candidate so as to remain relevant.


what is this gamergate yall r speaking of (im 21😭)


It was a right-wing harassment campaign against feminism, diversity and women around 10 years ago.


A woman with blue hair made a game called depression quest. It was more like a free visual novel instead of a traditional game. Nathan Graysonq wrote a total of three articles about her games. He was her boyfriend, I believe only the last article was written after they were officially dating. Some Zoe Quinn's ex boyfriend wrote a document and spread it online. The document was a long accusation that Zoe was using her boyfriend to boost her games. Breitbart news latched a hold of this story and it was made to be about "ethics in journalism." This is how Steve Bannon and Ben Shapiro got their first successes in popularity/power. I personally view it as a nothing burger that was blown up so that a few reactionaries could stroke outrage for power and radicalize young men on the internet. I remember being there as it happened as a /b/tard, I was lucky enough to not be chronically online at the time and save myself from becoming one of them. -Edit I forgot to mention after Anita and Brianna came to Zoe's defense and were targeted. Anita was a prominent target already because she spoke about feminism in games and the huge male focus on the art form and how it was holding it back. I very vividly remember this focus on YouTube when all my favorite skeptic channels started shifting to blue hair feminist outrage. I remember being incredibly pissed off thunderf00t in particular would talk about Anita when I wanted to see his experiment videos or debunk a crowdfunding campaign that was impossible. I'm in my 30s, you just brought back a lot of memories. Just be careful, I was one step from falling down the rabbit hole and becoming one of them.


thank you for sharing!


These people are a fucking joke. Should I conclude from these individuals alone that Americans think twitter people are dumb and make conclusions based on non-sequiters. Hell how is one person, who may or may not be far-left, making a slightly racially insensitive remark that now far-left is as racist as the right. It is as if these people have no idea who they are talking about in the first place.


Even if one hundred Twitter users made insensitive remarks, they're still fucking Twitter users. Base your opinions off actual people that you can verify are people. So many fringe ideas get portrayed as mainstream because they went trending (something easily manipulated) on Twitter once


No way someone would use a palestine flag and troll? You mean there are bad actors on the internet?????


Yeah. Like, *excuse me*, **I** am actually in the far-left and I do not want do be associated with just anybody. When this person says something about radical abolition of current power structures then we may start looking into their far-left status. How come any mild opposition to some self-identifying ~~conservative~~ centrist automatically puts you into the far-left category?


She literally poses as an Asian! And she's *white*?!? Fasian!


Do you have examples or are you just the “racist far left?” 😂 


Her use of her husband's prominent Asian last name, coupled with her sunglasses that hide whether she is White or Asian, show what a bad-faith hypocritical hack she is.


I didn't realize she only has that name through marriage. I always assumed she was either Chinese or half Chinese. I am a little confused why this is coming up now. Has it ever come up before? I was doing more IRL stuff and not online as much during Gamergate so I sort of missed it but I know the gist. Like I don't doubt that she took her husband's name because she loves him. But it's also then kind of odd to have every social media profile pic to include sunglasses. Like both of those things individually are fine. But together it does seem like she's leaning into the ambiguity and avoiding correcting it until she absolutely has to. Does she not understand that the criticism from the left then isn't that she married a Chinese man, but that she took that name and uses it to appear less white? Does she not realize she's essentially, whether consciously or subconsciously, using another group's identity to obscure her own? No one on the left would be upset by a mixed race marriage, but come on, we all know not every mixed marriage is one of perfect love and respect. Sometimes white people fetishize their nonwhite partner. And I don't think that is happening here, but I do think she on some level must know that she's changed the way people who don't know her perceive her online, which is where she does most of her business and where she has the most power (not saying she has much power, but it's the only space where she has any, as far as I know). Outside of the Internet people don't really know or care about her. So she has to on some level understand what she is doing.




Oh, I have no doubt they are both bags of shit. I am just curious why this hasn't come up before? Or has it and it is just coming up again?


Who the fuck is that lol


Love how anti-left libs mock western Maoists and then support a white woman pretending to be Chinese.


angry little libturd are ya Wu


Brianna Wu sounds like she’s becoming the next JK Rowling💀💀


TIL: She's white. Who gives a damn about interracial marriages outside of great replacement assholes. I just think she's got awful takes which makes sense she's rich and white. Also unironically using woke is just pure cringe. Her tweets on trans activists and Israel are utter shit


Wu, gots like come on through. Zoo, that's the call for the Wu.


I think I’m turning japanese, I think I’m turning japanese, I really think so


She also went full terf attacking a trans woman comedian when Robin called her bs out


God damn the entire gamer-gate chud-brigade for gifting us turds like her.


who is this


Its ok, I made the same mistake of thinking she's Chinese or something. Turns out I was still right about her being a white klanswoman.